

  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    42. How many meals do you usually have a day?
    3 meals and 2 snacks, depending on the day I have.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    21. Do you focus more on getting lean and mean or tiny and fragile?

    Neither really. I'll never be tiny and fragile, I'm just not built that way. But I don't want to be lean and mean either - that makes me think of Madonna, all sinewy and ultra defined which I don't particularly like. I'm aiming for slim with definition but keeping my soft curvy bits.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    43. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    201, total lost of 34 pounds!
  • tequilasunris3
    46. Try changing your routine today. Don’t do the same exercises as the week before, learn a new move to cinch that waiste or to tone those thighs!

    Yes sir!
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    5. What is my favorite healthy food?
    I don't know.. I love a lot of foods... And I don't think that one food alone is healthy... I like lentils and eggs, and vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes and aubergine, and goat cheese and other cheeses, and meat like chicken or beef...
    But maybe one of my main foods that I consider healthy for weightloss and my energy is kind of an omelet made of zucchini (sometimes other vegetables) and eggs and sometimes some cheese. I love it a lot and sometimes eat it everyday!
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    44. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Does (s)he know about you losing weight? Does (s)he support you?
    Married :) yes, he does and he is very supportive even if he doesn't care to join me all the way. He will go walking with me a few times a week.
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    6. What is your favorite unhealthy food?
    I guess it's chocolate...
  • ChshireKat
    31. What are your favorite workout clothes you own?
    Cotton shorts and my tankini top.

    32. Try a new fruit today. Learn how to cut/eat it and enjoy! How was it?
    I can’ actually find a fruit I haven’t already eaten at my local grocery

    33. Are you on a diet or are you making this a lifestyle?
    Trying for the lifestyle change, I’ve already changed it quite a bit but his is where my body wants to stay.

    34. Do you take your meals from home to work? If so, what do you usually prepare?
    If I make anough at dinner it will be lunch the next day, if not lean cuisine and a fruit.
  • tequilasunris3
    47. Have you forbidden yourself any type of food?

    Nope, I think that would be soooo counter productive. I have definitely limited my intake of unhealthy foods, especially fruit juice which is basically liquid sugar, but I think if I didn't let myself eat something then I'd wind up rebelling against myself and overeating :P
    Everything in moderation! Even bacon.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    22. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?

    149lbs. Another 2 lbs and finally broke that 150 mark, woohoo!
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    45. Do you have a rest day when you don’t work out? Which day is it?
    Yes, but it's not a set day. Lately I've only been "resting" on the days I end up working doubles. I'm too tired to work out then!
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    8. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    67 kg..
    So I lost 1 kg!
    Going on, is my plan.. day after day...
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    23. How much water do you usually drink in a day?

    Depends if I remember to pack my water bottle so that I can drink while I'm driving around or walking round the shops etc. If so then easily 8 glasses (2 litres), but if not then probably 4-5 glasses.
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    9. What is your favorite type of cardio?
    dancing, dancing, dancing - ok, I'm a dancer, dance teacher and dance therapist ;-)
    and the I bike a lot as this is my way of getting somewhere and getting home. And I live uphill, so it's usually quite heavy biking on my way back.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    46. Try changing your routine today. Don’t do the same exercises as the week before, learn a new move to cinch that waiste or to tone those thighs!
    Already changed it this week, had to start an evening workout program cause I work in the mornings now. And how my legs hurt today!
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    47. Have you forbidden yourself any type of food?
    No, I don't believe so. I know my program won't work if I limit myself. I've learned portion control, still learning portion sizes since I don't own a scale. But I still have soda (duet and once in a blue moon), bake my own deserts, pasta, pizza, etc.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    24. Have you ever had an eating disorder?

    No but on two occasions I had a total loss of appetite and hardly ate a thing for at least 6 months each time - once when I was 17 and had a serious body image problem, and once when I was 23 and my relationship was breaking down. Now when I'm depressed I stuff my face... kinda makes me hanker for the old days LOL
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    10. Do you count calories? If so, what is your daily limit?
    It's for the moment set on 1450 kcal a day, but on day with a lot of training or teaching there's up to 1000 kcal burnt by 'exercising'. I try to not go over 2000 though. And it works not bad.
  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    48. Do you reward yourself when you reach your short-term goal? What are your rewards?
    Yes :) new hair cut, new workout clothes, new fitness stuff. I'm trying to think of something new for when I lose every ten pounds, I just can't think of anything I want right now.
  • ChshireKat
    35. Have you ever fasted? What was the reason for it?
    Yes, cholesterol test.

    36. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    233.8, I have gained. Exercise, I am going to ignore the doctor and go hiking.

    37. Have you ever purged? If so, how did you feel afterwords?
    Tried to once, but couldn’t do it.

    38. Have you ever binged? If so, what is your binge food?
    Overate on a favorite or good food, yes, overate on a favorite food that I rarely ever eat, no. I don’t habitually deny myself a food so I never get to the binge point.