what can I buy at GNC to help speed up weight loss?!!?

what can I buy at GNC to help speed up weight loss?!!? messaaaggeeee or add mee!


  • andrewlazenby
    Weights or a book on common exercises. Anything else is either a rip-off, gimmick, or likely going to stress out your kidneys and liver. There are no shortcuts.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    If they had a drug that worked like that. You could not get in the door due to the demand for the product, and no one would be fat.
  • Kikilicious84
    A good multivitamin
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Do they sell self-discipline and hard work there? If so, those would be the two best things you could buy. There's no shortcut to losing weight and getting fitter. There's no such thing as a magic pill/potion - it takes work and dedication.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Hard work, exercise and healthy eating!!!!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Protein powder
    Much of what GNC and stores like it sell is gimicky. You can find multiple articles on line talking about the that of effectiveness with the various "supplements" Be very careful going down that road and make sure you know what it is you're putting in your body. Many of the "diet and energy" pills are simply large doses of caffeine wrapped in mystery substance.
  • innocenceportrayed
    Look you already posted this and everyone told you that there is no miracle pill.

    Either start eating correct(healthier foods and correct proportions) or deal with it.

    Once again, you didn't get fat in one day you wont lose fat in one day. It takes work and dedication.
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I didn't buy these at GNC. I got a performance formula multi for women vitamin and a co-q 10. Not sure if ti actually "helps" with weight loss, but I'm making sure I am getting all my vitamins :)
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Isn't it amusing when people don't like hearing "There are no shortcuts" and they post more threads?
  • innocenceportrayed
    Isn't it amusing when people don't like hearing "There are no shortcuts" and they post more threads?

    Yes, yes it is. I should pop some popcorn just in case there's a 3rd!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    CLA supplements seem to help me and make a difference.
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Isn't it amusing when people don't like hearing "There are no shortcuts" and they post more threads?

    Yes, yes it is. I should pop some popcorn just in case there's a 3rd!

    Y'know what?

    These are the same kinds of people you read about in magazines or the news dying because they've taken X dangerous drug and ended up overheating so badly that they have a heart attack.

    I'll not quote the drug i'm referring to, but it's WELL known. And no, i'm not referring to speed/meth, but that does end in the same result.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Isn't it amusing when people don't like hearing "There are no shortcuts" and they post more threads?

    No doubt...

    ...but seriously, what can I buy?
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    aww didnt like the answers you got the first time - because you were told there are no real shortcuts? How about you eat right, work out and take care of yourself. There is no quick fix.
  • ScottFree_66
    Dihydrogen monoxide
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Jack 3D.... oh wait, you cannot get that anymore...
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Isn't it amusing when people don't like hearing "There are no shortcuts" and they post more threads?

    No doubt...

    ...but seriously, what can I buy?

    A coffin. Because if you get that desperate you'll end up doing something that you'll need one for ;)
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Biotin (vitamin b)
    aids metabolism and gives you nice hair and nails. They also have a good selection of multi vitamins and protein powder. I would say get some low calorie whey protein powder, a multi vitamin and some of those emergen-C packets.

    I would say those things will help you with weight loss because if you are reducing your caloric intake and working out you want to make sure your body is getting everything it needs or you will become weak and lethargic and hungry and mess it all up.

    I am not 100% against appetite suppressants, but only very mild, non caffeinated ones and i think you might only need them for the first week when you are craving really unhealty food or junk. once you start eating healthy you wont need them.

    and finally, if you are looking for something like a pill to boost your calorie burn before a work out, they have those too but i really don't recommend you make a habit of using them because they mess up your bodys natural schedule of hunger and energy.

    you feel all this fake energy and think you are full when actually you are starving. then you cant make it through a day without them. they are kind of evil. but if you do get them i would only take it once in a blue moon, similar to a cup of coffee to get you going IF you have eaten enough and IF you really just cant get motivated to work out.

    again, i dont think you need any kind of diet pill at all after the first week again because your body and metabolism will start to heal itself from clean eating, water and exercise and you will have tons of natural energy.

    then you will lose weight

    those are my opinions but what the hell do i know
  • innocenceportrayed
    Yes, I do believe I'll take two hits of crack with my dinner tonight. That'll make you not wanna eat. -___-
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member