

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I am so impressed with those of you who can throw away food! I can toss it to the birds but that's about it.

    My birds are eating well this week. After years of nursing it along, my sourdough has failed -- three consecutive non-rising loaves. At least we get the awesome smell of fresh baked bread in the house! (I don't eat it -- just bake for DH & DS -- and it barely counts as baking because I use a bread machine. I jumpstarted the sourdough with new yeast this morning after the third failure and it was bubbling nicely when I left.)
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!

    We just heard that my daughter got a nursing job in Spokane, so she'll be moving there in two weeks to join her new husband. They seem to pay a lot better there than they do in Denver -- she'll be getting $10/hour more than she is getting here, along with full benefits and tuition reimbursement for grad school. Hooray! :smile: Except she is moving away. :cry:

    Hubby just booked us for another trip to Mexico in a few weeks, so I have a new motivation to do better. As I mentioned yesterday, I've been going a bit over on the calories lately and haven't dropped anything in about 3 weeks now -- but haven't gained, either. It's time for another downward move!! It's hard to keep track down there, what with fou-fou drinks on the beach and mostly restaurant meals, but we walk so much there that I rarely gain anything. We go to Playa del Carmen, which has those gorgeous turquoise Caribbean waters. It will be good to take my mind off of my daughter being gone.

    Mwheatcraft54 -- Thank you for the pep talk! It helps.

    SundanceB -- Whenever I see your posts, I think of how much Sally Fields looks like you!

    Mazaron -- What town do you live in? I worked near Glacier Park one summer in college, and used to go across the border into Cardston for shopping. I love Banff, which is gorgeous, and am trying to convince hubby that we should go there one of these summers soon. A lot of our neighbors in Mexico are from Canada, mostly Alberta and British Columbia.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    I am down in the dumps today. I feel like I'm trying to do everything right and getting nowhere! I've managed to lose almost 20 lbs. so far and definitely increased my exercise but today my knee is so bad that I can barely walk. :sad: It flared up again bigtime after I did an hr of water aerobics on Tuesday plus my foot is swelling again also. Trying prescription anti-inflamatory again once script gets filled but I don't want to go back to narcotics just to function! Getting headaches every day doesn't help either but I think that's a combo of stress and sinus pressure. Ok, thanks for listening-done complaining!! I am just going to rest today and read a good book!
    Citizens Police Academy is interesting, I found out more how the city is divided up and got a tour of the Coroner's area yesterday. I'm looking forward to the next session.

    Polly - Great NSV!!:smile: Thanks for the encouragement! I have a feeling I might have pushed things a little too quick and just need to slow down for a bit.

    Michele - Somehow I doubt that we will get to shoot any automatic rifles at the Academy.:laugh:

    Liz- Don't beat yourself up! When it's right in front of you, it's very hard to avoid temptation. And it's a big plus that you didn't go over either! We're all here for you! Things will get better! flowerforyou:

    JSioux- Welcome:smile:

    Lila- I still have my salmon in the freezer that my neighbor caught and fileted. My DH won't touch it and I want to eat it but I'm chicken since I have never cooked salmon before. My broiler is not working and no sense dragging out the grill just to make it for me. I have a George Foreman grill but someone said it would taste dry making it that way. I may try to look up a baking recipe for it.

    Linda - I love reading all the posts on her also! It always puts me in a good mood. Even now, my pity party is over!:smile: How coincidental that your headache was in your left temple! That's where my headaches start lately, usually over my left eye. My two dogs are well under 65 lbs. but I know what you mean about when they sleep with you, it is like having a toddler in bed!

    Amanda - I will keep your cousin in my prayers!

    Hugs and well wishes to all of you! I actually am in a better mood than I was earlier after reading all your great posts!:heart:

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Mazaron - We just let him loose in the front yard. Here he is though (if this works)

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. How is everyone this morning? It is a beautiful fall-ish day here. I’m working in the office again today. I don’t know what has caused this, but I feel really energetic today. So far this week I have met my goals…done more exercise than my goal and just barely meeting water goal, but it’s going well. I’m psyched for weigh-in Friday! Tonight will be the elliptical again. It’s also game night at our house. I’ve been kind of a slug as far as the book goes…I need to kick it into high gear, but want to go bike riding Saturday and I have to take the beagle into the vet. He has been “ok’d” for his rabies shot from our regular vet now. They haven’t seen him since he turned yellow, so they will be surprised at how good he looks. I also just signed contract to write 2 chapters for the core curriculum book for the Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates and I’m wondering when I’m going to fit that in!:huh:

    Tigress: I’m with you on the whole wheat pasta…yuck. Brown rice isn’t much better! :mad: You can still get bean sprouts? We can’t get them here anymore…no one will carry them (e. coli infections) and I miss them on my sandwiches!

    Wessecg: don’t worry about posting too much. I think we all like reading everything going on! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for weigh in day! Awww your baby wanted a playmate! :happy: What an angry looking little guy!

    Laura80111; I want to be like Barbie too! Where do you live? It sounds like in a week or two it will be too cold there for bike riding…did I read that right? I tried kettlebells at the Y…they had a demo class and both my arms went numb for an entire day. No more of that!

    Barbie: you actually knitted that sweater? Wow you are talented! It’s really nice! I agree that what makes us special is that we treat each other with respect. What works for one person won’t for the next and we all have to find out own way in this journey. Some of the threads have people who get really nasty with each other if they disagree on something. I’m so glad we aren’t like that!:happy:

    DeeDee: what exactly is a dancing broom? I have a great mental image, but not sure it’s accurate! At 15 pounds it’s a manicure/pedicure and at 30 new lingerie.

    Lin: ARRRRRGGGGG (pirate talk for hope you found your booty, I mean a coat that fit!):bigsmile:

    Polly: what a great NSV!!!

    Michele: we don’t answer the phone during game night or dinner. That keeps those annoying questions at bay! DD made something called Patio Chicken Skillet which is chicken cooked in a base of cream of celery soup, tobacco, onions, green peppers and served over egg noodles. It was yummy. The soup gives it an interesting taste.

    Liz: the good news is every day is a chance to start over. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I recognized that I was eating a lot of things I really didn’t enjoy either and it has been slow going, but I’ve nearly stopped doing that. :flowerforyou:

    Nancy: DD did make the dinner without a battle, but without hubby’s help it would have been at 9!!! I love the comment about the students who goofed off thinking the assignment “sucked”. DD#2 is very smart and is used to learning very quickly, so if she struggles with something it’s “stupid” and “no one should have to learn this crap”. OMG teens.:laugh:

    Linda: we use the ww digital scale here for our weekly weigh ins. The display is big enough to see, you have to remember to zero it each time, but it seems accurate. Hope you got a good night’s sleep

    Gardengail: I love fried green tomatoes but can’t say that without thinking of the movie!

    Amanda: I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your cousin.

    Carolyn: your night sounds like a lot of mine. I was trying to catch up on my water 2 nights ago at 9 pm and ended up in the bathroom 5 times between 9:30 and 12:00!!! :angry: I woke up the next morning feeling like I had never been to bed!

    Janehadji: your trip sounds great. Good for DD although I am sure you will miss her.

    Kathy: I’m so sorry your foot/knee/head hurts! That is miserable. Take care of yourself. It’s frustrating to not be able to do what you want. Hugs:flowerforyou:

    Well lunch time is over so it’s back to the grind. Take care of yourselves, be kind, and log all the nutritious and healthy wonderful food you eat (and the garbage too! LOL) Drink that water! Meg :drinker:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    DeeDee: what exactly is a dancing broom? I have a great mental image, but not sure it’s accurate! At 15 pounds it’s a manicure/pedicure and at 30 new lingerie.

    DD made something called Patio Chicken Skillet which is chicken cooked in a base of cream of celery soup, tobacco, onions, green peppers and served over egg noodles. It was yummy. The soup gives it an interesting taste.

    Meg, the chicken skillet has the funniest spell-check typo I've seen in awhile ;). Tobacco aside, it sounds yummy - similar to how my mother made meatball stroganoff (obviously with chicken for the meatballs ;).

    I wanted to comment on your goal treats - I love them! I hope your husband enjoys them too ;).

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello to all you lovely ladies!! I hope we all see success this week!!! So drink the water, log the food, and keep moving.

    Barbie, you knitted that sweater. Wow, that is terrific. I have a friend who can crochet just about anything. She does dozens of dishrags to give to her mom for her church's annual fund raiser. She just finished some zoo animals---and I gotta say I adored the elephants---which she sent off for a charity project. She also makes varous types of cowls---she sells those. Afghans, caps, baby clothing, booties, she'll do just about anything. She doesn't WALK though! You just cannot fit everything in a day right?

    Meg - you really get a lot accomplished over your lunch hour. Congrats on the new book agreement. And when do you get to enough time to ride that new bike/trike again?

    Well my hunt in the basement yielded just the thing. A long coat that will allow me to wear two layers under it, has a hood, and is heavy enough to keep me from freezing during an Iowa winter. I travel alone on the frozen highways so I always want a warm coat, good boots, gloves and a scarf! In fact, it's time to start hunting for my winter car stuff and to put water proofer on my boots.

    Speaking of fur coats wessecg, I inherited my mom's coat when she passed away some years ago. She adored that coat and it was one of her *perks* for having worked so many years so I had to keep it. My mom was much smaller than me though so the coat is not only too short but the sleeves are too short. Then of course it really wouldn't fit me right now anyway due to my BULK. I don't care for fur but again, she adored it, so it stays in the closet.

    I went to Younkers today for their Goodwill sale. For those of you outside the marketing area, you take a clothing item in to Younkers to donate to Goodwill and you receive a discount coupon for one item. They had double coupons today so I took in 6 items and ended up with 12 coupons which are good for another week.

    My neck has been killing me and I wanted a new pillow so I purchased one that is supposedly designed for *side sleepers* and with a combo of sale price and the coupon it ended up 50% off. My neck is looking forward to trying it out tonight. Gosh I hope it works.

    There were a lot of clothing bargains, as well as purses, scarves, shoes...........a virtual minefield. I came close to buying a purse, a scarf and 3 tops. But just close, I just brought home the pillow (for now).

    Well off I go, I have a lot of walking left to do for today. Oh yes, and a lot of water to drink.

    Again, wishing everyone well!!!!!! Virtual hugs to all.

    :wink: :wink:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Sorry about your knee, Kathy. I prescribe -- fish oil! I cook salmon on a George Foreman all the time -- just be careful not to overcook it. If the skin is still on, cook it with the skin side up; that way the fat drips down and keeps it moister.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Oh I did so much better when I was with my sisters! I'm sorry our trip is over :sad:

    Have had a bit of a cold since we came home but am doing better. I've got to get on a better schedule. I'm going to go for a walk and will come back and read the posts later.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Lentigogirl - Thanks! Is there anything in particular that you add to your salmon for flavor? I know a lot of recipes call for lemon juice but I'm not a big fan of lemon.

    Lin - Good luck on your new pillow! If it works, let me know what kind it is. I'm always in search of the perfect pillow!:smile:

    Meg-Congrats on the contract!

    Wessecg - Think I would have rather had your visitor instead of finding a bird nest out front with a dead baby bird.:sad: I guess the wind knocked it out of the tree.

    I foound a sample packet of BioFreeze back when I had physical therapy so I put it on my bad knee. Crossing my fingers that it helps!
    My day actually has been quite productive in spite of physical limitations and I'm off to our neighborhood assn tonight.

    Have a good evening all!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Kathy - so sorry about your pain. I hope the bio freeze helps. Some days that stuff is all that keeps me going and I'll let you know if my neck approves of the pillow.

    Hope you feel better pretty darn quick.

    Wow updating iPod software is taking forever today.


  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    One of the things my sister told me while we were walking:

    "If you really want to know the truth is it's not a the perfect man a woman wants but to be able to eat exactly what she wants". Anyway the way she said it was funnier than what I just told you.

  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have been MIA this past week...I started reading the posts of the last few days but figured I should post something before I continue reading as I have missed a lot....including a picture of some animal hanging upsidedown....can't wait to read about that!
    I haven't had much luck with my brace I got for my knee, they are sending it back for adjustments so it will be a couple more weeks before I get it back. It keeps slipping down my leg. Have to admit that has had me a bit down in the dumps, I haven't been tracking my food or drinking my water and it really does make a difference.
    Does anyone know anything about the sout beach diet? My Dr. has suggested it to me but I don't know if it's really for me at my age,
    Well, back to reading the posts, I think I have enough time to read some of yesterdays and todays before bedtime!

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Zumba was a blast. I can't do all the moves yet, but I sweated up a storm.

    Lin- I hope the pillow works, neck pain is awful.

    Kathy-sorry about the knee.

    Short on time, bbl Tigress
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Zumba was a blast. I can't do all the moves yet, but I sweated up a storm.

    Lin- I hope the pillow works, neck pain is awful.

    Kathy-sorry about the knee.

    Short on time, bbl Tigress

    Forgot to write something before I hit the post button.:ohwell:

    I'm glad you liked Zumba. I hate missing a class...and that has NEVER happened to me before with any exercise type of thing.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I just cook my salmon on a flat griddle on the cooktop, nothing fancy. It is also good done baked in a foil pouch with whatever you want to add to it. I like fat free Italian dressing in that method.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Kathyszoo -- Kathy, I'm so sorry that you're having so much pain today. I'm sending positive thoughts for a better tomorrow!

    Lin -- I hope your neck loves it's new pillow!

    Cindy -- I agree with your sister's quote! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could just enjoy eating instead of always having to worry about it??
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all.Thanks for the well wishes,today I felt human again.
    Getting to see my grand daughter Violet tomorrow.It`s been a month,hard since I was use to daily Violet time.
    Looking forward to a fun afternoon and sleep over.
    Hope everyone has a good night!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    liz - we all have times when we make bad choices. The real key is to recognize them (which you did) and try to avoid making them again. I can almost guarantee you that it WILL happen again, but you will most likely see it happening less and less frequently. This morning I made more brownies for Vince. Consumers Report rated this brand of brownie mix the highest. Only the last time I made them, he felt he wanted them "chewier". The recipe calls for 1 egg, this time what I did was used egg substitute and instead of 4Tbs (which is equivalent to one egg) I only used 2Tbs. Of course, I had to try some of the raw dough. Another thing I did was instead of the oil, I used prune puree. Vince doesn't know about this, and he hasn't mentioned it so I'm not about to say anything. Update: he said they had the right consistency

    Right now I'm making some garlic bread. I like to make it ahead of time and then just cut it and freeze it. This way when I need a piece, I just have to pull it out of the freezer, I don't have to heat up the oven and it goes much faster (am I lazy, or what?)

    Right now there are three guys here working on the retaining wall, 2 more guys here doing small things that need to be done, and one guy overseeing it all. Busy day! I'll probably make these apple muffins later today. I'm thinking that I'll make mini-muffins instead of the regular sized ones the recipe calls for. Need to have something to give the guys tomorrow. Vince is out right now supervising.

    Welcome everyone who is new. I know that youll love it here

    Did an hour of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred today. I've found that if I do levels 2 and 3 without a cooldown after level 2, it's about an hour (technically, something like 56 minutes). Tomorrow I think I'll do the stairmaster. Haven't done that in a while. Afterwards, I'll probably have to stop at the store to at least get ice.

    Linda Sundance - thanks for keeping in tougch with Dixie. I've been thinking about her and hoping things are OK. I know it'll take a while for her.

    DeeDee - we just lost our Harris Teeter :( Lowes made a deal with them and they traded Lowes stores in the Charlotte area for Harris Teeter stores. I understand Publix will be opening a store in the Ballantyne area. Can't wait for them to come to Hickory. We REALLY need some diversity. I liked Harris Teeter because I could buy some things there that I couldn't get anywhere else. We now have 4 Lowes food stores within a 5 mile radius of each other.

    Right now I'm making some chocolate chip cookies. I understand that the general contractor will be here tomorrow and the last time I made chocolate chip cookies, his grandson came here with him and the grandson ate them all! These are ones that Vince won't eat because they contain oatmeal. Yup, you read right

    Gail - I have heard of Farkel. But from what I read on the Internet, it seems that figuring out the points is somewhat involved. Sometimes I just want something that is laid back, especially after a long day

    Vince has a separate savings account for his Paypal transactions. He only keeps something like $50 balance in it, but when he knows that he's going to be purchasing something, he'll add that amount of money to the $50. This way, if someone gets a hold of his account, the most money that they can get is $50.

    Carolyn - I don't think there was any info on the calories, etc for the cookies. I would have put it in if there was, that's for sure. I just thought it was something a little bit different. One day I may just put it into my Mastercook and get those nutritionals. You know, when we first moved to this neighborhood, practically no one decorated for Halloween and only a few people did for Christmas. Like I've told everyone, Vince is a BIG TIME decorator. We've noticed that in the years since we've been here and decorating, more and more of the neighbors are decorating.

    Now I'm making banana oat muffins for the guys. I'm making them in mini-muffin tins. That'll be IT for the baking for today. We shall see how much gets used up this weekend.

    Jessica is supposed to be here late in the afternoon tomorrow. She has to go into work first thing in the morning but after that she'll leave to come down here. I suspect she wants to see how the pool is coming along and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she wanted to go in it.

    M - thanks for that cookie dough recipe. Interesting....I'm going to try it for myself, first, and then take it from there. But it does look interesting.

    Jane - congrats to your daughter. Well, now you have a good reason to go to Spokane....lol

    Kathy - so sorry about your pain, hoping it's better fast. Just saw this at iVillage and thought of you: In India, ginger is considered a universal medicine. It’s used to help heal pretty much everything, including headaches, muscle pain, joint pain and even bad back injuries,” says Dr. Lonsdorf. Ginger’s secret: It’s packed with gingerols, which are plant compounds that ramp up production of pain-numbing endorphins, dampen inflammation, improve blood flow and relax tense, spasming muscles. Eating one teaspoon of freshly grated ginger (or three slices of candied ginger) a day quells aches and pains for up to 63 percent of women within two weeks, according to University of Miami researchers.

    Read More http://www.ivillage.com/spices-are-good-your-health/4-b-488219#ixzz273i25Ook

    jane - have fun with your graddaughter.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just a quick note tired hoping for a good night's sleep. Maybe I will get a full 8 hours. Dreaming:yawn:

    @Gail, I have played Sequence we like it, also Kings corner's and Euchre any card game we really enjoy playing games yes farkle too. Donuts i grew up in Illinois we only had Dunkin Donuts never heard of Krispie Kreme till they came here. My choice would be dunkin so grateful they are not out here.

    @Lin -- I hope your new pillow helps.

    @ Kathy sorry you are in so much pain hope you feel better soon.
    @ Tigress glad you had fun at Zumba class

    Today was a good day overall. Our clients made a scarecrow to be enter in a contest at Idaho Botanical Garden, So we took it there set it up which took most of the morning. We went for a walk which was nice lovely weather except for the poor quality air again today. Lots of smoke still in the air. Really praying for some rain.

    Well that's it.

    Work for the rest of the day was just normal stuff. Came home walk Bella, now just relaxing a bit before bed. This Saturday is the Women's Celebration 3K I am enter as a non-competive walker. The last time I did this my daughter was in a stroller.