Negative comments



  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Don't people get it? When an overweight person is out running, they have already REALIZED they need to do something about their weight and are trying to do it!! Obviously they don't need some jerk off stranger yelling things at them for motivation. I would rather see someone who is overweight out for a run than, say, sitting on one of those motorized scooters at the grocery store (although we have to be sensitive in that case too because those people could have health problems inhibiting their ability to walk in the store)
  • Johlawrence
    Johlawrence Posts: 236 Member
    i HOPE YOU FLIPPED HIM OFF!!!:happy:
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    He is an *kitten*. The way i figure, you dont know these people who do this. They are insignificant in your life so why let in bother you. Plus, in a little bit this same douchecanoe will prob be cat calling you when you are out exercising.

    I remember one time i was walking into the gym and i walked by two guys standing at the entrance. I heard one of them say that he would date me if i was skinnier. I turned around and said i would date him him if he was taller.

    Usually i just ignore people like that but that really ticked me off. I dont think he meant for me to hear it because he blushed and looked super embarrassed. Plus i was cranky that day.
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    Oh for goodness sakes! Why are people so cruel sometimes?

    Ignore it. It doesn't mean anything. If you're overweight, you already know it but you're doing something about it. They'll take years before changing their personalities and manners. Maybe even never.

    I don't know if anyone has said anything rude about me running. That's the only thing, other than walking, that I do outside the house in public view. I was terrified of being laughed at because my stamina wasn't great (and still isn't superb).

    I wear headsets though and blast music.
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    Next time someone in a truck or something shouts a rude comment at you, yell 'THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME ABOUT YOUR TINY PENIS!!!!'

    I yell this all the time because 90% of people who drive trucks drive like morons and seem to be compensating for something.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Hmmm, you were out doing something active and healthy and HIS bulk was enclosed in a truck! Chances are, he's not GQ material himself nor is he the next Speedo model.

    He's an asshat. YOU can lose weight but HE will be an asshat forever.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Don''t use someone else being an assface as an excuse to give up. Either give up cause you want to or get back out there & say stfu to the haters.
  • slap1225
    slap1225 Posts: 487 Member
    :( Just wait till the negative comments turn in to whistles... and they will. In the mean time... ipod! Some people are just rude and shallow!
  • Logan819
    Who cares what ignorant people think! You should be proud of yourself and hold your head are in control, nobody else! Try to walk on a residential street or a trail. That will make you more comfortable. Don't let anyone deter you from reaching your goal! :)
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    My 12 year old son has a signature line attached to each of his texts. I think it's perfect for this situation:


    Don't let this jerk stop you. Make it your goal to go at your workouts harder! Because if you're out there doing something to improve your health, you're a WINNER! And you're going to show the world that you've got what it takes!!

    You have a smart son! I work the hardest when i think i have to prove something.
  • slap1225
    slap1225 Posts: 487 Member
    haha,love that reaction to rude!!! :D
  • MonkRocker
    You should feel very sorry for those dudes.

    Can you imagine what a life in which shouting hurtful comments at a stranger passes for entertainment must be like to live on a daily basis?

    That's some sad *kitten*.

    You, on the other hand should just keep on keepin' on.
  • BadgerSensei
    BadgerSensei Posts: 45 Member
    As I was puffing away on the elliptical one day towards the beginning of all this weight loss, some stupid kids pointed at me through the gym window and laughed. Look at the fat guy at the gym!

    Well... Except the fat guy's do what he can to get unfat; What's to be ashamed about that? Screw the hecklers. They've got small self-esteem and have to mock others to avoid facing it.
  • NeverGoingToQuit
    NeverGoingToQuit Posts: 49 Member
    I posted something similar to this before on my profile. I was just starting to train for a couch to 5k and was running/walking at the park. I had my music playing and headphones in but could still hear them yell " You aren't going to lose weight fat *kitten*." I got discouraged but I finished my course adn came home. Told my boyfriend and everyone on mfp. They all said the same thing. He was the one in the car driving around. You were out there working hard. They told me to to use what he said to light a fire under my butt and keep going. I let people discourage me all my life. Its time to put my foot down. I suggest the same to you. Keep going and don't give up. best of luck
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Yes. I get the stares by everyone, even now that I'm 65 lbs down. People stare at me pulling my wagon to pick up the kids from school or with the two kids in it. I think, huh maybe their just jealious I'm saving gas money and getting healthy. LOL! Many people that have either honked or stared or whatever aren't worth my time and I may never see them again.

    Keep going and don't give heed to the one that did this. You'll probably never see them again...and maybe Karma will bite them in the butt sometime. Who knows?
  • BarbBlue
    This is how I view stuff like that. I ask myself the question, "does what this person say or do have anything to do with the grand scheme of things?" Usually my answer is no and I just keep pressing on! Don't let some idiot that has no bearing on your life stop you from doing what you want. it is your life!
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I have had similar things happen quite a few times in my life. What i do now is have in ear headphones which blocks out a lot of the outside noise and I then put my head into my own world (just watch out for traffic when crossing the road)

    This is so effective that last week as I was walking a car stopped on the road next to me and the people in the car started talking to me and in the end had to get out of the car to get my attention as it was my Aunt and Uncle stopping to say hello :laugh:
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Yes, just ignore the comments and walk on!!!! IF it's a reoccurring problem with the same person/vehicle definately pick a different route for safety reasons. That being said if it's just random rude people, don't fret, you are out there for you and no one else.

    AMEN! Don't give into other's stupidity and keep doing it for you. Go at a different time and/or a different route. Walk on a treadmill, avoid that problem all together. Do Walk at home DVDs (Leslie Sansone)..affordable too. :)
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    If I let negative comments effect me that way I'd live in a cave in the middle of the desert somewhere, never to be seen again. You've got to learn to embrace the negativity. Do something unexpected like flash them LOL. Work on your own snide commentary and always have some in the arsenal to throw back at people. Beat them at their own game. :)
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    The 1 finger salute usually works and makes you feel better too. That is about all they understand with their level of intelligence. ;)

    I am half joking but... seriously ignore them, use the negativity to fuel you and keep going. In a few months when they're wolf whistling out the truck at you , you can put your nose in the air and ignore them even more.