Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • cassieohlaa
    hey everyone

    i just stumbled upon this group and i think some of your guys are amazing. are you guys still accepting people into the group? i am 21 and currently weigh 160ish. due to college i have gained some many unwanted pounds. but now it's time to drop the weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    I'm with you too! I've never known what it's like to be tiny, and if i don't find out now, I may never know!

    My goal is to loose 10 pounds by March 6th, I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. Or should I?
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I forgot I was a part of this little group. I made a resolution for the first time in my life. I want to be 135-130 pounds by my 2 year anni w/ my bf. Thats June 29th. I havent weighed myself since the last time I was at a doctor appt and that was probably 4 months ago. I gave up for awhile after that and the holidays killed me so Im sure the scale hasnt moved much...but I was at about 157. So...that gives me just over 5 months to lose 20-30 pounds.

    Is this goal realistic? I'm really slow with weight loss no matter how hard Im trying so Im not sure.
  • rori20
    rori20 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm also wondering if you're accepting newbies. I just turned 26 last month and I'm SICK of weighing over 200 lbs. Something has to change!
  • kaytbognar
    OH MY GOSH I'M ALIIIVE! I've been kinda of...out of it the last few days, battling the buffet and actually working (goodness, it's such a foreign concept lately LOL!) I realized today haven't check in with you fiiiiine things lately.

    New recruits: welcome all! We are always happy to get some new faces around, the more the merrier is the saying! We have a great group here, and if you need support or a place to vent, you have found the right place!

    Keri - Gosh! I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Cleaning house is so impossible sometimes, in our emails to each other my moms is always complaining that the house is a mess (two dogs, my pops and my li'l sis) and it won't clean itself no matter what she does. It sounds like your talk with your husband laid some good groundwork--hopefully you felt better voicing your frustrations. I hope that you work something out that is less stressful for you!

    jrbowers - a lot of people maintin that even just a little bit of yoga every day can be more beneficial than a longer session once or twice a week. The idea is to cultivate mindfulness, if even for such a short period of time, and help you build tools (like patience, restraint, and compassion both for yourself and others) that you may apply to physical postures on the mat, but can also bring out into your daily life. It definitely takes time to to stick with it for prolonged periods, though. MOST EXCELLENT on the tree pose, miss! those one-legged balances are so tough, but so good for you--really help to strengthen an reinforce all your joints :) A depression/yoga tip--I understand that inversions (where your head goes below oyur heart) are good for depression and sleeping difficulties (something to do with blood rushing through the pineal gland) a wide-legged standing forward bend is excellent to try out. *HUGS*

    Jenn-- kickboxing queen! wisdom to take a break when you're still getting started with it--don't want to burn out or anything. I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

    Got into the pool for about 1/2 an hour today before it got overrun. Frustrating. Today was my 12th day straight of yoga and I'm feeling good. I took it easy and was a lot more calm and focused on where I was in each posture as opposed to where I could/wanted to get to. Feeling great afterwards.

    I am so impatient for the buffet to go away! It is so tempting and I have SUCH a hard time say, "No, Kayt, you do not need four pancakes AND eggs AND yogurt AND fruit for breakfast. Pick one, honey, pick one." I picked all today *sighs* but, it will last me until dinner so I should still be in my calorie limit.

    Other excitment! A good friend of mine is getting married in October! So exciting and happy, AND I get to set a new goal: look superfantabulous for Carla's wedding! Plenty of time for it, too.

    Later Skaters, I'm bushed! Have a good one :)
  • kaytbognar
    I forgot I was a part of this little group. I made a resolution for the first time in my life. I want to be 135-130 pounds by my 2 year anni w/ my bf. Thats June 29th. I havent weighed myself since the last time I was at a doctor appt and that was probably 4 months ago. I gave up for awhile after that and the holidays killed me so Im sure the scale hasnt moved much...but I was at about 157. So...that gives me just over 5 months to lose 20-30 pounds.

    Is this goal realistic? I'm really slow with weight loss no matter how hard Im trying so Im not sure.

    I think if you're dedicated, you could achieve a 20lb loss in 5 terms of goal setting, I have tried not to be overly ambitious so that, if anything, my surprises are pleasant and not discouraging. I was talking to my moms about it and she cautioned against trying for more than a 5lb loss per month, simply because it's --hard--

    Whatever goals you set for yourself, though, you definitely have support from us here! Good luck!
  • greeneyedgirl829
    I'm pretty proud of myself today. I wasn't home this weekend with all my healthy foods, but I still managed to stay within my calorie goals. Also, it's almost that TOM so even though I want to devour every piece of fast food, cheese, and chocolate in a 50 mile radius...I haven't :smile: Hoorah for small victories haha
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    HELLO, and welcome newbies!

    Sorry I haven't been typing much lately... my keyboard is FUBAR at the moment.... so until I get a new one I'm avoiding typing as much as possible (hubby somehow got honey all over the keys).

    So, I've been keeping crazy busy lately, fitness-wise. I'm sticking with my JM and TBL workouts for the Wii, and haven't missed a workout yet. Found Gold's Gym Cardio Workout on sale the other night and bought it- it's SO MUCH FUN. I'm proud of myself for keeping up with cardio since it's always been my downfall. Dietwise I'm okay. A slip now and then but overall okay. My jeans are definitely getting looser!

    Sounds like everyone is doing well.

    jb_sweet_99 - Good for you for following through on the kickboxing. You're doing awesome!

    pattitricia85 - Congrats on the trip! I'm jealous!

    kerimcdonald - Hang in there! It must be nice having your hubby on board with eating healthy. I'd HATE sharing my workout stuff though, haha. I've tried working out with a few different ppl over the past few weeks but have decided that I prefer to go at it alone. I used to hate working out by myself but now I love it. It's hard doing a workout with people who are out of shape because they get tired so fast. Like when I tried to work out with my best friend. She was done after 15 minutes! And 10 minutes of that was warmup stretching! So we had to stop, and I was really annoyed because I hadn't even broken a sweat. So now I'm like, 'Okay, it's my workout time! Everyone out of my sight for the next hour!!!'

    jrbowers83 - Lol, oh I definitely wouldn't consider myself a 'clean' eater, not compared to someone like Tosca Reno. And I definitely indulge from time to time. A little piece of chocolate or something here and there. I just try to make sure the majority of my calories are spent on good foods. I avoid white rice, potatoes, white flour, etc. I don't add sugar or salt to anything. But I still consume more sodium and sugar than I'd like through things like cereals and those frozen lunches. I'm a big fan of Healthy Sensations Gourmet Steamers. But they do have a bit of salt in them. I'm usually under in my sodium for the day but it's still higher than I'd like. I'm finally somewhat happy with my fitness level, but I can always do better! However, compared to where I was 3 months ago (diet and exercise-wise) I've come leaps and bounds! We just have to recognise our small achievements. Just being here is an achievement in itself!!

    kaytbognar - good work on all the yoga! You're doing great.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    No inches yet Keri, but I've only gone 4 days...I expect to start seeing a difference this time next week...or I'd better at least!
    Thanks Kayt and Carrie for the encouragement! I went for days took 3 of, back tomorrow!
    Good job sticking with it everyone, sounds like we've all managed a week to be proud of, Yay us, lol! Congrats Kayt for staying away from the buffet staring you in the face, good job!
    Hope everyone had a good weekend, mine was good although too short.
    Talk to ya later!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • amandajo122
    Ok, this may sound really stupid, but is there a way to actually "join" this group, or do you guys just keep checking the same thread?

    If so I really want to join! I'm chubby and in my 20's and want to lose weight! I think it's great to have a support group like this.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Ok, this may sound really stupid, but is there a way to actually "join" this group, or do you guys just keep checking the same thread?

    If so I really want to join! I'm chubby and in my 20's and want to lose weight! I think it's great to have a support group like this.

    Hey aji122. Nope not a formal "joining" of the group. So technically you just joined us lol. But to keep up with us, you'll find us now under your MyTopics. We don't do any formal weigh-ins or challenges anything like that. Just kind of let us know what your goals are and then check in every once in awhile with your weigh-in, troubles, whatever you like to share. These ladies have been really great to me, I've had a rough time with my personal life lately and they never let me down.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!

    rinren84 and greeneyedgirl829- Welcome to our fabulous little group!! These ladies are crazy though, all of the exercising they do, makes me have to work harder, so trust me, they'll keep you going!!

    pattitricia89- OMG!!! I laughed so freakin hard. We have a new house too (freshly built) and I am fanatical about my cream carpet in the living room!! I'll bet you and the rug doctor are very good friends. He's one of my faves!!

    Carrie- Are you trying to make us all look bad!! Holy cow woman!! You are out of control. But I am crazy cheering for you. :flowerforyou: Like I said, you make me work harder that's for sure.

    A little craziness going on. I am back to work after vacation and I love it but dang. I am so busy and with a family to take care of and a home that refuses to clean itself no matter how many stars I wish on, I am getting frustrated today. My hubby is finally on track with getting healthy too!! Upside: No more junk in the house. Downside: I have to share the elliptical and he's not as good at time management as me and the house was looking a little rough (won't lie, most people would think my house was clean if they walked in, but I have issues if I don't sweep mop and vaccuum at least 4x a week) I hate more than a load of laundry in the hamper and dishes make me crazy. So, I got up at 5am, got my daughter to school went to work, had to work late so I didn't get home until 8pm and my husband was just starting his 1 hour on the elliptical and I had to take down the Christmas tree tonight (since I asked him to do it 2 nights ago but he was too tired after his workout) and there was over a load of dishes so I had to hand wash the rest, and sweep and mop and counters and my glasstop stove looked terrible and my daughters room was a mess and 2 loads of laundry later it's 10pm and I haven't sat down since 5am, or eaten since 1:30. I even ate standing up today since I was on my laptop in my office and I have a high counter on one side and a regular desk on the other but my boss was occupying it. On top of all of this, I still need to dust and clean the bathrooms since they haven't been cleaned since monday!! Anyone with a 5 year old that has her own bathroom understands the hell that awaits there, or a husband with his own sink space on the other side of the bathroom. Since he doesn't have to share, he's less worried about cleaning it off regularly. :ohwell: :grumble: :angry: :explode:

    Okay, so I've called it a night though and I am sitting in my (nice clean and now christmas tree free) living room and having a glass of wine. I keep telling myself, that it's okay, cause when he gets a routine, he'll be able to manage his time better.....And if I say this over and over and over again, he'll be safe........... right? At least he'll be healthy, so when I am hospitalized for exhaustion, it'll be his turn LOL!!!!

    Oh and on top of it all, he looked at me at 10:10 and asks "Aren't you going to work out at all today?"
    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :ohwell: :huh:

    I guess I'll just have to get up at 3:30 am tomorrow and get it done before work. When I'm super skinny and super strong, I'll make him arm wrestle me for the chores LOL!!!!

    Wow girl! You sound like me minus the super clean part. You are one busy mama! I hear you on the cleaning thing although I'm not as dedicated as you. I have a 6 year old, 3 year old, and 8 month old- work full time as a preschool teacher and the only things that tend to get done are the musts like dishes and laundry once a week if I'm lucky. It's frustrating to clean up the house so it looks nice and then have the kids mess it up in less than 5 minutes. We've had like 3 snow days in a row last week and I thought for sure something would get done, AT LEAST a little exercise, but no- not until the hubby came home. However I will say I did complete at least 4 days of workouts last week which is seriously a first. I'm so excited to join this "group" though. I need some motivation and friends to share my accomplishments with. Y'all seem like you know each other so well. It's what I need!! Congrats to those of you who have been working your tails off. Kudos! Have a good night everyone!!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    By the way...first weigh in since I've joined tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers for me! I need a good number for my sanity!
  • pattitricia85
    Happy Monday!! Lots of new joiners over the weekend! Welcome everyone!
    This is the 'support group' i have ever joined on this site and i have been here almost two years, but i love coming on this thread to see how all of you are doing, and just hearing about your day to day! I always talk about my 'weight loss' friends to my hubby :)
    jrbowers-sounds like you are doing lots better! Glad to hear it! and you still come on here and encourage us! Just shows what an amazing lady you are!
    Keri- Sounds like your talk w/ your hubby went really good! Hopefully this week will be less overwhelming!!
    Carrie- I am w/ you on exercising w/ other people! I have girlfriends who just can't hang!! I like to run 3-4 miles and most of my friends cant even do a mile. So I usually end up walking w/ them. And then when i am w/ my friends I feel like chatting and catching up, and you just can't do that when you are doing good cardio. The only person i like working out with is my little sis, we chat through our warm up then get serious for the rest of the workout, and she pushes me to do that last 5 minutes! But she is in Thailand and won't be home for a few months. She lives out of the country about 6 months out of the year.

    Well this weekend wasn't perfect, but I did soooo much better than usual. Saturday night we went to Mexican. I only had a few chips (really just a few! normally i could eat a whole basket before my meal comes) and i was sooo hungry. I ordered the chicken fagitas w/ corn tortillas. I took over half home for leftovers! I probably went over my calories, but that was so much better than i usually do. my hubby and i usually go out to dinner about once a week, so it totally fell into that 'lifestyle change' category. I can still go out to dinner, but make a decent choice...and most importantly not over eat!!!!

    I hope you all have a great week! oh, and my first goal is feb 6 to fit into a pair of jeans i bought a few months ago but accidentally bought too small (online). Well i tried them on this weekend to see how i was coming along. They are still a little tight, but soooo much better. I could totally wear the, now if i wanted but I might have a little muffin top!!!! :)~
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to the new members!
    Good luck on your weigh in Mandijo!
    Back to Kickboxing tonight for me, I'm excited! I've been having trouble sleeping this weekend so I need something to tire me out enough to sleep tonight and I'm sure that will do it! I was also very bad last night and need to burn off some extra calories! I had Tim Hortons breakdown, they really shouldn't be allowed to put one of those on every corner damn it! LOL! I had a Large Hot Chocolate and about 10 timbits!!!! OUCH! That's around 800-900 calories, boo!!! So I am mentally combining yesterday and todays calories and will not eat all of my exercise calories today to make up for it is soo not worth it when you think about it, really!
    Congrats Pattitricia on doing well when you went out to eat! That makes it so hard, but it does really show that you have made a lifestyle change.
    I hear ya on exercising with others, most people are dumb founded (sp?) that I do Kickboxing, let alone join me! That's why it is good that I have my cousin, she's the one that got ME into it and we both push eachother to give it everything we've got, and to go even if we don't feel like it! I was worried I would have to miss Thursday cause I had booked my massage that day and obviously can't do Kickboxing after that (My masseuse would kill me!) cause it would be a waste, BUT I managed to get it switched to Friday which is great cause I can't go Fridays anyway! They only have a class at 5 and I work 'till 5, so it works out great.
    Anywho, good luck today folks! Talk to you later!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kerimcdonald
    Hey everyone- Happy monday!! (?)

    jbsweet- I hear you on the time hortons. I swear my car pulls itself in there. What? I can have a donut and a coffee for less than 2 bucks?! Why yes! I would like one! And then my butt and thighs remind me about why that was a bad idea. lol Have fun at kickboxing.

    All of our new folks!! Welcome!! The more the merrier and though we really don't have challenges ar anything, we have tons of support and the best ladies out there. They all do so much, I can't help but challenge myself just to keep up!!

    Pattitricia- Good job on being "food conscious" when you went out. It is so tempting to eat and drink so much, you did great!

    mandijo- A preschool teacher and 3 kids!! Wow, I think you are busier than I am!! You're little ones are so adorable though. My daughter wants a baby brother, but I'm not thinking so. I hated being pregnant and my husband hated diapers so it wouldn't be a great idea. She has a lot of cousins though. Good luck on your first weigh in!! Let me know how it goes.

    carrie- Sorry about your keyboard. My husband is a network engineer, so I come with my own tech support. I can't tell you how many times that has come in handy!! You know we'll be here whenever your all set!!

    kaytbognar- Way to go on the working out. yoga is so tough for me. keep it up
  • pattitricia85
    Hey everyone i need some ideas for a Biggest Loser we are doing in my office. We are starting today and I am in charge of it!! We are doing two teams and I really need prize ideas! I am thinking to have everyone put in 10-15 bucks and the winner or top 2 take the pot. Also, I was thinking every week when we weigh in there should be a small prize like a gift card (somewhere like Trader Joes?), exercise DVD's, pedometers etc. However I am having a really hard time coming up w/ a 'team prize'. My boss likes the idea of teams for competition but i am having a hard time coming up w/ incentive for that. Our company is on a strict budget and my boss is paying for the small prized out of pocket
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thats a tough one....prizes for teams are never easy especially when it cant be like a gift card to a buffet or something lol
    what about the losing teams makes a healthy pot luck lunch for both them and the winning team?
    seems like a good way to save money, too. iunno.

    btw i like that this group is so casual...i have an addictive personality and dont want to set a schedule for myself with something that could later become a problem
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Good morning everyone! On a happy note, I took apart and cleaned my keyboard last night and it's working well now so I should be able to start posting a lot more actively again! Yay!

    Normally I would be doing my weigh-in this morning. And I checked the scale and found.... NO LOSS. Which baffles me, considering I haven't worked out so hard in.... ever. But then something occurred to me. I've heard that you don't actually lose weight or build muscle when you're working out- that's why we need rest days. Because it's during those rest days that your body 'processes' all the things you've done to it. Since Saturdays and Mondays are my rest days, I think it makes sense to start weighing myself the day after a rest day, giving my body time to recover from the workouts and process fat loss. So from here on out, my OFFICIAL weigh-in is going to be on Tuesday mornings. If I still haven't shown a loss by tomorrow, I'm going to have to figure out what the heck I'm doing wrong.

    I actually spent much of the morning making Excel spreadsheets to track my average daily caloric intake per week vs. weight loss, etc. I'm a total geek.

    jb_sweet_99 - Hope you have fun at kickboxing tonight! Don't beat yourself up too much about the Timmy's breakdown, it happens! They are sooooo tempting! Yesterday we stopped there so hubby and my son could get some hot chocolate, and hubby wound up buying a pack of six donuts. Joey had one, he gave Logan (my toddler) a piece of one, and he ate THE REST. Seriously. Remind me again HOW this guy is so freaking thin??? I am proud of myself because not only did I not have a donut, I only ordered a chai tea- no cream, no sugar. The entire time I was wishing I could eat one of those donuts. Mean! But don't worry, I'm sure you'll burn off those calories like nothing tonight!

    pattitricia85 - I hear ya! I joined other support groups when I came here but everything fell by the wayside. You guys are the ones I feel accountable to, and who I want to check up on. As for those jeans- I just know you're gonna look hot in them come February!

    mandijo - How did your first weigh-in go? I'm wishing you the best of luck!!!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Guys, no more Timbits for me!!! I'm usually so good, we buy our reps Timbits all the time and I never give in, yesterday I was weak! This week will be better :bigsmile:
    I don't know about prizes, you're on the right track though. What about water bottles (Metal), or key chains and little stuff like that?
    I will have fun at Kickboxing, thanks guys! I'm not hurting anymore so I can give it my all!
    Carrie I hear ya about the weight, and you are right...your muscles will hold more water in the beginning, and it takes time for your body to adjust to the workouts. I'm waiting to weigh in too, don't let it get you down! I think Sundays will be my day, haven't decided yet.
    Talk to you later :bigsmile: