September Daily Step Challenge



  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    September Daily Step Challenge

    Daily Goal - 15,000 steps

    9/1 - 17,419
    9/2 - 13,919
    9/3 - 11,676
    9/4 - 18,473
    9/5 - 17,333
    9/6 - 20,669

    Monthly Total - 99,489
    Daily average - 16,582
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    9/01 - 15,380
    9/02 - 13,231
    9/03 - 16,316
    9/04 - 14,256
    9/05 - 10,615
    9/06 - 26,102
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    So I read that some one uses the Omron pocket pedometer, how do you like it? Yesterday my pedometer reset on me, thank goodness I saw my last step count before that happened, so I just added that amount to the steps I took once I noticed the reset. Not sure what happened, but I'm sure I was under. I currently use a clip on one and this have never happened to me before. I look at the Omron pocket pedometer and it looks pretty good. Ordering today.

    Have a great day my friends.

    leslie :heart:

    9/1 0
    9/2 0
    9/3 16,194
    9/4 12,330
    9/5 3,846
    9/6 13,330

    Total 45,700
    Goal 300,000
    Steps to Goal: 254,300
  • Mrs_Winfrey
    Mrs_Winfrey Posts: 61 Member
    YUCK! This month has been HORRIBLE so far :sad:

    Yesterday I was GUNG HO and was GOING to get over 10,000 steps, but we had uniform fittings for my son's teeball team (I am Team Mom and my husband is the head coach), so by the time we got home, had dinner and everything else...I just did not feel like walking/running on the treadmill. But I did get a good arm workout in, so there is a positive.

    Stats so far:

    9/1: 11,477
    9/2: 7,987
    9/3: 5,192
    9/4: 6,264
    9/5: 13,774
    9/6: 7,492

    Total: 52,186
    Goal: 450,000
    Steps To Goal: 397,814


    It also doesn't help that both my son and husband have been battling pneumonia recently...but that will not stop me! I am making it my vow to make up my steps this weekend and everyday from here on out! 450,000 steps... HERE I COME!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 10,000
    Daily avg. 11,872

    9/1 - 13,451 Mowing lawn, errands and walk
    9/2 - 13,242 House cleaning and walk
    9/3 - 9,873 Walk and playing bocce
    9/4 - 11,556 300 jumping Jacks, Walking in the rain
    9/5 - 12,944 Running, walk
    9/6 - 10,168 Not at my desk much and Walk
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    Bump. I have to go buy a pedometer so I can take this challenge.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    So I read that some one uses the Omron pocket pedometer, how do you like it? Yesterday my pedometer reset on me, thank goodness I saw my last step count before that happened, so I just added that amount to the steps I took once I noticed the reset. Not sure what happened, but I'm sure I was under. I currently use a clip on one and this have never happened to me before. I look at the Omron pocket pedometer and it looks pretty good. Ordering today.

    Have a great day my friends.

    leslie :heart:

    Leslie, I had all those problems with a pedometer that reset itself and losing the ones that clipped on my belt, so I invested more money in the Omron I have and I doesn't let me down like the other ones did,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have an Omron HJ-720ITC.....I put it in my pocket when I get dressed to walk the dogs in the morning and carry it all day until I change into sleep clothes at night. I have been doing this for years

    Daily Goal=17,000 steps
    Daily Average Goal =20,000 steps

    August was an exceptional month because my DH wasn't here so I had lots of free time and I did all the dog walking. September will be different so I won't set a goal to exceed August

    September 1---20,391
    September 2--24,425
    September 3---23,069
    September 4---23,702
    September 5---28,377
    September 6---26,680

    September total=146,644
    September daily average=24,441
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    My Sep goals are to beat my Aug numbers.
    August numbers were:
    Total steps: 462,952
    Daily average: 14,934
    Weekly Average: 108271

    9/1 - 10,651 - Misplaced my counter when I changed clothes. Had to grab another and added my last known count from the morning.
    9/2 - 16,252 - tennis
    9/3 - 6,090 - holiday
    9/4 - 18,680 - morning walk, evening run
    9/5 - 11,199 - bike
    9/6 - 11,485 - run
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    So I read that some one uses the Omron pocket pedometer, how do you like it? Yesterday my pedometer reset on me, thank goodness I saw my last step count before that happened, so I just added that amount to the steps I took once I noticed the reset. Not sure what happened, but I'm sure I was under. I currently use a clip on one and this have never happened to me before. I look at the Omron pocket pedometer and it looks pretty good. Ordering today.

    I have an Omron HJ-112. It's great, does a few neat things like resets it self at midnight, has a 7 day memory of steps, arobic steps, milage and calories. Mine's a few years old so it worn on the edges and been thru the wash 4 times already. I don't have the clip or saftey rope anymore so I just keep it in my pocket. It's the best $29.95 I ever spent at Walmart online.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Omron it is! It is great to make one aware of their daily activity. Me, I have a home-office and the pedometer encourages me to get up and move - that is if I remember to grab it. Otherwise I am far too sedentary. Right now my personal goal is to reach 3500 steps daily. I am reaching this 3 out 5; needs to be more of a habit before I jump to 5K. For this challenge I am looking for ONE day at 10K. We have a "cold" front moving in and I am hoping that will break these 100 plus days. I am so inspired by all the steps I see others taking.
  • MistyAnneK
    MistyAnneK Posts: 68 Member
    I am just starting today and I am going to take this challenge at face value.... try to get to 10,000 steps on any given day.

    Sept. 2 - 7,569 steps - It took me 30 minutes to run 1 1/4 mile on my elliptical, but I did it! :bigsmile:

    So...ummmm.... yea.

    I got nothing! No excuse as to why I haven't done this. I haven't even tried. How horrible is that!

    OK, starting tomorrow I will be back to getting my steps in. I WILL reach 10,000 and I WILL get at least 3500 a day DARN IT!
  • I walk each morning. Most mornings 4 miles and some 5 miles. I have no idea how many steps that is. I am hoping it is at least 10,000!!':smile:
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Goal for September - 420,000 steps (daily average of 14000)

    1-Sep : 8827 steps - not a great start to the month!
    2-Sep : 19887 steps - that's more like it
    3-Sep : 14545 steps
    4-Sep : 17749 steps
    5-Sep : 19894 steps
    6-Sep : 11326 steps
    7-Sep : 9405 steps

    Total 101633

    Goal 420000

    To Do 318367

    Daily Average 14519
  • I looked it up online and 10,000 is around 5 miles. I am in!!
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    September Goal break 400K again.

    9/1 - 3904 After last week a rest day feels good.
    9/2 - 10570
    9/3 - 11511
    9/4 - 16497 :happy:
    9/5 - 13717
    9/6 - 14401
    9/7 - 15342 :happy:

    September Total 85942 Ow! 15K in the red and its only the first week. :sad:

    August 411063
    July 303660
    June 195461
  • dan09554
    dan09554 Posts: 327 Member
    September goal 200,000 steps

    9/1 5,024
    9/2 3,532
    9/3. 3,268
    9/4 13,180
    9/5 13,814
    9/6 13,977
    9/7. 16,570

    total 69,365
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    My steps for today:
    9/01 - 10,039
    9/02 - 10,026
    9/03 - 12,483
    9/04 - 13,010
    9/05 - 10,755
    9/06 - 14,028
    9/07 - 11,428
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    9/01 - 15,380
    9/02 - 13,231
    9/03 - 16,316
    9/04 - 14,256
    9/05 - 10,615
    9/06 - 26,102
    9/07 - 24,107
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Daily goal 10,000
    Daily avg. 11,679

    9/1 - 13,451 Mowing lawn, errands and walk
    9/2 - 13,242 House cleaning and walk
    9/3 - 9,873 Walk and playing bocce
    9/4 - 11,556 300 jumping Jacks, Walking in the rain
    9/5 - 12,944 Running, walk
    9/6 - 10,168 Not at my desk much and Walk
    9/7 - 10,522 Several short walks