200+ (week 6)



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    OMG, you ladies crack me up so much!! Sorry I haven't posted much this week, been busy. Grandfather died on Monday, so we've been busy planning services and such. Still, I have somewhat managed to keep eating well, even though I did have a ramekin size bowl of peppermint ice cream last night. hey, we all slip up right?
    I was really proud of myself yesterday though, and wanted to share. I work out on the treadmill, and have been running/jogging at 4.0 speed. Well, yesterday, 4.0 became my "power walking" speed and I switched up to 5.0 for jogging!! Yeah me!!
    Anyhow, I hope blombie has fun on that cruise!!
    Everyone else sounds like they are doing great, and yes this is a great group because we can whine and complain and cheer eachother on like normal people are supposed to!!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    ooo i have a story to tell as well!

    Story: I had gotten this shirt that was a little tight on the tummy and stuff but it didnt look really bad or anything. I was walking past this college house (all guys) and they said that the guy i was with that his shirt wasnt working for him and to me said "your shirt is too low in the back" (it swooped down a little in the back but not that far) and he's like "it shows your back fat!"
    Then my friend contiuned to want to walk by again and they're are like "Hey the fat girl is back!" they didnt say anything to my guy friend or the girl i walked back with, my guy friend made sure he changed before going back by....god that pissed me off!:mad:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    aww heater......that's awful. some people are so cruel.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    is there a new thread posted yet?

    I was so excited about zumba tonight and I was highly disappointed. There was a sub teacher and she turned it into a hip hop/aerobics class. Dad and my bff Amber were both there and I kept telling them this isn't the usual class. I got a schedule of the classes for the rest of the month and I will only be able to go to one more class this month. :grumble: :frown: Half way through the class, my dad somehow scratched the tip of his nose and couldn't get it to stop bleeding. He had to leave.

    I only burned 950 cal instead of my normal 1150...so yeah....totally let down tonight.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    cds, so sorry to hear about your grandfather :(

    All, People are horribly mean. Being bigger is the one thing that is totes kosher to make fun of in society. Sucks big time. Why, yes, I have no feelings at all. I don't have specific stories, but, as well all know, it's totally obvious when people are talking about you or giggling about you, even if you don't hear specifically what they're saying.

    Blombie, side note, but my brother graduated from App State (i grew up in NC). Small world! Good job for powering through your non-Zumba class today anyways. That's still a bunch of calories burnt. I'm looking forward to getting my HRM in the mail soon.

    Today has been one turd of a day. When I woke up, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Was absolutely exhausted. I had gone to bed later, but this was way out of proportion. Was "off" all day... I sort of feel like I'm on the cusp of a cold. It doesn't help that this week has been lasting forever. I'm discouraged b/c I've been eating well and exercising with very little show except weight GAIN. Tonight I ate more than I should have, and it's my second day in a row not working out, so tomorrow's weigh in has potential to be, not surprisingly, ugly. I'm seriously contemplating taking a "sick" day tomorrow. The coworkers already know i was wasn't feeling hot today, so it's a good in. But if I'm continuing to feel like this, I don't know if I'll make it to the rec center tomorrow either. The best I might be able to do is a dvd. I'm feeling a bit like a failure this week, and discouraged. I know I'll pep back up, but, yeah.... at the moment: blech.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I think we all have those sad stories. People in general can be soooo mean to anyone that is different than them.

    So I managed to get in the 125 jumping jacks today - I did them in batches of 25 and it was easier today. I didn't get home from shopping until 11:30pm and as I was reading the posts, I realized I forgot them, said *kitten*, and got up to do them.

    I logged 4.5 miles on the pedometer while shopping today - no wonder my legs are tired. I did get 3 cute sets of workout clothes :love: My best buy of the day was a beautiful leather jacket that I am hanging in the closet as a "goal" item - it is a size to small but I had to reward and motivate myself. You gals have to keep me on track so that I will fit into it by springtime.

    Even before Biggest Loser - I have had a dream of running in a marathon. My current plan to get there - work on C25K training and participate in a 5K in April, hopefully work up to 10K by July and the Detroit 1/2 Marathon by October. I dream BIG!!!! I have some non MFP friends that actually ran the Detroit 1/2 Marathon this year and are planning to help me get there. I did buy 2 pairs of running shoes today. One to wear and 1 to store - after 200 miles on the first pair, I plan to rotate the 2nd pair in. Shoes only last for 300-400 miles. Anyone else want to start the C25K training? I am looking into getting the area school gym to run laps - I hate running on my treadmill. I can power walk at 4.0 mph on the treadmill but jogging or running is pretty hard.

    I have to get to bed soon - I have an 8:30 patient. Good luck on the weigh-in tomorrow (rather later this morning)...
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    ok everyone new thread!!! 200+(week 7)