Maple Syrup Diet?

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  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    I never heard of it, but I love maple syrup. I will be folllowing this thread for sure!
  • JessFehr
    JessFehr Posts: 27
    Are you talking about the master cleanse diet that calls for maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemon water? I was thinking of trying it too. The drinking salt water in the morning sounds disgusting though! :noway:
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Eating only 500 cal of anything will make you lose weight. You could in essence just as easily go on a Twinkie diet and get the same results. Now why anyone would want to do that...well that's beyond me.

    good luck!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Maple syrup diet? I love maple syrup, but it is a condiment. How does it work as a weight loss tool?
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    Are you talking about the master cleanse diet that calls for maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemon water? I was thinking of trying it too. The drinking salt water in the morning sounds disgusting though! :noway:

    yeah but it doesnt involve salt water. xxxxx
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    "The Maple Syrup Diet is a liquid diet created by alternative medicine guru Stanley Burroughs in 1941. He described the diet as a 'detoxification programme' and weight-loss regime that aids in the removal of allegedly harmful toxins, and acts as a general panacea.

    What does it involve?

    The diet is based around a concoction made of fresh lemon juice, rich maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. It is drunk throughout the day whenever you are hungry, up to a maximum of 6 to 12 glasses.

    How does it work?

    Weight loss on this diet is largely due to restricted low calorie intake (around 900 calories per day) causing water loss, muscle loss and fat loss.


    -If you stick to it you can lose weight fast and detox the body at the same time, but this diet comes with many rather unpleasant side effects (see cons)

    -People who follow extreme detoxes like this get an enormous psychological high from sticking to something so difficult and believe it is genuinely doing them good

    -Many people need something drastic to get them on a healthier track - something to kick-start weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. This is the sort of challenge that can help them do it

    -Ingredients are few and simple


    -The British Dietetic Association warns this diet is 'dangerous and boring'. In more detail:

    'It has no nutritional value as far as protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals are concerned. A diet with so few calories should never be followed without medical supervision.'

    -Fast weight-loss will include water loss and possibly muscle loss, because the consumption of carbohydrates is reduced. People who fast for several days may drop pounds, but most of it will be water and some may be muscle. Most people will regain the weight soon after completing the programme

    -You may also suffer bad breath, a fury tongue and fainting and dizziness, which are all associated with low calorie diets

    -There is no protein in the diet, compounding muscle loss. Without protein intake, you are unable to repair and build muscle

    -It is essentially a fast, as you don't get any real food

    -Going on a no-food diet can mean that the gut stops moving and passing food, which is extremely painful. When you start eating again, you can feel uncomfortable and nauseated"
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    ... might as well just go on the gum chewing diet.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I would be leery of that diet. If you think about it (and you should), you are adding a lot of sugar to your diet. I would guess you would see some serious spikes and drops in your energy level from it. That can't be good!
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    This sort of sounds um, ridiculous
  • Tlopez428
    Tlopez428 Posts: 115
    That is the most ridiculous fad diet to go on. Basically you are going to starve yourself to lose weight.
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    Eating only 500 cal of anything will make you lose weight. You could in essence just as easily go on a Twinkie diet and get the same results. Now why anyone would want to do that...well that's beyond me.

    good luck!

    whats a twinkle diet ? x
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Eating only 500 cal of anything will make you lose weight. You could in essence just as easily go on a Twinkie diet and get the same results. Now why anyone would want to do that...well that's beyond me.

    good luck!

    whats a twinkle diet ? x

    Eat any old junk as long as you stick under your calories basically. Not healthy but works, like the maple syrup diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Eat bugs. Low in calories and at least you get some protein.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    "The Maple Syrup Diet is a liquid diet created by alternative medicine guru Stanley Burroughs in 1941. He described the diet as a 'detoxification programme' and weight-loss regime that aids in the removal of allegedly harmful toxins, and acts as a general panacea.

    What does it involve?

    The diet is based around a concoction made of fresh lemon juice, rich maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. It is drunk throughout the day whenever you are hungry, up to a maximum of 6 to 12 glasses.

    How does it work?

    Weight loss on this diet is largely due to restricted low calorie intake (around 900 calories per day) causing water loss, muscle loss and fat loss.


    -If you stick to it you can lose weight fast and detox the body at the same time, but this diet comes with many rather unpleasant side effects (see cons)

    -People who follow extreme detoxes like this get an enormous psychological high from sticking to something so difficult and believe it is genuinely doing them good

    -Many people need something drastic to get them on a healthier track - something to kick-start weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. This is the sort of challenge that can help them do it

    -Ingredients are few and simple


    -The British Dietetic Association warns this diet is 'dangerous and boring'. In more detail:

    'It has no nutritional value as far as protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals are concerned. A diet with so few calories should never be followed without medical supervision.'

    -Fast weight-loss will include water loss and possibly muscle loss, because the consumption of carbohydrates is reduced. People who fast for several days may drop pounds, but most of it will be water and some may be muscle. Most people will regain the weight soon after completing the programme

    -You may also suffer bad breath, a fury tongue and fainting and dizziness, which are all associated with low calorie diets

    -There is no protein in the diet, compounding muscle loss. Without protein intake, you are unable to repair and build muscle

    -It is essentially a fast, as you don't get any real food

    -Going on a no-food diet can mean that the gut stops moving and passing food, which is extremely painful. When you start eating again, you can feel uncomfortable and nauseated"

    thank you. i was planning on eating cereil too xx
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
  • polkadotty88
    polkadotty88 Posts: 142 Member
    Eating only 500 cal of anything will make you lose weight. You could in essence just as easily go on a Twinkie diet and get the same results. Now why anyone would want to do that...well that's beyond me.

    good luck!

    whats a twinkle diet ? x

    Eat any old junk as long as you stick under your calories basically. Not healthy but works, like the maple syrup diet.

    hmm no thats naughty lol xx
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    try doing something less stupid
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    good luck with the dentist bill after
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Eating only 500 cal of anything will make you lose weight. You could in essence just as easily go on a Twinkie diet and get the same results. Now why anyone would want to do that...well that's beyond me.

    good luck!

    whats a twinkle diet ? x

    Eat any old junk as long as you stick under your calories basically. Not healthy but works, like the maple syrup diet.

    hmm no thats naughty lol xx

    Isn't that a bit hypocritical? What with the thread you proposing to do basically the same thing? Maple syrup is just refined sugar even eating it with cereal doesn't make it better.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    thank you. i was planning on eating cereil too xx

    then what's the point?
This discussion has been closed.