September Challenge for beginners - 50 miles - you in?

I am challenging myself to walk/jog at least 50 miles during the month of September and would love to have company! I hope to do more, but my new battle cry is moderation. Anyone care to join me?

My plan is to walk/jog for 30 minutes a day, with 3 days on followed by a rest day. During my walk/jogs, I'm slowly increasing the amount of time jogging. I'm not sure I'll continue to rest after every third day...we'll see how it goes. Right now I'm aiming for consistency and staying injury free and battling a bad knee, so I'm not setting a numeric goal for the amount of time I'll be jogging by the end of September. My ultimate goals are a 5K on Thanksgiving. After that I'll set new goals.


  • katlehne
    katlehne Posts: 32
    This sounds like a great idea! I'm in.
    I want to aim for 50 miles for the entire month, but with my new work schedule that is about to start I'll probably only get to about 40 miles (10 miles a week). Either way 40-50 miles sounds like a challenge lol !

    Lets do this!
  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    I think that 50 miles is 80 kilometres - which means 20 kms per week and I think I can do that - so count me in but I am only walking still!
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm in!
  • Clardi777
    Clardi777 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in too...I use a pedometer every day and strive for 10,000 steps which I sometimes don't get. Found a formula to convert steps into calories burned which is helpful when tracking my cardio exercise stats so I will use part of that formula to calculate miles for this challenge. For those interested, there are 5,280 steps in a that means if I do 8,800 steps per day for 30 days I'll successfully complete the challenge. Who is with me???
  • roswyn80
    roswyn80 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm in! :D That's just over 80km... It'll be fun to do. Yay! :D
  • KarenRae66
    KarenRae66 Posts: 31 Member
    This sounds like a great challenge and fun!! I'm in!! This is my second week on MFP..
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Sounds great, everyone - I'm really excited. I'll send you all friend requests. Let's just check into this thread regularly and see how everyone's doing. I'll try to check it daily. Here we go!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    How is everyone doing? Although I have been active, I haven't been able to walk/jog yet because my knee is still hurting. Think I will be good to go tomorrow, will start light for a few days then try to add more. Good luck and keep moving!
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    I'm so in. Failing to exercise is one of the reasons I'm as big as I am. I've started walking, I think I have like 4 days in Aug. Yeah, I know. So this is a great way to hold myself accountable.
  • timerr
    timerr Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in too!

  • Cybaby1
    Cybaby1 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm in...I just did my two miles today--48 to go!
  • lustrebass
    lustrebass Posts: 47 Member
    I'll give it a shot! I have been walking 1.75mi every morning before work, and about 3 mi on Saturdays. Beginning tomorrow, I'm going to start the Couch to 5K program, hoping to finish by Halloween. The 50 miles in September goal will fit nicely with my walking schedule and my new C25K program!
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    Mile tracker:
    7 down, 43 to go.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I'm so in! This is just the challenge I need to get my *kitten* moving again!!

    50 miles in September - let's do this!! XD
  • leester
    leester Posts: 25 Member
    Count me in. I am doing the same thing. I walk about 15 miles a week and am increasing the amount I jog. I am up to one mile of jogging to four miles of walking. I too want to do a 5K. Love motivation. Need all I can get.
  • I'll give this a shot. This will motivate me to walk before work like I used to.
  • Would love to take part of that. I will be doing a 5k in Savannah the first Saturday in December, I need to be in much better shape by then!
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in!
  • I am in as well. Completed 2 miles 9/1/12. Nothing yesterday but getting ready to head out in a bit. :)
  • srhfshr
    srhfshr Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I've been using a map app so I thought I had hit 50 miles in a month already but the numbers don't lie. I'm at 7.5 so far in September.

    This summer I did my first two 5k runs and have a 4.5 mile cross-country run the first weekend of November.