

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Nancy, all I can suggest for your girls is what you're already doing -- literally running with them at their own level, giving them positive feedback about their own power, and stomping hard on any class negativity. I thank you on behalf of former misfit 12 year old girls everywhere.

    If you haven't reread Reviving Ophelia in a while, it's worth it. (In fact, I may need to dust off my copy.) My lovely, somewhat obese niece just turned 13. She's a runner -- literally. The Girls On the Run program has been terrific for her. http://www.girlsontherun.org/
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Hi everyone , just to et you know that i have resumed my water aerobics classes after 2mths hiatus(developed skin allergy to the chlorine).Hope I will be OK this time. I have also l lost 2.9lbs this week. This gives me extra motivation and inspiration Hope everyone is also doing well
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Morning all, I just finished my walk for this morning. I'm a little sore from swimming yesterday, but will go again tomorrow. I liked it a lot. I believe in the magic of SALMON!!!:love: I had my weigh in this morning and lost 1.5. I ate salmon last night. :bigsmile: I have planned my meals for today so I shall stay on track.

    Nancy- Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou: I understand about the closet and hidden items. @ 15 my kids did their own laundry, even if I had to stand over them to make them do it:laugh: But my DH does the laundry, it's one of those jobs I really hate. He doesn't do bathrooms though, that's the job he hates.

    Lentigogirl- I would wear the dress anyway. And smile all day long. Start a revival of the style.

    Linda- I've been using a NESCO jet stream oven (air cooker) for 30 years. It gets way to hot in GA in the summer to even think about turning on the oven, and I have a problem with fat and my stomach. I used to eat those fries that you buy in the store, but once I got my air cooker and I made some and I saw the fat that came out of them. :sick: It makes good food, not dry, it cooks with hot swirling air. My DH loves air fries, just cut a potato, lay the slices on the cooking surface, put on low and cook until they are as crispy as you like.
    I do my sweet potato in the microwave till it is almost done and then put it in the air cooker for 5 minutes crispy skin, not soggy like out of the microwave. You can find them on the net, they are a big improvement over the ones 30 years ago.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Today is pretty much a rest day for me! I woke up with a killer headache which luckily is down to a small throb now. If it does go away, I'll do some chair yoga. Today my other baby goes to the groomer so maybe DH and I will get some steps in at Walmart while we're out.

    Nancy- It did feel good to clean things out, but I feel bad that I went to the other extreme tossing some sentimental stuff (kids school papers, etc.). I did keep a few boxes of this stuff but I'm still second-guessing things I pitched. On the plus side, it does motivate me to tackle the junk drawers and closets sooner than later!

    Have a good day, all my MFP friends!:heart:

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    hi SundanceB,
    i've only been to sunny California a couple of times, but it certainly is a beautiful place! you are blessed to enjoy such lovely weather year-round!

    going to PT today~ they just a! :wink: bout KILL me, but it's worth it :wink:

    thanks for adding me! :smile:

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes regarding the job. I worked for the company, Moen (faucets) for 10 years and left to pursue my dream job five years ago. Unfortunately that job fell apart when the owners sold the company in November. Since then, I've been doing freelance print production work and a little graphic design. Getting my foot back in the door at Moen is a big thing and has the possibility of turning into more work for me. The work will be challenging and pays well so I'm really excited. A bit nervous too because they've decided that since I already know their products, they are going leave some of the decision making up to me. I have know idea what the food situation is at the studio we'll be using this time, so I'm already planning on packing my lunch and snacks.

    I am not totally back on track yet after the weekend, but brought good choices with me today. Fortunately I am limited here to what I bring. (Unless I steal someone else's lunch!)

    Zumba again tonight. Nancy - I wear shorts and a tank top. I was wearing the kind with the built in bra so that I had one less layer on, but have stated wearing the bra so I have something to hook my FitBit on to. Be careful of the shoes you wear. You want some with hardly any tread so that you can slide better. If they grip too much you may find your knees hurt more afterward. I also wear a sweat band and take a towel for mopping the sweat off my face! Make sure you drink plenty of water before hand and take a water bottle with. Take break whenever you have to. You'll will feel totally lost the first time, but just keep moving. You'll pick up the routines soon enough. Enjoy! It's a blast!

    Hearing all the talk of cleaning things out is getting me motivated. The Purple Hearts Veterans called yesterday and they're coming next week. Don't know if I mentioned that we have out of town company coming the end of the month and we won't be home...I have a lot of work to do before then!

    Thanks for all the reminders to keep drinking the water. I have lapsed on that for a few days and can really tell. Going to get in plenty today.

    Good day to all!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a 30 degree cooler than yesterday Wednesday,

    Gini- Congrats on landing that contractor job:flowerforyou: Hoping for the snowball effect too:happy: Keep drinking your water it will really make a difference:drinker:

    Kathy- Okay you made me feel guilty and that I really need to "clean & toss" a bunch of stuff:wink: The second guessing after the things are tossed that's what stops me everytime:sad: But I have got to get over it:blushing:

    Jane- so kind of you baking and giving it away (I see that Michele is rubbing off on you:wink: ) Glad you are doing better with the evening munchies.

    Polly- New glasses, just the pick me up that's needed:drinker: I loved your "freezing" story, glad it turned out okay Good job getting into the habit of drinking your water. I'm sure with time your hubby will get the hang of your new eating habits, glad he's willing to fix meals for the two of you:flowerforyou:

    Meg- I love your problem with the IRS and threatening to leave the "non" adopted on their door step:laugh: My boss has been fighting with them over a typo from 2001 & 2002 on two of his kids so I understand your frustration:grumble: I hear about it everytime they send him an update on what they say he owes. When you are out of routine & practice it takes time to get back up to snuff...hoping that you adjust to your 8 hr days soon.:flowerforyou:

    Micki- Congrats on the loss:flowerforyou: I changed my log in day several months ago, from a Monday to a Wednesday. I found that I'm lower in weight on Wed, Thur & Fri and I needed to be seeing a positve number rather than what I am after a weekend where I may or maynot have been good. So go ahead and change it, it's for you to be tracking and for you to be encouraged at progress:flowerforyou: Thanks for the kind words about going through Mom & Dad's stuff, there's just so much of it and when I cleaned out their house two years ago I really didn't keep that much but it's still hard to go through.:ohwell:

    Lila- congrats on the "too big" dress, sorry you have to send it back, but what a GREAT reason for doing so because it's too big:flowerforyou: Your hike sounded wonderful.

    Liz- hoping your head is better:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- so glad Jake is home:flowerforyou: 19,000 steps that's some goal:love:

    Nancy- I loved your laundry story about J'Boy and his floor and closet:laugh: With three sons we had a bit of everything but Son #1 was the one that was forever carpeting his floor with clothes..when he was 17 hubby said I wasn't to wash his clothes anymore if he didn't put them in his hamper so I gave him his laundry washing lesson and that was the last of it. When the boys were teenagers I felt like I washed clothes all the time, now it's just hubby and me and he does the washing on Mondays I rarely touch the washer:wink::flowerforyou: I too will join in with the early Birthday wishes:flowerforyou: as my sons tell me it's not a day it's a month of celebration:wink:

    Glenda- your lunch sounds wonderful with daughter & grandson and you made good choices too...that's what counts:drinker:

    Linda- my #3son that's doing a double Masters sent me this web site that is a guy that created these math classes to help his kids or niece or some family memter and he found it a great help when he needed to brush up.
    Hope it helps you:flowerforyou: It's getting to that time of year when the candy gremlins come out...HAVE COURAGE EVERYONE WE CAN RESISIT:bigsmile:

    bigpal- Congrats on 34 years:flowerforyou:

    Barbara- your fork:huh:

    DeeDee- touch up on the hair every two weeks, I can't imagine:noway: I guess I'm just not ready to face that yet don't have much gray yet but it is there, you just have to look hard to see it:blushing:

    lentigogirl- I think we all have some of those clothes in our closets, outfits with shoulder pad...Hey we are over 50 we can wear what we want:wink: I know I have some that I refuse to get rid of and wear them anyway...they still look good to me:bigsmile:

    12774- Congrats on the loss, hope your pool experience doesn't result in another reaction:flowerforyou:

    Tigress- Congrats on another loss:flowerforyou: I just love Salmon and how it works for us:drinker:

    Last night was a basement workout no outside bike ride. I just don't push myself as hard when I do the stationary bike but it may have something to do with the book in my hand or the news on the TV that I'm watching. I figure when the weather totally changes I will pull out my kettlebells and CD's and so that six week program...probably start in October some time.

    My NSV for today is I'm wearing a top I bought two years ago and never wore. It fits today and because it has long sleeves is perfect for the cooler wetter weather we are having today.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Log it ALL, food, water and exercise that's going to help us reach our goals:drinker:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Birthday Nancy:drinker:
    Have a good one.
    Off to my knitting group.
    Have a great day!!
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Went to the pool yesterday, I think I have to modify my leg movements because it was very painful to walk back to the car afterwards. I "need" to have some form of exercise or I just sit around feeling sorry for myself and resigned to the fact that I will never do this, so I am headed back to the pool and will just not move the knees too much and see if that hepls. I am getting refitted tomorrow for my brace. (they haven't even sent it away yet :angry: )They are going to try something? I'm not sure what?

    Had a nice morning out with 2 of my sisters. I even made a quinoia salad for us which they both liked so I was good. Have a good day everyone I'm headed to the deck to enjoy some sun before I have to cook supper:smile:

    I noticed the posting about some people thinking they had to be a teacher to join this thread. I always worked in an office, and was a stay at home mom for a few years. I've been unemployed now for a year this month...I guess it's soon time to say I'm "retired" because my husband who retired 5 years ago is working part time and as long as he's working I don't have to!:laugh: And since I'm now getting Canada Pension I definatly can get used to this staying at home!

    Have a good day
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I have a question group. I made my lunch today and I was hungry when I was cooking it, but as I was eating it, I just wasn't hungry anymore. I finished my small salad and ate half my lunch and put the other half away. Never happened to me before, has it happened to anyone else? Usually my meds make me hungry all the time, I just control what and when I eat. Need input on this. Tigress
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning to all. Boy am I sleepy today! Two days of getting up at 4:30 have done me in! I am frustrated with my poor eating the last several days. The whole weekend was a bust. The Monday I didn’t take enough food to clinical and got home with a headache, nausea, crankiness…and ate! Yesterday I took way too much food so felt sluggish and out of sorts. After a long nap, we had pizza and beer for dinner. :frown: I have to do a much better job with these clinical days. My teammate and I went for a walk and discussed more strategies…she is a binge eater in the evenings. I think we came up with some good ideas. So here’s the shocker….we hit second place in last week’s weigh ins. :devil:

    My other problem the last 2 days is my upcoming trip. I am a very panicky traveler (I think I have a phobia) and every time I looked at flights I went and ate something. I had DH make my reservations for me so I didn’t have to do it.
    Well onward and upward….here’s to a better day!

    JNHeff: I hope that PT works its wonders and you get back to work. Sounds like you love your job

    Janie: I hope you find some pain relief. Do you need joint replacements?

    Eileen: I could never manage bifocals. I ended up with bifocal contacts. They aren’t great, but at least I can read a menu. Not good for reading a book.

    Micki: congrats on the weight loss! My cramps are usually lower back related. Thanks for the reminder about the water. Last two days have been bad for that….then I feel hungry and I think a lot of the time it’s thirst.

    Lila: a 12 is too big???? YAY for you!!!! Post a pic in the new dress!

    Liz: hope your headache is gone :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: so glad Jake is back home!

    Nancy: taxes are getting done slowly but surely. We should be done by the end of the week.

    Glenda: what fun to have lunch with your family. Wendy’s does have some good options

    Auntibk: where’s the fork? :laugh:

    Linda: I think I’ll take your advice on the IRS. Thanks!!!! I hope you fry those brownies right out of your system. I’ll have to look at the standing fitness credit!! So what do you do now for work? What kind of nursing did you do?

    Carol: congratulations on your anniversary! That is fabulous! You are right to stick to a plan that works for you :wink:

    DeeDee: hope you found some awesome glasses! Post a pic!

    Lentigogirl: YAY what a victory! I would have worn it too!!! Good job :flowerforyou:

    Nancy: I don’t have any advice for you and the girls but I find it so sad that physical activity gives them anxiety! You’re right though, if it doesn’t get better now, they will struggle forever!

    12774: good job on the weight loss. Hope the skin is better!

    Tigress: ;congrats on the weight loss! I don’t have any advice for you, I am never not hungry. :bigsmile:

    Kathy: glad your headache was better and I hope it goes totally away today

    Gini: congrats on the job. I hope it goes well :flowerforyou:

    Laura: I guess the IRS doesn’t believe in kids! LOL Great news on the NSV!

    Cathy: what sort of leg problems do you have? Have you ever seen a personal trainer to give you a fitness routine that works for you? I finally did that and found out my step class was really making my leg problem worse. She gave me gentle exercises to do and now I’m almost ready to go back to step class.

    Well ladies I need to get back to work. I hope everyone enjoys their day. Take care of yourself. Meg :drinker:
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Meg: I have oesteo?(spelling?) arthritis and now my knee joint is down to bone on bone, which is causing the pain. I would absolutly love to get a personal trainer! That is why I joined the Canada Games Centre in the first place, to try my weight loss through exercise and healthy eating instead of the usual "I have to go on a diet" As soon as I get this brace situation fixed I am going to see if I can do that, after checking with the Dr. of course.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello all,
    Doug went and picked up the boys yesterday so they had been groomed and were exhausted form doggy day care, but very glad to be home.

    All of my unwinding went out the window with my first day back to work. The rest of the week doesn't look to promising either.

    I am trying to come up with more fun ways to move, so I ordered some tap shoes and a couple of do it yourself DVD's. They arrived yesterday when Doug was at home. By the time I got home he had built me a little tap dance floor to put on the carpet in my office. It was the sweetest thing for him to do. I spent a good 30 minutes warming up and going over basic steps. I have always started tap classes never to finish them because I am so uncoordinated on my left side when it comes to this stuff. But in the privacy of my own home I can have fun with it. So I will be shuffling, flapping and brushing my way to healthiness for a while.:bigsmile:

    Well my lunch time is over and I have to get back to the millstone.

    Robin (Bodi and Ritter)
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Robin, following your dream to tap dance is so fantastic! Congratulations!

    As a relatively new dancer myself, I'm found being over 50 remarkably freeing. I can stop telling myself I can't dance and just -- well, dance. It's for me, not an audience, and for the sheer joy, not perfection.
  • margylevin
    margylevin Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm in this dedicated age bracket. Please friend me if you like. I've been on MFP for a month now - 8pounds down so far. Would like to make it to a 20 pound loss, so ......I've got quite a bit of work to do still. My clothes do feel better with those 8 fat ones gone. I like biking outdoors the most for exercise - hate going to the gym, but do it. My diary is open and I like looking at others for meal ideas. I eat a balanced diet, but I do allow myself a daily cocktail. I'm following the TDEE formula for weight loss and I'm finding it easier than what I was doing before with the MFP allocation of 1200 calories a day and consuming exercise calories. It probably all comes out the same, but it is easier for me. Anyway, friend me!!!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Well, the best lesson is a lesson that teaches one a lesson! So, eating sugar and junk food, has made me feel so bad today that I feel nauseated and not hungry at all! :sick: :sick: :sick: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    It is amazing how our bodies tell us what foods are toxic for us!! Lesson learned! :drinker: :drinker:

    Meg- I have been working telephone triage since 98. It is a mentally draining job, but a good job because I get to use my nursing knowledge and help people. We joke as we say it is the "bone yard" for all the broken R.N'S.! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have to start work in 30 mins, so need to prepare for the next 4 hours of non stop calls! I am blessed to have a job and I am thankful for this! :smile: :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a good wednesday!:drinker: :drinker:

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Wednesday...two more days till the weekend, can you tell I have had a busy week?? The boss is back after 2 week vacation and his idea of getting caught up is sending everything out to Ellen (my coworker) and me...oh well we are employed and it provides job security!:noway:

    Did my kettlebells yesterday am...the Dvd included curtsy lunges...just like they sound but you almost do a squat and slowly...I could feel them today let me tell you. I also played tennis after work..I was terrible (even for me!) In the first set but the second set we went back and forth with the lead...we finally stopped at 4 to 5 because I was out of gas!!! Tomorrow back to kettlebells and time permitting..recumbent bike.

    Barbie - so glad Jake is home he really sounds like your soulmate:flowerforyou:

    Nancy - I love your stories of your 15 year old...my son littered his room with clothes as well...the Marines took care of that bad habit..I also stopped doing kid laundry when they were teenagers ...dd just took care of it..ds let it go until he ran out and then the washer ran non-stop for days!!
    I wish I could remember more to respond to..the posts are always motivating...some day my ticker will move again but for now i am happy with status quo...had a Dr followup on Tuesday and bp was 120/80....which is awesome for me..someday I hope to get rid or at least lowers dosage of bp med..but its also in fam history.

    Have a great night. Hugs high fives and prayers ...we are fit and fabulous (or at least working on it)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Liz - the popcorn doesn't dry out. I just make sure I have the bag closed. One year I left it open and the popcorn that was on top shriveled a bit. I just use the airpop popcorn so there's no oil to go rancid. Like I said, the only reason I'm starting right now is so that I can do it on the deck and then I won't have to clean up, mother nature takes care of it for me. Am I lazy or what????

    Micki - you poor thing!

    Lin - WAAAYYYYY back when when I was single (back in the days when the dinosaurs roamed....lol) I was too poor to even buy garland for my tree so I bought a 99cent bag of popcorn and strung that. I thought it looked so neat that I've been stringing it ever since. When I take it off the tree, it goes out for the birds Also, any extra goes out for the birds.

    Polly - I'll have to give the broiled salmon a try. Never broiled it. Does the lemon pepper keep the moisture in, I'm wondering.

    Welcome to everyone new!!!

    wessecg - I'm not a teacher, and I have no plans to go anywhere else...that's that!!! No, you're right, it just happens that early in September is the start of the school year for many. Not for those here in NC, tho. I think they started mid-august.

    Linda - I think cranberries would really dry out by Christmas. I just make sure I close the bag (a plastic bag) and it keeps. I would really like to get a LARGE plastic bag of a heavy weight. Right now I use one of those plastic bags that UPS puts your package in so it doesn't get wet, but that bag isn't heavy at all. Today is much cooler, and my ankles aren't swelling.

    About a smaller church being clicked - unfortunately, it seems that people don't volunteer so you wind up with a few people doing lots of work. Like our church takes a collection once/month for the soup pantry. I volunteer, what it involves is just picking up the items that are donated and then dropping them off at the soup kitchen. They asked for another volunteer, I called and said that I don't mind doubling up but if someone else volunteers, that's not a problem. Do you know that the lady in charge called me, not one person called her and volunteered. It's not like it's a lot of work. I also lector at our church, two times they've asked for someone to sub, two times I've offered, two times she's taken a while to get back to me, two times she found someone else to sub, two times it was the same woman. Sometimes I think that some people in charge don't utilize volunteers as they should which is why some people get frustrated. I know at the last chuch I was at I got frustrated. You were supposed to check in and get an assignment if you were being a eucharistic minister. One day I did, I asked for a certain assignment and was told it was already taken. The person wasn't even there! Since I did it so little at that church, the one and only time I needed to change, this woman did mine and hers. Enough......

    Vince just told me that the inspector was here and he saw on the website that we were approved. Just waiting for the guys to come here so we can talk about the retaining wall.

    Amanda - why is it that men want long hair on women? Vince's hair was long so I made a deal that if he cut his hair, I'd grow mine long. I was hoping that if I kept it in a ponytail he'd eventually get frustrated "oh, I can't even see it so why bother", but that hasn't happened. I keep telling Vince "I'm not 20 any more". Have a great weekend!

    DeeDee - Vince does BIG decorating for Halloween and then for Christmas. I guess one of the reasons I'm starting the stringing now is so that I'll be able to help him decorate.

    Cathy - see if your pool has a girls/family locker room. It's usually not crowded at all (many times I'm the only person in there).

    Remember I mentioned about a lemon bread that you make in the crock pot only I didn't have a pan that would fit? Well, I put three mini-loaf pans on my wish list at Amazon. I'm thinking that surely that'll fit. I try to put things up there that the kids can get me for Christmas that aren't real expensive.

    Did about 1-1/4 hr of Jillian Michae's Shed and shred DVD today (Tues). Tomorrow I'll do speed intervals on the treadmill.

    Nancy - happy birthday! Have fun this weekend. I haven't seen ds in 1-1/2 years. How I miss him!

    jane - that's me, I love to cook and bake, make things and give them away. Better on their hips than mine, that's what I say....lol

    Well, the guy who is going to build the retaining wall was here today. We picked out the stone for the wall. We have another retaining wall that was built the same time as the house, these stones are beveled. Apparently, they aren't making them beveled any longer. The good news is that this wall won't directly connect with the existing wall. Tomorrow a guy will be here to cut the spa and the wall to make the spillover. As of right now, no one will be here Thurs, I think he's going to come back on Friday (not sure what he'll be doing). On Monday the PLAN is to start building the retaining wall. You know, I still have a hard time envisioning what it'll look like when it's done.

    Looks like I forgot to post last night. anyway, welcome everyone who is new.

    Did an hour of speed intervals on the treadmill today (Wed), tomorrow I'll do Tammi Lee Webb's I Want That Body DVD.

    Had the Newcomer general meeting. Surprising how few people seem to be coming to the general meetings lately. Maybe it's because it's summertime. Read Vince's treasurer's report. The guy to cut for the spillover never came. He's SUPPOSED to be here tomorrow and Friday. We shall see. Went to see this new doctor, he's near our home and we just weren't real happy with the office staff with the other doctor. I didn't know this, but when you ask that your records be sent to a new doctor, they only send the records from their office, not your complete file. Glad I have copies of test results.

    Meg - a GPS will ALWAYS take you in the most round-about way to get from point A to point B. lol threatening to leave the kids on the doorstep!

    I'm just so uncoordinated, but I bet if I could go to a small zumba class just to get started, that I'd like it. I went to one class and it, too, was packed. I felt really bad

    Lila - that's just wonderful that you have to send the dress back! That's one reason I really don't like ordering clothes off the Internet. I will order them if I've tried them on in the store and I'm just looking for another color.

    barbie - yaaa Jake is home!!!! In some ways I wish I had a partner who enjoyed exercising. When we went to the doctor's today, they ask this question about how much you exercise. I answered about 420min/week, combination of cardio and resistance training. Vince's answer? "No, I don't exercise"

    Nancy - getting kids clothes doesn't improve as they get older. I remember Bryan a year or two ago was here, he was all ready to donate these socks to the Salvation Army. I remember I had to special order them for my father, they are very warm and have a soft lining. I kept them for me just in case.

    bigpal - happy anniversary!

    DeeDee - my GPS tells me that where our house is is in a field....lol

    lentigogirl - congrats on the NSV. It always feels so good to wear a smaller size that we used to wear, even IF the clothes are out of date.

    12774 - after going in the pool, do you take a shower to shower the chlorine off?

    Robin - tap shoes! Haven't thought about them in a long time. I bet they'll be real fun for you

    Better post this before I forget (yet again). Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Quote for the day:

    Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.--Earl Nightengale

    i'm MEMORIZING this one! :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Woke up with a headache today and it's still hanging around, but I managed to get to the gym after work anyway. Another NSV to report -- I tried on 3 outfits this morning before I discovered a straight black skirt that I haven't worn in about 10 years. It FIT!!! I couldn't believe it! :bigsmile:

    Got extra water in today. Whew! Craving chocolate all week -- I gave in and had TWO Klondike 100 calorie bars for dessert tonight, but I still have about 500 extra calories left over since I went to the gym. It was pigish, but I waited for a half hour after I finished the first one to see whether I could outlast the craving before I finally gave in.

    So many great stories on the thread since yesterday. Congratulations on the "too big" dress that must be returned, finding the great red dress in the back of the closet, helping J'boy re-discover the square footage in his closet (I have a 16-year old who uses his floor as his hamper), getting the contract work, and the tap shoes! I've always wanted to learn to tap dance. It always seemed like such a happy thing -- I can't imagine being able to tap dance if you are sad. I gave up on it years ago after my mom refused to sign me up for tap classes. I might have to put it back on my list of things to try out some day. Hearing everyone's stories is helping me see that I'm not crazy -- these ARE great ideas rattling around in my head, because all of you are having some of the same ideas, and you're DOING them!

    Keep on going, everyone. We are one, amazing group of determined women. :smile: :flowerforyou:
