Alcohol. How can you resist?!



  • 76wendyful
    76wendyful Posts: 202
    When I cut out alcohol (for about 4 months) it was hard, but I drank club soda and pomegranate juice, which was a fun drink, but way lower in calories and then when I was hanging around friends I didn't feel deprived. I didn't need the buzz though. I hope that you can find a way. AA might be a good start.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I have been told by a nutritionist that a lot of alcoholics are undiagnosed diabetics. The body is craving the sugar from the alcohol.
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Someone tell me this is just a sad attempt at a joke. Please??

    Drinking 6-7 days a week, considering prescription drugs for a buzz?! Sounds like you need to get yourself a hobby, and FAST!

    I really think you have a serious issue here and could be greatly helped by AA or therapy. Seriously. If you can't find something in your life to occupy your time other than alcohol, you need to go grab yourself a 'What to do when I am bored" book that they probably sell at any KIDS book store. Get creative! Do something! Get a life (in the most serious sense of the term)

    Urgh. People sometimes.

    And as far as "How can you resist?!" well, simply put, YOU JUST DO. Don't buy it. Don't pick it up. It is called willpower.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    One more thing 1 beer = 1 glass of water, at leats youll start drinking half a smuch as your used too. Drink a beer, then a glass of water, beer water...
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    I do drink at least 2 litres of water a day, but theres no buzz from that. Its just to keep my belly full so I dont have to eat.

    The thing with exercise though, it doesn't make me feel good. I do it out of necessity not for fun. Not for a buzz. I'm one of these people who don't get this so called release of endorphins which is why I struggle with motivation.

    I know that the body uses alcohol calories first & food calories last - which is why I dont eat much. Alcohol DOES make me less bored, thats the beauty of it. But there must be something else that can give you a buzz? (exercise doesn't, no matter how hard I workout).

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.

    Why are you afraid to eat?

    I would imagine that a terribly malnourished person would feel absolutely horrible while exercising, so I'm not shocked that you find exercise very unpleasant. How could you not when you don't give your body any real nutrition?

    Have you considered seeing your doctor and explaining what you've been doing? I would imagine that a general physical with blood tests would show numerous nutritional deficiencies (and possibly some organ problems) that might help to motivate you to try something different. You could also get a referral to a specialist to discuss your issues around alcohol and food.

    Yes, I've had tests & I have a slightly fatty liver & so me elevated something or other that is an indication of too much booze. One doctor said I had high blood pressure & another said it was fine. My doctor is aware of these results. I'm not scared of eating but I dont consider it a social event & I eat if I'm hungry but I could happily not eat dinner or lunch because it seems like more calories that I dont need. Plus, I get vitamins, fibre etc from supplements so I tend to function ok.

    I realise that most of you reading this are fully converted to a hardcore healthy way of life but maybe there are others that need some stimulation other than exercise? Yes, I admit that I drink too much (than recommended guidelines) & I need help, why else would I be here.
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    If you are seriously considering drugs as an alternative and need a buzz, you need to seek help. The above posters are correct, you need a 12 step program of some sort to help you move away from drinking.

    Surely everyone needs a buzz from something?

    No not at all.

    I was in your position, I used to drink all of the time and I would drink lots. I ended up getting sick of drinking all the time and just stopped. I have drank maybe 3 times in the last year.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Its hard when your group of friends all drink a lot. I am very sociable. I decided that my health is more important then getting drunk. My thoughts are, when i am healthier i will be able to do more fun things other then get mashed. Plus i was getting so drunk i was being ill. On my weight loss journey, i started seeing that as a good thing so it needed to stop. Now i treat myself to a once a month blow out. I log everything i drink and now i have something to look forward 2. I still go out with my friends who are always rat arsed but i just drink diet coke. I realised i don't need to drink to be social, i also don't need to drink to have fun. When that penny drops for you thats the ultimate buzz! No hangover, pocket full of saved cash, remembering EVERYTHING from the night before, being able to look after the friend whos mashed and my final big plus point.. No horrid drunk photos of you when your already feeling low because of weight issues! Its win win all the way!!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    The alternative to alcohol is exercise. Get addicted to working out.
  • IamBlackMamba
    I hate to agree that this smelly fishy. I hope this isn't a troll thread. There are so many people in the world who truly suffer with addiction issues.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    It is pretty darn hard to lose weight when you drink alcohol. It's just too many calories that don't benefit you during a weight loss season. I'd say learn to have it on a limited occasion, then when you reach your goals and maintain you need to keep an eye on the calorie level. It is all a give and take.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Someone tell me this is just a sad attempt at a joke. Please??

    Drinking 6-7 days a week, considering prescription drugs for a buzz?! Sounds like you need to get yourself a hobby, and FAST!

    I really think you have a serious issue here and could be greatly helped by AA or therapy. Seriously. If you can't find something in your life to occupy your time other than alcohol, you need to go grab yourself a 'What to do when I am bored" book that they probably sell at any KIDS book store. Get creative! Do something! Get a life (in the most serious sense of the term)

    Urgh. People sometimes.

    And as far as "How can you resist?!" well, simply put, YOU JUST DO. Don't buy it. Don't pick it up. It is called willpower.

    Dude! Brutal! This is not a 'sad attempt at a joke' this is a very legit question that this guy actually wants helpful responses to. Your post was very judgmental and harsh and that is not helpful at all. No need to be so contempt about it, I don't find it so hard to believe as I've been in that situation before, it's real.

    Please take some time to think about someone's situation before posting venomous responses.
  • rynzi
    rynzi Posts: 20 Member
    I grew up with a parent like you. It's easy to say no to drinking after living with it for so long. :(
    It horrified me for the longest time that I couldn't have a drink by myself beacuse if I did I'd be like her.
    It was only last year that I was able to sit down and have a drink at home by myself after a long day. I rarely
    drink anymore and it doesn't bother me when others are drinking and I'm sitting there sober.
    I do hope if you have any young children that you'll try to figure out a way to cut back and help yourself.

    Good luck with the journey!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Pack in drinking completely for a while. Have a dry month or two (I'm having a dry year) and then go back to just drinking less. Cutting down the amount is easier if you've forced yourself to stop completely for a bit and enjoy meals/nights out with no booze.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.

    This screams to me that you have a problem that needs to be addressed professionally.

    My dad was an alcoholic. He started as a casual drinker, but gradually began to depend on alcohol to function. It cost him his marriage, his job, his home, and eventually his life. He died at age 63 when his cirrhotic liver hemorrhaged.

  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.
    Getting a prescription for something and then misusing it to get a buzz is also illegal. You definitely have a problem.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Find exercise you love, not something that's a chore. That way:
    a) You kill time
    b) You'll be ravenous for real food
    c) You find a new social circle not centred around drink.

    What do you do now by way of exercise?
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.

    Concerned reader here...... Any legal drug used improperly, for a reason other than prescribed or by someone other than whom it is prescribed is still illegal. Just because it may be "legal" does not mean it is "safe". How would you get prescription drugs legally just for the purposes of replacing alcohol buzz? I do hope that you are able to determine your desire for a buzz and are able to address. I'm not saying you have a problem with alcohol, but the desire for a buzz is concerning. In my "former" life, years ago, I also struggled with this. I drank and smoked to get that buzz and kept refueling to maintain. I had to find out what was missing in my life, making me feel like I had to fill it with drugs and alcohol. Perhaps you are just bored, perhaps there's something more like it was in my case. I wish you the best of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health!!

    I've never heard that the body uses alcohol calories first? Interesting...
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    I do drink at least 2 litres of water a day, but theres no buzz from that. Its just to keep my belly full so I dont have to eat.

    The thing with exercise though, it doesn't make me feel good. I do it out of necessity not for fun. Not for a buzz. I'm one of these people who don't get this so called release of endorphins which is why I struggle with motivation.

    I know that the body uses alcohol calories first & food calories last - which is why I dont eat much. Alcohol DOES make me less bored, thats the beauty of it. But there must be something else that can give you a buzz? (exercise doesn't, no matter how hard I workout).

    I've always been dead against drugs but I'm starting to consider getting some legal (prescription) drugs as an alcohol substitute. I would never take illegal drugs, not that legal drugs can be any less addictive.

    The water should be to hydrate yourself not to feel full. Maybe if you can eat a little more and drink a lot less alcohol, it will help with that feeling? Also alcohol is a depressant and if you're drinking a lot of it, it might be why you're not feeling the effect of exercise endorphins. Be well buddy! :)
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    Someone tell me this is just a sad attempt at a joke. Please??

    Drinking 6-7 days a week, considering prescription drugs for a buzz?! Sounds like you need to get yourself a hobby, and FAST!

    I really think you have a serious issue here and could be greatly helped by AA or therapy. Seriously. If you can't find something in your life to occupy your time other than alcohol, you need to go grab yourself a 'What to do when I am bored" book that they probably sell at any KIDS book store. Get creative! Do something! Get a life (in the most serious sense of the term)

    Urgh. People sometimes.

    And as far as "How can you resist?!" well, simply put, YOU JUST DO. Don't buy it. Don't pick it up. It is called willpower.

  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    I like the chick with the 'drink half the amount by alternating beer/water' People on here generally want everyone to go with their 'ultimate health' way of I am not suprised by all the negativity. Yes.....wanting a buzz everyday isn't ideal, but I honestly think that MOST people are thinking like that. Maybe not most people on MFP, but in the world in general. Do you MAAAYYYBBEE have a problem...ya. Should you cut down...ya. Should you 'live happy without a *buzz* from other stimulants'....ya. Hahaha all that being said if your a drinker your a drinker. If you want to switch it up- try smoking pot :~) Just stay out of the kitchen afterwards. Honestly my best friends dad was a hardcore alcoholic- almost drank himself into the ground. Def drank himself into jail. Now he doesn't drink AT ALL ever. He smokes like a freight train- but honestly he isn't degrading his liver anymore....Is it better? I dunno....better probably, not ideal, but to each his own. Good luck with your jorney!! I know it is tough to get outta the drinking every day rutt. I am 28 and used to get smashed EVERY DAY. I was a 'responsible drinker' until the day I got to drunk and wasn't and got into my car and luckily got pulled over before I killed anyone. LOL in my drinking and drinving classes they say that a heavy drinker feels much discomfort changing the habbit, and it ususally takes hitting a bottom (i.e. getting in trouble or losing relationships/property) and feeling MORE discomfort before they want to change. Maybe just don't drink for two days in a row- don't force yourself to workout those days if ya hate it- do something outside of your norm. Sometimes you would be suprised the pleasure you get from changing a habbit!