Runners: When did you start to enjoy running?



  • tennesseeleigh
    I never enjoy running until it's over. I'm just returning to running after about a 3 year hiatus though so I'm in the huff and puff stage right now. When I ran before it would take me at least a mile before I got into it.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Some days I love it, some days I hate it. It probably took me at least three months for the "love it" side of things to begin happening. It's really a question of where I'm running (outside, someplace challenging and beautiful), how much pain I'm in (injuries) and if my heart rate is staying low enough for me to get a runner's high. Stick with it. It might take a while, but once you get that runner's high you'll feel like there is a reason to keep running. It doesn't happen every time (for me) but when it does.... bliss
  • hellou76
    hellou76 Posts: 33 Member
    I dislike the thought of going for a run every single time I do it (3 times a week) Then when I get out there its not so bad, around the 8 minute mark I hate it again because it feels like I am wearing moon boots to run through treacle, but I just keep on, by the time I get to 10 minutes the heavy legs have passed and I am liking it...... Once I finish and get home (between 30 - 40 mins) I LOVE IT...

    It took a very long time to like it and get to a place where I can be consitent with running, I have lost 50lbs so far and it is getting easier with every pound I drop but I still have a long way to go (another 50lb) When I started out I struggled to run for 30 seconds and it took me over a year to get to being able to run for 20+ minutes, but like I said I struggled to be consistent to start with.
  • dgravley
    dgravley Posts: 13 Member
    Tomorrow I begin week 4 of C25K. Before this program, I dreaded running--absolutely hated it, which is why I've been so inconsistent with it. But yesterday, one day after I completed week 3, I was running late to my class (I teach a college class and I KNEW if I was late, the entire class might just walk out) so I was hurrying to class and without thinking I ran up 3 flights of stairs. When I got to the 3rd floor I realized my class was on the 2nd floor, so I turned around and ran down one flight. When I walked into the classroom, it hit me: I'm not out of breath!! What a difference 3 weeks has made! I decided at that moment that I LOVE running. Can't wait for tomorrow. :)
  • NatashaB8
    NatashaB8 Posts: 202
    Don't think I love it yet haha. Only been doing it for a couple of months but been building it up. I think yesterday was the first time I actually really enjoyed my run because I went a new route that was lovely and didn't have people or drivers staring at me all the time! When I have a good song playing and I am feeling motivated is when I enjoy them the most.
    Unfortunately I live in Scotland so I often have to run in the rain :(
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    honestly, the first time I went out jogging with a friend, that was back in mid June, and I was terrified to go because I didn't wanna be seen outside running. well I went that one time and loved it and haven't stopped since :)
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I think for me it was the week in C25K that ends with the 20 minute solid run. When I completed that I was proud and knew that I could finish C25K. From then on I seemed to look forward to running. :)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    The first time I experience a "runner's high"...I was hooked!
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    when i could run with out getting winded and having to stop.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I started running while I was in Army Basic Training/AIT in 1984. I started loving it ever since!
  • badgeratheart
    badgeratheart Posts: 91 Member
    When I was 9 years old and did a road race with my dad and older sister. Now I'm sad because, after 3 knee reconstructions, they don't tolerate running as frequently or as long as I'd like them to.
  • DantheMan2517
    DantheMan2517 Posts: 134 Member
    After my knees quit killing me with every step I took. Once I worked the kinks out of my system and saw the results on the scales, I fell in love with it.

    I never had problems with my knees or my back, but I did have to get over injuries and problems resulting from a car accident a while back. Being able to run again was a real non scale victory. But yeah, once I worked the kinks out of my systems, results on the scales come fast and furious. I no longer have to take cholesterol medicine because of the benefits of running, (and cycling).
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Once I started being able to run consistently without stopping. I love it. I never had a "hate" phase. It clears my mind and makes me happy. If you do it for a while and you hate it, I suggest quitting and doing something you love instead.
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    I started loving running when I started thinking of it as play rather than a workout.

    Go to any park and watch children playing, what do they do? Run and jump and chase balls. As adults we often lose that sense of fun - embrace your inner child and run and play.

    Well said! :smile:
  • jinniepig
    For me it was instant. I decided that I wanted to run a half marathon and that was it, i got in to training, got the hubby to buy me a garmin, joined a running club and have been running ever since. I completed the half marathon in 2hrs and 5 minutes. I was pretty pleased with myself as I managed to get fit enough to do it in 4 months and there are women in the club that have been running for years that still can't beat that time. I know it's not the fastest and it certainly not the fastest I have run, but stick at it and you will start to enjoy it when you see the weight fall off and get to wear cute running gear.
  • hannaisthebest
    not sure how much i can run i jest know that cardio is the #1 thing i do to get into shape my family and i play soccer so i bet you think that i do alot of running :P