September Challenge - Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred.



  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    :blushing: I just completed Day 1 level 1 last night, felt like i would die, and felt very very unfit. i did take before pics but i'm hoping in 30 days time, i'll feel differently and post, right now i'd be embarrased :blushing:
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    When do you guys do it? I find the best time for me is late afternoon/early evening but Im at work until 6, by the time im home and eaten (im a marvin when I get in so have to eat) its already 7 before doing it but like tonight I was obviously too full to do it.
    Well, I set my alarm for 5:55 to get up and do it, but then I lay in bed until 6:30, so I do it after work. We don't get home until after 6 usually, but I'll make my son's plate and then go upstairs and do it in my room and then eat when I'm done. I figure it's only 28 minutes, and usually I've already been waiting a while to eat, so I figure "What's another 28 minutes?" For some reason that I couldn't possible explain, chewing gum helps me when I'm working out, regardless of whether or not I'm hungry. Maybe it will help you too?

    :D This is why I do it in the evening as I have no excuse of getting out of bed! I shall try the chewing gum tomorrow, thanks for the tip :)

    I did mine last night at 9pm, problem i found with that is that i'm hyper afterwards from working out and it takes me a while to come down. i would like to get up, but i already get up at 6, the though of getting up earlier is pretty unappealing to me. i'd like to know too when other people do this, i had to make myself last night and i'm afraid with 4 kids and husband that i'll always find an excuse not too in the evening.
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Just finished Day 3 of Level 1 of RI30 and then took a 2 Mile Power Walk........I workout around 9 am, it works best for me to get it done.
  • Hi - Just finished my first 30DS workout today! I did it without the weights and still got some burn in my arms. Looking forward to the next workout (but my legs aren't :))
  • I am in! My husband and I started on Sept 1 so we have done 4 days. Each day seems a little better I can't get through every single exercise without stopping yet but soon! I hate the Cardio! Good Luck to everyone!
  • desirae1983
    desirae1983 Posts: 58 Member
    I am going to look this up on youtube when I get home later tonight. I am def interested in joining the challenge!
  • DreamerZenko
    DreamerZenko Posts: 59 Member
    I think I am going to start this, though I missed a few days. This is rather interesting.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    L1 D1 DONE!

    What weights are you using? I'm starting with 3lbs but wondering if I need to put some heavier ones on order!
  • It sounds funny but I am using bbq bottles and my hubs is using ketchup bottles mine are about 2lbs and his are about 2 1/2 lbs. We look ridiculous and my girls fight over who gets to use the other bottles (they are 3 and 4 and don't do much of it with the bottles). But they work since we don't have any weights :)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Day 4 of Level 1 complete, no water breaks, no pausing to catch my breath, and feeling stronger every day. Part way in I wondered how I was going to manage so many more days of this, but the past two days I've come home from work thinking, "I'll just do it after dinner," and then went ahead and did it immediately anyway, so I'm starting to get confident in that I CAN DO THIS!

    Side note, my left wrist hurts when I do the push-ups. What's up with that?
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    Day 2 of level 1 completed, i'm really sore, my thighs are killing me, does that feeling get better? any good stretching tips to prevent this?
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    Today is day 4 of level 2 for me.

    I always do a few minutes of extra stretching at the end on top of the cool down. stretch out knees, hips, thighs, legs again... cuz i find otherwise i am sore!
  • Kellcim
    Kellcim Posts: 10 Member
    I am in! Started today. Can I ask how you log it in your exercise area? Thanks
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Can I join in? I've been on L1 forever, and am looking forward to seeing it through this time. D6 L1 completed today.


    Waist 34.0
    Hips 46.0
    Thighs 27.0
    Calves 16.25
    Arms 13.25
  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    Day 2 of level 1 completed, i'm really sore, my thighs are killing me, does that feeling get better? any good stretching tips to prevent this?

    Ive just completed day 5 level 1 and Im still really sore. Its mainly my bum, groin and thighs so much so if I sit for too long I seize up and walk like an old lady! :P
    I shall keep an eye on here for stretching tips in order to actually walk properly! :P
  • I started doing it, but sadly I stopped but being on here and having all this motivation I am defiantely back in. I have to stay motivated working 45+ hours a week and going to school full time its hard
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Day 2 of level 1 completed, i'm really sore, my thighs are killing me, does that feeling get better? any good stretching tips to prevent this?

    Ive just completed day 5 level 1 and Im still really sore. Its mainly my bum, groin and thighs so much so if I sit for too long I seize up and walk like an old lady! :P
    I shall keep an eye on here for stretching tips in order to actually walk properly! :P
    In my first round of the Shred, I took D7 off, and felt much better. I always add this stretch to the end of the DVD:
  • I have done 6 days so far in Level 1. I have the most pain on the inside of my shins. Is that normal? Am I doing something wrong? Any advise welcomed. :) Have a great day!
  • glad2bjar
    glad2bjar Posts: 13 Member
    I have done 6 days so far in Level 1. I have the most pain on the inside of my shins. Is that normal? Am I doing something wrong? Any advise welcomed. :) Have a great day!

    make sure when you are doing all the strength moves where you have to bend your knees that you are not making your knee go over your toes. also, you might have to do some extra stretching afterwards. i hope this helps.
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    Day 3 completed last night and i actually feel better, i took the advise (thanks ladies) and stretched longer afterwards and today i'm still sore, but i can feel the relief, i'm glad i powered through becuase to be honest i really didn't want to do it last night.
    I think i'm going to do a day off after each level, what do you think? or should it be sooner than that? i just think my body will need a break! Also are you guys also sticking to a calorie intake? mine is 1200, i'm finding that challenging but i'm doing it. :bigsmile: