who has a daughter???



  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I'm 42, and I have a daughter that is 14 years old, I coach her Soccer team, which is about eighteen 14/15 year old girls. Some of the girls are very flirtatious, I don't even think they realize they are.

    But, I see them all as little girls, like my daughter, or better yet, I see them all as my daughters...I am very protective of all of them.

    This guy, is a Perv, he is chasing young inmature girls because it is "easy" to show then a few gifts drive them around in a nice car, etc.

    Quite sad if you ask me, he is not much of a man, matter of fact he is less then a man, just a mere boy.

    Your man should drop this guy and keep him away from his daughter, actually surprised he did not kick his *kitten*. I would have.
  • m3dreamer2011
    I have a 5 year old daughter and if anything like that were to happen when she turns 18 I think I would want to hunt the creep down and, well do something!!! That age gap is simply wrong, wrong, wrong!! Personally I think once women reach their mid twenties then the age gap issue is less of an issue as generally their level of maturity has developed to be able to deal with "real world" issues and experiences. Just my thoughts though....
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    When I was 34 I fell in love with a 17 year old.
    I left my home in the Middle East, started a new job in the UK just to see if it would work. We dated for a year and then moved in together & got engaged. We lived very happily for over six years until our business went bust and we split up.

    Age is nothing but a number. In some countries (UK incl) its legal to get married at 16.

    There are some places in the Western world, where getting married at 14 occurs.

    On the converse side, I have a daughter also. She will be educated to make choices that need to be evaluated before committing to them. When she hits 18 (legal age in Holland, where she lives) I will have no right to tell her what can and cannot happen in her life. But I trust she will make the right decisions based on her education.

    I agree, I am married to a 21 year old, I am 35. I do not levitate to younger people, nor do I find that I am attracted to them, I just fell in love and she happened to be a lot younger than me. What do we have in common? Quite a lot actually, she is mega mature for her age and I can be immature for mine. I do agree that age is just a number as long as it is legal of course. I also have a 15 year old daughter and I hope that I am educating her to make the right choices. My wife's family hated me at first, but now we have been married for 3 years, I think they realise that our love is real. Love is love, people cannot help who they fall in love with, but I must admit OP, if this guy knew this girl when she was a baby, that does seem a bit weird to me. *shudders*
  • jcraig1980
    Guys who like such younger girls def have issues - sorry but at 18 a person has got a lot to learn - still young and naive. My SIL used to love the way older guys. She was dating 30 year olds when she was 15 and then even married a 46 year old when she was 25. She stopped going after the older guys after she become a widow a few years ago. He walked all over her, he didn't even work and she had to take care of his kids. When he died (heart attack) she had to deal with a lot of crap from his family on top of what she put up with while married to him. For the girls out there looking for way older guys, be very very careful.
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    I think sometimes an age difference that big can work, rarely... but more often than not, someone who has only closed out about two decades is going to have very different priorities and experiences in life, versus someone who has three or four decades under their belt. The younger person is liable to get really hurt. I had a friend who was a bit of a dog, quite frankly, lots of notches on the bedpost, and he'd chase anything that was "legal". I'd caution him that just because they are "legal" doesn't mean it's in their best interest to get sexually involved with a much older guy. Even if they know from the start that it's only casual, those crazy bonding hormones kick in once you've been physical with someone, and it all goes out the window. He shrugged it off. Would much rather be in a state of denial, chasing young girls half his age.

    That said, your guy's "buddy" making a play for his barely legal daughter, or his daughter at any age, frankly, is another issue altogether. Even as a female, I'm pretty darn sure that is a serious violation of the bro code, right there. Your guy needs to know what happened, and his daughter needs to be given a chance to tell her dad, herself. If it helps, maybe she could write down the events and words as she remembers them, instead of trying to recount it to her dad's face. If she still has a hard time, maybe you can act as her spokesperson and recount what she told you had happened. Either way, back her up in this by letting your guy know how genuinely freaked out his daughter was when she came to you, and how (I imagine, most likely) she didn't know how to go directly to her dad about it. From there, I hope your guy delivers his then [/i]ex-buddy a swift kick to the balls, because that's exactly what he deserves.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    That "friend" needs a short conversation with a stick.

    I have 4 daughters, I expect my friends, especially those of long date to have a value set that includes parental responsibility towards my children. A forty year old trying to date an 18 year old daughter of a friend is most likely in a situation of abusing a dominant position - not something I want for my daughters. This has zero to do with the age of consent and the girl's choice.

    Lina has the rest.
  • HellsBells61
    I have a 17 year old daughter. She is currently dating someone her own age. But if a man in his 30's came anywhere near her he'd find himself on the wrong end of my stilletos, limping all the way home and physically unable to "bother" a member of the opposite sex ever again. :angry: Yes I am a very scary woman.

    When she reaches 18 anmd leaves home to go to uni then its up to her but I hope that I have raised her with enough self-respect to make sure thay any man she chooses is worthy of her company.
  • Doesntplaynice82
    Doesntplaynice82 Posts: 119 Member
    I "dated" a guy much older than myself. Let's put it this way...with age comes experience. I don't want to have to train a new puppy
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I think some people are missing the point. This is a much older man that had known this girl since she was a baby because he was friends with her parents. Then the minute she turned 18 he came onto her and it upset her and creeped her out. This is not about love or two people of different ages meeting and hitting it off. This scenario is creepy. And yes, I would be pissed if a friend of mine hit on my daughters the minute they became "adults". At least he waited till she was an adult and backed off when she said no, but still I would not keep a creep like that in my life or in my children's life. He crossed a line. Friendship over!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    If my good friend was trying to hook up with my 18 year old daughter?

    because he is my friend, we would go fishing and talk about it.
    Unfortunitally (and because I forgot), my friend happens to have mental problems and, there is a VERY good chance that he would throw himself off of the boat while half way to the Bahamas.
    I am sure I would do everything I could to save him but alas, he sank to the bottom.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    It doesn't matter that he likes much younger girls that are barely this side of legal.

    She is his best friend's DAUGHTER. I'd beat the crap out of hum just on GP. I have a gorgeous 16 yr old and my friends chide me about it, but they'd never do that. Just wrong. So so wrong. He needs to be fired as a friend.
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    CREEPY!!! I would hope your guy friend kicked his *kitten* and told him to stay out of his life!!! Just not right!!!
  • drea85an
    The "friend" was sleazy, simply because he hit on the daughter of a close friend. That is unacceptable. I agree.

    But in general, there is nothing wrong with a 48 year old man (or however old he is) asking out an 18 year old girl (and of course the opposite is also true: 48 year old woman, 18 year old boy).

    She's 18, not 12. She's a legal adult. Why does anyone bring up their 12 year old daughter?? That is something else entirely (actually, in most states in the USA, it's statutory rape). That has nothing to do with an 18 year old adult being asked out by another adult. If she's not interested, she just needs to say, "no thanks." Done. Over.

    But again, in this particular case is was wrong, because it's the daughter of a friend. If he felt there was a mutual attraction, he should have asked his friend first if it was OK to ask his daughter out. His friend would have probably told him to go #$@% himself, and it would have ended there...


    Because 18yo girls are dumb, impressionable and swayed by older men with money, careers, and freedoms they don't have themselves. Because you are looking to *kitten* and she thinks you are looking for more, and is too dumb and naive to understand that. (and even if she says she understands it, she doesn't) Because a little over a year ago she couldn't drive a car. Because she can't buy herself a car or handle real life with out mom or dad, and you are just taking over that role in exchange for sex. That is why it is a big deal. Because 12 is only 6 years from 18, and 18 is 30 years from 48... do the math.