

  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    6. What is your favorite unhealthy food?

    I love chocolate bars that have wafers in, like kit kats and lion bars.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    56. Have you ever been on a low-carb diet? How was it for you?
    No, but I do try to be considerate of my carbs and protein.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    57. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    198.25! Finally under 200!!!! It's a wonderful feeling!
  • clairem206
    Day 5 - favourite healthy foods:

    Pasta (wholegrain)
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Just starting here. :)

    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?

    I'm 1.72 m (slightly over 5'7'').
    Currently I'm 88.8 kg (195 lbs), started here at almost 95 kg (209 lbs).
    My dream goal (I want to go on with the loss as far as I can, but I can't imagine to get there, it's like an impossible goal) is 60 kg (132 lbs).

    I am lossing weight because I never stopped when it was needed to loose what I gained due to health problems, due to bad times, due to stress, due to neglecting the way I eat.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    7. What is your least favorite healthy food?

    I don't actually have one from what I class as healthy but from what is marketed as healthy I don't like low fat stuff, to me all they seem to do is replace the fat with sugar which in my opinion is worse and they taste crap, especially low fat cheese - rank!
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?
    height - 5'1"
    c/w - 110.2lb
    g/w - 106lb
    Losing weight because I want to look after my body. A fit body is better than a fat body!!

    2. Describe your dream/goal body - Toned. As simple as that!

    3. Is your UGW in an unhealthy range of BMI? - UGW is 106lb, this would put my BMI at 20 (as opposed to 21 now!! haha) I'm more concerned about body fat % than BMI!!

    4. Have a vegan day today. No meat, no eggs, no dairy, no animal products whatsoever. Give it a try! - I almost succeeded... But had to have a cup of tea with milk!

    5. What is your favorite healthy food? - Fresh fruit and veg

    6. What is your favorite unhealthy food? - Crisps.

    7. What is your least favorite healthy food? - Fish

    8. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week? - 111.2lb Put on a pound since last week, but that was to be expected, I had a bit of an alcohol binge over the weekend, so give it a few days and I'll be back to 110lb. Going to carry on with c25k and try to do weighs 3 times this week
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    28. What is your favorite type of snack?

    Ooooooh so many things, I LOVE snacking! Smoky bacon crisps or twiglets with cubes of strong cheddar cheese, or tortilla chips with spinach artichoke dip, or baked camembert with warm bread. I'm even partial to the occasional pepperami. Basically anything that's savoury, tasty and bad for me :)
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    58. Do you believe in restriction or in moderation?
    Moderation. If I restricted then my weight lost would fail.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    2. Describe your dream/goal body.
    Slim, toned, but not muscular. And most of all, healthy.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    8. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?

    Yes I have had a small loss, but I've just started to exercise again since my cycling crash in Sept and I think that I may be retaining water as I just added in weights the last few days, I#m going to continue on with what I'm doing!
  • missvixxen
    missvixxen Posts: 12 Member
    Okay- this seems like the perfect place for my first post!

    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?

    Height: 5'5"
    GW: 140 or less
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    29. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?

    148 still, but I haven't been following my diet plan so I'm not too unhappy. Stepping it up this week with my exercise - will be doing 3-4 days a week of 30DS and continuing with my C25k as I have my first official 5k run on 9th November. Also restarting my 5:2 fasting plan so I'm hoping to see the weight drop off!
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?
    height - 5'1"
    c/w - 110.2lb
    g/w - 106lb
    Losing weight because I want to look after my body. A fit body is better than a fat body!!

    2. Describe your dream/goal body - Toned. As simple as that!

    3. Is your UGW in an unhealthy range of BMI? - UGW is 106lb, this would put my BMI at 20 (as opposed to 21 now!! haha) I'm more concerned about body fat % than BMI!!

    4. Have a vegan day today. No meat, no eggs, no dairy, no animal products whatsoever. Give it a try! - I almost succeeded... But had to have a cup of tea with milk!

    5. What is your favorite healthy food? - Fresh fruit and veg

    6. What is your favorite unhealthy food? - Crisps.

    7. What is your least favorite healthy food? - Fish

    8. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week? - 111.2lb Put on a pound since last week, but that was to be expected, I had a bit of an alcohol binge over the weekend, so give it a few days and I'll be back to 110lb. Going to carry on with c25k and try to do weighs 3 times this week

    9. What is your favorite type of cardio? - c2k5 at the moment. I'm not very good at doing cardio for a long period of time, so this suits me down to the ground!
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    59. Describe your dream outfit, the one you imagine yourself wearing once you reach UGW.
    I don't know. I do wonder if ill still have my bottom or not.
  • missvixxen
    missvixxen Posts: 12 Member
    2. Describe your dream/goal body.

    I'd like to keep it real in terms of body goals. Get rid of the jiggle in the middle, slim the thighs down, wear tank tops again!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    3. Is your UGW in an unhealthy range of BMI?

    No, my ultimate goal weight it's quite in the middle of healthy scale on BMI rate.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    30. Are you a vegan or a vegetarian?

    No, never have been. I occasionally flirt with the idea of becoming vegetarian but I love steak (fillet, medium rare so it's all pink and bloody) and bacon sandwiches and my mum's roasts too much :)
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I'll give this a try starting tomorrow! <3