Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hello ladies!
    I usually don't get on here in the afternoon, but I have a quick minute so I thought I'd check :)

    Thanks pattitricia! I definitely don't do P90X the way it is intended, I'm usually a treadmill girl because it's convenient and easy and the husband will watch the kids while I can do that by myself. However, on those days when I can't exercise until after the kids are in bed, I pick out one of the cardio dvds in the P90X series (our treadmill is downstairs right next to my daughter's door. I don't want to wake her up :smile: ! I figure even if it's not consistent, the workouts kick your butt and give you a good workout!

    You ladies definitely give me a run for my money. I do 30 minutes a day 5 days a week right now, but I might just have to up that to stay in this crowd lol! That's a good thing. I need some more motivation. Now if only there were more hours in a day right??

    I say for those of you who aren't seeing numbers on the scale...stop weighing yourselves everyday or you are going to go insane!!!!:tongue: Try the same day same time, every week and it will be something to look forward to!

    See you later! Have a great day!

  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    No problem Patti, let me know how you like it! I'm really hoping you are right for Sat! I laughed when I read that you make sure to dry your hair before weighing in, but you're probably right. When my hair was long it probably weighed at least a pound on its own. Sound like you have made HUGE progress, congrats, that is awesome! Good luck on Monday, I'm sure you will do fantastic! Good for you for encouraging everyone! Its nice when people ask your opinion isn't it? I have a few people that ask my advice at work and it makes me feel good that they respect my opinion. I can relate to your workout outfit experience, I have a pair of cargo pants on right now and didn't have to undo them to go pee today, lol! They came down pretty easily too, it's encouraging!
    As for not weighing every day, well I don't usually, but I do every few days, and have been since I started here in April and It hasn't driven me insane yet...I really have to pay close attention with my medical issues cause I can fluctuate huge and fast! I only concentrate on one weigh in per week, but I keep a close eye on's the one that I do the same day every week that I'm complaining about, not the everyday.
    I'm really looking forward to leaving early for Kickboxing tonight, I need to get away from this construction! They are redoing our building at work to try and squeeze in another program so it is really loud around here!
  • gurlondrums
    pattitricia85 - Thanks, and it sounds like you're doing awesome as well. Congrats on the gym clothes fitting nicer.

    mandijo - I hear ya with needing the hubby to watch the kids or for them to be asleep to work out. Good job getting in the exercise you do though. The littlest amount helps. Good luck.

    In fact, good luck everyone in their weight loss. Haha, I feel like I'm running for Miss MyFitnessPal. "And all I wish for is world peace and smaller pants."

  • embr
    embr Posts: 21
    I am definitely definitely saving that pesto recipe to use one day i LOVE pesto! So it's 10pm here, trying to go to bed earlier so I'm not tempted to snack and can get up earlier before work to make a 'proper' breakfast and some lunch to take so I'm not tempted to buy junk from the vender or get a mayo-filled sub! I ate under on my calories today, but went over on the 'fat', I think it was the houmous that really tipped me over the edge! :ohwell:
    it's still super snowy here but i did go and dig out my car and boy do my upper arms ache! that shoveling is serious hardwork i tell ya! i did 45 minutes on the spinner bike tonight to some pumping music at the gym, really got me going, I came up with a new theory today, before mfp, I used to 'treat' myself with tasty food, junk from mcdonalds, or chocolate, cake, sweets, whatever! but now... I am treating myself to a half hour in the jacuzzi or, a long hot bath or a phone call to a friend, so far it's working out really well, i still feel rewarded but no by undoing all the hardwork i just did! :happy:
    i've got my vodka all set for saturday and some light cranberry juice, gonna have a couple of drinks with the girls while getting ready then hang out with the DDs ( i had to look this up! in the UK, we call DDs 'Des', as short for designated, y'know!) and lots of dancing! I'm planning on dancing off all the cals I'm drinking!
    pattitricia8- more congrats on the gym clothes, it's the little things that keep you going on the journey i think, well done! mandijo- i had to look up P90X too, the UK is definately behind, we are only JUST getting Zumba over here!! altho I am with ya being a treadmill girl!
    i am glad i'm not the only one waiting for dry hair til my weigh in, i have the thickest hair and its pretty long, it doesnt dry naturally for about 8 hours!

    hope you're all having a good evening on the other side of the pond!night all

  • kerimcdonald
    Hey everyone!!

    I definitely enjoyed my day off.

    embr- Snow shoveling is great huh? I hope your arms feel better.

    Carrie- Way to go on the weight loss!! The way your going, you'll just be hoppin on here to motivate us!! You'll be at your goal weight in no time!:flowerforyou:

    pattitricia- Sounds like your challenge is going well! you know a program is only as good as the person that leads it. Keep up all the hard work, you're helping so many people!

    mandi- I can't help but weigh myself everyday, though I do it more out of habit. I only record sunday morning and I don't let it bother me, but seeing the number on the morning helps keep it top of mind throughout the day. If it's 160, I think, do I really need this brownie or do I really need to see 158 on the scale on Sunday! I am a constant motivation needed kind of person. I get side tracked easily:blushing: I work out 1 hour on the elliptical 5 days a week. If it's warmer out, I walk with my 5 year old on my back at a brisk pace for one hour and then we stop at McD's and get her a hot cocoa and she walks the last block home so I can stretch out my arms for that 10 minutes or so. Either way is about 600 calories and I moved the elliptical into her playroom so we can watch a movie together. She loves it. Then we stretch out together.

    jbsweet- wahoo for the pants that you don't have to unbutton anymore. I love that. I know I should get rid of them since they're too big, but it's addicting to have that reminder of how much i've lost.

    My daughter and husband are headed up north tomorrow and it's huge fro me to eat well. In the past, I have really gone junk crazy when they go (I have to work most weekends) and emotional eat cause I miss them. On top of that, Eris will be 5 on monday and you know what that means..........Cake:ohwell:

    Everyone have a great night. See you all tomorrow.

  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Today was back on track for me!

    It's been awesome to be able to read what everyone has been up to over the past 2 weeks. I was super nervous this past monday to get on the scale as I hadn't really weighed in or logged that much in 2 weeks, but I was down another 2 pounds. I had an emotional New Year's week which didn't throw me off eating horribly more just messed up my routine. Then when I was almost back had a 102 fever which the doctor's have said was a sinus infection...

    Regardless of all that I was very happy to be back online and MFP today. As well I went to the gym and have little pain running (shin splint pain) which I've been craving to do (weird for me but I'll take it). Also I decided food has been going well, MFP has been awesome and I love the gym but I need something new so I ordered P90x. I have about 16 pounds left and 8% body fat to my goals so I wanted to kick it in gear even more. We'll see how it goes it does seem pretty extreme but I'm excited. Little nervous about the fast movements and my asthma.

    For those people who've had some scale issues I'm not sure if it was between different scales or the same ones but I recently started wiping down my scale footpads with Windex before each use and it's been more accurate. Might just be the digital ones or ones that do BMI etc. but maybe worth a shot?

    As for vegetarians (though I haven't gone completely vegetarian I've enjoyed eating many meals of my friends who are) you may already know this but quinoa could be a great new addition to your menus. There's so much online about it and there are sooo many recipes coming out that can be used for breakfast to dessert. Personally I love it just plain!

    Glad to see there's a lot of interaction here and new people!
  • gummibaehr
    Yay for getting back on track, Morgan!!

    So! I went to my first swim aerobics class today! And I have 390 calories left!!! I know according to MFP I should eat them, but I just ate dinner so I'm not hungry. Also, it's 9pm so I feel like I shouldn't eat anything else so late? Is it okay if I don't eat them this one time and plan to eat a bit more on the days I have swim aerobics? I don't want to starve myself! But I also don't want to stuff my face at 9pm....

  • kaytbognar
    Hey guys! I'm here with you, read all your posts and hope everyone is able to be strong and get to where they're going over the next couple of days. I'm too tired to go through and respond individually, I AM with you, but my brains hurt but I needed to come check in...

    What dismal day. UGH. It's been POURING from the second I woke up this morning until now. Blark. Just felt down and dumpy today because of the weather, having to work late and I realized a day or two ago that it's been almost a month since I GOT OUT and left the hotel here, even to just run errands with my boss. NO WONDER I FEEL LIKE POO. One of the guys who works here is taking me out on Saturday, where and to do what I do not know or care I just need to FLEE. Even if it's just for an afternoon. I'm hoping to find some nice cigars to enjoy. Mmmm calorie free and divine!

    Anyway, the reason I am here tonight particularly is for confessional I guess: I gave in to the fridge and crammed my face with tasty rice and yogurt and some nuts and a DELICIOUS two fingers of scotch followed by some cinzano tonight while I was doing laundry. Not too too too bad. I could have gone for cakes and tambleque and whipped cream and god knows what else that's in there. It's the hanging around with nothing to do for two hours that slays me. Gonna have to start THINKING more about laundry so this problem stops. So, friends, I confess...

    But, I tried to be productive in light of my weakness: I did some think-think-thinking today looking at my food diary. A lot of what I eat is either fresh fruit/salads or our restaurant fare, which isn't TOO unhealthy, rice and beans and that sort of thing, but I'm usually guesstimating what's in the dishes when I log things. I decided (after my heinous binge) NO MORE of this silliness, and used the sparkpeople recipe calculator thingamajig to get some (slightly) more accurate nutritional info for some of the recipes I'm eating most of the time so that everything inches towards slightly more accurate. Plus, now it's IN MFP for me so I can log it way faster and easier than before.

    I also have my breakfast for tomorrow all lined up: oatmeal with rasins, yum yum! And I plan on hitting the pool for an hour, rain or shine.

    Anyway, thanks for listening. I just had to get that off my chest, and you guys are my go-to place for a clearer conscience. I'm not going to beat myself up over it, what's done is done. I am going to focus on trying to make small changes to prevent it from happening in the future.

    You guys rock and I don't know what I'd do without ya! <3
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh kaytbognar! I hear you all too well. Yesterday was an awful day for me. One of my preschoolers brought cupcakes for her birthday. I thought I could have a half and be really good the rest of the day and it won't be a big deal. However, I got home and sure enough, I was STARVED. I was going to just make myself some chicken and have a healthy supper since my husband was out working, but I made my kids those mini hot dogs wrapped with the crescents and cheese. :embarassed: Of course, I end up eating like 4 of them, but not before I put a mini donut, a piece of homemade Christmas candy and some pretzels in my mouth. To top it off, it was a Grey's Anatomy night (2 hr event :) ) and so by 10 oclock, I was so unmotivated to exercise. Bad Bad day that's for sure! Today will be better, let's hope.

    Keri-I suppose you are right. If you aren't driving yourself crazy over the scale, then it's probably not a bad idea to do it every couple days. I had a friend who was on a very unhealthy drug that had to be injected daily mind you. It was a 500 calorie a day diet and the rest of the nutrients were supposed to be in the injection, but she was weighing herself 3 times a day, and I vowed I'd never get to that point!! You must live somewhere warm enough to be able to walk outside with your daughter. I'm so envious. We have 28 inches of snow on our lawn and we are singing Hallelujah that it's in the high 20's low 30's over here. Isn't that so sad lol. Nothing like a full week of -40 degrees to make you enjoy 20 degree weather lol.

    embr- Have fun with your girls this weekend! Dance off those calories!!!

    Well ladies, I'm off to feed the little one his breakfast! No school today, but because I've had so many snow days, we needed to pick up some extra hours so it's to Taco Johns I go. I'm hoping I have enough will power not to snack. There's a reason I don't work there unless I have to. However, it is nice that my old college job is flexible enough to let me come back when I need a few hours!! Have a great day ladies! Maybe I'll have time to check in tonight!

  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Kayt and Mandi don't beat yourselves up, that wasn't too bad...just do better today! Good for you Kayt for taking that and turning it around and really looking at what you are eating and getting back on track!
    Mandi I know what you mean about cupcakes, they are one thing that is just terrible to try to avoid! At least you only had one though right? :bigsmile: It's a new day today. We still have quite a bit of snow here too, rained last night so some is gone, thankfully! Where are you from that you have a ton of snow? If you've told us already I appologize! You are tempting your willpower going to work today, that must be tough, but you can do it :bigsmile:

    Thanks Keri! I'm sure you will do great while the family is away, instead of getting upset cause you miss them try to use it as some "me time" You soo deserve it!

    Morgan it's funny when you said to clean your scale I was thinking "what the heck is that going to do?" But I took your advice and tried it, and I weighed 2 pounds lighter! I don't get it, or why it worked, but THANKS! It obviously worked!

    gummibaehr glad you enjoyed your swim! I usually figure if I have that many cals that late at night it's best not to eat them. I usually try to have some milk or a yogurt at that time, not much more. But if you're not hungry, you're not hungry. I try to eat more during the day before Kickboxing so I don't have to try and eat all the calories after and I find much easier. You said that you were thinking of doing that, I would, much easier! :bigsmile:

    Well folks I'm running out of work for my massage, that I need soo much after two weeks of I will talk to you later
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kaytbognar
    Jenn, I AM SO GREEN! I need a massage so badly! LOL. I must have pulled something doing yoga yesterday because my back is SUPERKRUNKED and I can't seem to stretch it out no matter how hard I try. Oh well, ENJOY YOURSELF! You definitely deserve it :)

    Mandi gosh, I hope you're having a better day today! I sure am. I was tempted to call it quits in the pool after 45 minutes, but i decided to do another set of drills since I told myself last night a full hour's penance in the pool. I feel GREAT now! Didn't know you were a Grey's fan! I love that show, but am WAY WAY behind since I've been living without fresh TV for about a year now. I miss Isaiah Washington aka the BEAUTIFUL Dr. Burke, he and Sandra Oh/Christina were always my faves :) Here's sending you good willpower vibes today, my friend :D
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    I feel exactly the way you do! I'm 27 and I hid under my sweaters in the California summer. I gained 50 lbs in a 10 year period from pregnancies. As of today I weigh the lowest I've been in about 7 years!! I'd like to lose 7-10 more lbs by Valentines day so I can go out with my husband with confidence.
    I've lost 19 lbs since March 27 of last year. Currently I weight 159 lbs and promised myself clothes shopping if I ever get below 150 :)
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Oh no Kayt! That's not good, I'm so sorry to hear that you are in pain. I have a lot of back issues and I find that if I do the Child's pose for as long as I can, then spread my legs a bit and sink lower into it for about ten mins, everyday, that it helps huge! If you haven't already I would try it. My massage therapist also said to do hot AND cold compresses, someone suggested that to me a while ago on here, was it you maybe, lol? I don't know...she said do cold for 1-2 mins, then hot for 2-3 and do it about 4-5 times and always end with hot...she called it a fluid flush.
    Oh and I too am a Grey's and Private Practice fan..but I hate to tell you, Burks is gone, don't know if you knew that already or not! It's such a great show, love it! Good for you for still swimming while in pain...maybe take a day off tomorrow and just do stretching..I hope you feel better!
    Welcome MRobbins! Congrats on your loss so far, great work! You will get below 150, especially since you've joined our group :bigsmile: We're a pretty well motivated bunch! A great group of people, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kaytbognar
    Thanks for the tips Jenn! You're such a sweetheart! Luckily, I'm not in so much --pain-- as discomfort (those irritating, I notice it every time I breathe or move things, but they're not really painful)--I think I know what I did to it, and therefore what I should be targeting so I'm gonna do a nice, long, relaxing yin series tonight (longer, deeper holds) to try and stretch it out. The swimming helped a little bit, actually, I think getting some mobility up in there was beneficial. I love the contrast sessions but am always kinda nervy around them b/c I'm super paranoid about inflammation. I always start with cold first, and if that doesn't work, upgrade to contrast just to be safe :P
    I know Burke's gone from Grey's, what a SAD SAD DAY! He and Christina were such a gorgeous couple, LOL, why anyone would leave Sandra Oh at the altar, I DUNNO! Apparently there was some sort of PR scandal about Washington badmouthing TR Knight on set or something and that's why he never came back to Grey's in all these years :( GOSH, makes me miss TV!

    Welcome MRobbins! Sounds like you have gotten off to a good start, and as Jenn said: we're a motivated bunch, I know I would be seriously draggin *kitten* without these ladies!
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Thank you :) I'm looking forward to progressing with you all! I just got 'The biggest loser' for the Wii a few days ago and it's given me more of a workout than anything else has so far so hopefully I can stick with it = )
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Sounds like you have a plan, that's great, I hope it works! She did say that if it is a burning pain to stay away from heat. I know what you mean by the breathe in and notice a poke ones, those suck! I've still got a bit of a stiff neck after the massage today, man I hate my neck! I have such problems, my massage therapist does exercises and stretches that they would normally use for whiplash (sp?) patients because it's so bad...and it still hurts! I'm hoping that after an epsom salts bath it will be better, the day after the massage is usually when it really starts to kick in for me. One of my friends is taking esthetics and I'm her test patient tonight, she's going to wax my legs, OWIE!!! LOL! But it's I figured I'd try it, lol. Hopefully I don't tense up and end up worse than before my massage today!
    It was a sad day to see him go for sure, I liked them together too! He made a comment about someone on the show being gay I think and they canned him, boo! He should have known better, but it still sux. You're going to have to rent the seasons when you get back...a lot has gone on!
    MRobbins I rented the Biggest Loser for the Wii a few months back, I loved it too! It was a bit pricey for me at the time though so I just bought my fitness coach, it's great too...I haven't done it for a while though, I'm taking Kickboxing now instead.
    I'm sure you'll be able to stick to it because it's pretty fun and pretty difficult!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • pattitricia85
    Hey Ladies- Happy Friday! Looks like everyone is doing great! Its crazy, I have popped into other threads and I have never seen such a motivated bunch, you are all so focused on your goals, and its helped stay focused on mine so much! I am so grateful for everyone on here!! Things are going so good, I haven't 'cheated' or anything all week... not so much as a snack or meal, or beverage. I am sort of shocked. I have never done this well before. Back in April when I started getting serious, I did really good, but I would come home and sneak a serving or two of doritos, triscuits, bites of this and that. But I have been so good, I am really really surprised at myself. I don't even have a craving! I hope this keeps up to help me survive the weekend. Tomorrow I am working overtime so that will help me keep my routine, since it will be like a weekday. Satruday night we are going to another couples house for drinks. I am sure there will be snacks there so I will be sure to have a good dinner before i go, so i am not tempted! Excited to have a few drinks though.
    Last night was Pitbull night (the singer) at Zumba.... so fun! I do zumba at night so i have to go to bed a couple hours after, but i am just so pumped when i get home. my husband just laughs at me (lovingly of course!) when i am making dinner because i dance around the kitchen. I feel so happy when i get home, its such an endorphin rush!
    Kaytbognar-hope you're back feels better!
    MRobbins82-welcome, looks like you are well on your way! good job!
    Sorry I'm not like Carrie and comment on all the posts, I swear I read them though! Carrie, Keri, and Jenn you are the BEST cheerleaders!
    I hope everyone has a great (long weekend for those of us in the States observing MLK Jr Day on Monday) weekend!!
  • kaytbognar
    Pattitricia -- Awesome to hear your weeks going well, and just think, you can reward yourself with a few drinks tomorrow for being so good all week! Good luck with the snacks, I'm sure you won't need it though :)

    Jenn -- Sounds like you ahve someone knowledgeable working on you, which is awesome! Do you know, by any chance, where your RMT trained? I went to school in Toronto and still know a bunch of RMT's around Ontario from that. Always curious, too, what people have thought of different programs. I swear by waxing! I've done my own for a couple of years now. You can try taking an advil about an hour before getting it done to decrease any pain/redness from it. Freebies are great! Especially from estheticians! Definitely something I miss about working at a spa :(
    I'm sure you know the drill, but LOTS of extra water will help with tomorrow's kickback pain. Hope it isn't too rough on ya!
    Oh, man, Grey's. LOL. I caught a few of the recent episodes, Izzy's everywhere-in-your-body cancer and ghost affair with Denny (though, HAPPY to see JDM come back, LOVE that guy) and so much other stuff, gosh. I can't WAIT to catch up :P Me and my besty watch it together and take turns picking up the tab for the next season. Then, Private Practice (LOVE Kate Walsh, I think she's so gorgeous!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Patti you're too sweet girl! That's really awesome that you come home and have that much energy and are happy, that's what I'm like with kickboxing such a rush after! But that's the best thing because it helps you stick with it and keep going right! You soo deserve a couple drinks tomorrow, just don't go crazy :wink: Oh and you're riht about this group, I'm on another team on here and pretty much talk to them once a week, and people are slowly tapering off, only a few left now.
    Kayt she is a really knowledgeable person, very smart! All about using natural products nose was stuffy today so she put eucalyptus (sp?) on the stool below me to clear it, worked great! I think she went to Western or Fanshawe in London, but I'll peek at her diploma when I go next! Her name is Ellen Winters if that rings any bells?
    I tried Advil before the wax and it helped I think, I had it packed in my purse this morning so I'd have it for sure, lol! It wasn't too bad, a few rough spots that hurt more, but she's pretty good for a beginner...and I don't have to shave forever now, lol!
    Kate Walsh is gorgeous, she has such a unique look to her too!
    Anyway folks that's it for me for the night
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kaytbognar
    Hahhaa, to be sure, having to rock out the OSCE's to ontario registration, I should HOPE you're in some knowledgeable hands <3 Plus, wouldn't want anything but the best care for you! Name doesn't ring a bell, but London might be a little far afield for my professional circle (so far--but once i return to Toronto...who knows!) Eucalyptus is the greatest for congestion, at my old spa we used to use it in the steam room after hours when anyone was starting to get slightly under the weather.
    The not shaving is THE BEST EVER. It's so best, I've considered lazy hair removal (aka laser removal) so it's even less work-intensive. gosh, I'm a sloth LOL. Glad it went well, you're a good friend! I remember how hard it was to get people to let me practice when Iwas in school for massage--you'd think it wouldn't be that hard!

    Sleeptight, ladies. Have an excellent weekend!