Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • kerimcdonald
    :bigsmile: Hello everyone!! Sounds like everyone is really working hard this week!

    Chera235- If I could make a suggestion, you said you are working out. If it's morning have a really light breakfast before, and then a normalish breakfast after to hype your metabolism. If it's at night, try eating a banana after you work out. My brother is a personal trainer and he clued me in that this gives your body a lot of what it needs and keeps you from snacking more. Are you eating less than 2 hours before you go to bed? That was my issue. Also bad. Don't know if any of that helps. The sad truth is, you will feel very hungry for the first month or so. Sucks, but true. You are reconditioning your body from however many calories you were eating to only eating a healthy amount, but enough to lose weight. I am sure you'll do great! We're always here to vent or offer help. That's what this thread is about.

    mandi and mrobbins- breakfast is really hard to get in. Especially since for it to have really any effect on your metabolism throughout the day, you have to eat within the first hour of waking up. I find that peanut butter toast is very portable in the car, (I just have to remember to take the plate inside when I get home from work) and oatmeal to go from quaker is great and very filling. But right now I am hooked on special k milk chocolate protein shakes. They are ridiculously good, and they fill me up until lunch. Sometimes they are lunch!! =) If you take vitamins though, take them after eating. Learned that the hard way.
    Mandi- It sounds like you're doing great on sodium. I also adore chinese and mongolian food and soup. they do have low sodium soups, but if I get take out for chinese, I order light sauce, or get it on the side. It took me months to get where you are though. Way to go!!

    Jenn- Holy calories batman!! that is so amazing!! 4500. It's like you didn't eat for 3-4 days, without all the tummy grumbles!! Keep it up. You are almost 1/3 of the way to your goal! Probably more since muscle weighs more than fat. All of that kickboxing though, I'm glad you're on our side :tongue:

    carrie- even if you can't post cause of your keyboard, I know you're reading this and I hope you are doing well.

    Kayt- I love coconut. That's all I have to say about that.

    Bad news for me. Stressful day at work and I did a lot of aimless eating. Went over in my calories but not by much. Thank Goodness I worked late today so I worked out in the morning. The only downside is, I get so hungry, I swear I could eat the floor every few hours. :laugh: Better day tomorrow though.

    jana1124 and anyone else that I missed- Welcome to the best group of ladies around. They are so great!!
  • CassieSeymour
    CassieSeymour Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I'm 23, 5'6 and started out at 162 lbs and I've lost 3 lbs since starting on myfitnesspal just this past week. It feels great to look at the scale and see the 159 and being finally out of the 160 range. My ultimate goal is to be 135 lbs! Its great to see so many other people reply to this forum!
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    Hi,I am 20! 5''6 and weigh 130 lbs. I know how you feel when you say''putting things off'' because of your weight. I look ridiculous in a bathing suit, I have really thin arms but my stomach,hips,thighs bulge out.

    I wish you luck on your weight loss journey!:flowerforyou:
  • LMS3386
    LMS3386 Posts: 16
    Options's so hard to keep up with all of you girls! Haha :) I check in to MFP to update my food and exercise diary, but I haven't had the time this week to stop by the boards. I'll try to change that this week because this is no fun doing it alone :)
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Thanks Keri, still loving it! I went to my fifth day today for the first time and of course it was the owner who is like the Karate Kid himself! Haha, man I am wooped! Feels good though, and I burned about 4500 calories this week in exercise, woah! Crazy! :bigsmile:
    Kayt that place is beautiful!! Looks a lot like Guatemala, I went there a few years back, love it! Pretty sweet that you're mentioned on the web site, good for you girl!! Have you guys felt any of the earthquake aftershocks there? I know that you're pretty close and I think on the same fault line, but I could be wrong! I hope you're not!
    I am exhausted! Going to watch a movie and veg out!

    WOW Jenn! I admire you for being able to burn 4500 calories this week! Now I feel lazy. lol. I did the 33 minute Intense workout last night on TBL for the Wii and boy did I feel it when I woke up this morning.
    Cassie my goals are pretty similar to yours, I was SO happy to see 159 recently after being 160+ for about 7 years!
    Keri, the milk chocolate protein shakes sounds really good I might have to look into that, thanks!

  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone. Wow! I haven't been on here in a couple weeks and don't know where to begin to catch up.I have really missed ya'll. I will just say Hi to our newbies. For those struggling with the calorie intake, either too much or too little, you have to find a balance that works for you. I change up my eating patterns every couple of weeks it seems, so let us know what you find out, I'm willing to try anything.
    To those of you who've lost weight (most of you) congrats! It always feels good to see that continual shift down on the scale.

    Well, I feel a little selfish because I really came on here to brag a little, and I don't usually do that. I'm very hard on myself and usually depressed, so the fact that I'm happy I figured I should share. I've had a rough couple of weeks with family drama and household repairs, and just life I guess. I've been stressed and I think it's making me hold onto some of my weight because I've maintained over the last 2 wks despite staying within my cal goals, drinking lots of water (sometimes a gallon (128oz)/day), and working out 1-2 hrs/day. Guess that's better than a gain though. My daughter tore up my measuring tape, so I haven't measured in a month. That's why I was really surprised today that my pants don't fit! I went clothes shopping as a reward 2 weeks ago, and had dropped 2 pants sizes! Well, I put on one of those pairs of jeans today, a size 10 (I was previously a 14) and they are too LOOSE! :noway: I so want to go buy a measuring tape now to see what kind of progress I've made. Gotta go drag all my prepregnancy size 8/10s down out of the attic now, it will be like getting a whole new wardrobe. :laugh: Well, thanks for listening everyone. Hope ya'll are having a good weekend!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks guys, I miscounted, it was actually 4750 cals burned, crazy!! But it's easy when its all in one shot (an hour) and it's something that is fun! I weighed in today and my scale gave me like 5 different answers, so I switched to the manual scale that I had to see what it was closest to to work it out, VERY annoying! So the one I am going with is 204, which is down another pound and it's TOM, so I'm REALLY happy with that, and the fact that I am now down 20 pounds!! It's taken me since April, but I'm doing it! I'm 1/3 of the way there, now I know I can do it. It seems it's all downhill from here. :bigsmile:
    Kayt I'm glad you've had no troubles there, it would be such a shame. Glad to hear you mastered the coconut!!
    Carrie I hope you're reading...I hope things are well with you, oh and my roomie claimed my extra keyboard so I wouldn't be able to send it to you anyway, sorry girl! I hope you get one soon, we miss u!
    Keri it sounds like you had a rough day, hope tomorrow is better. Maybe bring some more snacks to get you through the day?
    jrbowers, nice to hear from you! You sound SOOO much better, I'm glad your spirits are up. Congrats on the baggy size tens, that's awesome! I'm sure once things calm down more the weight will just fall off! Good luck girl!
    Oh and Kayt the G.I. diet is going really well, it's much easier now that I've come up with my own staple foods. It's been since Jan 1st, so this is the end of my third week...Going good so far!
    Anyway, I'll check in later folks!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kerimcdonald
    Hello everyone!! I am bustinh hiney the last day before weigh in!:laugh: Looks like while I didn't lose much this week, I didn't gain and after the birthday and work stress, I say that's a victory.

    jrbowers- WHOOOOOOO!! Way to go girl. Drag those little chic jeans out and you better strut them!!

    Jenn- that's pretty awesome! Isn't it crazy to really figure out all those calories! April was not so long ago! I bet you'll be halfway by the time we see April 2010. If anyone can do it, I am convinced it's you!

    Carrie- I hope you are reading these! We miss you and I know you're still doin great. We'll save you all the pages you want for your "I'm back" post. I can't wait to hear what you've been up to.

    Everyone else, I hope you have a great weekend. Cross your fingers for me! Tomorrow is my weigh in and monthly measure!
  • LMS3386
    LMS3386 Posts: 16
    I'm down 2 pounds from when I started my MFP journey last week! Not all that much, but it is progress :)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hey girls!

    jrbowers- Way to go girl! Don't be afraid to brag. That's what we are all here for! We love hearing your successes!! I am with the others. Once you stop stressing out, that weight will fall right off!!

    Keri- I'll be wishing you luck with you're weigh in. I too say that any loss is a victory!

    LMS- YAY!!! 2 pounds is something to be proud of!

    Carrie-Yes, we do miss you greatly! Hope you are doing well! Can't wait to hear from you!

    I too, will be weighing in tomorrow. I've done alright in the exercise department, but the last two days took a toll on my calories and sodium. Not a lot over, but still over. I'm drinking tons of water and have grown a new like for diet green tea (juicy peach and strawberry kiwi). So we will see how it goes. Wish me luck!!
  • cryzm
    cryzm Posts: 6
    So i've been on here for a week and lost my first pound! I know it's not much, but it's a start :smile: Lately it seems like all i've done is gain pounds, so ill take a loss any day. I went over my calories twice this week, but im still eating less than I was a week ago. And next week I start working out 5 days a week, so Im hoping that increases my numbers a bit. This site is a miracle to me, and it's really nice having people to talk to that are going through the same thing I am. I hope everyone has a successful, exciting week.
  • kaytbognar
    Hey guys! Just a quick check in:

    jrbowers -- way to go go go! Proud of you, and a little jealous ;P Keep up the gooder!

    Jenn-- so proud of you girl! And glad to hear your diet's getting comfy for you :) I've decided, you should reward yourself for hitting the 20lb mark by coming to PR and going surfing with me. :D

    Carrie -- ALWAYS WATCHING. Miss ya miss. Hope you're having a good weekend.

    Keri -- Triumph against the check in. I have faith, you should too.

    LM -- Kudos. If I could lose 2lb this week, I'd finally be at my january goal. Dunno if it'll happen, gotta hopehope. Well done!

    crzym -- Be persistent, your body is probably going to need a little time to adapt to what you're asking it to do. Changing up your diet and exercising more takes you out of your normal comfort zone. slow but steady. You can do it!

    As for me, I triumphed against the concession stand. I went to a movie last night and skipped the popcorn, the nachos, the soda. Didn't even want it.

    Side note: I'm a little freaked out. I think this whole thing MAY have been a date. How do you tell? Good god, how lame am I? AHAHA, 24 and no clue how to tell if something's a date or not. I am SO shy, HATE being hit on, am not a huge fan of being touched (unless I'm really really comfortable with someone or I'm getting a massage), and am generally just...not a fan of THAT KIND of attention. I DO NOT DATE because of it. Anyway, yeah. My neurosis in a nutshell, LOL. This kind of thing always happens to me, where I like...don't realize I'm on a date until I talk to someone about it and they're like, "Yeah, Kayt. That was a date." I guess I'll just see what happens and stuff and try not to think about things too much. *facevault*

    Have a great sunday, gals.
  • FrankyOsage
    Wow! You ladies have such great information and are great inspiration. I'm really going to have to start getting more involved besides just putting in my food and exercise!! I'm really lovin' this website. I'm down 8 lbs since I started and I'm really feeling a lot healthier all ready!! My current biggest problem is that I eat out either lunch or dinner (sometimes both!) almost everyday. I can't really help it with my job but do ya'll have any good advice for trying to keep the calories down??
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Keri, your such a great cheerleader! I look at myself and think, humm 20 pounds, really? Cause I don't see it much, everyone around me does, but I don't...I will eventually I'm sure! Good luck with your weigh in girl, I say any loss after a bday is a miracle!! So be pleased with how you do :bigsmile:
    Congrats on the 2 pounds LMS, that's a great start!
    Mandi good luck with your weigh in too, I'm sure those two days won't kill your progress, you'll do great!
    Kayt I think that would be THE best reward ever!!! Looking at the pics makes me yern for the warmth and peacefulness that is there! And of course surfing with you would be fantastic too, If I could get my *kitten* up on that board at all, lol! I'm still not quite light on my feet, lol! So did this guy ask you to the movie?? Did he pay?? If you say yes to both, or even either of those, I'd say it's a date! lol
    cryzm congrats on your first pound! I know what it is like to have to be patient and wait for the losses to come, I go up and down and up and down, then way down, then up then down, its frustrating, but I'm used to it! Lol
    Anywho folks I'm off to Walmart then I'm making low G.I. pecan brownies, mmmm, I hope they're good!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • LMS3386
    LMS3386 Posts: 16
    Wow! You ladies have such great information and are great inspiration. I'm really going to have to start getting more involved besides just putting in my food and exercise!! I'm really lovin' this website. I'm down 8 lbs since I started and I'm really feeling a lot healthier all ready!! My current biggest problem is that I eat out either lunch or dinner (sometimes both!) almost everyday. I can't really help it with my job but do ya'll have any good advice for trying to keep the calories down??

    If I'm eating out at a restaurant where the nutrition info is online, I check it first and base my order on that. That's actually how I found this site!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Good morning all. I had a lovely day today. My mother kept my kids for the night last night, so I had only myself to ready for church this am, then swung by to pick my kids up. Gavyn usually fusses because he has to stay in "big church" during the singing, then he goes off to Sun school. But all by himself today he chose to bring a book to read, and after reading a chapter he got up and started dancing, clapping, and singing along with the worship. Alycia had a rough time in the nursery after being away from mommy all night, but she did fine for the whole hour.. I only had to check in on her once. The sermon was wonderful, and talked all about beauty, and I felt like I just kind of opened up after this month or so of depression and thought "I am beautiful because God made me beautiful" Ladies let's think of that this matter what's going on tell yourself "I am BEAUTIFUL!"

    I think sometimes I don't realize how isolated I am as a SAHM. I really need to get my butt in gear with the play groups. I've got 2 SAHM friends from church that have given me their #s and asked to do something with me, but then they don't call and neither do I, it just falls to the wayside. But I'm lacking in adult conversation. My husband and I joined a study group at the church last week, so now there's these 10 families that I feel obligated to chat with before and after services, and I enjoy it although I write about it like it's a chore, but when I got home I was EXHAUSTED. Just from carrying on a couple of conversations. I'm scared because ( I think it's agoraphobia? Fear of social situations, leaving the house, etc.?) runs in my fam, and I don't want to isolate myself to the point that happens. Alright so 2 goals this week for me... help me stick to them girls?
    1. Tell myself I am beautiful everyday
    2. Get out and make some friends (in real life, not just cyberspace here) (BTW, I LOVE the idea of a reunion meet-up of the Chubby Twenties. We should start discussing some time frames and meeting place options)

    Jenn-GREAT job on reaching that 20 lb mark. I agree with Kayt, you need to reward yourself because that is a major milestone. If I can get rid of one more pesky lb I will be at my 10 lb mark with MFP, and 25 lbs overall, so I know what a big accomplishment that 20 lbs is. And don't worry that it took you since April, slow and steady wins the race when it comes to wtloss.

    Keri-thank you for the encouragment, I will be strutting next wk for sure. Don't work too hard, a weigh-in is just a weigh-in, and I'm proof-positive that stress holds onto the weight, so take some rest time too. Let us know how it goes :)

    LMS and crzym-great job on that initial weight loss. It feels good to see it in the first week or two, and really makes you stick with it. I'm not giving up even though I haven't lost in 2 going on 3 weeks.

    Mandi-Good luck on your weigh-in as well. Fiber helps to flush the sodium out too (I think more effectively than water even), and has actually helped me with my bp probs, so if you don't monitor that, you want to have about 25g/day. And you're right I shouldn't be afraid to brag, I love to hear all of ya'lls successes on this thread, so why wouldn't ya'll share in mine?

    Kayt-I love your enthusiasm in everything. You have a strong writer's voice, I can just imagine your true personality. As far as the date thing, I've been out of the game for awhile. But I was a tomboy growing up and therefore it was easy for me to talk to guys, and would always just upfront ASK a guy if it was a date. I hope that with your continued weight loss, your confidence will grow and you won't feel so uncomfortable on the dating front. I have self-esteem issues myself (obviously) so if you ever want to talk, PM me. And remember to tell yourself "I am beautiful"

    Welcome Frankyosage. As far as your diet dilemmas that was so me a few months ago. As you start to post your foods and realize what is in that fast food, your decisions will begin to change. I like to do meal plans a week in advance, and plan 1-3 dining out meals in that time. But even just looking a day ahead at a time can help, and if you just can't cut out the fast food, then look into getting the book "Eat this, not that" it gives you healthier dining out options. HTH.

    Sorry for the novel everyone. It's been awhile since I got to catch up :ohwell:
  • FrankyOsage
    Thanks LMS and JR! I've started trying to make a list and keep it with me in my purse of foods that aren't sooooo bad at all the restraunts that me and my coworkers go to, that way I know what I'm getting and can plan on certain calories (except for The Bagel Place, no way that place can be good, just requires a little more time on the elliptical that afternoon!)
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Options's so hard to keep up with all of you girls! Haha :) I check in to MFP to update my food and exercise diary, but I haven't had the time this week to stop by the boards. I'll try to change that this week because this is no fun doing it alone :)

    Hi Leah, it's Diana! I saw your picture and just had to say hi! Very ironic to see you here! I agree with you, I keep track of my calories but I really don't write on the board too often! Good luck, it seems like you are doing well! We should catch up one day!
  • aminor
    aminor Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I just joined MFP last week, so I just now saw this board today...but I would still like to join in with all of you if that's okay! My name is Amber, I am 26 years old...I am 5'5" and my starting weight is 226 lbs. (HORRIBLE, I know!!!) I had already lost 1 lb. in just two days after joining this site...and I'm not sure if I've lost anymore yet. I will weigh in tomorrow. I have completely started watching my calories, and started to exercise, which is not something that I did before this. I have an app on my iphone for this site, which makes it really easy when I am on the go!!!

    My overall goal is to get to 140 lbs. I have broken my goals up a little differently:

    By March 26, I want to be down to 206 lbs. (20 lbs. lost)
    By June 11, I want to be down to 186 lbs. (40 lbs. lost)
    By August 20, I want to be down to 166 lbs. (60 lbs. lost)
    By October 29, I want to be down to 146 lbs. (80 lbs. lost)
    By November 24, I want to be down to 140 lbs. (86 lbs. lost) GOAL!!!!!!

    I decided to break it up like this so that I would have mini goals to reach and feel some satisfaction out of meeting those, but then have a BIG goal in mind, that would be great to meet earlier than expected, but to have a date to where I am striving to at least have it by!!!

    I look forward to going through this process with each of you!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks jrbowers83!! And congrats to you too for being almost at 25 lost!! You rock!
    Welcome Amber, good luck on your journey. If you wouldn't mind I would like to make a suggestion, I think you may be expecting a bit much of yourself in your goals. If I was you I would set them to lose 1 pound a week, then if you lose more that is an extra bonus. Expecting yourself to lose 2 pounds a week, every week is sometimes too much...I would hate for you to not reach your goals and be disapointed. They say that losing a pound a week is the healthiest way to lose weight, and keep it off. If you lose too quickly it is much easier to gain it back, I know this from experience. It's up to you obviously, this is just a suggestion, take it or leave it. I'm sure you will find our lovely little group to be very helpful, and supportive. This is a great group of people!
    Well it's Monday, boo! Lol. Didn't sleep well last night, woke up to rain and by the time I got in to work it was snowing, a lot, jeeze! it's going to be like a skating rink out there, not looking forward to the drive later!
    Anyway, back to work!
    Jenn :bigsmile: