200+ group (week7)



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Sounds like it might be a rough week for most of us. I know for me it was. Between my grandpa's funeral, and family get togethers...and just plain being tired and eating out...I am NOT looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow, in fact I am dreading it.
    I need to get back on track ladies. I feel like i might be derailing myself.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    tHank you! And don't worry.. You didn't go overboard, you seem really good at staying on top of your journey! Wish I was as good as you! lol:flowerforyou:

    we all have our good and bad days. I'm trying to stay on top of things mostly because I'm absolutely panicking that if I don't, I'll get too relaxed about it, and slack off, eventually quitting, and that cannot happen. am i right? haha

    cds, it's nice to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear you've had a tough week... justifiably so. Remember, it's just one week. The number on the scale tomorrow is just a blip. You're in it for the long haul. Think about how proud of yourself after you've worked out, or the feeling you get when you see that number is lower, and use that motivation to keep at it. And of course, always vent here whenever the urge hits! One of us gals might have some good advice. Hang in there!!

    As for me, Had a good last chance workout. Was planning on doing just the regular 65 min on the elliptical (the rec center has one that moves the arms, and the other one where the arms are stationary, but the ramp goes up and down) w/ the moving arms... i was able to up the resistance a bit, which was good. As I still need to get new batteries for the HRM, I can only go by what the machine says. I was feeling good afterwards, and thought, what the hell, weigh in is tomorrow, I'll try some more, and get off when I get tired, so hopped on the one with the ramp that moves up and down (good for the tushie), and did another 30 on that. I was impressed with myself. I just hope I didn't poop myself out so much I won't be able to go tomorrow. But I feel better that if I don't like the number tomorrow, it isn't for lack of trying this evening. haha.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey gang, I found an interesting article on-line today on 25 ways to work out for $25 or less.


    cds - Sorry to hear you've had such a rough week. Next week should be better. :flowerforyou: This was a week for you to just be with family. If you are dreading the scale that much, then skip it for a week. You probably have extra water weight from eating out. Take a few days to get back to your regular eating and drink extra water to flush the salt out. Weigh-in next week when things are more stable.

    akasullengal - WOW on the last chance workout. I plan to look for an elliptical this year while garage sale shopping. It sounds like such a great workout.

    nikki - I bet you really are stressed about your sister because you love her. At least it is coming out in the open about her problems. That is her first step towards getting better. I will say a few prayers for her (and you too.) It will be hard for her to overcome the addiction. All you can do is be there for her in a positive way. I am sure there are many more ups and downs that you will have with her. There was a recent thread about non-supportive family and significant others - the main reasons given for the non-support of someone trying to lose weight were fear of losing someone after they lose weight and get "hot" and jealousy that you're able to lose weight and they can't. You could open up to your boyfriend and let him know how important losing weight is to you and that you would appreciate his support and let him know what he can do to support you (guys can be pretty stupid when it comes to knowing what women want :bigsmile: ) I had a conversation with my husband last night and we were actually talking about the non-supportive thread. He was shocked that someone wouldn't support a spouse in trying to get healthier. Needless to say he earned a big kiss and my thanks for supporting me :blushing: Good luck getting your man to be more supportive.

    jitteryspork - I have finally decided what the next challenge should be. PLANK HOLDS because I hate them but really need to do them. Day 1 do 60 sec (if needed you can break it up into 10 or 20 second batches) each of forward, R side and L side plank holds. Each day add 10 sec to each plank hold. So by next Thursday doing 2 min of each plank hold. This website has good instructions and pictures. http://www.ab-core-and-stomach-exercises.com/isometric-exercises-for-stomach.html For the first few days, you could do half plank (knees on floor) if full plank too hard :bigsmile: Best of luck to both of us - anyone else with weak stomachs that want to work on toning - feel free to join us (that's a hint Heather - since you were taking about ab exercises a few weeks ago.)

    Well I gotta run and get some sleep. Good luck on the weigh-in in the morning.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    The weight loss held and I am officially another pound down and am checking in at 214 this week. TWIRLS. HAPPY DANCE. TWIRLS AGAIN. I am a bit too excited esp since that TOM started today. So next week should be super great :bigsmile:

    Well, I have a huge day with 8 clients all 20+ miles away in different directions and a severe winter storm advisory in place :grumble: This may be an 11 hour work day. I guess it makes up for only having 1 client yesterday that was a mile from my home - I was back home by 9:35 am :love: It was nice to have the whole day to catch up on paperwork. Unfortunately, I spent too much time on-line and MFP to get all of my work done.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey gang, I found an interesting article on-line today on 25 ways to work out for $25 or less.


    cds - Sorry to hear you've had such a rough week. Next week should be better. :flowerforyou: This was a week for you to just be with family. If you are dreading the scale that much, then skip it for a week. You probably have extra water weight from eating out. Take a few days to get back to your regular eating and drink extra water to flush the salt out. Weigh-in next week when things are more stable.

    akasullengal - WOW on the last chance workout. I plan to look for an elliptical this year while garage sale shopping. It sounds like such a great workout.

    nikki - I bet you really are stressed about your sister because you love her. At least it is coming out in the open about her problems. That is her first step towards getting better. I will say a few prayers for her (and you too.) It will be hard for her to overcome the addiction. All you can do is be there for her in a positive way. I am sure there are many more ups and downs that you will have with her. There was a recent thread about non-supportive family and significant others - the main reasons given for the non-support of someone trying to lose weight were fear of losing someone after they lose weight and get "hot" and jealousy that you're able to lose weight and they can't. You could open up to your boyfriend and let him know how important losing weight is to you and that you would appreciate his support and let him know what he can do to support you (guys can be pretty stupid when it comes to knowing what women want :bigsmile: ) I had a conversation with my husband last night and we were actually talking about the non-supportive thread. He was shocked that someone wouldn't support a spouse in trying to get healthier. Needless to say he earned a big kiss and my thanks for supporting me :blushing: Good luck getting your man to be more supportive.

    jitteryspork - I have finally decided what the next challenge should be. PLANK HOLDS because I hate them but really need to do them. Day 1 do 60 sec (if needed you can break it up into 10 or 20 second batches) each of forward, R side and L side plank holds. Each day add 10 sec to each plank hold. So by next Thursday doing 2 min of each plank hold. This website has good instructions and pictures. http://www.ab-core-and-stomach-exercises.com/isometric-exercises-for-stomach.html For the first few days, you could do half plank (knees on floor) if full plank too hard :bigsmile: Best of luck to both of us - anyone else with weak stomachs that want to work on toning - feel free to join us (that's a hint Heather - since you were taking about ab exercises a few weeks ago.)

    Well I gotta run and get some sleep. Good luck on the weigh-in in the morning.

    Thank you, Pinbot! You are truely inspirational. I am happy with my weigh in today, down 3 lbs weighing in at 235
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Nikki - **** virtual high fives to you **** Way to go. 3 pounds is great :bigsmile:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Congrats both Nikki and Pinbot!

    I'm at 218 today... down 2.2 from last week. *twirls with you all* *group hug*

    While it's a bit frustrating that I was basically 218 (actually 217.6 at the end of the weekend), I'm happy I maintained that bewildering 2+ pound loss in 2 days for the rest of the week, especially considering the eating snafoos the past two days.

    Hey pinbot, I meant to ask you yesterday, with your HRM (i'm going to try it again this weekend), when I looked at the manual, it says it has a battery in both the watch and the chest strap. Did you replace both? Or just the one on the chest strap?

    Today should be okay, I think. I do have a lunch meeting. I don't know what all is included. I'll need to watch out, as tomorrow is party #1 for work, which will probably be ugly on the food front. Plan to go to the rec center today, as tomorrow should be a pretty full day, so I'll only get there one day this weekend.

    Good job everyone! So proud!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Congrats to Nikki, Pinot and Aka!! Great losses girls!
    Well my weigh in today wasn't as bad as I thought. I weighed in at 215 with clothes, ( I was too cold to get all nekkey again...lol).
    Getting back into my exercise today, and looking forward to a great week.
    Thanks for all the support and motivation to not give up just because of a few bad days.
    Here's to another good weigh in!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hey pinbot, I meant to ask you yesterday, with your HRM (i'm going to try it again this weekend), when I looked at the manual, it says it has a battery in both the watch and the chest strap. Did you replace both? Or just the one on the chest strap?

    I just had to replace the battery in the chest strap.

    Congrats to all who lost or maintained this week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    thanks for the info pinbot.

    yeah, so my lunch meeting today was a boxed lunch from jimmy john's. it wasn't pretty.

    definitely to the gym tonight.

    cds, glad to hear things weren't as bad as you thought. i often predict the worst, so that I can be pleasantly surprised when I'm wrong. Good luck on the new week!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. So far mine has been good. We now have 2 ft of snow on the ground so I did 2 inside workouts today. Walking DVD and treadmill/light calisthenics... I have also been doing my plank holds too. Tomorrow, I hope to get out snow shoeing. I made a great turkey potpie tonight - YUMMY... Tonight we are watching War Games and War Games: Dead Code. I better go - the short break is over.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm back from the cruise and we had a BLAST!! But now I'm suffering from some reverse sea sickness (still motion sick even though I'm sitting still....just dizzy...should be gone by the morning).

    I pigged out on food the entire trip, had dessert for basically every meal (including breakfast). I didn't drink alcohol till hte last night when they were giving free drinks so I had 2.5 glasses of a lime daquiri (they were about 8oz. glasses). I found the fitness center and worked out 3 of the 5 days on the cruise, so I'm ok with it. I only could do 30 min each time cause using an elliptical on a boat feels REALLY weird with the swaying of the boat. I had McDonalds for lunch and Cookout (a local fast food place) for dinner today since we were traveling and didn't have any food in the house when we got home.

    I weighed myself tonight and I'm up to 249.8. But I'm not counting that as an official weigh in. I will continue to weigh myself daily so I can see when the water weight comes off.

    So yeah...looks like I have a lot of posts to catch up on! Hope everyone had a good week!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Blombie - glad you had a great time and I missed you :flowerforyou: I think it's good you enjoyed yourself and ate what you wanted on the cruise. Now that you are home, you can get back to regular eating and continue your journey. WOW - you are still under 250 even with the cruise and all the decadent eating :bigsmile: Some off the added weight is surely water weight and will come off soon. Keep us posted on your progress.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    Anyone else been missing Blombie? I hope she is enjoying that cruise...

    awwww...I feel the love!! :bigsmile:
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    new thread 200+ (week 8)