Alcohol. How can you resist?!



  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Well, whenever I drink, for some reason my weight loss totally stalls:grumble: . Then the next week (so long as I don't drink) I drop normally. For me, that is reason enough.:drinker:
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Simple. I don't like the taste!

    I only drink a few times a year, max. And that's in a social setting.
  • addaline22
    addaline22 Posts: 114
    you should do cocaine. lots of it. till your heart and wallet both bleed out. Please. we all have to make sacrifices to health and well being. giving up booze is usually a good idea for everyone involved. and the first part of this was sarcasm and not to be taken with any seriousness at all. :)
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    Prescription Medication.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I know that heavy drinking is not sustainable for everyone but part of me says enjoy yourself while you can 'cos so many people die young.

    And this may be you as well if you don't stop.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I cant and I WONT give up my Adult Beverages. If you have kids you will understand why lol!!!
    If I do have a drink. I usually enjoy on the weekends... I have cut it donw ALOT since I started my weight loss journey. I feel the only way your going to have success is to keep enjoying the things you LOVE.. but in Moderation of course :drinker:
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    What if you try only drinking on weekends? Then one day of the weekend or during the week. Then eventually, just on special occasions?

  • robmcd88
    robmcd88 Posts: 85 Member
    Smoking cures weight problems...eventually...
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    I agree with the others (and you, it seems) that you're a problem drinker. It would help to get into some sort of program like AA or Rational Recovery.

    If your routine is drinking in the evenings, then find something else to do. Anything that breaks the routine. Go for a walk, pick a few projects you've let go around the house, visit a friend who isn't going to shove a drink in your hand, take in a movie at the theater, go to the gym, etc.

    See, you'll find this funny (in a strange way!) But I do loads of work around the house, diy etc and my I go for a walk and theres beer. I see friends and its booze.

    And 6 days out of 7 is a good week. Most of the summer has been 7 days a week. I did have 5 days off the other week but then a golf weekend came along & booze was here again!

    I know that heavy drinking is not sustainable for everyone but part of me says enjoy yourself while you can 'cos so many people die young.
    So, what's your goal? To have fun and be buzzed and live life to what you think is the fullest, or do you want to lose weight? As a friend of mine says "people ask me how I stopped smoking, and I tell them... I. Just. Stopped. Smoking." So, I look at it as one or the other. You either quit drinking, or you have one drink with friends and the rest is fizzy water or something.

    I have been to some of the best parties/festivals in the world. You know what? Not everybody there is buzzed. Some are completely sober, some are high on mushrooms, some are high on their post-yoga-meditation-workout-sunset-gazing-whatevers. Some don't need the clouded vision to have a good time. I love that.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    Thankyou for the advice given but I'm realising that seeking advice about alcohol alternatives from mostly super healthy, clean living dieters was the wrong place to look. I dont mean to offend anyone, far from it. I think most people here are wonderful & so supportive but I'm obviously not ready to join you....just yet!

    The difference between "super healthy clean living dieters" and you, then, is what? It looks to me like there's people who drink because they choose to, and people who don't drink because they choose not to. Then you've got a variety of people who WANT to not drink, but find themselves doing it anyways. That sounds like how you described yourself, and my advice stands. If you really want to drink less, then drink less. If you want to quit but believe you can't, then you've got a problem. Maybe you're not ready to hear that. But if you don't want to quit, then, what do you want to know?

    What did you want to hear? if you don't want to quit, don't quit. What's the problem?

    And why on earth are you daring someone to stop exercising? As if it's equal to quitting drinking... That is just wierd.

    Its not a dare, but the point being.....if I'm addicted to alcohol & someone is addicted to exercise who then says, 'just stop drinking', I'm perfectly within my rights to return the (theoretical) challenge and say 'just stop exercising'. Its not the fact that one is healthier than the other but the fact that good habits are just as hard to break as bad habits. So saying 'JFDI' may not be as easy as you think.

    If everything was as simple as 'JFDI', this site, and most others, would be meaningless as everyone would just go around saying 'just do it'. But, as most people on this site are full of encouragement & advice, it isn't meaningless. I'd be interested to see if people who can't help eating 'bad' foods and over eat because it gives them some pleasure are told to 'just eat less'?!
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Perhaps you should consider smoking calories there! (hehe j/k...but seriously lol0
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    Though to get rid of an unnatrual high, does that mean there are natural highs? (bearing in mind I dont seem to produce endorphins from things like exercise, sport etc.)

    Alcohol is a depressant or "downer". Alcohol gives you the opposite of a "high." The "buzz" is from the depressant slowing down your reflexes and lowering your inhibitions and your core body temperature. You feel warm on an alcohol buzz because your blood vessels open wider and more blood goes to your extremities or your skin and away from your core.

    There are many things that can give you a natural high, including exercise (like the classic "runner's high"), love, roller coasters, etc. Lots of things have been mentioned here.

    But since alcohol gives you the opposite of a "high" you'll never feel the full natural high while the alcohol is in your system.

    Alcohol's buzz counteracts the natural "highs". Your use of alcohol is what is lowering the number of endorphin you produce.

    Excellent explanation!

    I agree. Makes a lot of sense.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Do you have funny friends who don't drink? When I stopped drinking, I hung out with hilarious sober folks. Laughing till my belly hurt gave me a great "high". I call it "fun you can remember." Once I learned that I didn't NEED to drink and could have more fun, I stopped craving it. Might sound silly, but just try 100% sober fun. Go roller skating, go to your nephew's (for example) elementary talent show, just do something whacky fun and see how you feel afterwards. PLAN it so there won't be alcohol involved, meaning don't go to a comedy club! Exercise and sex aren't the only things that release endorphins. Even try google searching for sober, natural, non-medicinal endorphin releasers.
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    Perhaps you should consider smoking calories there! (hehe j/k...but seriously lol0

    You may think I'm bonkers saying this, but smoking is bad for you!

    No seriously, I draw the line at smoking. However.....hash cakes.........
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Though to get rid of an unnatrual high, does that mean there are natural highs? (bearing in mind I dont seem to produce endorphins from things like exercise, sport etc.)

    Alcohol is a depressant or "downer". Alcohol gives you the opposite of a "high." The "buzz" is from the depressant slowing down your reflexes and lowering your inhibitions and your core body temperature. You feel warm on an alcohol buzz because your blood vessels open wider and more blood goes to your extremities or your skin and away from your core.

    There are many things that can give you a natural high, including exercise (like the classic "runner's high"), love, roller coasters, etc. Lots of things have been mentioned here.

    But since alcohol gives you the opposite of a "high" you'll never feel the full natural high while the alcohol is in your system.

    Alcohol's buzz counteracts the natural "highs". Your use of alcohol is what is lowering the number of endorphin you produce.

    Excellent explanation!

    It also depletes serotonin. One of the many reasons that people struggling with depression are advised not to drink, and why people taking an antidepressant absolutely shouldn't drink regularly (counteracts the medication rendering it useless).
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    Do you have funny friends who don't drink? When I stopped drinking, I hung out with hilarious sober folks. Laughing till my belly hurt gave me a great "high". I call it "fun you can remember." Once I learned that I didn't NEED to drink and could have more fun, I stopped craving it. Might sound silly, but just try 100% sober fun. Go roller skating, go to your nephew's (for example) elementary talent show, just do something whacky fun and see how you feel afterwards. PLAN it so there won't be alcohol involved, meaning don't go to a comedy club! Exercise and sex aren't the only things that release endorphins. Even try google searching for sober, natural, non-medicinal endorphin releasers.

    My whole life from the age of 15 has revolved around alcohol. So I dont have any non drinking friends or family. However, I do have some hilarious friends but I only see them in a drinking environment. I have tried going out socially & not drinking & I just dont like it. I find myself leaving very early & going home to watch crap TV with a glass of wine. But then that only happens with people from work who I probably have little in common with. My 'real' friends would not even entertain the idea of not drinking on a night out. The only thing that works for me (with work colleagues) is if I drive as I have an excuse not to drink & then make up an excuse to leave early.
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    Most rx drugs have the added side effect of weight gain. You don't want to mess with them. I was on all kinds of anti-depressents but they are the reason I got fat in the first place. I felt a lot better when I stopped taking them.

    She is correct. There are typically very bad side effects to anti-depressants and "buzz" stimulates and pain killers. Even pot will make you hungry...

    I totally agree with ROCKLAD's suggested list. If it doesn't work for you, then consider talking to your doctor about therapy or something. (maybe you just need talk-therapy and not drugs?) You might simply be depressed if you "need" a buzz to make you happy.

    I love to drink, but I know the consequences of too-much-of-a-good-thing. Thus, I only have wines (in moderation) or light beer on weekends and I log it to balance out my calories. Life is about compromise, not deprivation.
  • t0mes
    t0mes Posts: 2
    Perhaps you should consider smoking calories there! (hehe j/k...but seriously lol0

    You may think I'm bonkers saying this, but smoking is bad for you!

    No seriously, I draw the line at smoking. However.....hash cakes.........

    Get a vape
  • monkeeface
    monkeeface Posts: 59 Member
    you should do cocaine. lots of it. till your heart and wallet both bleed out. Please. we all have to make sacrifices to health and well being. giving up booze is usually a good idea for everyone involved. and the first part of this was sarcasm and not to be taken with any seriousness at all. :)

    Some of my friends do, but I'll never touch the stuff. They've even almost forced it upon me but I've said no!