TEAM FIT- December continued



  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    good morrow team!! :bigsmile:

    I hope you had a nice evening yesterday! :flowerforyou: Mine was okay.... my boyfriend got fired from his job...... it sucks, but at the same time, its good. he did collections and the place he worked at was horrible! double standards all the time, his goals would change at the end of the month so they wouldnt have to pay him as much.... just stuff like that happening all the time. ive been telling him for over 6 months to find a new job because it was such crap. so im glad he will get a new job, but i'm worried how long it will take. a friend of his from his job that he just got fired for said he knew someone who wanted to hire him (not my boyfriend, his friend) so he would tell that guy to hire my boyfriend instead so hopefully he can get that one. his friend was saying it a good place to work at and he would make more money there too. so we will see i guess.....

    yesterday: 45 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water
    today: 65 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water

    I wanted to exercise twice yesterday but since derrick (my man) lost his job, he had a friend come over to hang out and so i didnt want to do it while he was there.... so i'm hoping i can today. but i wont get to do the jillian michaels dvd twice because i have a graduation to go to, but i can do the other viedo I have after i get back since it wont be loud for my downstairs neighbor. so i should get in 65 mins of exercise today.

    Well i hope you all have a great Thursday!!:glasses:

    Btw- where is everyone? i feel like a lot of our peeps havent been on lately?
  • DownSizin
    Morning TEAM!
    Thanks for the BD wishes, Ariel! It was a good day for me, not so good for your Cards. They sound like the Texans, "doing it to themselves". Sometimes I think they get too confident and don't take the time to do things right and that costs them the game. :cry:

    I did good on my water yesterday and got in some walking for exercise. I'm eating within the cals, so I hope I maintain this week.
    Not sure where everyone is...Christmas is just around the corner, making it difficult to stay on track. They'll be back - don't worry. I think Kim is probably busy at her new job. Sorry about Derrick's job. It sounds like this is a good thing for him, though. He'll have a chance to be selective and get a good one. Good luck to him with the one his friend is recommending him for! Keep us posted.

    Have a great day and you are doing an amazing job of staying on track through this time of year!!! I'm really proud of you! :bigsmile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Hey Everyone

    I have a break for a few minutes and wanted to try and log some things in. I have not been very well exercising this week because I am just too exhausted to wake up in the morning. I did get a really good 30 min walk in yesterday with my boss - a walking meeting. :smile:

    My water intake is ok but I am still low on my calories. I am either eating a late lunch and not taking dinner or not eating lunch and then eating dinner - bad habit but hoping that will change in January when I am a little more settled in this new job.

    Ariel - sorry to hear about your boyfrieds job, but something better will come along. I hope everything is better with your situation.
    Karen - Happy Belated Birthday.

    I think everyone is doing great to just maintain at this point. I will try to get back on tomorrow or this weekend. Hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Aww thanks Karen and Kim! I'm sure Derrick will find something. And I'm sure where ever that is, it will be much better than the place he was at. :grumble: Stupid Iqor.........

    I will be off of work from the 24th through the 4th so I am planning on exercising my *kitten* off during that time! I want to get in at least an hour everyday. And I will try for more. Its because I know these last 20 pounds will be harder to get off then the rest so i want it to happen as fast as possible. But i wont over do it. I promise.:bigsmile:

    today is just not productive at all. i dont feel like working today......:sick:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    TGIF Team!!!:glasses: :flowerforyou:

    Non of my stuff at work is working this morning..... great way to start my day!!:ohwell:

    Well I was bad yesterday and I only exercised for 20 mins. When I got home from work i was being mean to my boyfriend about his job situation because he didnt look for one yesterday and when I got home he was playing viedo games with a friend. So i got pissed because i want him to get on the ball and start looking for a job, but NOOOOOO, all he wants to do is sit and play viedo games...... why are boys soooo stupid!?!?!?!?:noway: :grumble: So since i was mad at him and being a bit*h, he took his friend home and didnt come back for a while. so then i was in a really bad mood and i just didnt want to exercise. i was going to do this over work out video i have after i got home from our friends college graduation, but when we got home, we played the new super mario bros game on my WII.......:frown: I feel bad for not exercising, but i hardly ever go without exercising durning the week, so i thought this one time wont hurt me. And besides, i didnt really get to eat anything for dinner, so at least i didnt go over my calories or anything....

    But I am going to make sure i get in 70 mins today and I am going to get in 70 mins tomorrow and I want to get in at least 25 on Sunday too.

    I should go though, my IT guy should be here soon to fix my crap..... have a good Friday everyone!!! be strong!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • DownSizin
    TGIF, TEAM FIT!!! :smile:
    I know we're not supposed to 'wish' our days away...but this has been a looooong week! I'm ready for the weekend!

    Ariel - :laugh: you crack me up, girl! My daughter came home asking the same question...'why are boys so stupid?' LOL. Seems a friend of hers starting 'like-liking' her and she only wants to be friends. So...he's being a brat and deleted her from his friends list on myspace and won't answer her calls/texts. She loved hanging out w/him, but obviously, he can't handle not getting his way. She was so sad last night; I felt bad for her.
    Your bf may be needing some 'de-stressing' time right now but on the other hand, it's easy for him to go along with the friends and hang out. Good luck. I can tell it's frustrating for you. Hang in, though.

    On the exercise situation: Don't beat yourself up - you are doing amazing!!! A little less exercise is not going to hurt you...just be careful and don't forget to eat!

    You're doing amazing!!! Keep it up!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    thanks Karen!!:flowerforyou:

    but i was bad last night..... i caved in and ate two candy bars!!!!:mad: :noway: :devil: i ate a twix and a hersheys with almonds.... i cant believe i did that!! and i only exercised for 45 mins again...... i'm going to exercise right now but i wanted to do it twice today but my sister and brother in law have been here all day and we were playing the mario bros game again. we're almost done. 2 more levels then the game is over! lol.:laugh:

    anyways, i hope i still lose weight this week! i will be so mad at myself i i dont! i am going to work twice as hard next week! i am, i dont want to be mad at myself anymore,,,,,

    well have a good Saturday everyone!!!:glasses:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi team!

    i remembered they blocked the internet on my computer at work on Friday so i have to get on right now. i weighed myself today and i lost 1 pound. i wasnt so good at working out this last week, so i promise i will work out at least an hour next week. but i'm below 170 now so thats awesome!! even though its 169. and it is the t.o.m. so i think maybe i might have lost more than 1 pound but i just dont know because of it. at least thats what i'm telling myself.:laugh: :wink:

    anyways, i hope you have a good monday tomorrow! i'll log on after work!!:bigsmile: :glasses:
  • DownSizin
    hi team!

    i remembered they blocked the internet on my computer at work on Friday so i have to get on right now. i weighed myself today and i lost 1 pound. i wasnt so good at working out this last week, so i promise i will work out at least an hour next week. but i'm below 170 now so thats awesome!! even though its 169. and it is the t.o.m. so i think maybe i might have lost more than 1 pound but i just dont know because of it. at least thats what i'm telling myself.:laugh: :wink:

    anyways, i hope you have a good monday tomorrow! i'll log on after work!!:bigsmile: :glasses:

    ARIEL - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! AMAZING JOB! You probably have lost more than 1 lb, but 1 lb is absolutely amazing!!!! I haven't weighed in over 2 weeks, but my clothes aren't fitting any different, so I'm thinking I'm maintaining. I was in a baking mood this weekend, though. Baked 2 dozen peanut butter cookies and made a banana pudding for my boss for Christmas. I did have 5 cookes, so not alot of restraint and I didn't drink my water very well. : ( I'm back on it today, though!

    Have a great day and keep up the great work! You are totally ON with your wt loss - I'm proud of you!!!! :smile: :laugh: :tongue: :happy: :heart: :happy: :laugh:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Way to go, Ariel!! The holidays are incredibly challenging as far as weight loss goes! You're doing great! I'm not even thinking about any of it (besides calories) until January. I've been watching calories but that's all. Starting tomorrow, I will have sporadic internet access until Jan. 1 because I'm going home and will be busy with family and friends. So, I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and happy New Year!!! :flowerforyou: See you in January!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks guys!!:happy: I am really determined. I want it so bad I can almost taste it!:tongue: haha

    today i've been good so far. as long as i get in my other exercise. and i will, but it wont be the jillian michaels dvd. its going to be an easier one. lol:laugh: but it still works! so i'm not worried.:bigsmile:

    Amm- i hope you have a fantastic Christmas!! Be safe! And we will talk to you in 2010!!! WEIRD!!!!:noway:

    Karen- mmm peanut butter cookies sound soooo yummy!! i bet they were delicious!!:bigsmile:

    it's a short week for me. I will be off after Wednesday! Thank goodness!! I need a break from that place!!

    Have a good night everyone!! Talk to you tomorrow!!:glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    GOOD NEWS: somehow, mysteriously, my "goal jeans" fit again!!! These are the jeans that I bought summer '08 and haven't been able to wear since March of this year. I have nooooo idea how this happened. I haven't exercised since just after Thanksgiving (aside from occasionally doing yoga) and last time I weighed myself, I had only lost 3 pounds. I don't understand... but SOMETHING has happened and I can wear them!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • DownSizin
    Morning TEAM!

    CONGRATULATIONS, AMM!!! You must have lost inches and are maintaining by watching the cals. Isn't it a GREAT FEELING to get into those jeans that you've wanted to fit into for so long?? GREAT JOB!!! I'm happy for you!!! :happy: :heart: :smile: :laugh: :happy:

    Ariel - Changing your routine is a great idea! Even if the other video is 'easier' are still changing it up and that works!!! Keep up the good work! You are so close to your goal!!!

    It's been a hectic week so far; I can't wait until tomorrow. We get off early and I really need it! I am going to try to start the 30 Day Shred over Christmas. My gym membership went up too, so I need to make a decision on whether to keep it or drop it. I'm not using it right now and I'm mad at myself because that means it's been a total waste of $ for the last 3 weeks. :angry: I've got to do something to get myself back into it, though. Maybe the 30DS will motivate me!

    I'm going to try to check in daily while I'm off, but in case anyone is traveling and won't be checking in...Have a blessed Christmas and Be Safe! Remember our Troops. Pray for them everyday, but especially on Christmas. They are many miles from their homes, loved ones and families. Pray for their safe return home and pray for their families. They are sacrificing for our Freedom! :heart:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi team!!:happy:

    Are you all ready for Christmas!? I'm not.... I dont have any money so i want able to get anyone anything. i know thats not the point, but i like giving gifts.

    Amm- Congrats on getting into your jeans!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: I bet you feel great! ANd I was going to say the same thing karen said. You probably lost inches and sometimes those are better than the lbs!!:wink: Great job!!

    Karen- the 30 day shred is AWESOME! I love it! I use it everyday!!:glasses: At first it will be tough and you will want to rip Jillian's head off!!:explode: But after a while, you will grow to love it! the pain is a good kind of pain! lol :laugh:

    I feel weird not being able to log on here during the day from work... its kind of throwing me off..... it was a routine ya know? go to work, log on and log my food and exercise. say hi to you all and report in what i've done. then start working. lol. now its constant work..... LAME!!:grumble: oh well..... what can i do? lol :smile:

    anyways, have a good Tuesday night and a good Wednesday! I'll try to get on after work tomorrow!! night night!!:yawn:
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Team! :happy:

    I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and Holiday!!!:flowerforyou: Mine was good. My boyfriend bought me the reebok tone up shoes!!! But they might be too small so i have to wait for Nordstrom to get in new stock so I can try on a 10 because the 9's fit, but there isnt much room in the front of the shoe. So I think a 10 might fit better. I'm like a 9.5 but they dont make 9.5 in those shoes. But if the 10 is too big I will keep the ones I got! They are really nice, they're black and silver!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: I was so happy I got them! Especially since he got fired and doesnt have any money. Those shoes are 100 bucks!!!:noway: My dad gave me some money so I am going to go shopping tomorrow and buy some new clothes!

    So on to the important stuff....
    I did get in some exercise but not what I usually get in. I ate like crap... and still am... i just ate a little banana bread loaf. but somehow, through all the wine, chocolate, cookies, cheese balls, meatballs, sausage, lasagna, bread, hot cocoa, and coffee, I managed to lose 1 pound!!!!:noway: :bigsmile: :drinker: I was SOOOO happy! I had to check the scale 3 times this morning!! haha :laugh: I'm so glad that Christmas is over so I can get back into my routine!:bigsmile:

    I hope you all had a great Christmas and I cant wait to hear some of the things you got:bigsmile:
  • DownSizin
    :smile: Hi TEAM (I think that's you and me until next year, Ariel, lol)!

    Congrats on getting the shoes you wanted AND CONGRATS ON LOSING another lb during Christmas!!

    I haven't been to the gym in weeks...didn't start the 30 day shred, either. Good intentions went right out the window. I'm in a rut and can't get out and like you, I ate alot of junk last week...dressing, potatoes, chocolate cream pie, pnut butter cookies, cheesecake, chocolates....all the temptations that destroy self control! I'm miserable now. My face even shows the over indulgence of sugar and junk. :cry: I basically turned into a junk-eating couch potato, watching Christmas programs and football - (YEAH TEXANS!!!! :bigsmile: :happy: :smile: :happy: )

    I've got to try to get back into exercising and hope that I can do it now that Christmas is over. Wish me luck in getting myself motivated! :bigsmile:

    I'm back at work this week so maybe that will help jump start me getting back into the routine. :bigsmile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Hey everyone. I am quickly checking in while at my dad's office. I have not exercised since coming to my parents, but I have not eaten tooooo bad. I have a challenge we started with my family (9 of us) for 90 days in the new year. Who ever wins gets $400 to do with as they please. My husband is a little worried that my two sisters are going to beat us, but my mom won a new year fitness challenge to have a personal trainer, nutritionist and dietician for 90 days so she may beat us. My dad said he might as well give away the money now, but I am hoping that he will watch a little bit.

    I had my minor surgery last Wednesday and I am doing much better than I thought I would be. I ended up having to bring my son to the Urgent Care that same day because he had a fairly high temp and he was coughing with some crud. The dr was great and gave us some medicine and he was back to normal within two days so he got to enjoy Christmas. I still have one week for my vacation. I will get back to regular checks, hopefully, witht the new year. I haven't determined what my goal will be, but I am going to work hard for those 90 days.

    Keep up the "maintenance" work and we will see everyone in January.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys!!:flowerforyou:

    i just wanted to check in real quick.

    Kim- way to go on not eating too bad. i still am eating bad and probably will until Monday. And i bet if you try you can win that challenge!! i believe in you!!:flowerforyou: :glasses:

    Karen- dont worry about not working out. i have been telling myself that we deserve this break. so once monday comes its back to the routine! im not going to weigh myself tomorrow. i have really eaten bad this week. i was telling derrick i felt like a slob because i havent exercised at all since last wednesday!! lol im really looking forward to monday honestly. lol:laugh: its weird!!:wink:

    anyways:laugh: i'll get on monday and if we dont have a new board for January then I will make one and then paste the link in this one. talk to you guys soon!
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    hi guys! i made a new board. here's the link

    hope to see you guys there soon!! I miss you all!!!