Fitness Bucket List for Women



  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Deadlift 2x body weight
    Squat 1.5x body weight
    Bench 1x body weight
    Pull Ups/Chin Ups w/weights
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Recently MSN printed an article on the 4 Fitness Goals that every woman should try to reach :
    1. Hold a plank pose for 60 seconds
    2. Run a half-marathon
    3. Pull off 10 push-ups
    4. Hold the yoga tree pose for 60 seconds

    Previously, my fitness goals included wanting to learn how to swim, completing a 5K and running a 10 minute mile.....but nothing really beyond that. However, after reading the article, I realize that I should really challenge myself to set longer term fitness goals...but I gotta start somewhere, right? lol~

    So ladies.........what's on YOUR fitness bucket list????

    Btw, here is the link to the article:

    Well, I can definitely hold a plank for 60 seconds, and I think I could hold a Tree pose for 60 seconds. And I can walk a full marathon, and have no interest in running a half (I got achilles tendinitis when I tried endurance running last year).

    But here's my question about pushups. For me, it means military style. Hands on the floor, and on your toes, not your knees. I wonder how many women who say they can do 10 pushups are doing "girl" pushups on their knees instead of toes? I can do 10 on my toes, but only if my hands are on an elevated surface (around knee-height, but working my way down to the floor).

    Anyway, my additional list would include:

    Squat body weight
    Deadlift 1.5x body weight
    Unassisted pull-up and/or chin-up

    I can do about 50 military pushups... and then do about 5 more sets. They are not hard if you do them regularly.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Cool! I've done/can do all of these! My current bucket list goal is unassisted pull ups.
    Me TOO!!
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Recently MSN printed an article on the 4 Fitness Goals that every woman should try to reach :
    1. Hold a plank pose for 60 seconds
    2. Run a half-marathon
    3. Pull off 10 push-ups
    4. Hold the yoga tree pose for 60 seconds

    This seems ridiculous. Run 21 miles (1/2 marathon) or hold a plank for 60 seconds? Are these even comparable? Do you know how many hours a day you need to run to train for a half marathon? I love jogging, but I don't have that kind of time.

    1. Be a healthy weight
    2. Run a 5k
    3. Have a stronger core

    You can train for a half marathon with only about 4-5 hours a week. A half marathon is only 10 point something miles.
    A Half Marathon is 13.1 miles. A Full Marathon is 26.2. And yes, you can train with about 4-5 hours a week. has a great 1/2 training program.
  • mlwatts2
    mlwatts2 Posts: 247
    Recently MSN printed an article on the 4 Fitness Goals that every woman should try to reach :
    1. Hold a plank pose for 60 seconds
    2. Run a half-marathon
    3. Pull off 10 push-ups
    4. Hold the yoga tree pose for 60 seconds

    This seems ridiculous. Run 21 miles (1/2 marathon) or hold a plank for 60 seconds? Are these even comparable? Do you know how many hours a day you need to run to train for a half marathon? I love jogging, but I don't have that kind of time.

    1. Be a healthy weight
    2. Run a 5k
    3. Have a stronger core

    You can train for a half marathon with only about 4-5 hours a week. A half marathon is only 10 point something miles.

    I don't know who's marathon and half marathon's you are running but a full is 26.2 and a half is 13.1. To adequately train for a full it defnitely takes more than 4-5 hours per week if you plan to complete is running.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Half marathons - I did one in jr. high. It's not a big deal. Kid stuff. I trained 5 hrs a week and got first in my division (of like 12 people). And I know people who have gone out and done marathons with no extra training.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have done all those.

    Mine -
    Bench my body weight (another 40 to go)
    Squat and deadlift same. I just started squatting and deads.

    The real one for me is - Ironman. Still can't wrap my head around it though.

    Eta - oh and pull ups.

    yeah, IM!! I've done one half-IM and one half-marathon. definitely going for the top! :)

    more of my list, besides the IM:

    1) a marathon by itself, not as part of the IM (Boston or NYC, prob love to do one in Philly- my home city <3)
    2) like everyone else posting, unassisted pullups!!!
    3) some real all-the-way-down pushups
    4) get into dead lifting, squats, bench pressing

    not running a marathon...

    I wanna do unassisted pull ups too! In August I started on the assisted machine with 165# of assist--I am currently at 105#

    I can do a few push ups, but I prefer to do them on my knees...

    I started deadlifting last week...wanna start bench pressing...started barbell squats a month ago. Yesterday I did a few 100# was so overwhelming that I almost cried when I was done.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Coming up with fitness goals is not something I've done yet so this topic has forced me to think about it some more. For the near future my goals are:

    - Squat body weight (15 pounds away)
    - Deadlift body weight (20 pounds away, started deads after squats)
    - Chest press 80 pounds (15 pounds away but this is sooooo much harder for me)
    - 30 pushups in a row (currently at 15 but doing the 100 pushup program and test again this weekend .. and yes, real pushups)
    - One full chin-up (currently working at it with the assisted machine)
    - One full handstand pushup (been a while since I tried so not sure where I stand with this)
  • oameyers
    oameyers Posts: 76 Member
    Very inspiring ladies...

    I guess my bucket list would be...

    100 push-ups in 3mins
    Be able to lift my body weight period in any form lol

    It's a weak list to start with but just picked up the New rules for lifting from the library and look foward to setting some more lifting goals :-)
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    For anyone who wants to do pull-ups - get a door jam pull-up bar. Starting standing is about half as hard had as starting hanging, but you can progress from standing to hanging. If you just stick it up and leave it up, and do a few of whatever variation you can do (start with a hop and hold at top / come down slowly; start from standing; or start from hanging), you will nail a full unassisted pull-up within a week or so.