starvation mode and losing friends



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have a friend who has what some people consider horrible eating habits and I can only imagine the comments she would elicit on here if she was on here. She only ever eats once a day and maybe and I stress the maybe eats 600-700 cal / day - she's 5'8, 126lbs works out 3x/wk minimum and is incredibly healthy and fit .

    Sorry I'm calling BS on this one.........your friend eats at 50% of her BMR and works out and (your words) is incredibly healthy and fit. She's barely getting enough calories, according to you, to maintain brain function - I suspect you're not getting the whole story from her.

    If you don't believe that she's pulling your leg do a little research on how the nazis systematically killed prisoners in concentration camps through starvation (pay particular attention to the caloric intake they allowed prisoners....)
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Someone who unfriends you for that is one flakey person - I wouldn't give it another thought!