

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Oh My Gosh - I'm watching GMA this morning and saw Vogue's Plus size model (who is beautiful). She is actually a size 12-I would kill to be that size again! Not complaining though, my lifestyle change is going very well. :smile: Just wondering-when did size 12 become a plus size?

    DeeDee - Your halloween decorating sounds like fun! I'll have to start tracking down some of my stuff to put out! We usually decorate more outside with cobwebs on the bushes and batlights on the porch.

    Liz - Hope you feel better and that you were able to get more sleep before work!

    Linda - I certainly hope that things work out in your favor with the IRS!

    Barbara- Thanks for the salud and kind words!:flowerforyou: It sounds like your exercise/play room will be fun to use with the way you are setting it up!

    Meg - Congrats on having the taxes behind you now!

    Kate - Glad you got to your tomatoes before the frost does. Picturing you in your housecoat covering them at 2am:smile: Isn't it amazing the things we think of when we're awake in the middle of the night!

    Lila - Your book club sounds like fun!

    Nancy- Citizens Police Academy is an eight week (2 hrs week) course mostly learning the inner workings and behind the scenes work at the police dept. and learning ways to be a more active participant in keeping your neighborhood safe. Our neighborhood has a great neighborhood assn. and I learned abt this opportunity at one of the meetings.

    Barbie - Thanks for sharing your pics and for keeping us going month after month! I really feel that this forum has made a positive impact on my life!

    Wecome newbies!:drinker: And thanks all of you for your continued inspiration, motivation, support and friendship! :heart:

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Wow, Barbie - you look mahvelous!!!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning all -

    I'm busy procrastinating about work - have a hard (iow, new) code to write so am "thinking" about it right now :). I did however get resistance/weights and abs done this morning - shoulders and arms today. My partner stood me up, which wouldn't make me annoyed if he would just tell me he's not going to be there - then I could start whenever I want instead of waiting until our official "start" time. Men! I'm also going out this afternoon for a walk - have it scheduled in my calendar so I don't skip it, not that I would anyway. My goal is to walk 20+ miles each week in addition to the workouts - I have a five mile loop I do in about an hour that I really enjoy. It's hilly around here, so it really is a workout!

    I don't know how you all keep up with everyone and their goings-on - do you take notes or a list? I started to do that yesterday - but then I had to go back to working :(. Anyway, I tend to respond to people as I go - hope that doesn't make me a posting spammer! I'll work on it :).

    My kitteh is really starting to get cuddly with this cooler weather - he's been alternating between sleeping under my feet under a blanket while I'm at the computer and sleeping curled up in a cat bed. I can tell it's going to be a long winter - he's already prepping for it. At least for me it makes for a better night's sleep - I sleep so much harder when it's cool.

    I hope we get some good snow this year - I'm planning two or three ski vacations and would like to have some fresh powder for them. I miss skiing and am really anxious to test-drive this slimmer, stronger body on the slopes! What is everyone else planning for the winter and any holidays? Husband wants to go to Colorado for Thanksgiving (my mom and son are there), daughter wants to ski in California so looking at Tahoe (if we're going to drive to Mammoth might as well go the extra two hours is what I say) for Christmas, and since I just for the first time got a look at the slopes in NH this summer I'd like to try out ice-skiing in the Whites at Bretton Woods for maybe Martin Luther King Day or President's Day weekend. Not that I'd like to try out ice skiing, just that it's my understanding that East Coast skiing is like that (says the West Coast ski snob ;). I hope we can get them all in! I found in my research that the condo rentals are going for pretty cheap - upside to a down economy I guess.

    Anyway, I've done enough "thinking" so better get back to coding. I hope everyone has a wonderful day - strong positive thoughts to all of you with struggles, and I'll try to work on more personalized responses as I get to know all of you.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!

    I can't quite seem to manage to find time to read the posts every day, so have just been catching up. So glad to know that we're all in this battle together. This has been my worst week since I started -- a lot of eating challenges that I could probably have handled better. A lot of emotional upheaval, which I attribute to hormones since nothing too monumental has happened.

    Barbiecat -- thank you for posting your before/after pictures. You look wonderful!!!!

    Mwheatcraft54 -- No, I've never taught at UCD. I was a stay-at-home mom for 21 years, and am now a realtor with Coldwell Banker.

    DeeDee -- thanks for the scallops recipe, I'll try it! I love easy, delicious things to cook.

    Michele -- the pool looks amazing! I can't wait to see the finished project.

    Kackie -- I graduated from MSU in Bozeman, and remember going to Big Sky once. It's so pretty in that part of the state! I was from Plains in the NW part of the state, so also in the mountains, close to Idaho and Canada.

    Laura80111 -- How did your husband find his first day on the new job? I hope he enjoyed it! I'll be in touch about lunch.

    Well, I'm off to pedal on my recumbent bike before my lunch appointment, then book club tonight. I hope you all have a wonderful day! :smile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Just a quick note this morning but I couldn't let this pass: MY GOODNESS, Barbie!!!!! Your pictures are truly inspirational. How wonderful--you've totally transformed yourself. That is wonderful!!!! But I have to say I do love your hair in that first picture. How cute.........but it looks like a lot of work.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Hoping everyone has an excellent day.

    :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    This has been my worst week since I started -- a lot of eating challenges that I could probably have handled better. A lot of emotional upheaval, which I attribute to hormones since nothing too monumental has happened.

    I can relate - I'm trying desperately to break my salt habit (or at least relax it) and wound up going to bed at something like 7:30 last night just to avoid temptation :( Well, I needed the sleep, but still!

    I noted a number of ladies mentioning temptation and downfalls - I never regard my eating as such - I love MFP because I can calculate if the item in question is going to fit into my calorie schema. Last week I had an ice cream sundae with my husband simply because I was so low in calories for the day that I actually NEEDED them! Even on days when the numbers are creeping up, I can see how devastating it was to my overall count and adjust accordingly. The bottom line - I'm eating so much better and with better portion control that if I want to splurge once in a while (or find myself doing so), I know I'll just get back in line with my next meal. It's not a destination, it's a journey. ENJOY those calories, and relax. The stress and guilt will just set you back.

    My little pep-talk for the day :).
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Barbicat - how cute you took the after picture with the same sweater. What a difference!! I am afraid I will never be able to do before and after pictures because I almost always look huge in pictures. In my early twenties when I still weighed 115 (at 5'7) I would still look heavy in pictures and I was a bone!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Barbie luv the pics .Thanks for sharing.
    Hubby is sick now.Fun,fun fun.It`s so different when they are the sick ones.When I`m sick,life still goes on,what`s for dinner etc.
    Know I feel lousy,etc.Sorry just venting.
    Make it a good one!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yeah it's hump day Wednesday

    Startdancer- good job on the loss in your waist...it's always good to see some progress like that:drinker:

    Kate- hoping that your hubbys cousin recovers soon, how nice of you to offer your home as a place to stay so his wife can be close by it's always good to be near family when medical emergencies are around.:flowerforyou: :laugh: Picturing you in the garden covering your plants:laugh:

    Linda- I read that article too and found some of it helpful but a lot of it I already knew but thanks for sharing:happy:

    Jane- sorry to hear you are still under the weather, hoping you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou:

    Kathy- so glad that you got the all clear from your doctor, I'm sure that's a big weight off your shoulders:flowerforyou:

    Carolyn- I loved that you are going to move your pile around your desk tomorrow....I do that daily too...sort and resort the piles and see which one hollers the loudest to get dealt with:wink: Your dinner sounded wonderful:drinker:

    Meg-so glad you didn't have a headache, will be curious to hear if they are caused by what to do or don't eat:huh:

    DeeDee- you pulled out Halloween decorations:noway: I'm always lucky to get them out two weeks before. The frozen Salmon I bought is by. C.Wirthy & Company Atlantic Salmon Boneless Skinless Center Cut Fillets 6 oz ea.

    Jen- tea instead of snacks in the evening...sounds like you are making positive changes:drinker:

    Linda-how did your IRS call turn out?:huh: I remember when all three boys were home and I too was driving them everywhere...the time flies by so quickly, I miss having a house full of family:ohwell: So I guess I have to wait for Christmas.

    Tigress- so sorry that the Zumba class didn't happen:sad: Maybe next week?

    Lin-that's good news that your Dad is doing better after your talk with them:drinker: It's usually communication that makes the difference, wonder why we have such a hard time with that:huh:

    Wessecg- We all have moments of being naughty and eating something we knew better than to eat, if there is a next time put the package back in the cupboard and close the door:huh: But you confessed and now it's over:wink:

    Nancy- those girls have no idea how fortunate they are to have you for a teacher:flowerforyou: Reading that your daughter had a cell phone and was told to call if she needed you...reminds me that my three sons had pagers and when I paged they were to call home...I called it "the leash":laugh:

    G-good planning on your part, taking the meal to your daughter and taking the fish for yourself, I'm sure that if we all were to plan ahead we'd find the success sooner than ever:flowerforyou:

    Michele- that cookie receipe sounds wonderful, but for now can't do that to my hubby as he'd feel like I'm just being mean to make something that he can't eat:wink:

    Barbie- what an inspiration you are:flowerforyou: great before & after's...really you don't look the same and so much younger too:drinker:

    Lila- yep those crossiants are killers, flour & butter:wink: but boy do they taste good...and that's why I don't buy them or eat them when I go out...although I do wish I could:blushing: Book club so what kinds of books?

    Barbara- a real workout room with a mirror:noway: Our basement looks like one too but has extra stuff being stored in other areas and right now the weight machine has boxes on the seat...need to get that cleaned up:wink:

    Wizzywig- at least you did log the not so good choices, if you'd really fallen off the wagon you would have ignored logging completely...so back on the wagon today is a new day:flowerforyou:

    Liz- Nope not pirate talking here....Krispy Kreme is in the south end of town and not convenient...not that I'd be headed there anyway...maybe you can give your donut away:huh: I'm sure that many of us would have jumped at the offer of a free donut before MFP but now it's just a temtation that we don't need.:noway: Sending you willpower:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies- you are in the BEST place for encouragement:flowerforyou:
    Hubbys first night was the orientation for new employees, said it was boring...which I understand as when he was in HR he's the one that did that job. He was under the impression that he would be working most weekends and evenings at that, but when he told the Manager he'd be willing to work days they asked him to come in today 9-1...so we will have our bike ride after I get off work and dinner together...would be nice if his schedule is more during the week days:ohwell: another wait and see.

    I didn't have my Salmon but Talipia for dinner last night...so no loss the same...which is good...will have Salmon tonight and I'm expecting there to be a change tomorrow:happy:

    Everyone have a great Wednesday. Drink plenty of water, move your body and log your food :drinker: Here's to our Success:drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Well good morning! It's a foggy mountain breakdown here, completely socked in. I imagine we'll see the sun later this afternoon. I almost talked myself out of going to the track this morn since I slept in late. Had a quick cuppa joe, got dressed and got down there for 40 mins of walk/jog. I'm sore, but it's day 3, so tomorrow should be better.

    Linda, if I recall, this "Fiesta Salsa" recipe is from an old Ball canning cookbook. I don't have the book, but I got the recipe from a friend a couple of years ago after telling her that I'd thrown out a couple batches of my canned salsa that tasted like dog food. It was terrible! :tongue: :sick: :tongue: I started asking around and found that seeding the tomatoes is the key since the seeds change the flavor of the salsa after canning. It's not like fresh salsa, of course, but I find it to be really good and retains the flavor quite well.

    Fiesta Salsa

    Makes about 10 1/2 cups.

    7 c. peeled and seeded tomatoes
    2 c. sweet peppers such as bells, rough-chopped
    1 c. onion, rough-chopped
    1/2 c. canned diced green chilies or home-roasted Anaheim chilies, peeled and seeded
    1/2 c. jalapeno and/or serrano chilies with seeds (I use 1 c. for hotter salsa)
    1/4 c. cilantro leaves
    3 cloves garlic
    1/2 t. oregano
    1 t. salt
    1/2 c. cider vinegar
    2 T. lime juice
    1/4 - 1/2 t. cumin (I use the lesser amount since cumin is very overpowering)
    1 t. red pepper flakes

    Process all vegetables in batches,, including tomatoes, garlic and cilantro in a food processor. Stir in remaining ingredients and taste, adjusting seasonings. Simmer for 10 minutes in a stainless or enamel pan. Pour into hot, sterile jars and seal. Process in hot water bath for 15 minutes.

    This morning I'm making and canning our taco sauce for the year with the remaining 8 cups of seedless, plain sauce I made yesterday. It's mixed with lots of chili powder, jalapenos and serranos, onions, white vinegar and water. Much like the La Victoria brand. I've been working on the recipe for a few years, it's pretty darned good stuff. There'll be another few gallons of Roma tomatoes ready to pick today or tomorrow. :love: Wheeeee!

    I didn't feel the need to snack on the fly at work yesterday :laugh:

    Must get busy, just looked at the clock! :noway: Have a wonderful Weds everyone! Great pics, Barbie, wow!

    :smile: jb
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Hump Day! Yes it is! Wednesdays are usually good for me at least right now because it’s an office day and I get tons done! It is beautiful here today so my fitness partner and I went for a walk. I have been doing great with the exercise; this was my 4th time exercising this week, and our goal is three (cardio). I’ll do the elliptical tonight when I get home. I feel very energetic today although I am sleepy if that makes sense. We slept with the windows open last night and that practically drugs me. So nice and cool and comfy….and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:yawn:

    Oh, sorry I fell asleep thinking about it. :bigsmile:

    Last night DD#1 made dinner and did a pretty good job of it but it took 3 hours, so we were eating at 8 LOL. :grumble:

    DeeDee: I too decorate the house for holidays and love Halloween. I try to buy one “big” decoration each year.

    Linda: hope you got all your IRS stuff straightened out. The girls actually have been “in charge” of the kitchen for several years, cooking and cleaning. DD#2 is great at it, but DD#1 is lazy and she’s the one with the bad English, so it’s a challenge. But isn’t it amazing how they can step over something to get in the bathroom and not see it? They also got red hair dye all over the toilet once and claimed to have not noticed for well over a week. :huh:

    Lin: glad things are looking up for dad and you got to talk to the nurse. I hope it continues to go well! You are so right that aging isn’t for wimps!

    Wessecg: if that’s the worst you have done this whole time, you are my hero!:flowerforyou:

    Glenda: good for you not to turn around and go home!!! NSV!!!

    Michele: that cat face can also be smelling. They have an olfactory organ on the roof of their mouths. Sometimes they’ll open their mouths to smell the air. Cats are definitely a weird breed. Maybe that’s why I love them so much. :heart: YUM thanks so much for the cookie recipe! It sounds great!

    Barbie: wow! Those pictures really do tell a story don’t they? You look wonderful! Thanks for posting…you are an inspiration!:flowerforyou:

    Lila : I have always wanted to join a book club, but it seems I have no time. Maybe in my retirement!!!

    Barbara AHMOD: Yes I did tell!!! Hubby thought it was funny but the girls were scandalized! “MOM!!! OMG!!! GROSS!!! :laugh: I’m snickering now thinking about it. Yes, it seems that you will have to give in and use your exercise room.

    Wizziwig: just get back on the horse! You’ll get to your goals. We all have our days.

    Kate: so sorry to hear about your cousin. What a long operation. I am sending my best wishes your way :flowerforyou:

    Lizmil: IDK….dress like a pirate day sounds like fun! Hope you got some sleep “ARRRRRRRR” (that’s my best pirate noise):bigsmile:

    Nancy: you’re right sometimes you have to prioritize those issues. Good for you for knowing what battles to pick…sounds like your were a great mom. Thank goodness our worst issue is DD#2 and her incredibly snotty behavior. She is completely dismissive of DH, condescending and rude. We think she’s trying to “get back” at her Russian father.

    Kathy: I’m with you…..size 12 is a plus???? OMG I must wear “pregnant beached whale”!!! :smokin:

    M: I am hoping to have our best friends for Thanksgiving and then probably just a quiet Christmas because they will be gone. NYE is actually our favorite holiday; we love the dinner dances at the hotels and staying overnight. They have been harder to find lately. I totally agree with you on the food issue; plan and add it all in. You can work in treats easily. The guilt is what is holding people back!!!

    Janehadji: don’t you just love the recumbent bike? I adore mine! Hopefully this week will be better for you.

    Jane: hope everyone in your house gets well soon! And back up to speed! :flowerforyou:

    Laura: that would be great for you if DH gets a better schedule

    JB: congrats on getting to the track despite yourself!

    Well I have to get back to work and be productive for another couple of hours yet. BLEH. Just kidding. It is so great to read the posts from all of you and I am so grateful I found you. Take care, meg :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Afternoon all, where did the time go. I was supposed to go to the eye doctor today, they called the other day and talked to DH, he asked me if I had an eye appointment, but never mentioned that the doctors office called. I went swimming instead. I had to make another appointment.. I swam for an hour, and my legs didn't cramp up. I thought an hour is great so I will add time from there. I was so hungry when I got home, I started planning my lunch.

    Barbie- Is that the same sweater, wow it doesn't look like it. You look great.

    Thanks for the tip on whole wheat pasta, but I have given up wheat. I don't like the taste of whole wheat pasta or bread anyway so no great loss. I found I can eat so much more without wheat products, so I am not hungry. I always end up failing because I am so hungry. My blood sugars are much better without the wheat. I still eat brown rice and beans, but not pasta, white potatoes or white rice. Last week DH took me to lunch and I ate a little wheat and got an upset stomach gas and diarrah (sp?) So I'll stick with the veggies and sweet potatoes. I use bean sprouts instead of pasta, I can eat the whole can (1 1/2 cups) with sauce, 4 good sized homemade meat balls and cheese for what would have been a half a cup of pasta, 3 small meatballs and a half a cup of sauce, no cheese. Yeah bread is overrated, and my sugar spikes that make me so hungry aren't happening anymore either.

    Zumba will be back on Thursday, so I will be there. Thanks everyone. Tigress
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I don't mean to post so much but . . . I'm a talker. For years I have used a database I created for doing what we're all doing here - logging food, calories burned and weight loss. Since I've recorded my weight there since 2001, I thought I'd go log today's weight (which isn't official until Friday) and see when the last time I've been this low. Here is what I compiled. The 170 in 2001 was immediately after giving birth - I had been 145 to 155 prior to his birth (at 42). It seems every time I got near 170 I started dieting. However my goal was always to get under 140 but doesn't look like I ever made it. My goal this time is to get to 145 by the end of next year and into the 160's by next month. Nothing crazy.

    highest weight Lowest weight
    2001 170 150
    2002 156 148.5
    2003 170 146.5
    2004 167 149
    2005 148 148
    2009 183.8 176
    2010 190 178.4
    2011 185 176.6
    2012 186 172.4 (now!!)

    Evidently I've lost years 2006 thru 2008. So according to this I haven't been under 176 in at least 4 years (since I lost pre-2009 and I know I started the year 176 - not ended it.) Anyway, if Friday's scale still says 172.4 - I am happy and motivated!!!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I don't mean to post so much but . . . I'm a talker. For years I have used a database I created for doing what we're all doing here - logging food, calories burned and weight loss. Since I've recorded my weight there since 2001, I thought I'd go log today's weight (which isn't official until Friday) and see when the last time I've been this low. Here is what I compiled. The 170 in 2001 was immediately after giving birth - I had been 145 to 155 prior to his birth (at 42). It seems every time I got near 170 I started dieting. However my goal was always to get under 140 but doesn't look like I ever made it. My goal this time is to get to 145 by the end of next year and into the 160's by next month. Nothing crazy.

    highest weight Lowest weight
    2001 170 150
    2002 156 148.5
    2003 170 146.5
    2004 167 149
    2005 148 148
    2009 183.8 176
    2010 190 178.4
    2011 185 176.6
    2012 186 172.4 (now!!)

    Evidently I've lost years 2006 thru 2008. So according to this I haven't been under 176 in at least 4 years (since I lost pre-2009 and I know I started the year 176 - not ended it.) Anyway, if Friday's scale still says 172.4 - I am happy and motivated!!!

    I too have kept track of past gains & losses. I wasn't tracking exercise mostly weight and some where else what I was eating, but I can look at my day planners (past) and see those high's and lows and when I totally stopped keeping track which is where the scale always started going back up:sad:

    I'm determined that this is the LAST time I'm doing this...I wanna be like Barbie:bigsmile: and be able to look back years from now at what I used to be and am maintaining for a totally healthy life ahead:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jane, I know how frustrating it is to have a sick husband……your positive attitude will get you through it….thank you for all your encouraging remarks to all of us…..have a great day.

    :smile: When I knitted the sweater in my before and after pictures I thought I had made it plenty big and was appalled at how tight it was and how lumpy I looked but I wore it anyway because I needed it to keep warm in the winter…..I was so joyful when it finally fit the way I had visualized it.

    :flowerforyou: Tigress, I gave up pasta and bread when I saw how many calories they had for such small servings compared to how big a plate of steamed veggies I could eat for half the calories….I eat brown rice from time to time.

    :bigsmile: I just read something that I want to share with all of you.

    “I found that one of the easiest ways to abandon self-control was to give something up altogether”……Abstainers find it much easier to abstain than to indulge moderately….they find that once they start eating something, they have trouble stopping……..Moderators, by contrast, do better when they act with moderation because they feel trapped and rebellious at the thought of “never” getting or doing something…..Moderators and abstainers often scold each other. Moderators tell abstainers that they are much too rigid and severe……abstainers tell moderators that if they keep cheating they’ll never make progress.

    We have both moderators and abstainers on this thread and we treat each other with respect. I am an abstainer and have banned many foods from my house but am frequently told by people in my face-to-face life that I can’t go through life “denying” myself things, that I am too extreme….I just smile.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Laurie - yep that's me too. And I too am going to get back to the 140's and NEVER allow myself go go over 150 again. It is amazing how much extra weight changes one's life.

    @Barbie - I cannot believe you actually knitted that sweater!! And are those your poodles? I have a standard poodle. Last night he actually brought a life baby possum into the house. I thought only cats did those things.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jen:smile: good for you having tea instead of a snack!

    LindaSundanceB:smile: Thanks for the website, it was a good read. Hope you got everything worked out with the dreaded IRS:grumble: . I say I decorate for my granddaughters, I really do it for me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: .

    Lin:smile: So glad you`re dad is doing better!

    Wessecg:smile: I ate 40 grapes mindlessly, I learned my lesson:sick: , and I`m sure you have too. Just get right back on track!!!

    Nancy:smile: Pipes huh:huh: , I need to work on getting pipes:laugh: . How did the juggling go?

    Glenda:smile: Congrats on getting your workout in, and for taking baked fish for your dinner!

    Michele:smile: You are the busiest woman I know, how do you get so much into one day:huh: ? Your cookie recipe sounds good, I just might have to make it for Halloween treats for the girls.

    Barbie:smile: WOW!!! Thank you for sharing your before and after pics, you look amazing!!!! Thanks for the article. It is really nice the women here are respectful of each other. I think everyone needs to do what works for them!

    Lila:smile: You don`t like carrots:huh: ??? What are the books you`re going to be reading?

    Barbara:smile: Sounds like you have a nice fitness room, surely you will enjoy it:wink: .

    Viv:smile: Just get right back on your plan!!!

    Kate:smile: Wishing your cousin well:flowerforyou: . Up at 2:00am:noway: , do those tomato plants know how special they are? Hope you got some sleep!!!

    Liz:smile: I hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: . Did you resist the doughnut?

    Kathy:smile: I need some cobwebs for my bushes. I put pumpkins out and a cute witch on the front porch, I like the cobweb idea....hmmm, I`ll have to see if I can find some, wish I could use the ones I find in the house:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . Size 12 is a plus size:noway: :angry: , when did that happen?

    Mwheatcraft:smile: Sounds like you have your holidays all planned, sounds good too! I usually spend Thanksgiving with my daughter, son in law and granddaughters, I actually see them in the mornings and we have breakfast and visit and then I`m off to my brothers house for dinner, while daughter entertains the in laws. Christmas is the same, we do everything on Christmas day, and New Years, well there are times I go out with friends, and other times I just go to bed :laugh: :laugh: . Don`t know what it will be this year.

    Janehadji:smile: Just take one day at time, you`ll get yourself back on your plan! Hope you enjoy the scallops!

    JaneMartin:smile: Hope you and hubby are feeling better soon:flowerforyou: .

    Laura80111:smile: At least you get to have dinner and a bike ride with hubby tonight, hopefully he`ll have more days instead of nights!!! I`m going to check and see if I can get that salmon, I`d like to keep some on hand!

    Jb:smile: Good for you getting out on a foggy morning and exercising!!!

    Meg:smile: Congrats on getting all that exercise!!!! What is your big item you`re going to buy this year? I saw a cute dancing broom I`m thinking about ordering.

    Well it is now a little after 8pm. I`m going to heat up the rest of my carrot soup for dinner, it was really really good last night, very filling and the perfect orange color for fall. I hope all you beauties have a wonderful night. Sleep well and sweet dreams.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    @Barbie - I cannot believe you actually knitted that sweater!! And are those your poodles? I have a standard poodle. Last night he actually brought a life baby possum into the house. I thought only cats did those things.

    :flowerforyou: before MFP I spent a lot of time sitting and knitting and watching TV......I did some great knitting and snacking and piled on the pounds or at least kept them on...since I've been more active, I knit only in the car or at meetings and knit simple things like hats and mittens and dishrags but I burn a lot more calories.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: My poodles go out only on leashes or under direct supervision in our very small yard, but I'll bet if they had less supervision, they would search out the wildlife.

    :flowerforyou: Dee Dee, one the best things I did was to learn what works for me and not just settle for what works for other people......it helps to be open minded to new ideas and then discard the ones that don't work and hang on to the ones that work.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Helo all -

    wessecg - I was just thinking of you. I'm looking for a coat to wear this winter and I have the whole range of coats similar to your discussion of the range of clothing sizes you have. The coat I really wish I could wear will require that I lose just about all the lbs. I'm trying to lose. My progress there is at least I can get my arms into the coat! Then there's the next coat that's just a little bit bigger than that but it really is not going to work at all this winter. Then there's a very light coat that's just on the verge of fitting but doesn't right now. Then we jump up to the too big section of the closet. I think I'll choose the light quilted jacket and wear a hoodie under it this winter. Then move on up to 3 coats that are just waaay too big now. So do I keep every coat? Winter wear costs a lot. And I use to have dress up coats, casual jackets and then a whole wardrobe of dog walking duds. Yep, Huskies are SERIOUS about walking in the Midwest winter.

    But ladies, NONE of them really fits well at this point. Hope to make it through the winter and maybe by the winter of 2013 some of the smaller coats will work. Luckily my caps, gloves and scarves are one size fits most. HAAAAAA.

    Off to do the supper dishes and then to the basement to hunt. I'm thinking there may be one or two coats down there. As to size, I have no idea.

    Wishing everyone a lovely evening. (I'm on a treasure hunt, a treasure hunt..........appropriate for talk like a pirate day.)

    :glasses: :glasses:
  • ferb03
    Barbie your black poodle just cracks me up . . . if that isn't a face of curiosity and mischief I don't know what is! Makes me smile just to look:)