

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning!

    I don't have time to catch up on all the posts now but I certainly will later! I am back on track! After gaining a half lb from my trip, this morning I am down that 1/2 lb plus 1 more! Yay!:happy: A half lb away from my first 20 gone!!! I made all my goals yesterday and even got in all my water!:drinker: Remember that I decided not to go to the pool because I was hurting? Well that certainly would have been easier than the cleaning i did yesterday, but at least I acccomplished something! I think I was more active going through boxes and de-cluttering. Off to go get ready for another doc appt., this one with the neurologist to go over a brain MRI that I get every two years just to keep an eye on a few malformations.

    Sally- I totally agree with you that this is a great way to start or end the day!! Love all my MFP friends!!

    Amanda - Sounds like the hen party was fun!

    Viv - As I'm learning, you have to still indulge once in awhile. Otherwise, for me at least, you might fall off the wagon (so to speak) entirely.:smile:

    Nancy - Chair exercises never happened yesterday either but I'm pretty sure I burned more calories (let"s hope so cause my body is way more sore today) moving boxes and cleaning. If not, at least my living room looks really nice!

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, and welcome to Terrific Tuesday :happy:

    Nothing special is planned at school today…which usually means something spectacular or memorable will occur. :noway: The other intermediate teacher takes my class for “game skills” (I can’t teach sports) and I take his for math games (he can teach math but they need extra practice) so while he’s torturing my girls with flag football I’ll be torturing his boys with multiplication games. Oh, is there any justice?

    Barbara, I am sure you will not have a permanent sneer. :smile: Perhaps a really cute little dimple!

    Viv, Pet hair in the food? Oh, no, that’s why we bought a poodle! A miniature poodle. :ohwell: Kind of witless, but fun.

    Amanda, so glad to read your weekend was fun, even the Caberet. Do you ever feel tempted to drink, especially in a scene like that, or is it just “behind you”?

    JB, Snack on the fly? :laugh: Good to hear you are walking again – a change from the exercise you’re getting in the garden.

    I have trouble with evening eating on Mondays/Wednesdays … nothing mysterious about it, J’boy has a band practice that goes from 6:30 to 7:30 and I have to drive him to it. We usually end up eating after he gets home, so unless I make sure I’m very busy I end up eating dinner while I’m making dinner, snacking on dinner while I wait for him to get home and then eat again when we finally sit down to eat dinner…Oh, the road to disaster!

    Kathy, I agree, house work :explode: is underrated as an exercise. Particularly if you throw stairs into the mix!

    This afternoon I have an appointment for a workout with Tia the Trainer. Yikes!

    Hasta pronto,


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 12.3 hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Morning ladies, going to my first zumba class tonight, I can't wait. I will give it a good go. I am done making earrings until wed, I ran out of earwires and had to place an order with 2 day shipping. :angry:

    Robin- sorry about your DD, I know it is hard but, they do have to make their own mistakes. You could have told her he was a scumbag, but she would not have believed you and resented you. Then when she found out she would have been imbarressed to let you know.

    Meg-I never go anywhere without my cat hair.

    My blood sugars have been great for the last month, I am hoping for a good A1C or below 7. The last one was 11(very bad) so I stopped eating wheat and white foods. No bread, pasta, white rice, white potatoes, lots more veggies and a little fruit. Of course upping the exercise helps too.

    Nancy- I eat late sometimes and of course I have a snack about 10pm to keep my blood sugar stable throughout the night. It works, it I don't have that snack my blood sugar is alot higher in the morning.

    Darn it rain. BBL Tigress
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Everyone. I haven't written in a while, faithfully logging MFP but lifes been crazy.

    Happy to report that I hit my final weight goal over vacation (yes.. I brought the scale :embarassed: ). I've lost another couple
    pounds since and trying to wrap my head around "maintenance" (I'm 5'5.5" and SW was ~ 152, CW is 128-- 24 pounds!) It's a bit terrifying! I've recalculated my calories and seem to get
    another 300-ish a day. Yesterday was the first day I allowed myself to eat "more" on purpose. I celebrated with a full size PB&J
    on gooshy white bread for lunch, then back at good choices for dinner. :bigsmile:

    Our house is suddenly quiet-- our 3 20 year olds are back to college and it's me and DH trying to figure out how to enjoy the remainder of summer. My husband has cancer and is having major surgery in 2 weeks so we're out living life and enjoying our freedom while it lasts. He's going to be fine in the end, but we have a rough patch coming up.

    The biggest suprise during my 7ish months of losing is how much I'm enjoying the exercize aspect of the journey. I've been seeing a personal trainer 3x a week, and last night i think i heard myself tell my husband that maybe i'd like to take a zumba or yoga class at night. Who is this strange woman?? Oh, that's the 'new ME' I'm pretty happy with what I accomplished and I feel it is providing me with some fortitude with what's to come. I hope you all find equal success and satisfaction.
    Donna B from NJ
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beautiful Tuesday,

    lentigogirl- sounds like you are being tested by all those receptions...good job of getting in some exercise to balance it out.:drinker:

    Meg- even with your busy work logging in and wanting to keep it right, I always go for lower on my exercise than the higher number as I don't want to do any over eating...my goal is to lose this first before I try to figure out what my maintenance numbers will be:flowerforyou: Smoke detectors going off at all hours:grumble: hoping that changing the batteries corrects the problem.

    janie-yep drinking the water does start out hard, but after awhile it's just second nature and I'm sure it will be for you too.:drinker:

    Lin- prayers for your Dad:flowerforyou: I know how hard it is when your parent should be recovering at a pace faster than what they are doing. I faced the same thing with my Mom in 2010 and she was so slow with her PT that I had to have one of those "child / parent reversal talks" with her to do what she was supposed to...boy was that hard.:ohwell:

    Polly- hoping that your planning session goes well:flowerforyou:

    Jen- glad that you got the "second hand" message, yes they are better than not hearing at all:flowerforyou: I too am hoping that in "my next life" I will get to do something I love...there was a time that I used to love my job...but with this economy and the boss having to file Chapter 11 that isn't the case anymore:sad:

    DeeDee- hoping the headache is gone:flowerforyou:

    Gail- glad for your Salmon Victory:drinker: Comped coffee yum-yum:happy: Sorry not anywhere near where your son could find a room with us...but maybe someone out there will be able to help.

    Liz- congrats on getting into the next size down, it's truly on small step at a time and one small victory at a time:flowerforyou:

    Lila- pacing yourself would be good:wink: but I do understand wanting to get it all done now. I'm inpressed that you helped do the roofing...I'm not sure I'd be able to get on the roof the heights are just too much...when I was younger I had not problem with it:wink:

    Robin- so sorry about your daughters heart break {{hugs}} to both of you. I know it's so hard when our kids suffer heartbreak and disappointment. I remember when Son#1's finance broke the engagement and sitting on the couch with his head in my lap while he cried, it was so hard while at the same time hubby and I were so glad because she wasn't who or what we would have picked for him, he finally met his wife 8 years later and we love her:love:

    Barbie- I guess it's a good reminder to all of us to remember where we have come from...I'm sure I can't picture you #70 heavier:noway: You have done an amazing job of keeping it off and encouraging all of us to follow in your footsteps...thank you:flowerforyou:

    Michele- one of these days I'm going to try mixing up my exercise the way you do, in the meantime I'm just lucky to get in anything :wink:

    Nancy- I'm sure that one day those girls will appreciate what you have done to inspire them into getting fit:flowerforyou: If it's stale to the trash...it's usually the best way to get rid of any temptation even if you brought it.:wink:

    Barbara- :flowerforyou: hoping your nose heals quickly and hoping it's not as bad as you think it will be and NO sneer:wink:

    Viv- the key to making poor choices the day before is to get right back the next day drinking plenty of water and making good choices...and since you are doing that you have grabbed the key to success:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- so glad that you were able to have a good time at the Hen party and then out til 2 am:noway: Even without alcohol you are a party woman:laugh:

    Sally- glad you have such a wonderful relationship with your god daughters, what a blessing:flowerforyou: they must be to you.

    jb-hoping you are able to figure out a snack plan for after work so you don't just gobble up what at hand when you get home. You are doing a great job on the exercise it would be awful to see those extra calories burned not able to do their job:wink:

    Kathy- Congrats on the loss:drinker:

    Tigress- so how was that Zumba class:huh:

    Donna-:flowerforyou: Congrats on meeting your goal:flowerforyou: {{hugs}}and prayers for you and your hubby as he goes through his surgery and recovery. Enjoy your living it up time:drinker:

    Had my salmon for dinner last night. We'd bought another brand last weekend and I really love it, much better than the one I'd bought two weeks ago. I'm hoping that the ones I don't like will taste better when they are BBQ'd, maybe have one or two this weekend.

    Hubby starts his job tonight so I will be on my own for exercise which means no bike ride just a walk to the basement and maybe some kettlebells, will have to see.

    Hoping everyone has a good day, the cool evenings and warm days say Fall is in the air. Drink your water, move your body and log that food:drinker:

  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Today was my weigh in day--I stayed the same, but decided to measure my waist again and found I have lost one inch.

    On Sunday I cooked a lasagna, thinking it would do for two dinners and two lunches for the family...learned last night that the beef I used has been recalled for an E Coli warning....I'd eaten it for dinner and lunch, as had one DD and my DH...I'm sure the chances of getting ill are slim, but it is aggravating. Have to return the second package of meat to the store today and insist upon a refund...I assume it won't be a problem.

    Lin--I have to smile when you say you have no willpower, yet you exercised it twice by removing yourself from stores with temptations!

    Robin--I heard someone say once that the decision to have a child is the decision to take your heart out of your body and send it walking through the world...

    Donna--congratulations on meeting your goal weight!

    My thoughts and prayers with each of you who are dealing with illnesses in your families or other pains and obstacles.

    OH--Someone asked where I'd be heading to in the States in February--Duluth, MN. It's about a five and a half hours drive south of us.

    Have a healthy, active and happy day, everyone!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ladies,

    A quick hello before I jump in to the shower to prepare for work. I am apparently working with someone cycled in from another province today (when will we get our own new staff?) so I always look forward to meeting new people.

    Been racing around like a crazy person trying to right this house of chaos in case of company; a medical emergency in my hubby's family has a cousin in hospital in Edmonton so we have offered our home as a refuge as we understand his wife has been staying in a hotel when she cannot use the hospital family facilities. Haven't heard back from her but have been busy cooking just in case, made a big crockpot of chilli and two large meatloaves for the freezer last night.Spent some time in the garden harvesting and cleaning some more veggies also in preparation. The worry alone is enough for any person so she shouldn't have the added burden of food and shelter at a time like this. Besides, we also provide hugs here.

    Lets count our blessings and carry on,
    hugs to all,
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    I just read this great article that might be helpful for many of you! I don't know if this will take you to the site, but it was an article on the daily spark website called 8 reasons why your not losing weight.:sad: :sad:


    Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Marking my spot.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Viv, I don't know how many calories are in it either, but I was pleasantly surprised at the calorie count of my favorite Indian food, Muttar Paneer - turns out it's made with yogurt, peas and yogurt cheese - very light! The creaminess is the yogurt and it's so good! I was thrilled (and some days would eat it every day if I could ;).
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband - I sure will be thinking good thoughts for you!

    Congratulations on meeting your goal! How exciting - I'm looking forward to the day :). I get what you mean about a new mindset for maintenance - it will probably be trial and error for a bit. Good luck finding a class you enjoy.

    I just wanted to pop in and say I hope there's better health soon for your husband.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues to all.
    Still under the weather.Haven`t done much ex per the dr.
    Robin,sorry about your dd.It`s hard to see them hurt even when they are older.
    Donna,keeping your hubby in my prayers.
    Everyone else,hope your day is great.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Today was my weigh in day--I stayed the same, but decided to measure my waist again and found I have lost one inch.

    On Sunday I cooked a lasagna, thinking it would do for two dinners and two lunches for the family...learned last night that the beef I used has been recalled for an E Coli warning....I'd eaten it for dinner and lunch, as had one DD and my DH...I'm sure the chances of getting ill are slim, but it is aggravating. Have to return the second package of meat to the store today and insist upon a refund...I assume it won't be a problem.

    Robin--I heard someone say once that the decision to have a child is the decision to take your heart out of your body and send it walking through the world...

    Stardancer I loved what you had to say about the decision to have a child:love:

    Hoping that you and your family has no ill effects from that burger.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Finally, five minutes of peace and quiet so I can catch up on all the great posts here!:smile: Only thing new to report is that I finally had a good report from a doc. My brain MRI showed no new bleeding at all so I got the all clear! Just have to keep getting MRI's every two years but he doesn't expect any changes and even gave me the go ahead if I ever decide to get a knee replacement. Now to check in with some of you!

    Donna - Congrats on hitting your goal and I probably would have celebrated with PB & J too! :laugh: I will certainly keep your husband in my prayers!

    Kate - How thoughtful of you to offer your home to your cousin's wife! I will keep them in my prayers as well!

    Linda - Thanks for the link. I haven't read the article yet but I will later today!

    Stardancer - I too loved what you said about having a child! It's so true! Even though my son is physically 8 hrs. away, my heart is always with him!

    Well, unfortunately my quiet time is up, DH is coming home from work and is going to show me where to go for my Citizens Police Academy Class that I start tomorrow.

    Even if I didn't get a chance to respond to more of you individually, I did read your posts and wish you all the best!

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • amiscci
    amiscci Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you M., and to everyone for the warm wishes for my husband. With God's grace and some patience he's
    going to be fine. Just a long cruddy year for us I hope!

    Thanks to EVERYONE!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband - I sure will be thinking good thoughts for you!

    Congratulations on meeting your goal! How exciting - I'm looking forward to the day :). I get what you mean about a new mindset for maintenance - it will probably be trial and error for a bit. Good luck finding a class you enjoy.

    I just wanted to pop in and say I hope there's better health soon for your husband.

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Just marking my spot. I read all the posts and would love to reply to all, but schoolwork is keeping me very busy. You would think that after all these years I could get a routine going that would leave me more time to relax, ect. :grumble:
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Trying to catch up on all the posts and love to read about all the triumphs and tribulations of this mutual journey. The weekend flew by and I was back to work before I knew it. I had a nursing student with me today and while there is not the excitement of the ICU and Meg's students it sure was refreshing to pass on my knowledge. Of course it meant all the paperwork was put in a HUGE pile and tomorrow I will move the pile around a bit! LOL!

    Today is my rest day from exercise and I need it. Last night I tossed and turned all night, getting very little sleep. Between the night sweats, bathroom trips and weather, it was a rough night.... My DH agreed to buy a new mattress so that will help. Now I need to find a pillow to help with my neck and shoulder pain. I sleep on my side for the most part and have tried a variety of different pillows but do not LOVE any of them!

    I had a ground turkey success tonight; baked southwest turkey meatballs from my favorite Skinnytaste website. Brown rice in my cooker and fresh tomatoes! Very yummy! DH smelled the food and was pleased with the result! Check out the website for lots of WW friendly and healthy recipes.

    Tornado watch here today due to the crazy weather but my area was spared. Lots of rain and wind. Thank you Mother Nature!

    I am halfway through my craft project for DD apartment so wish me luck!! Take care all!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi my lovely friends. Another clinical day here. I probably will go over today, but it was all pretty good food and guess what? No clinical headache. Interesting. I had an egg for breakfast (actually a bigger breakfast than usual), string cheese for break, and a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch. No headache, not starving….pretty good I’d say. Didn’t walk as much today as we were not as busy.

    Well guess what other surprise I have? DH turned all our tax **** into the CPA this morning. Hooray, hooray.:drinker: Can’t believe we are finally done. Next year my goal is to get done on time LOL. I don’t know, we may give the poor guy a heart attack! :laugh:

    Janie: I too love to read about what is going on in everyone else’s life and how they manage their challenges. I think there is a lot of wisdom here.

    Lin: how old is dad? What was he like prior to his hip replacement. It does sound like he is not where he should be. The infection is worrisome, but should be covered by the flagyl I think you said he was on. Could there be another infection somewhere else? The pressure ulcers are a problem…poor nutrition will keep them from healing, but pressure ulcers should not occur. Even with positioning devices, he needs to be turned MINIMUM every 2 hours. If you are in the US, medicare will not pay for the treatment of pressure ulcers that develop in a facility. The facility has to eat the cost of that. I would look into the turning and see if he can get a special mattress that helps with pressure. Also is it possible he had a stroke? Has he been evaluated for that? I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and him. Email me if you like.

    Polly: so glad your Mohs surgery was a success! I’m with you and storing things!

    Jen: thanks for your thoughts! So glad you got some kind of word!

    DeeDee: hope you woke up headache-free!

    Gail: congrats on the loss! :flowerforyou:

    Liz: great NSV for the smaller pants! :flowerforyou:

    Lila: wow that‘s a lot of work outside! Good for you. The old man as we call him still eats hard food; he vomits on soft food. He’s always been that way; don’t know why. He never seems to have problems chewing, which is part of why we were so surprised when we found the missing tooth!

    Robin: Oh I am so sorry to hear about your daughter’s problems. :brokenheart: How did the scumbag get away with so much??? Poor thing, what will she do now? :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: wow 70 pounds gone??? That’s is so impressive! I am proud of your accomplishment :happy:

    Michele: orange oatmeal cookies? That would be an instant favorite here….will you share the recipe? I love the music turned up loud at my step class, in fact (when I used to go!) it annoyed some of the other ladies, so I never had it as loud as I wanted. I get totally engrossed in it.

    Nancy: great job with your girls! They will remember all you did for them. You should have seen the look on DH’s face when I said we were supposed to clean the smoke detectors. He dutifully got out the ladder and a rag and when he climbed up the ladder I shrieked (in jest of course) “NO don’t clean them! What is the matter with you?” :bigsmile: He was totally confused until I explained that if they kept going off we could be invaded by the cute firefighters and I could follow them around! :bigsmile:

    Barbara: when is your surgery? I’m glad you get to take plenty of time off! :flowerforyou:

    Viv: you are right; start a new day. I love the pic of you and 2 wine glasses!

    Amanda: glad to hear you actually had fun at the hen party. I would have felt badly for you if you had hated it!

    Sally: it’s so wonderful that you have such a great relationship with your goddaughters. They will have such fond memories of your times together.

    JB: your homemade salsa sounds great. Congrats on the loss, the rest will come too.

    Kathy: good for you on your loss too!

    Tigress: I’m thinking of buying a lint roller for my office. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your A1C. With all your changes, you should see that number move a batch :smile:

    Donna; congrats on meeting your goals. Maintenance is truly a lifestyle. And you do deserve it!

    Laura: what hours does hubby work now? Let’s hope the salmon works its magic!

    Stardancer: that was me who asked about your itinerary. That’s a beautiful part of the country. Good for you on your loss too! It’s not always about the scale.

    Kate: oh my sorry to hear about your emergency. So kind of you to open your home. Please keep us informed

    Linda: great article, thanks for sharing. Well now you and the article have suggested I am not being consistent enough so I guess I have to listen now! However, I do secretly wish I had a thyroid problem LOL :laugh:

    Well I’m off to do my elliptical for 20 minutes. Since it wasn’t as busy at work, I’ll only log 1 hour of walking and a slower pace. Take care everyone. Wish me luck too….DD #1 is cooking again tonight but this time hubby is by her side. Ugh oh….that may not be good! Meg
  • momof4greatkids1
    momof4greatkids1 Posts: 88 Member
    bumping so I can find this thread again when I have time to do more reading here. I am over 50, 51 to be exact and am finding if so very hard to shed the pounds.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Gail:smile: yay for the salmon!!!!

    Liz:smile: hooray, next size down in pants!!!

    Lila:smile: washing windows, roofing :noway: , I'm impressed! I love "expiring calories":laugh: .

    Robin:smile: sorry for the pain your daughter is enduring right now:sad: :brokenheart: , and you too, sending good wishes to you both!

    Barbie:smile: I think once I get to my desired weight I'll keep out one of my larger pictures, just to motivate me to continue on.

    Michele:smile: I love your saying, Vince would decorate the dog house:laugh: ! Sometimes I decorate the dog, she has a witches hat and reindeer antlers, she doesn't really like it, but she's so cute:laugh: , she also has a rain coat but I can't get her to wear it.

    Nancy:smile: 3 pairs of new high heels, woo hoo!!!! Good for younger getting those girls to run!

    Barbara:smile: hope your surgery goes well!!! I love reading your posts, you and Meg make me giggle:bigsmile: .

    Viv:smile: I love Indian food!!!! Tandoori steak or chicken is my fav.:heart:

    Amanda:smile: sounds like you had a great weekend!!!! Partying till 2:00am:noway: , I remember those days, so long long ago:cry:

    Sally:smile: your day with your niece sounds lovely.

    Jb:smile: yay for the 1/2 lb. down!!! Snack on the fly:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , ICK.

    Kathy:smile: yay for the 1 1/2 lb. down!!!!

    Tigress:smile: hope you enjoy the Zumba class! Hope you A1C is lower too!

    Donna:smile: hi, welcome back!!! Congrats, congrats, congrats on getting to you goal:flowerforyou: !!!! Saying a prayer for you and your hubby!

    Laura80111:smile: what kind of salmon do you get? I usually just go by and get a fresh filet, however I would love to have some in the freezer, for those times I really don't want to go out, but really want the scale to move down the next day:wink: .

    Stardancer:smile: yay for an inch gone!!!! Hope no one gets sick from the beef, that's scary!!!

    Kate:smile: Hope the cousin is doing better, and how wonderful of you to offer your home to his wife, I'm sure a home cooked meal and some hugs would do her a world of good!!!

    Linda:smile: going to check out that website tonight, I'm fighting that dreaded up one, down one, up one, down one again, it's quite annoying!!! Thanks!!!

    Mwheatcraft:smile: I love Indian food, will have to check that one out!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: feel better soon:flowerforyou: .

    Today has been a fun day, I got into my Halloween decorations, I have 3 Halloween trees, black candelabras with black candles, lots of ghosts, spiders, eyeballs, skulls etc. etc. I rename my spices, parsley is fairy leaves, capers are troll eyes, and hearts of palm (that one is perfect as is). It will probably take me 3 days to get everything set up, I'm like a kid though, I'm having so much fun!!!! However my house is cluttered now, most of the decorations are still setting in the great room, or on the kitchen counters. I got some exercise in today by going up and down the stairs many many times, I can already feel it in my legs and hips. I didn't get my walk in outside this morning though, it's been rainy and stormy all day, Noel and I have timed it just right and gone outside between showers, except for first thing this morning and it was pouring, she took the time to give me a nasty look before she got on with her business:laugh: . However the dog loves the hair dryer, so she pranced around while I dried her off.
    I need to go check on dinner, I'm making carrot soup tonight, and it smells wonderful!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful night!!!! Until tomorrow....
