Alcohol. How can you resist?!

Sorry if this is not quite 'food & nutrition' but it kind of is in my mind. Without doubt, my biggest downfall is alcohol. I dont really eat much but I reckon about half of my calorie intake comes from booze.

I take supplements for things like fibre, protein, vitamins etc and if there was a magic 'meal in a pill' I'd take it rather than having to eat actual food! Needless to say, if I stopped drinking then I'd probably lose some weight but I'd rather be able to drink & go to the gym to cancel each other out (in calorific terms at least).

So is there an alternative to alcohol? Something perhaps stimulating but not so calorific? I'm sure most evenings I drink 'cos I'm bored but deep down I know I'd rather not be drinking. I'll have maybe 1 booze free day a week but usually weekends are all dayers so large quantities are consumed. So what can give you a buzz that isn't alcohol?


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Honestly? If you NEED a drink (doesn't matter about the amount) that's the definition of an alcoholic and I'd be worried.

    In your situation I'd go cold turkey for now and see how you go. Think about it, alcohol will make you no less bored.

    Exercise, will give you something to do and boost your happy hormones with the bonus of helping your weight loss.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    AA to start. You dont' have to be a fall down drunk to start there. Second, water can be your best friend. You can spice it up with mio or crystal lite to help with the taste. Also, when I gave up alcohol, i picked up exercise. The problem with alcohol is that it's not just calories but it's also a toxin. And bodies don't like toxin's. From studies i have seen is once you induce alcohol your metabolism works really hard to get rid of it. So if you add calories, it stores them as fat quicker than if you weren't drinking.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I agree with the others (and you, it seems) that you're a problem drinker. It would help to get into some sort of program like AA or Rational Recovery.

    If your routine is drinking in the evenings, then find something else to do. Anything that breaks the routine. Go for a walk, pick a few projects you've let go around the house, visit a friend who isn't going to shove a drink in your hand, take in a movie at the theater, go to the gym, etc.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I love my booze and plan in some spare calories for a of glass of red or two a couple of nights a week. But honestly you can't hope to get healthy or lose fat drinking that much or that often.

    Try working it backwards - plan a day's healthy eating that uses up all your calories so you have none left for booze. Work out which days you will drink and stick to those - your liver needs a couple of days off to recover after you've had more than a couple.

    Try only drinking out of your exercise calories to ensure you get a proper day's worth of nutrition and a drink is a well-earned treat.

    If you have a trigger drink you can't resist - beer or wine, say - switch to something you don't like so much when out socialising. A single spirit with a diet mixer or soda is a low-calorie choice.

    Set yourself some rules like never drinking alone and only in a social situation.

    To answer your question my go-to drink for non-booze stimulation is strong tea, and plenty of it!
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    I honestly don't know what can "give you a buzz." For me, it's Red Bull Total Zero occasionally and running on the treadmill. Simple truth is, you need to cut down on the alcohol consumption or cut it out entirely. Seems that drinking six days out of seven is a definite problem and I agree with the other posters.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    I do drink at least 2 litres of water a day, but theres no buzz from that. Its just to keep my belly full so I dont have to eat.

    The thing with exercise though, it doesn't make me feel good. I do it out of necessity not for fun. Not for a buzz. I'm one of these people who don't get this so called release of endorphins which is why I struggle with motivation.

    I know that the body uses alcohol calories first & food calories last - which is why I dont eat much. Alcohol DOES make me less bored, thats the beauty of it. But there must be something else that can give you a buzz? (exercise doesn't, no matter how hard I workout).

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    If you are seriously considering drugs as an alternative and need a buzz, you need to seek help. The above posters are correct, you need a 12 step program of some sort to help you move away from drinking.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.

    This screams to me that you have a problem that needs to be addressed professionally.

    My dad was an alcoholic. He started as a casual drinker, but gradually began to depend on alcohol to function. It cost him his marriage, his job, his home, and eventually his life. He died at age 63 when his cirrhotic liver hemorrhaged.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Quite honestly you need AA and not any kind of 'buzz', I think you'll find the majority of us don't need a so called buzz to get through the day, it's just something you've got used to. The fact you drink water so you don't have to eat is very worrying and to be honest I hope nobody here gives you advice on how to continue your unhealthy habits.

    You need help to quit the drinking and that doesn't mean drugs.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I do drink at least 2 litres of water a day, but theres no buzz from that. Its just to keep my belly full so I dont have to eat.

    The thing with exercise though, it doesn't make me feel good. I do it out of necessity not for fun. Not for a buzz. I'm one of these people who don't get this so called release of endorphins which is why I struggle with motivation.

    I know that the body uses alcohol calories first & food calories last - which is why I dont eat much. Alcohol DOES make me less bored, thats the beauty of it. But there must be something else that can give you a buzz? (exercise doesn't, no matter how hard I workout).

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.

    Why are you afraid to eat?

    I would imagine that a terribly malnourished person would feel absolutely horrible while exercising, so I'm not shocked that you find exercise very unpleasant. How could you not when you don't give your body any real nutrition?

    Have you considered seeing your doctor and explaining what you've been doing? I would imagine that a general physical with blood tests would show numerous nutritional deficiencies (and possibly some organ problems) that might help to motivate you to try something different. You could also get a referral to a specialist to discuss your issues around alcohol and food.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    I agree with the others (and you, it seems) that you're a problem drinker. It would help to get into some sort of program like AA or Rational Recovery.

    If your routine is drinking in the evenings, then find something else to do. Anything that breaks the routine. Go for a walk, pick a few projects you've let go around the house, visit a friend who isn't going to shove a drink in your hand, take in a movie at the theater, go to the gym, etc.

    See, you'll find this funny (in a strange way!) But I do loads of work around the house, diy etc and my I go for a walk and theres beer. I see friends and its booze.

    And 6 days out of 7 is a good week. Most of the summer has been 7 days a week. I did have 5 days off the other week but then a golf weekend came along & booze was here again!

    I know that heavy drinking is not sustainable for everyone but part of me says enjoy yourself while you can 'cos so many people die young.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    If you are seriously considering drugs as an alternative and need a buzz, you need to seek help. The above posters are correct, you need a 12 step program of some sort to help you move away from drinking.

    Surely everyone needs a buzz from something?
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    So what can give you a buzz that isn't alcohol?

    Caffeinated drinks like tea or coffee?

    You resist drinking by practicing-- willpower is a sort of muscle that gets stronger when you use it. Have one less a day, then two less a day, gradually working up to one a day and maybe even quitting. If you can't resist, you've got a problem and ought to admit it to yourself so you can start making changes.

    The way you explained your problem, you don't enjoy your day to day life without a drink (or the promise of a drink later in the day). Have you considered AA or Smart Recovery? You have to teach yourself how to enjoy you life without using mind-altering substances.

    At the very least, if you don't want to join a group, start to cut down your drinking and substitute other things. Learn to cook? You shouldn't be drinking so many calories, your body wants food. Go to the library? Rent a movie? Church activities? Play video games?
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member

    I know that heavy drinking is not sustainable for everyone but part of me says enjoy yourself while you can 'cos so many people die young.

    Yep, you included if you carry on the way you're going.
  • dualcollision
    dualcollision Posts: 87 Member
    I use to be a very very big alcoholic when i was 21-23, but starting 6 months ago, I started converting to a straight edge lifestyle and now I don't want anything to do with alcohol, drugs or one night stands.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I love my booze and plan in some spare calories for a of glass of red or two a couple of nights a week. But honestly you can't hope to get healthy or lose fat drinking that much or that often.

    Try working it backwards - plan a day's healthy eating that uses up all your calories so you have none left for booze. Work out which days you will drink and stick to those - your liver needs a couple of days off to recover after you've had more than a couple.

    Try only drinking out of your exercise calories to ensure you get a proper day's worth of nutrition and a drink is a well-earned treat.

    If you have a trigger drink you can't resist - beer or wine, say - switch to something you don't like so much when out socialising. A single spirit with a diet mixer or soda is a low-calorie choice.

    Set yourself some rules like never drinking alone and only in a social situation.

    To answer your question my go-to drink for non-booze stimulation is strong tea, and plenty of it!
    This is a great answer. Start out making small changes and work to eliminate. Habits can't be erased, only replaced.
  • Hssh1988
    Hssh1988 Posts: 48 Member
    Surprised by the 'whoah, alcoholic' comments here.

    Fizzy water and cordial, low alcohol wine, a change of scenery.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Hey I know what you mean, I used to be in your situation. I was also a 6-7 days a week drinker and I knew that needed to stop, it's just not sustainable and I didn't feel good when I was not drinking. I found a new thrill, a more exciting addiction- adrenaline! It DEFINITELY gives you that high I think you're looking for. Mine came in the form of snowboarding, bit there's lots of things out there you can do to scare the **** out of yourself! mountain biking, skiing, rock climbing, cliff jumping. Adrenaline is the way to go man
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I say if you are drinking at night because you are bored, find a hobby. A girlfriend, take a walk, go to the movies, ride a bike, go to the gym everytime you think of beer. etc.... Take your mind off the beer. It will eventually be a thing of the past.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member

    Surely everyone needs a buzz from something?


    I'd try antidepressants as it seems that you have some issues- or failing that , you drink coz you are bored- then find a hobby you enjoy instead.