Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Well I thought I was back on track...then I went out with some friends Friday night and my first fast food in months. That wasn't horrible but the next day was one of those friends' birthdays and we had cake and lots of beer to celebrate. Then of course the day after drinking lots of beer I felt soooo great (not!). And to top it off I'm going to the camp I occasionally work at and the cook is a former four star restaurant chef and believe me can he cook and there's never too little food! I'm going to do my best and at least I'll be out walking around and I'll bring other things to exercise with (jump rope).

    Anyway come next week when I get back it'll be time to start P90X and that's when I hope to jump start myself for real again. I haven't gained anything so I figure that's good. (To be honest I've stayed away from the scale as much as possible.)

    Kayfbognar- Wish I had someone to trade massages mom always wants her back rubbed or head rubbed when I see her but I never get anything in return...

    Hope everyone stays healthy and warm as winter hits us all and makes us want to hole up in our beds! See you in a week!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Kayt and Keri! And congrats to you both for doing so well too!! 2 pounds is awesome Keri, good for you for encouraging your hubby to do the same!!! Kayt that is fantastic about your measurements being under 40, I think that is a HUGE accomplishment! Good for you for making sure to get your exercise in before the festivities Keri, it will make it easier to be good later, and not as bad if you aren't!
    Morgan don't let a few days get you off track, if you haven't gained anything at least than you're good. Great idea with the skipping, its a great workout!
    I am sooo tired, I woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep, now I have to work all day then go to kickboxing...don't know where I will find the energy honestly but I'm sure it's in there somewhere!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • sunshine26
    Hey everyone, I'm 26 just turned on the 14th I weight 262 lb and hope to lose 82 lb by my next birthday.

  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone! been kindove missing in action for the last week. Things have been pretty good, hectic tho, i started my nursing placement during the weekend so i was super tired and didnt exercise at all. Plus thing with the BF werent so make a long story short, i was in a nasty relationship before, so he has kinda been my rebound for the last year, and even tho i love him insanely, ive treated him like ****....and he wanted to leave me, said he didnt even know if he loved me anymore. it was completely heart breaking, especially since i didnt even realize it. So had kindove a few very stressful days. I really cannot imagine my life without him, he is way too amazing, and i cant believe that i put him on the backburner like that. But anyways, were sortove starting off fresh again, so im hoping that i can start thinking about how i am acting. i just felt so completely empty thinking that he might leave....and worst of all, i found out that he has been talking to one of his old friends, (which might i add is a girl) and told her everything, and then told her stuff like she was beautiful and was asking her how it was possible to even stay so nice and beautiful and not change....... :( crushing, i honestly almost died.....i dont think i was even ever in love with someone like this....and thats why it hurt so much......but anyways, as i said we are kindove like starting im hoping things get better.....and im hoping this does not happen again....its made me want to eat everything bad in sight....and if he left i would probably sleep for three months and would not lose any i really hope that things get better....i love him alot....and it just kills me.....yesterday was the first day after the fight, and well it went pretty good, but i couldnt help thinking about all the negative....and i felt so sad....i just hope i can move on....and i hope this doesnt come between my weight loss goals.....

    anyways, hope nobody got too bored or annoyed by my post lol..... and good luck everyone on the weigh in tommorow!!!

    P.S. what does everyone think of starting a new thread...this one is getting pretty full.....just wondering if maybe we should do a new one weekly just seeing as our group is so talkative and there so many of us lol....
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hello everyone! Welcome to all the new ones. This place just keeps filling up! That's awesome!

    So...I was kinda bummed today because I only lost .2 on the scale this week. I thought I'd worked pretty hard, but I guess I'll have to push it harder. A loss is a loss though, and I need to keep my motivation! I've been looking at my "stats" on my food log, and I REALLY have to watch my sodium intake. I think if i watch that more carefully, I might see better results. Also, it's my goal to drink the recommended amount of water each day. It's so hard for me, but I can do it! I've also started taking measurements because I've heard that those can go down when the pounds don't so we'll see!

    jb- Bahaha! I figured that it was not so cold lol, but what can I say- I don't do my research! You are far luckier than we are here that's for sure. It's looking like some major snow/rain/ice might be making it's way to good ol' Iowa by the end of this week. FABULOUS ugh! Good luck on kickboxing tonight. I'm sending energetic vibes your way!

    mxburke- Sorry to hear about your stressful week(end)! I really hope that everything works out for you! Relationships are so complicated. The best you can do is admit what you've done wrong (very hard for me to do) and make it a point to do better! You're only human, he has to understand that. If he loves you as much as you love him, he will try to work things out too. Chin up and use exercise as your outlet and thinking time! You can do it!

    Well I hope you all have a great night! Talk to you soon!

  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Of course I have to forget something!

    CONGRATS Keri!!! Woo hoo! You go girl! Enjoy the birthday! 5 years only comes once :)
  • kaytbognar
    Mandi -- You are always so positive! I love catching up with your comments :) .2 may be a small triumph, but the scale is not always the clearest indicator of progress, it lacks context. Haha! I should listen to my own advice! What are your numbers for sodium? I have recently put that one my MFP diary tracker thingy, and I'm never ever over. I'm wondering if my "goals" for sodium need to be adjusted. Werp.

    Mxburke -- I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, relationship are never easy especially when you've come out of a mistrustful, damaging one like you have. Be strong, persevere, try and improve where you've fumbled, and remember that you're a wonderful and beautiful person all on your own; if your BF can't love you for who you are then he doesn't deserve to be loved back. We're here for you, no matter what, girlfriends got your back. :)

    Welcome sunshine! You're in the right place for moral support.

    Jenn -- Hope the energy found you for all you had to do today! I'm sure it did, supergirl!

    Keri -- Way to go on the double-motivational! Have fun at the party, well done on exercising first :):)

    Morgan -- I got so spoiled when I was in school, getting worked on almost every day. I know how it is to have people always asking for a rub and not getting one back! My friends ask for freebies all the time.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm chubby!! Lol. And just up and moved part-way across the US. I'm finally getting settled in and back into good routines.

    I just got home from a good run with my sister. Before I came down here I gave her permission to kick my butt because I only do it myself for so long, and she's definitely taken me up on it!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I can't remember being less than 150...except for once at the doctor's office when I was 12 and 144. Ugh. My highest weight was 230 as a Junior in high school. I actually lost weight in college with the gym easily available and ample time. But after college ended and I started working 40 hours/week, I came up with a lot of excuses and went from 185 to 216 WAY too quickly.

    I'm ready to start living my life for me. I'm ready to stop worrying whether a store at the mall will have my size!!

    All my goals are below...I'm hoping to be in 150s by July when I start Medical School!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Mandi that sounds like some crap *kitten* weather you've got coming there, boo!! Stay inside as much as you can! Don't get down on yourself, .2 of a pound is still a loss, next week will be more I'm sure!
    Thanks guys, I did find the energy and I feel ten times better for it! Man I LOVE that class! Back at er tomorrow!
    Kayt, supergirl?! ha! Ya right, but thanks girl, you're sweet! :flowerforyou:
    Mxburke sorry to hear about your crappy week, I'm glad that you guys have come to an understanding and hopefully things will only get better from here! Use your anger/pain to fuel your workout, that's what I did when i went through a breakup in the fall... and that's when I lost my first 15 you can do it my friend. And never think you can't say anything here, you can be open with us, we're here for you :wink:
    Welcome to the new members once again.
    Someone mentioned starting a new thread...we are on page 78, pehaps we should consider it, or does it matter?
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    chubby twenty

    to many beer and pizza in college, not to mention dorm food which is nothing but fat and carbohydrates

    Hey thats what happened to me! Except I prefer martinis, Crown Royal, and Tequila..... hmmmm hahaha
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi!! I am Diana and I would love to join this group. I have been up and down with my weight the past few years and I would love to be able to stick to a diet and exercise plan to keep my weight where I want it! I am 23 years old and weigh 165. I would love to be in the 140s by summer. The lowest I have ever been was 150 but I would like to lose a little more than that. I hope it's not too late to join! Thanks :)
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great support, i feel better about talking to someone about it anyways. as for weight loss, i weighed myself this am and i only lost 0.6 lbs this week. But i'm still glad that theres somekind of loss, and my goal is basically to lose atleast 5 lbs per month, so i'm on my way for january. anyways thanks again, you guys are so greaT!! have a good week everybody!
  • pattitricia85
    Hey everyone! hope you all had a nice weekend... mine was great, except for sunday when i was having a calorie fun fest!! Ugh!! But what I ate on Sunday would have been a 'normal' day for me not too long ago. But onto the good news! I had to go shopping for a dress this weekend for a wedding I am going to next weekend. I tried on about 4 dresses and the last one was my favorite but they only had it in a size 5.... hesitantly i tried it on. It fit!!! I couldn't believe it! I haven't worn that size in a long time (yes, I still shop in the juniors lol! I am probably getting too old for that). About a year and a half ago when i was getting married I was looking for dresses for showers etc and I tried on a dress that was the same brand as the one i bought this weekend, and I couldn't zip a 9, so this feels really good. We weighed in today for our Biggest Loser and I lost .5 pound. Thats pretty good considering my TOM comes in 2 or 3 days.
    Welcome to all the new faces! This is a great thread, w/ awesome people!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Hi Everyone! It’s been a while since I posted, I know. I’m still having issues with my keyboard at home making it a total PITA when it comes to typing. It was better for a while, now it’s sucking again. I probably just have to deal with it, buy a new one. Bleh.

    Weigh-in day today! Down 0.6 pounds from last week and have lost two and a half inches. What is with this continuous 0.6 loss? Also, it seems my body likes to alternate from week to week. One week, half a pound. Next week, two and a half pounds. I seem to be averaging a pound and a half per week, but I’m certainly not losing at a consistent rate! Haha.
    Anyways, I’m down 11 pounds total since joining MFP.

    Workouts have been going good, nice and steady. Still waiting on my HRM to arrive in the mail. Last time my tracker was updated it had left Canada customs, and that was yesterday morning so… any day now!!!!

    I am exhausted this morning. And pissed off at DH for being a royal douche this morning. See, he usually gets up at 4:50 for work. I get up between 6:30 and 7:00. Well, he woke up at 4:23 this morning to go to the bathroom, made a bunch of noise, left the light on…. Just was generally inconsiderate. Woke up the baby who decided it was time to get up and play, and who wouldn’t get back to sleep. Then at 5:00, when Steve STILL hadn’t gotten out of bed, I worried he’d slept through his alarm and would miss work. So I got out of bed and told him what time it was and that it was time to get up (I had to sleep in bed with Logan last night because he’s not feeling well and wouldn’t sleep unless I was right there snuggling him), and he said he wanted to take the day off because he had a doctor’s appointment in the early afternoon (which would have required a half-day) and a headache. I was like, ‘Do whatever you want,’ except nobody would be IN at work, for him to call in to, for another 45 minutes. And because he’s a total child and I have to handle EVERYTHING, I knew he’d fall asleep and forget to call in to work in time. So I’m laying in bed trying to snuggle Logan and get him back to sleep, unable to fall asleep myself because I’m so paranoid about him not calling in and being called a ‘no call, no show’ (which would require disciplinary action), and he’s just snoozing away. Finally at 5:45 I just give up trying to sleep. Logan’s crawling all over the bed wanting to play, I can’t sleep anyways…. So I decide to make the best of a bad situation. I made sure Steve had called into work, then did a half our JMFU2010 workout (lower body). Had a shower, got ready for work.

    Needless to say…. So. Tired. Just want to crawl into bed. Meanwhile, because Steve had an appointment today, and we only have one car, I needed him to come into work with me so he could take the car and make his appointment. Only he started being a cranky giant baby about getting out of bed (even though HE got to sleep in an extra three hours this morning than what he would have, and I was AWAKE two hours earlier than I should have been). He was snappy and rude and honestly, I just wanted to punch him in the head. Me being tired and in a bad mood didn’t help matters.

    So I’m at work, trying to stay awake. Distracting myself with MFP so I don’t totally lose my mind! I have an appointment right now so no time to respond to everyone like I usually do. Will do that in a couple of minutes! Just needed to vent a bit… haha.
  • pattitricia85
    Hope your day gets better Carrie!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh Carrie! It sounds much like our house lol! It must be a man thing! My little man Carter came downstairs too this morning, and even though we have a ginormous bed, it never seems big enough when a child is in it. He thoroughly enjoys sleeping with his feet on my head or so close to me that half my *kitten* is off the bed and it's a California King!! Go figure! At least you got in some kind of workout!!

    Kayt- My sodium levels are HORRENDOUS! It's quite embarrassing. I don't know if it's the foods we choose to eat or what, but it's really really bad. My issue is that I need some kind of a database of really healthy "tasty" meals that ALL my family will eat. I swear to you that I can't seem to make a meal that everyone will eat and it's so frustrating. Instead, I try to portion out what I do make, but that still leaves me hungry and I end up giving in later. What do you ladies with families do when you try to cater to everyone but don't want to constantly make yourself something different than the pack?? Any suggestions?? Good family friendly recipes?? I don't know, but something needs to change, this is getting ridiculous. I had never looked at my sodium levels until I joined MFP because I do weight watchers as well, and the only things they track are fat, calories and fiber so I don't ever need to. HELP ME LADIES!!!

    Woo hoo ladies who have lost this week! A loss is a loss! Keep telling yourself that! ( I do :) )

  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Congrats Patti on the size 5 and .5 pound, that's amazing!! I'm sure it feels fantastic to be 4 sizes smaller than you were, I'm waiting for that day...soon I hope!!
    I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a bad day Carrie, I hope it gets better for you! At least you got your workout in even though you were dead tired, now you can go home tonight and not worry about that. Chin up girl :bigsmile:
    Mandi I too had a rude awakening when it came to sodium too...Your best bet is to get away from processed foods, I know it's hard because they are easy, but that's what I had to do and it has made a ton of difference! I have a roomie and I do the cooking for both of us, he's a Big Mac kind of guy, I just say if you don't like it, don't eat it. If you think about it, if you can get your kids into healthy eating now it will help them to not have our problems in the future right? Lots of veggies and lean meats, rice, low sodium soups, whole wheat pasta....I have a list of web sites that may you go...

    Check out the recipe area here too...lots of good stuff in there. Also, some of our food diaries are public, feel free to browze! I'm on the G.I. Diet though so my food is a bit different, but its mostly just low calorie, low fat food, which isn't a bad thing :wink:
    Good luck!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Okay now I want to take the time to address everyone I’ve missed talking to over the past little while! (Must seriously buy new keyboard. Seriously. This is getting silly.)
    Veronika – You’re welcome for the suggestions! Getting bored at work is a definite trouble-target, especially if you have vending machines! At my last job I must have eaten dill pickle chips and peanut M&Ms every day! It was ridiculous. Mini cheesecake pastries, butter tarts… ick. That’s what really kick-started my weight gain. It was bad enough being in a desk job all day but in a BORING desk job with vending machine food available? Definite recipe for trouble! At least, in the job I’m in now, there are no vending machines. If I don’t bring food from home, I don’t eat. So I make sure to pack a healthy lunch every day. There’s an A&W across the street that I avoid like the plague. I aim for Subway, if I MUST eat out. On the plus side, I’m also saving money by not buying junk!
    I know it’s hard to cut back on the calories. It was SO HARD for me before. It really has gotten a lot easier. I started at 1200 per day but now that I’m more active, I can’t eat any less than 1500 per day or I am FAMISHED. It’s not pretty. But I survive. 

    Jenn – I’m so happy to hear that kickboxing is going in the right direction and that you’re doing so well! I’m very proud of you for sticking with it. It’s funny- the first week or two of a new exercise program is the hardest. Once you get used to it, it feels ‘wrong’ somehow to not work out, doesn’t it? It would be like not brushing my teeth in the morning, or not changing my underwear, lol. It’s just part of my day. Rest days kill me. I have to get at least SOME cardio in. And, weird thing, I LOVE cardio now! When I first started this thread, I HATED it, hahaha. So, progress made, yay!
    GREAT job on the weight loss thus far, though! You’re doing awesome!

    Patti – I’m with you! I’m terrified of P90X. At least, I was. Now, as I get stronger, P90X gets more and more tempting. I actually invested in…. (insert shocked gasps here) Beachbody Insanity! Yes, that’s right, I’m bloody insane. Good name for the program. I don’t know when I’ll get the guts to actually try it but it’s a goal. To get to a point where I have the willpower to tackle that program. I know that it will get used regardless because Steve really wants to work on getting some tone. He’s already in good shape but he wants to be bigger (don’t all men? Lol). I’m glad you’re enjoying Zumba, though. I’ve only done Zumba once but just got my hands on a DVD so might do that later tonight. Hahaha. Yes, I have a lot of balls in the air. I like to vary my fitness routines so I don’t get bored!
    You’re not alone when it comes to having thick hair! I’ve found I can easily gain a pound or two after having a shower, just in water that my hair holds! Unbelievable, lol. I learned early on to weigh myself BEFORE I shower, haha.
    Congratulations, though, on looking sexy in your workout gear! There’s nothing worse than a ‘muffin-top’.
    And thank you for the compliment, but I don’t think I’m the best cheerleader! My posts are long, but not nearly as frequent as they should be!!!!

    Mandi – 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week is really respectable! If I can do that, I’m happy with myself. Lately I wind up pushing myself and sometimes I do an hour and a half or two in a day, but that’s rare. Most days my workouts are between a half hour and an hour in length. I can’t wait to get my HRM in the mail! Because I find that I can work out easily for 2 hours some days, and other days 45 minutes will kill me. I think this has to do with my level of exertion (not just the amount of time spent exercising). So I’m interested in being able to track my calories burned. I’ll bet you those days I am tired at 45 minutes, I’ve burned as much calories as an entire 2-hour workout where I feel fine. Definitely something I’m curious about.
    Haha. I Lol’d at your advice to stop weighing ourselves every day because it’s so true! But, I can’t stop. In my case, though, I don’t let those numbers drive me crazy. In fact, I think weighing myself every day has helped keep me sane. It’s teaching me a lot about my body’s natural rhythms. I’ve learned a lot about how salt and TOM affects my weight. Yesterday when I weighed myself, I was 0.7 pounds lighter than I was today. Since my salt intake was a little high yesterday (I ate, literally, five McDonalds French fries yesterday. Steve bought some and I had a nibble but stopped at 5 because as good as they were, I didn’t want to eat more than that. Plus they were TOO SALTY! Never thought I’d say that….) I’m sure I’m retaining water. Again. And that helps me not really be crazy about my 0.6 weight loss because I know my ‘real’ weight loss for the week is closer to 1.5 pounds.
    I guess my point is, weigh yourself however much you want, but don’t take those numbers too seriously. Just like you shouldn’t take your 0.2 pound weight loss too seriously! You’re doing really well. Some days the scale will reward us, some days it won’t. What matters is that you’re doing healthy things for your body. Keep it up, you will get results!
    As for those days where you find yourself shoving a lot of food in your mouth that you don’t even really want…. Well, let’s just say we all have those days. Some days I’ll be good ALL DAY then come supper time the hungry monster gets me and I’m TEARING through the cupboards trying to get as much in my mouth as possible. It’s actually a frightening sight to behold, lol.
    Oh, and almost forgot to mention- I’m from Canada and it’s actually not to bad here (in some places). Actually the other day, our high for the day was the same as the high for the day in Florida! Which was funny to me. It’s not just that it was a warm January day for us- it is also that Florida was FREAKING COLD. Lol.

    Emily- Shoveling snow is definitely good exercise! Fortunately for us we’ve had a pretty mild winter thus far and I haven’t shoveled a single bit yet. But I’ve managed to punish myself in other ways, lol. I like that you’ve started treating yourself with things other than food! That’s totally awesome. I’ve been doing something similar. Every Saturday, after a successful week of working out and eating right, I make Steve take care of the boys and I treat myself to a home spa. Hot bath with fragrant oils, face mask, cucumbers on the eyes, the work. Moisturizers, lotions, and a nice cup of tea to drink. It is HEAVEN. And instead of hurting my appearance by making me fatter (like food does) it makes me look and smell nice!

    Keri- I really hope you’re right about me being at my goal weight in no time! I’m looking at my 30-day goal, and laughing now. I wanted to be at 155 after 30 days, which would have been a 10.8 pound loss. I’m just at that now! How optimistic we are when we just are getting started, lol. My ‘realistic’ goal date is the first of July. I’m hoping to be there by then… but if I’m not, it’s all good. I have to say, it just feels really awesome to be losing this weigh alongside some really awesome women!

    Morgan- Sorry to hear the shin splints are still bothering you, but glad that they seem to be well enough for you to go running. It’s funny how your body craves exercise after a while! Also sorry to hear you were ill… talk about bad luck! But congrats on the weight loss- that is fantastic! And glad to see you back after two weeks! I also agree- Quinoa is excellent! I just recently started eating it and it is SO GOOD. As long as you remember to rinse it before you cook it, lol. My best friend made some for the first time when I went to her house for dinner and she didn’t know to rinse it… yuck! Talk about bitter, haha.
    As for falling off the wagon…. It happens to the best of us. ;)

    gummibaehr- Oooh, swim aerobics. How I LOVE swim aerobics. How I love/miss water and swimming. Oh, for the days of summer!

    kaytbognar – Don’t feel bad for not responding individually, lol. I do it because I have a lot of time on my hands. It’s also my punishment in a sense for not being more on top of posting (but, again, I blame my keyboard!!!!).
    I know what you mean about bad weather and how it affects your mood, and can totally understand giving into your cravings. Last week I NEEDED a sundae. Just needed it. Hard to explain, because I’ve done so well. Probably had something to do with that time of the month. But I ate a huge sundae (made with frozen yogurt instead of ice cream- that’s something, right? Lol) and the next day kicked my BUTT all day working out. It was totally worth it, lol.

    Sorry to hear that your back was bothering you, though. I hope it’s better now!!! I’m with you- I could seriously use a massage!

    mxburke- So sorry to hear that things have been hard on you. Sounds like a really painful situation. I hope things are better now than they were!
    We’ll be sure to start a new thread soon. I believe that threads lock on MFP automatically when they reach a certain post count….
    Anyways, congrats on the half-pound weight loss! Great job! 
    MRobbins82 – Welcome to the group! Hope you’ll find our little crew beneficial in your weight-loss journey! I’ve been using TBL for Wii as well. I use it in conjunction with Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2010. I don’t stick to it as well as I do JM (I don’t find it quite as challenging as I did before, lol. Guess that means I’m getting stronger?) but I love the way it’s set up and working out with Bob is a lot of fun.

    LMS3386, thica03, aleefula, geekyjen, gcgrl788, jenmelong, ERGB, kalikidd21, Portcitymatt, sunshine26, RachVR6, whittrusty, Carrie6o6, det3386 (And anyone I may have missed)…….. WELCOME!!!!!!!

    Oh brother. What a long freaking post. Must. Write. More. Often.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Patti- Thank you! I hope it does too, lol. I forgot to mention, CONGRATS on the size five! And the half-pound. Outstanding!

    Mandi- Aren’t boys such stinkers? Lol. I’m glad I got my workout in because I’m so tired at this point, I couldn’t imagine doing it when I got home…

    (Though, I will probably make an effort to get some cardio in tonight. The JM workout, though, would be out of the question later this afternoon, lol)

    I have the same issue myself with making separate meals for myself and my family. Flat-out, they will not eat what I eat. And I don’t blame them. I eat basically the same thing every day. What I do is pre-cook my food three or four days ahead. So I really only cook dinner for myself twice a week. I prefer to do it this way because it makes it easier to plan my day calorie-wise (everything’s already pre-portioned). By doing this, it means I don’t have to worry about cooking for myself when I get home, and can just make my family whatever they want.

    Sodium… yes, sodium is the bane of my existence. When I started at MFP I didn’t even LOOK at my sodium intake. It’s not until I learned the hard way (another side effect of weighing myself every day) what it did to my body. So I’ve invested in a good spice collection. Mrs. Dash saves me every time! Though I season things a lot more than I did before. I don’t rely on salt to flavor my dishes, and never add it to my food. What I find unbelievable is how much sodium is in SWEET foods- like some cereals. My 100-calorie package of Oreo thin crisps had quite a bit of it. Blows my mind.

    Jenn’s posted some really good links, though. Thanks! I will add those to my favorites list!