what would happen if i ate 1,000 calories a day



  • One_Last_Time
    Weight loss will NEVER be consistent.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I recently did this for a few weeks thinking it would be no big deal. I wanted to win 500$ in a weight loss competition at work and my 1.5lbs a week wasn't cutting it in comparesion to what everyone else was losing crash dieting.

    Bad Bad idea.

    1) I had 0 energy. I ending up burning less than I would have if I would just eat the right amount and have the energy to exercise and clean my house. Even for my workouts, I couldn't get my heart rate up like I normally would.

    2) BINGEEE. Seriously, the first 3 days, you think this can go on forever.. no big deal. At least once a week I seriously ended up binging and feeling complete shame for it.

    3) All you can think about is food and your next meal.

    4) When you finally decide that your not going to do this anymore and that its not worth it.... mentally you are wrecked. You border between wanting to eat EVERYTHING and not wanting to eat anything. When that stabilizes, you step on the scale and realize that you've gained a few lbs back.

    OP.. don't do it! Its alot of back tracking and time wasted.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Ha! April Fools!

    OPs got y'all :)

    If OP got us, then we were victims of a September Fools joke.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Everyone is different. If it works for you, then do it! Just be aware of the consequences. For me, I always eat under 1000 calories. That gives me a good 300 calorie deficit everyday. :)

    are you a very short person?
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
  • lbsNirvana
    lbsNirvana Posts: 18 Member
    No. What will happen is that your body will try to stay alive. You will sleep more, move less, have no energy to exercise. Your body will do its best to reduce the calorie deficit and weight loss will go down. Why not take it slower, be full of energy, keep your hair andnot kill anyone that can be or not be part of your family.
    What she said....
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    1) You'll lose weight and be so excited! You'll reply to posts urging people to eat more with, "well, 1000 calories a day is working for me! I feel great, tons of energy, never tired! I don't even crave pizza anymore, it's so nasty!"

    2) You will get hungry. You will get sick of constant deprivation. Your mood will be low. You won't have much energy.

    3) You'll quit. When you go back to normal eating, you'll gain any weight you lost. And probably a bit more.

    The end.
  • walterx42
    walterx42 Posts: 3 Member
    Hard to imagine you will get enough iron and potassium on 1,000 calories per day. Probably makes more sense to exercise more, and be patient with your weight loss. The goal should be good health, not just reduced calories.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    How in the world can I eat 1200 cals a day? What types of food should I be eating? I'm lucky if I eat when I'm hungry and get around 800/900 cals, assuming what I'm eating is healthy. This section is diet and weight loss help so I'm not looking to be bashed, just looking for help. I've tried searching people's diary's, but they're so random!

    Healthy fats....nuts, nut butters, seeds, olive oil, avocado. These are calorie dense....small portions pack in the calories.

    I can't see your diary, so I don't know what you are eating ....but unless you have medical issues ....full fat dairy and whole eggs are very healthy too.

    Whole grains give you lots of fiber.....pretty decent calorie wise. Unless you're diabetic, these are good for you too.
  • soulmates3107
    I also do less calories then my projected 1200. I usually am deficient about 2-400 calories a day. I exercise an hour a day and don't sleep all day lol. I work 10 hrs a day five days a week.:) I am losing about 2 lbs a week.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    1) You'll lose weight and be so excited! You'll reply to posts urging people to eat more with, "well, 1000 calories a day is working for me! I feel great, tons of energy, never tired! I don't even crave pizza anymore, it's so nasty!"

    2) You will get hungry. You will get sick of constant deprivation. Your mood will be low. You won't have much energy.

    3) You'll quit. When you go back to normal eating, you'll gain any weight you lost. And probably a bit more.

    The end.


    (...and spoken like someone who has witnessed this happen to many, *many* people during her almost three years on MFP.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I also do less calories then my projected 1200. I usually am deficient about 2-400 calories a day. I still we're use everyday and do t sleep all day lol. I work 10 hrs a day five dats a week.:)

    You say this like it's a good thing.

    Pro-tip: it's not.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I actually have a friend who was 190 pounds and she started seeing a weight loss doctor who actually recommended a 1,000 calorie diet. I also thought that cant be healthy, she probably feels hungry. But then 6 months on the diet and shes down to 145 and she has been off the diet for a couple months now and she is able to maintain her weight. The whole point of the diet after you get down to your desired weight is helping you understand portion control and watch the fat calories you intake. With lots of water and on the 1,000 calorie diet I have been able to go from 168 to 145 in 3 short months and I have been off the diet for two months and have also been able to maintain my weight loss. I do want to get down to 135 (my pre kids weight) and it is completely possible. :) During the diet though it is recommended you only do very light workouts because your calorie intake is so low. But other then that I was not cranky or sleepy, I was actually eating a lot healthier so I had more energy and loved my results!! Hope this helps :)

    I don't mean this sound like I am jumping on you, because I am not. But I really cannot fathom a diet so low in calories that exercise is limited per doctor's orders. :ohwell:

    With it being a low calorie diet it is ok to do light exercises, but you cannot exercise to lose weight on a low calorie diet.

    The point of exercise shouldn't be to lose weight....the point of exercise (even while dieting) is for fitness and health. Eating enough calories (especially protein) and strength training while on a diet helps you KEEP lean muscle mass. Keeping lean muscle mass helps you lower your body fat %. There are plenty of people whose goals are body fat % oriented .....has nothing to do with the number on the scale.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    1) You'll lose weight and be so excited! You'll reply to posts urging people to eat more with, "well, 1000 calories a day is working for me! I feel great, tons of energy, never tired! I don't even crave pizza anymore, it's so nasty!"

    2) You will get hungry. You will get sick of constant deprivation. Your mood will be low. You won't have much energy.

    3) You'll quit. When you go back to normal eating, you'll gain any weight you lost. And probably a bit more.

    The end.


    (...and spoken like someone who has witnessed this happen to many, *many* people during her almost three years on MFP.)

    Yep! add me to the witness group, It will be 2 years here for me in July.

    Honestly, Just do what you want because it is blatantly obvious that you do not care what anyone else has to say - even people who have DEMONSTRATED success losing hundreds of pounds. It's really tiring having people coming in here every day touting some form of pill/supplements/low calories/cutting out whole food groups.. It does NOT work for the long term but the only way to figure it out for yourself is to do it, and keep doing it until you get fed up and sick and tired of doing things that don't work long term. And when you get to that point, when you have finally had it with yo-yo diets and low energy and crankiness and possibly when you have messed up your metabolism from continuing to do things that don't work MAYBE you will finally listen... And then you can kick your own *kitten* because people who have started doing it the right way from the get go will have already reached their goals while you were spinning your wheels messing around trying stupid things that everyone told you would not work.
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    i did this years ago,,before internet and all kinds of really smart people handing out good free info,,I went from around 250 to 170 in about 6 months,,all I ate was chicken breast and salad,,seriously! thats it! I lived off of about 7-800 calories a day,I lost weight and I lost it fast,but I had a lot of flab to lose so it worked,,for a while! then once my body got down to a decent fat %,I had to eat even less to stay there.I was ok on energy because I was drinking fat free caffine drinks like crazy,so my poor heart was beating like a freaked out birds heart all the time,I started to have heart flutters,I started getting sick,all the time,every freaking bug that went around I got and seemed to hold onto for weeks or months.And I was in a size 8,which is a pretty small size for being 5'10 but I was skinny fat,,still had jiggly thighs,still had a jiggly little poochy tummy.Once my body kicked in and started to override my brain,I couldnt stop it,I ate everything in sight,,seriously,,there was NO STOPPING ME! A whole pizza,no problem,a whole bag of choc chip cookies,,no problem..the weight came back on very fast and I ended up weighing even more..Now I am in the process of losing again,the smart way,if it takes me two years so be it,I will stay there this time and I have tons of good energy,my hair has actually never been better as I have upped my protien since I started weight lifting,I do reasonable cardio,and I am losing at a steady rate of about 4-5 lbs per months,my ticker says 14 lost,that has been since I joined in Nov,two days before Thanksgiving,,I have lost total 50lbs since last July 1st.Listen to all the smart people on here,most really do know what they are talking about.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    And you're qualified to give such advice are you?

    Since you don't believe people with qualifications what does that matter? :noway:




    You sound hangry....almost like you're starving.

    Saying it's dangerous to "make out like you know what you're talking about" to a person saying how dangerous a 500 calorie diet is......while advocating it yourself.

    Oh the ironing.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    You'll lose weight, but you'll feel like crap and have no energy. When you do start eating like a normal human again you'll gain the weight you lost back because you did it in an unhealthy, unsustainable way.

    Be patient and healthy. :)
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    It depends how fat you are. You can toggle down to it for some time or for certain days then toggle back up with some success. If you do decide to do that then you need to toggle it down and back up slowly. You won't really have the same outcome if you are not really overweight though.

    At the end of the day It's probably not worth it. You won't loose that much more weight than you would with a reasonable deficit and odds are against you that you would probably binge and net more cals than if you just made smaller changes.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I also do less calories then my projected 1200. I usually am deficient about 2-400 calories a day. I exercise an hour a day and don't sleep all day lol. I work 10 hrs a day five days a week.:) I am losing about 2 lbs a week.

    solid first post.

    and you are doing this for now.