

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Morning All, Yesterday was busy for me, I had to defrost the big freezer. I put everything into ice chests and then when I had finished I put everything back. In between I made interchangeable earrings.( for those who asked- they are a twisted wire component with an open end that you can add a dangle too.) My DH sold all the extra's I had made for next weekends show. Why does the freezer look so much better now? We don't have to buy and meat or fish for a while. I buy when it is on sale and vacuum seal it. Great DH just said that we need a couple more large ice chests. He didn't like having to use so many for the defrost.

    Barbara- I cut the skin off the salmon or else it is fishy tasting. My DH say it is fish, it is supposed to taste fishy, I disagree!! I like salmon-no skin, trout filet with skin, tilapia, crab, lobster, mahi mahi, and whitefish. Of course DH doesn't like most of these.

    Took yesterday off on exercise, and will walk later today, due to grocery shopping early. I don't have anything for lunch so I have to go early

    I finally finished reading all the posts, boy are we a busy group. This is a good thing. Happy Sunday to all, Tigress
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Good morning to all of you strong determined women. It is a weird day here; foggy and grey. We had a great time last night. Went to a new Mexican restaurant in a little town north of here and also stopped and had a glass of wine at this cool wine bar. It’s all in a small area of NE and everyone in the wine bar knows each other, or if you don’t, the proprietress introduces you. It only holds about 20 people, so it’s never crowded. Then we played cards for a while and I slept soundly only to be awakened this morning by all our smoke detectors going off at once. :sad:

    We could never find a reason for it and they are not tied together in anyway, so it’s a real mystery as to why they would all go off at the same time, and then they all stopped at exactly the same time by themselves. Interesting. If you’ve never seen three cats react to the chirping of 7 smoke detectors blaring, it’s a sight to see! :laugh:

    Happy to report I am not sore this morning. Need a good stretch though. I’ll get to that later. DH and DD#1 went to church and they will pick up DD#2 while there; she had a lock in last night. I’m sorry to miss church today…it’s an outside service with both our bands so it sounds like a lot of fun. I didn’t get any work done yesterday, so I had to stay home and work.
    I got my hotel confirmation yesterday for Philly and went on the website to check it out. Holy cow it is gorgeous!!!!! Very luxurious. In walking distance of Independence Hall! I have to get in the day before my meeting, so I hope the next morning I can go to Independence Hall and down the street to visit another publisher I am working for. My meeting doesn’t start til 1:30 and some of us are having lunch, but I have the morning. Now I’m getting excited! :happy:

    Mwheatcraft: that’s a great idea to set an alarm to remind you to get up once in a while. I too would stay glued in my chair if I didn’t make myself get up once in a while!

    Laura: holy cow what a crazy Saturday. I’m sorry about all your car problems. Good news about hubby getting his job, even though it’s not what he’s used to, in this economy, anything is great.

    Ferb03: I can’t access your diary, but I agree with Micki if she saw it: more water, more produce. You can’t ever get enough water or produce!!! The hot dogs aren’t bad in themselves once in a while, but they are loaded with sodium.

    CJ: can you get DH to walk with you? Entice him with saying “Let’s go on a romantic walk and hold hands”??? :heart: Does he like any sports like golf or bowling? Maybe you can take dancing lessons?

    Kathy: yay for peach yogurt!!! Good choice

    DeeDEe: Your lunch sounds like a ton of fun. Are you next in line for a bike? Please post a pic of you in the tiara!!! So sorry about the grape problem. :sick: I hope you are feeling better today!

    Liz: keeping my fingers crossed that you stay on plan at the restaurant!

    Sally: good news on your knees and your exercising!

    Kate: I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you too on weigh in day.

    Fattipatti: wow that’s awesome that you were working so hard on the cleanup and what a great role model you are to your kids!!! :smile:

    Michele: I’m with you and wanting animals, but 3 cats and a dog is enough here!!! My heart melts at the sight of kitties. I bet your house is as furry as mine; we joke that when you open a can of soup there is already cat hair in it! Our cleaning lady keeps asking if she can shave all of them! :laugh: OMG your POOL!!!!! IT is SO gorgeous! Not at all what I was expecting; I just figured a rectangular standard pool. This is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am moving in!!!!! :bigsmile:

    RJ: I agree with the sodium. But one thing is good; if you don’t eat much processed food you can stay low. I was amazed to see that on days where I don’t eat anything processes, I can stay easily under 1500 mg. I think most Americans get something like 4000 mg a day. Stay away from Joe’s Crab Shack though…some of their steam pots have over 10,000 mg according to their website! YIKES :grumble:

    Barbie: glad your dinner went well….flexibility is the key! Your baby is adorable

    Lila: You’re looking forward to cleaning? Maybe you have a fever? LOL.:laugh: I’m glad my crazy life gets some smiles. Good for you on finishing the roof without falling!

    Linda: Usually the depo stops the bleeding for 2 of the 3 months, so at least that’s an improvement! I had to smile about brain swelling….mine must be about ready to blow! I have been careful about my weight, starting doing all these healthy things, joined MFP, all because the last time I was on depo I gained a ton. I don’t have any side effects from it. Holy cow…still that hot? Wow!!! Sounds like you had a good day at the gym despite the sore butt! :bigsmile:

    Viv: baby steps, baby steps. I usually buy Yoplait lite yogurt and really like them.

    Barbara: Doggy detailing! I love it. :laugh: I know my step class is much more tolerant of the newbies than the zumba class was. I think it was just too big. We were very crowded and I was messing people’s routine up. There’s a better one out there. Size 14 eh? Excellent!!!!! Also congrats on the second place finish and doing all that dancing! You rock!

    Tigress: happy Sunday to you too! I was amazed when DH defrosted our freezer a couple of week ago. So much food!

    Well I need to get rolling here. Welcome to the newbies and come back often so we can get to know you. We are a fabulous group to be part of!!! Take care everyone and be kind to yourself and others. Meg :drinker:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Wow! Sunday must be the day to catch up :bigsmile: I'm popping in to say that today is my grandson's 17th birthday; getting ready to have lunch at Furr's with him and praying for willpower :laugh: I've scanned through some of the posts but will have to come back to do it justice. In the meantime may you all enjoy a blessed Sunday and rest :flowerforyou:

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Just got back from shopping with DH spent way to much money at Costco. I found some Roasted seasoned seaweed, I tried it at the store and love it. Only 45 cal per bag and different. I can take it for a snack, or add it to a salad. Of course DH wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. LOL

    Meg- your house sounds like mine, cat fur is a condiment in our house and yes there is a cat hair in every can. I have a friend who doesn't like pets, but loves my cooking. I told her she has to live with the cat hair. :blushing: Oh yes I know what it is like for all the smoke alarms to go off at once and 3 cats freaking out in the house. Ours did that once when our roof leaked. It looked like death race 2000 in the house.

    Michele- I'm coming over to swim once your pool is done. It is beautiful.

    I'm making a turkey tonight for dinner, it is the last one from the freezer. I got them really cheap. I am going to have butternut squash and some stuffing:love: with a small salad. I know I shouldn't have the stuffing but it is my fav so 1/2 cup it is.

  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    Hello everyone. I dipped in yesterday but did not have time to post any real information as my guests were just about to arrive. We had a meal from the Hairy Bikers Diet Book which was fabulous.

    I am 51 years old and on the 24th of September 2012 will celebrate my 24th Wedding Anniversary. I do not have any children but have two beautiful kittens who are 15 months old and so still very mischievous.

    I have had periods of weight gain over the years. I piled on 2.5 stone when I gave up smoking 10 years ago and the lost it by joining a diet and fitness club within 4 months. That is when my problems started because I became phobic about calories and went through days of eating sensibly to binge eating and piled on the 2.5 stone that I had lost. Last September I decided that the time had come to try a new approach and I started to eat smaller portions of foods not excluding anything from my diet. It has taken 12 months To lose 27lbs and I only have another 4lbs to get to goal and then it is learning to maintain. I am now able to get back into all the clothes that have been hanging in the wardrobe waiting for me to lose weight some of them still had their labels on. It is a great feeling to be slim and I feel so much fitter and stronger now.

    I have only recently started using this site again and I have been impressed by th improvements to it and the community that has been established. I am looking forward to know you all over the coming months. It is so inspirational, informative and motivating to read your posts. It also reminds me that there are others in the world who have far greater worries that me but still manage to find time to inspire and encourage others.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    I want to thank everyone for your prayers and concern for my son...and all the military. He called his wife right after church today so I got to talk to him for a couple of minutes. He seems okay although I'm sure some of that calm attitude is for my benefit.

    Sooner or later I will have to get up and go for a walk or something. Right now I'm sitting here flipping the channels back and forth between our two local teams the Padres (losing) and the Chargers (winning). I love to watch sports...Especially baseball.

    We went to Costco after church so I looked for the Skinny Pop popcorn that some have mentioned. They had never heard of it. Shucks. I love popcorn. They did have the blend with chocolate popcorn, caramel corn and cheese popcorn. I resisted, but it was hard!

    Michelle, your pool is beautiful! Ours needs remodeling so badly, but it will have to wait until I win the lottery or something. The water is still nice though even if it is in an ugly "container."

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All,
    Caught up on all the posts, and don't have enough time to reply completely, but send hugs and well wishes to those with birthdays and anniversaries, as well as all who have been under the weather.

    My trainer got promoted at the gym and so I got a new trainer yesterday. No more fun chats with the Clark Kent look-alike. :ohwell: The new trainer is much younger, and he kicked my tail yesterday. It hurts to carry the laundry upstairs. Now I'm going to have to train the new trainer! Most people want their trainer to push them hard, but since I'm not in a big hurry to lose weight, I don't see the point in working so hard that I'm in pain. That just makes me want to quit. I'm trying to change my life habits forever, not just for the next few months. I want to get stronger, but I don't need to have overnight results. We'll have to find a happy medium.

    DH surprised me today. I told him one of my Sept goals was to drag my bike out of the back of the shed and get it road-ready. He scowled and said he was sure the tires would be rotted and that we'd need to replace them. I asked whether that meant I should plan to take it up the street to the bike shop. He allowed that he could replace the tires if that was, in fact, necessary, but we could take a look at it together. When I got home from church this morning there he was in the driveway, cleaning up my bike. :heart: :heart: :heart: (He's a keeper.) Old Red works like a charm -- no need for new tires! Yay! So bike rides are on my list for this week. How fun!

    I finally inventoried my freezers and made dinner menus for the week. Made the grocery shopping so much faster today. Tonight it's a new recipe -- scallops with pesto. I'll let you know whether it's any good. BTW, what's the deal with salmon? Why does everyone eat it the night before your weigh-in? I feel like I'm in the dark here.

    School is going okay. My co-teacher was off on Friday and so even though she had a sub I was in the lead all day. She's been running all the SmartBoard stuff, so it was great for me to have to manage it all on my own. I survived! The sub was a very chatty man (early 60's maybe?) and so my 8th grade boys decided it would be okay to be chatty and silly. We usually run a very tight ship since it's a double-block class with mostly boys. We'll have to re-establish the ground rules on Monday.

    Love the photo of Michele's pool -- I can picture it all finished, with beautiful tiles. So envious! So many other congratulations are in order for major accomplishments -- avoiding disaster at buffets and potlucks and dinners out, climbing a mountain with a bunch of 20-somethings (!), bike rides and looooong walks (some even unplanned), finding a way to sneak in some exercise, and even just remembering to do the one thing that is hard for you. For me, it's drinking all my water.

    Let's keep going ladies. Log it, drink it, lift it, work it. Keep smiling. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    barbie - thanks. That's EXACTLY what I did, but I still couldn't get the pic to post.

    rj - thanks for posting the pic of the pool. It isn't done yet, still no decking or the waterslide. But at least the spillover is there. To me, it's just so relaxful to float around in the pool listening to the spillover. Now, for my own sake, I'm going to try this again.


    Thanks everyone for your comments on the pool. I must admit, that I'm starting to get a little bit antsy about getting it done. But then I keep thinking "if they rush, they might make a mistake so better to have it done correctly the first time around". There is one guy who is a very hard worker, as a matter of fact the general contractor sometimes has to tell him to slow down. The problem is when you go fast, sometimes you make mistakes. He could go much further in the business, but his problem is that he doesn't speak English (well, not much anyway) and my understanding from his wife is that he really doesn't have a desire to learn. How sad!

    Linda Sundance - I'm pretty muchly done with the popcorn strands. If we get another nice day (not windy), I may do a little more. But if we don't, I think I have enough done.

    Making lemon blueberry muffins for bunco Tuesday. Well, I just took them out of the oven They had good flavor, but for some reason they all stuck to the pan, even tho I sprayed it with nonstick cooking spray. These blueberries are too good for me to try making them again. Well, I made orange oatmeal cookies last night, we can have those.

    This afternoon I'm supposed to go see a play "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" put on by the local theater group.

    Did an hour of aerobics with My Fitness Coach today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class. RIGHT NOW the guy is supposed to be here to start building the retaining wall tomorrow. But they are calling for possible showers, so we shall see......

    Barb - sounds like you did well at that potluck. Isn't it such a shame that there are so few veggies, and many times when you get veggies it has this thick creamy sauce on it. That's the way it is when we have a Newcomer potluck, lots of desserts, too. I usually avoid them unless the dessert is fresh fruit

    DeeDee - I remember once years ago Bryan had lots of grapes while we were in the car driving to Florida. Then we made LOTS of potty stops....lol

    Liz - yea for your mechanic! Sounds like you have super friends.

    tigress - we used to have a freezer that we had to defrost, so I remember what a pain that could be. I would try to use up as much of the food as I could before I'd defrost it. After defrosting the good thing was that there was more room for putting things in. Now we have a self-defrost freezer. I do wish, tho, that I'd gotten the larger one.

    meg - that certainly is weird how all of the smoke detectors went off at once. About the zumba, you said "there is a better one out there" Better what? I'm wondering if I need to get a DVD just until I get some of the moves down

    Barb - here's the recipe, I can't find it right now, but I printed it out a while ago:
    1/2 cup shortening
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 eggs, beaten
    1-2/3 cup flour
    1-2/3tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 cup milk
    grated peel from 1 lemon
    1/4 cup powdered sugar
    juice of 1 lemon

    Cream together shortening and sugar. Add eggs, mix well.
    Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add flour mixture and milk alternately to shortening mixture

    Stir in lemon peel

    Spoon batter into empty, well-greased 2lb coffee can or loaf pan and cover with well greased tin foil. Place in cooker set on high for 2 to 2-1/4 hours, or until tester inserted into center comes out clean. Remove bread from coffee can.

    Mix together powdered sugar and lemon juice. Pour over loaf

    Well, the guy just called, seems he has to reschedule the start of the retaining wall to Tuesday from Monday. And weather.com predicts 100% chance of rain so I doubt anything will be done Tuesday. Then it'll depend on how much rain we get and how muddy it is, he may have to wait an extra day before he can get started. Vince just mentioned something I didn't even think of. If he didn't finish the job he was on and he needs to complete it Mon, what if they get so much rain that he can't finish it?

    Teri - happy birthday to your grandson

    anjoneill - congrats on getting into those clothes

    Eileen - Vince is a big Chargers fan. Unfortunately, being in NC he doesn't get to see too many of their games.

    Polly - I swear trainers get a kickback from those people who put the rails in the bathroom so you can hold on and slowly lower yourself onto the toilet. The advantage is that you work your keigel muscle "I really don't want to go to the bathroom, I'll hold it in as long as possible"....lol How thoughtful of your hubby to get your bike out.

    Going to post this. If the pic doesn't post, no one needs to do anything. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Mesdames.... Voila, le maison de cheins!


    Finally done. dog run and house.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Robin, That is the cutest picture of your dogs looking out their new window! Eileen
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm back from vacation and trying to catch up on all the posts!

    Michelle- Love your pool!

    Robin - Great job on the dog house!

    Will catch up more later-have a good evening!

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I'm thanking God right now! My son is at the base in Afghanistan that was attacked today. (Two marines were killed.) But he sent his wife a very brief text saying he is okay but couldn't talk. I am praying for the safety of all of the military...there and everywhere...and for the families of those who died today.

    On a much lighter note, I tried the salmon experiment last night and was down 1.3 today. I don't like fish much, but I will eat it anyway if it will help me on this weight loss journey. Thanks to everyone who posts about that.


    I just got a text from Matt too. It's hard to see through the tears....

    Eileen - I am thanking God right along with you...so glad Matt is ok...I still don't know where Mark is and have not heard from him in 10 days...am praying he is ok...no news is good news...but sure would like to hear/see something
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Robin, That is the cutest picture of your dogs looking out their new window! Eileen

    Thanks but it is a faux window. That is the same picture of my avatar and I made it into a window and put it on the side of the house. I thought it made the house look more like a house and less like a dog house. :wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening ladies :flowerforyou:

    Sally:smile: baby steps are very good when just starting back!

    Kate:smile: I just don't know how they get so many calories in such a small amount of food:huh: . Just doesn't seem fair:angry: .

    Fattypattybin:smile: your kids doing volunteer work is fabulous!!!

    Barbie:smile: that beautiful poodle, that is a face you just want to kiss!:love:

    Cmaggies:flowerforyou: welcome to the group, come on in and chat with us!!!

    Lila:smile: my dinner is around 8:00 or 8:30pm every night. The only time I eat earlier is if I'm with the granddaughters and they eat around 7:00pm. Did you get your cleaning done today?

    Linda:smile: I've never had a parsnip either, however I'm intrigued and want to try one now, I have no clue what to do with them though, do you eat them raw, or cook them????

    Viv:smile: I would have never seconded guessed that scale, if it told me the first time I had lost 5 pounds, I would have said thank you very much, and I would have had a fabulous day:laugh: .

    Barbara:smile: the edges of brownies are so good:heart: , all that crunchy goodness!!! Good for you having restraint!!! The line dance group picture sounds priceless:laugh: ! Now you really have my curiosity up about the fork:huh: .

    Liz:smile: up since 3:45am:noway: . Hope you got a nap in today!!!

    Tigress:smile: I cut the skin off my salmon after I've cooked it, I never thought about doing it before. It should never taste fishy blech!!!! Roasted seaweed:huh: , what does it taste like?

    Meg:smile: the wine bar sounds fabulous!!! There's one here I like to go to, they're only open Thurs. through Sat. though, it's really small too but a lot of fun!!! Are your smoke detectors hooked up to an alarm system? Mine went off one morning and the alarm company called me to see if I wanted the fire dept. to come out, well, yes, I don't see any flames or smell smoke but yes I want it checked out. All the cute fire fighters went through the house and couldn't find anything, then one of them asked me when the last time was I cleaned them, cleaned them:huh: , you have to clean those too???? Yes, you have to clean them ,if they get full of dust it causes them to go off. Needless to say I vacuum the smoke detectors about once a month now:laugh: . When are you going to Philly?

    Teri:smile: happy birthday to your grandson!!!

    Anjoneill:smile: Hairy Bikers Diet book??? Tell me more about this please. Congrats for getting off those 27 pounds!!!! Only 4 more to go, YAY!!!!

    Eileen:smile: one of my friends went to Costco today and got me popcorn, however he just called a bit ago and asked me if he could have some it:laugh: , I told him sure I would share. I guess I'll get my share of it tomorrow.

    Polly:smile: train the trainer:laugh: , I love it!!! I think it was Laura that said she noticed that every time she had salmon she always lost weight the next day, so me along with some of the other ladies have tried the experiment, and yup, it's been working for me, every time I have salmon, the next morning I've had a loss!!! I've been calling it the magic fish:laugh: . I try to eat it twice a week!!!

    Robin:smile: WOW!!!! the fur boys must really be happy!!!! It looks great, job well done!!!!

    Michele:smile: I swear I thought I saw the water moving in that picture:laugh: :laugh: . It looks go good now, it's really going to be beautiful!!!!

    Well ladies my dinner is almost done. Tonight is my lazy night, I'm having tomato basil soup, and yes it's the kind from a can, loaded with sodium, I've been drinking extra water all day! Maybe I'll make some soup this week and freeze it so I can control the sodium.

    Hope you all have a wonderful night and peaceful sleep!!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Okay, now this is annoying I JUST LOST EVERYTHING I WROTE IN WORD!! Once again, brilliant of course but gone, gone, gone.

    Michele - LOVE THE POOL!! Excellent progress. You're just going to live out there I would imagine.

    Barbie - I ADORE your black poodle. OMG - what a darling!!!

    Robin - the dog house and run are fab. Love the chimney----let us know if you put a Santa Claus up there in December.

    Laura - good luck to DH on the low carb diet. I don't know too much about that but I adore having a smoothie every day with a bunch of fruit in it so I don't think it's something I could ever do.

    Eileen - my friend tells me the Skinny Pop is a regular item at our local Costco. I'm in Iowa. I've never been to any other Costco and truth be told, I've only been to the one here a handful of times.

    Meg - the hotel in Philadelphia sounds like it's in a perfect place for you to do some exploring. I hope you enjoy it.

    And yes, for those of you who commented, it really was when I was 59 that the whole mess finally stopped. Unfortunately the hot flashes have not stopped yet and the black cohosh I've been taking doesn't seem to help now. I was hoping losing weight might help but so far no luck.

    I had salmon again this week, ate w/i calorie limits every day, walked 5 miles a day, and drank my water = 2.2 lb. loss. So was it the salmon? Probably not. Skin on, skin off of the salmon---not a problem for me, I just buy the Trader Joe's wild caught salmon and it's just the meat. I heat it up and squirt a bit of lemon juice on it.

    Since I'm not big on meat (as my grandmother would have said) I'm launching out and trying some scallops tomorrow. For me, that's adventuresome.

    Ok, that's all I remember at this point. Hoping and praying for the best for all of us.

  • rebelq
    rebelq Posts: 64 Member
    I have not lost a pound in over a month!!! I know I need to bump up the exercise to get over this hump but doggonnit I'm lazy!! I did add some cardio at home after the gym yesterday and I did some cardio at home tonight. I'll hit the gym tomorrow for strength and cardio and try to get some in at least once this weekend. I just hope it's enough to start the scale moving again!
    MFP community helped me when I had a plateau, the great advice was: be careful you are counting everything you eat, up the calories, be sure not to eat less than your goal. I didn't up my exercise, I wasn't burning it up, but was walking 20 min. every day. The eating more did it, right away I went down 2 lbs.
    Good luck, and good for you for sticking with it, a month is a long time with no encouragement!
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    I have not lost a pound in over a month!!! I know I need to bump up the exercise to get over this hump but doggonnit I'm lazy!! I did add some cardio at home after the gym yesterday and I did some cardio at home tonight. I'll hit the gym tomorrow for strength and cardio and try to get some in at least once this weekend. I just hope it's enough to start the scale moving again!
    MFP community helped me when I had a plateau, the great advice was: be careful you are counting everything you eat, up the calories, be sure not to eat less than your goal. I didn't up my exercise, I wasn't burning it up, but was walking 20 min. every day. The eating more did it, right away I went down 2 lbs.
    Good luck, and good for you for sticking with it, a month is a long time with no encouragement!

    Thanks! I am very careful to record all I eat. I have actually kept food journals for years and years- off and on. I do eat my goal and have the occasional cheat day. I have stalled before and upping the workouts would bring me back around. I hope it works this time!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    wow ladies!! I skip one day posting and the number of pages has doubled!! Time to catch up...

    Eileen and Jen - my mother heart goes out to you. It must be so difficult having a son or daughter serving overseas and not always knowing that they are okay. I pray that they will both continue to be safe and will have a safe return to family.

    Gail - I also have twitchy legs sometimes. Does it happen often for you? there is actually a syndrome - restless leg syndrome - where it feels like ants crawling up the inside of your legs and it is impossible to keep still. There are some things you can do for it though. Also, keep an eye on the hip pain and consult a docotr if it persists. Hip pain in bed was the start of osteo arthritis for me

    mwheatcraft - PX90!! that is rigorous! My son did it and lost a lot of weight and really toned up. Good for you!

    KathrynCNC - Thank god for sisters. Glad they steered you here.

    Meg - the trike sounds like so much fun! And good job on the 20 minutes. My ride was all pretty level - throw an incline in and I am done for! Keep up the good work1

    Michele - How was the play? I have heard of that one but didn't get to see it.

    Barbara - ah, the edges of the brownies, and the tiny slice of cake! :blushing: I am glad I am not the only one!!:wink:

    We were out all day today and eating someone else's menus - much harder to keep control of the food intake. Not a lot of veggie choices but I had taken along some fresh fruit to share at the weiner roast so that there would be at least one healthy option! But back at it tomorrow!

    Time for bed. Good night all!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Marking my place.

    I'm going to spend a week with my mom, who's 92 and in an assisted living residence. It's always very stressful and a long bus ride to massachusetts.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good night lovelies,

    Felt lazy and wanted to spend time with Joe, Robby and Dixie, so took the day off from Church. Went nowhere but the kitchen, hot tub and back yard... very restful.

    Thanks for all the positive comments about yesterday's workshop burn (1379!) Still can't believe I can stand up and dance for five and a half hours. When I first started, I'd be completely winded and wiped out after one 15 minute lesson and have to sit out the rest of the evening. AND my knees hurt (mild arthritis) and started going out and refusing to bear my weight. Six years later, after PT, chiropractic, exercises, supplements and practice practice practice and I'm only mildly tired and sore from yesterday, nuthin' an aspirin, the hot tub and maybe a glass of red can't fix.

    Lila Measurements down? YAY!:flowerforyou:
    Meg beauty and joy in each day, great goal!:love:
    junerbooner Peaches is one lucky pooch:heart:
    DeeDee "Friend" poked you in the shoulder hard?:noway: What, he doesn't realize you're not a guy? Some friend!
    Liz hope your cruiser is back on the road soon! If you're ever at the MK center on a weekend and want a walking pal, let me know. I have 2 left feet too, no rhythm, frequently end up facing the wrong direction, tho I catch myself now before klonking into people, mostly. :laugh: But the Nampa group are the warmest, friendliest and most forgiving folk. We'd love to have you join us!
    Kackie, sore and proud? You should be! 19 miles and almost 5K elevation in 9 hours. AMAZING! You sure earned that massage :bigsmile:
    Texasgal Teri con VERY grats on breaking 10 K steps!:flowerforyou:
    wessecg down a pound, YAY!:flowerforyou:
    cjspensley your love:heart: for Steve shines through your concern. Why do husbands have to be so stubborn?:grumble:
    Glenda Wheeling around the lake, sounds lovely! Glad you're progressing slowly and carefully.:happy:
    Cindy Thanks for brining your sis along, good to see you again.:love:
    Gail sometimes twitchy legs mean "feed me magnesium!" :wink:
    mwheatcraft 90 days of P90X, yes you sure can be proud of yourself! Well done!:flowerforyou:
    Jane, tonsillitis at our age? Yuck! :sick: Hope the antibiotis knock it out quickly and you feel better soon.:heart:
    Carolyn thanks for the 10 mninute arm info and the fitsugar site. I kinda hope the scraggly kitten returns, it would be so lucky to be adopted by you.:wink:
    Meg, Tricycle smiles and sore thighs what a great day! :laugh: Consultation with surgeon is tomorrow, hoping Mohs surgery can get it all without leaving a gaping hole in the side of my nose, I'm just not up to sporting a stud or nose ring... :wink: As for the Tuna Helper, I've heard that Reisling goes with everything.:smile: .. 3 cats and 7 chirping smoke detectors, there's a song there somewhere... maybe jb would write it
    SallyCC so glad you're feeling stronger after the PT. Keep taking care of those knees, you kneed 'em :heart:
    healthypattybin Coastal Cleanup? What a great way to start your kids out right, volunteering. 44 hours that's awesome!:flowerforyou:
    Michele Rodney Yee, heh heh, now there's some eye-candy... babybell a mushrooms for 97 cents a pound? That's less than a third what they cost here at the least cost stores. Thanks for the recipe, it looks yummy!:love:
    KathrynC I work through my alarms too. :grumble: Tell me you DID reschedule the mammogram?:happy:
    Kathy yes another desk jobber, when I'm not crawling around under other peoples cubes checking cables... Have a buddy who tries to get me out for a daily lunchwalk, but its hard for me to take the time more than a day or two a week. Should really start walking up a flight of stairs or two for a break, :noway: but always "forget".
    Lila if you'er safely back on the ground, then you can be proud of yourself for the roofing job. :drinker: No falls indeed!:noway:
    Linda, (skip this part Lila) and DeeDee, wait 'til after first frost to buy your parsnips, makes them sweeter. They shouldn't be too big (woody) or too small (not enough left after peeling), say 1.5 inches across the top. Scrub and peel lightly. Slice into circles. Spritz a Foreman grill with a little oil, arrange the circles and grill til chewy/soft not crisp. I love them as a snack, dipped in hummus or other dips or sprinkled with a little salt. If you don't have a Foreman grill you could probably get a similar effect in a cast iron skillet, or better yet baked on a rack in a hot (400+) oven. The rack or grill method gives little char lines that add flavor and interest. Ageing Hippie, Mother of Dogs... :laugh:
    Viv, agree about those popup interruptions and flitting from one task to another. :tongue: Multitasking is a crock, violates the laws of physics, a bill of goods sold to us by Bill Gates. Trying to "timeslice" like a computer, to respond to the barrage of interruptions, are, I think, factors contributing to the ADHD and stress epidemics. Rant:mad: rant:angry: RANT!:explode:
    DeeDee 40 grapes? :sick: Sounds like something I'd do. Owww!
    Anj "Hairy Bikers' Diet Book" Sounds hilarious,:laugh: tell us more! ConVERYgratulations on staying smoke:smokin: free for 10 years, it is the best thing we can do for ourselves.
    Eileen so glad you got to talk to your son twice this weekend. Our military have the training to cope, but the families, it must be so very very hard.:brokenheart:
    Polly you inspire me to ask DH AGAIN to take my bike out of the loft so I can try to ride. Problem is we live UP in teh hills and... well... you know... but I could maybe put it in the car, drive DOWN to the greenbelt, ride around, put it back in the car, drive back UP home... you can see why Joe thinks it will be wasted effort to get it down at all...:frown:
    Robin, thanks for the pic of Michele's spa and pool. :love: I could dive right in through my screen.:laugh: Love the pics, you sure fooled me with the "window". :bigsmile: Dance ON!
    Jen will say a prayer for you and yours tonight.:heart:
    Lin Sure wish we had a Trader Joe's here, might even get me to try the salmon... maybe...:noway:
    Welcome Nan, KathrynC, Grandmatimes9, anjoneill, cmaggies and all newbies.:flowerforyou:
    Micki, fonitoni, Ferb03, Laura, Lin, Kate, rebelq, jacqueling and all the others I missed, sorry :cry: but I'm all responsed out.


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    September I resolve to be good to myself:
    eat 7 servings fruits + veggies
    invest 20 minutes in SWSY or on the mat and 10 minutes decluttering
    moderate to 1 glass wine per night (Sat + Sun allow 2 beers/day)
    figure out this darned HRM and uset it at least once
    smile, don't yell...
    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!