~Fit N Fun Sized~ Week Three!!!



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well I went for my 8k run this morning since I was waiting for some stuff to show up at work...and ALL DAY my tummy was upset! :sad: I had to go home to get some Imodium and it took 3 of them to get me functional again. Working like that SUCKED. I went home a bit early at 3 because I was feeling drained and dehydrated. :sick: I ate some brown rice and beef though and now I'm feeling better. On the bright side, I did a full 50 minute run without a minute of rest today, which is the protocol for the final week of the program. Woohoo!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well I went for my 8k run this morning since I was waiting for some stuff to show up at work...and ALL DAY my tummy was upset! :sad: I had to go home to get some Imodium and it took 3 of them to get me functional again. Working like that SUCKED. I went home a bit early at 3 because I was feeling drained and dehydrated. :sick: I ate some brown rice and beef though and now I'm feeling better. On the bright side, I did a full 50 minute run without a minute of rest today, which is the protocol for the final week of the program. Woohoo!

    Good for you! That's great to hear! I am going to start G28K next week, I think. :)

    I hope you're feeling better now!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I went and ran in the snow...3.1 miles in 38 minutes and then continued to walk 1.1 miles. 4.2 miles altogether.

    I am almost close to my mini goal of 135 lbs, I think I might reach it tomorrow.

  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So here is my plan for weight loss, I understand that I could probably lose the weight alot faster and that I might but I want to be sure that when I am losing it that I am also keeping it off. I also want to set realistic goals that I know I can reach.

    Mini Goal 1 by 12/12/09: 135 lbs
    Mini Goal 2 by 1/30/09: 130 lbs
    Mini Goal 3 3/20/09: 125 lbs
    Overall Goal 5/8/09: 120 lbs

    What does everyone think?
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Holy cow, lots of catching up to do today. I've got a busy week at work so I can't chat much. I've been exhausted forever and I found out Friday at the doctor that sure enough, I have bronchitis again. Almost every cold I get drops into my lungs and in a month or so I'm done for. (I have asthma.) The good news is I'm on feeling SOO much better now that I'm taking steriods and antibiotics. I'm aiming for starting to work out again on Thursday just in time for kickboxing yay! I can't believe I still lost half a pound not working out - when I'm not feeling well I'm not great at staying within calories. Also, it just snowed like 8 inches!!!

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jacqueline, your goals look really smart.....you don't have a ton of weight to lose and your pace sounds moderate and healthy and if you exceed your goals you'll be extra happy.....I wish you the best on your journey.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    So here is my plan for weight loss, I understand that I could probably lose the weight alot faster and that I might but I want to be sure that when I am losing it that I am also keeping it off. I also want to set realistic goals that I know I can reach.

    Mini Goal 1 by 12/12/09: 135 lbs
    Mini Goal 2 by 1/30/09: 130 lbs
    Mini Goal 3 3/20/09: 125 lbs
    Overall Goal 5/8/09: 120 lbs

    What does everyone think?

    I think that is pretty realistic. Especially since it is the last 10-15 lbs. :smile:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Holy cow, lots of catching up to do today. I've got a busy week at work so I can't chat much. I've been exhausted forever and I found out Friday at the doctor that sure enough, I have bronchitis again. Almost every cold I get drops into my lungs and in a month or so I'm done for. (I have asthma.) The good news is I'm on feeling SOO much better now that I'm taking steriods and antibiotics. I'm aiming for starting to work out again on Thursday just in time for kickboxing yay! I can't believe I still lost half a pound not working out - when I'm not feeling well I'm not great at staying within calories. Also, it just snowed like 8 inches!!!

    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!!

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Yea, not gonna lie, I'm kind of nervous about the pain, especially since I'm going by myself but I want to go this week since its the mid-week of my cycle so I don't have the added bonus of hormones flowing through my system making me extra emotional and sensitive. I'm getting mine on my wrist or a little lower on the forearm so I'm pretty sure it'll hurt but I've been wanting this for a while! So Excited!!

    Don't be nervous about the pain....I have 3 tattoos and I intend to get a 4th and Final one on my 30th birthday! If they were all that painful I wouldn't have continued getting them! Best of luck to you though...you'll have to post pics of it when it's complete :)

    Sorry I've been MIA this last week! Things are getting super crazy at work (i'm a teacher) and the kids are getting all worked up about the upcoming Holiday Break...so little time for me as I've been staying after school to get things prepared and then trying to Christmas shop! AHHHH!

    I have been continuing to do well on my workouts except for this past weekend. I missed Fri-Sun! Friday I had a migraine that my medicine would not even take care of...then I was shopping ALL DAY with my aunts and cousins for an overnight get together...SO FUN! and Sunday I recovered...slept the day away!

    I'm back on track though and last night I completed 30 day shred Level 2 and P90x Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper! It felt so good :) It's nice now that school is done for the semester I'm able to do extra workouts :)

    I'm hoping for a Snow Day tomorrow so I can do some extra workouts too!!! I can always be hopeful...right?!?!?!?

    I hope everyone has a great day...eat healthy...and feel great :)
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I reached my first mini goal of 135 today!!!! I am now shooting for 130!! I am so excited I have lost over 5 lbs already!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    So I reached my first mini goal of 135 today!!!! I am now shooting for 130!! I am so excited I have lost over 5 lbs already!!!

    Congratulations on a job well done. If you remained this focus you'll be at your ultimate goal right on schedule. By the way, you have a nice approach to reaching your ultimate goal. Reaching your mini goals should keep you motivated and focused. Good luck.

    I have been so caught up on this 30 day challenge that I can barely remember what day I'm in. I think this is day 23 or 24, all I know is that next week it's over and while i've been going strong I am SUPER EXCITED to have accomplished it and moved on.

    Anyway, the workout is complete for today. My boot camp instructor worked us so hard today that I didn't have the strength nor the desire to head to the gym afterwards. Since it's suppose to be a warm day I am considering heading to the park later and walking/jogging a little. All the posts I read about running has inspired me to try it out although I will admit I'm VERY SCARED. I don't like jogging at all but I suck it up and do it while at the gym but interested to see how well I could do outside. I've only done it once and surprising did alright. I'll see how my work day progresses before making a definitive decision.

    I burned at least 500 alories already this morning so anything else I do is just a bonus.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • supermom1114
    Yea, not gonna lie, I'm kind of nervous about the pain, especially since I'm going by myself but I want to go this week since its the mid-week of my cycle so I don't have the added bonus of hormones flowing through my system making me extra emotional and sensitive. I'm getting mine on my wrist or a little lower on the forearm so I'm pretty sure it'll hurt but I've been wanting this for a while! So Excited!!

    Don't be nervous about the pain....I have 3 tattoos and I intend to get a 4th and Final one on my 30th birthday! If they were all that painful I wouldn't have continued getting them! Best of luck to you though...you'll have to post pics of it when it's complete :)

    Sorry I've been MIA this last week! Things are getting super crazy at work (i'm a teacher) and the kids are getting all worked up about the upcoming Holiday Break...so little time for me as I've been staying after school to get things prepared and then trying to Christmas shop! AHHHH!

    I have been continuing to do well on my workouts except for this past weekend. I missed Fri-Sun! Friday I had a migraine that my medicine would not even take care of...then I was shopping ALL DAY with my aunts and cousins for an overnight get together...SO FUN! and Sunday I recovered...slept the day away!

    I'm back on track though and last night I completed 30 day shred Level 2 and P90x Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper! It felt so good :) It's nice now that school is done for the semester I'm able to do extra workouts :)

    I'm hoping for a Snow Day tomorrow so I can do some extra workouts too!!! I can always be hopeful...right?!?!?!?

    I hope everyone has a great day...eat healthy...and feel great :)

    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm an adrenaline junkie so I know once I get there and they get me all prepped I'll be pumped. My husband has tribal w/ the filipino sun and stars in it up his arm that hes had to get in two parts plus some chinese characters on his forearm, our sons name on his forearm on the side, and a tribal-ish crucifix he drew himself lol so I know it can't be so bad if people keep going back to get more. hubby says it gets addicting lol but it took me years to finally decide what I wanted so I don't know if I'll be getting anymore. I'm getting the word Mind written over the word Matter on my forearm so yea.. "Mind over Matter" I'm still not sure about the font and I'd like a few stars or something so it doesnt look like someone just stamped me lol I'm stopping by the shop today to talk to the guys there and set up an appointment for tomorrow. Hopefully they can draw something up and help me out, its a really great shop and the people are really cool. I'm excited! Oh and yes I WILL post pics!

    Sounds like you had a good weekend, its nice to take a few days off from working out and really let your body recover! I know how you feel about school being over. I only have a food science final and my anatomy and physiology final to go, both classes I love and have been acing the whole year so I'm not too worried. I love being able to spend more time working out. I'm starting Level 2 of Shred on Friday, I can really tell after 8 days on level 1 that it feels a LOT easier than day 1!
  • supermom1114
    So I reached my first mini goal of 135 today!!!! I am now shooting for 130!! I am so excited I have lost over 5 lbs already!!!

    Yay ! Way to go! Just stick to it and you'll hit all your goals for sure!!
  • supermom1114
    So I reached my first mini goal of 135 today!!!! I am now shooting for 130!! I am so excited I have lost over 5 lbs already!!!

    Congratulations on a job well done. If you remained this focus you'll be at your ultimate goal right on schedule. By the way, you have a nice approach to reaching your ultimate goal. Reaching your mini goals should keep you motivated and focused. Good luck.

    I have been so caught up on this 30 day challenge that I can barely remember what day I'm in. I think this is day 23 or 24, all I know is that next week it's over and while i've been going strong I am SUPER EXCITED to have accomplished it and moved on.

    Anyway, the workout is complete for today. My boot camp instructor worked us so hard today that I didn't have the strength nor the desire to head to the gym afterwards. Since it's suppose to be a warm day I am considering heading to the park later and walking/jogging a little. All the posts I read about running has inspired me to try it out although I will admit I'm VERY SCARED. I don't like jogging at all but I suck it up and do it while at the gym but interested to see how well I could do outside. I've only done it once and surprising did alright. I'll see how my work day progresses before making a definitive decision.

    I burned at least 500 alories already this morning so anything else I do is just a bonus.

    Have a great day ladies.

    I'd definitely suggest doing the Couch to 5k running program. It helps you easy into running which allows your bones and muscles to strengthen over time instead of just trying to run and push yourself and be in pain and hate it. For me at least running has to be fun or else I'd hate it, so I go to different parks and I don't worry about time. My goal is just finishing. I used to hate running and always thought I sucked. But now as long as I finish my workout I can feel proud and accomplished which has kept me going. I hope you learn to love and enjoy it!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Yesterdays goals
    - Eat Clean - 1300 calories total (met), No Diet Soda (met) - Interval x(met) - 12 days of fitness(met) - walk after work(just a little. my tummy hurt --crampy... so I didn't do too much, but ate clean).

    Wed (today) - Snowday from school, so the kids are at home(12 and 10yrs). I wonder if today will be challenging or not. At least I get to work remote. The challenge could be me focusing on working for work, and not playing or whatever.

    congrats to everyoone who is loosing weight and reaching their goals and exercising. Just a little focus and we can do anything. Nobody said it would be easy but man, the results are amazing!

    Todays goals:
    - Eat clean - Strive for 1300 calories total today ... Clean eating ...no matter what the kids have!
    - 8 - 8oz waters
    - Exercise Cardio X and 45min Elliptical
    - Scoop snow ...The driveway is impassible!

    I think I'm really doing good. The scale this morning weighed me in the 99.x range (WOW) I was amazed...Just eating right and exercising, a little more focus than what I was doing and BINGO. I hope I can maintain this until weigh in on Sunday morning and, that I can maintain it until Christmas.

    Do your best, forget the rest!
    Have a good Wed. FNF.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    So I reached my first mini goal of 135 today!!!! I am now shooting for 130!! I am so excited I have lost over 5 lbs already!!!

    Congratulations on a job well done. If you remained this focus you'll be at your ultimate goal right on schedule. By the way, you have a nice approach to reaching your ultimate goal. Reaching your mini goals should keep you motivated and focused. Good luck.

    I have been so caught up on this 30 day challenge that I can barely remember what day I'm in. I think this is day 23 or 24, all I know is that next week it's over and while i've been going strong I am SUPER EXCITED to have accomplished it and moved on.

    Anyway, the workout is complete for today. My boot camp instructor worked us so hard today that I didn't have the strength nor the desire to head to the gym afterwards. Since it's suppose to be a warm day I am considering heading to the park later and walking/jogging a little. All the posts I read about running has inspired me to try it out although I will admit I'm VERY SCARED. I don't like jogging at all but I suck it up and do it while at the gym but interested to see how well I could do outside. I've only done it once and surprising did alright. I'll see how my work day progresses before making a definitive decision.

    I burned at least 500 alories already this morning so anything else I do is just a bonus.

    Have a great day ladies.

    I'd definitely suggest doing the Couch to 5k running program. It helps you easy into running which allows your bones and muscles to strengthen over time instead of just trying to run and push yourself and be in pain and hate it. For me at least running has to be fun or else I'd hate it, so I go to different parks and I don't worry about time. My goal is just finishing. I used to hate running and always thought I sucked. But now as long as I finish my workout I can feel proud and accomplished which has kept me going. I hope you learn to love and enjoy it!

    C25K is the best way to go! I used to not be too fond of running. However, since doing C25K it has become very therapeutic. It is a great way to get outside and clear your mind.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    So I reached my first mini goal of 135 today!!!! I am now shooting for 130!! I am so excited I have lost over 5 lbs already!!!

    Congratulations on a job well done. If you remained this focus you'll be at your ultimate goal right on schedule. By the way, you have a nice approach to reaching your ultimate goal. Reaching your mini goals should keep you motivated and focused. Good luck.

    I have been so caught up on this 30 day challenge that I can barely remember what day I'm in. I think this is day 23 or 24, all I know is that next week it's over and while i've been going strong I am SUPER EXCITED to have accomplished it and moved on.

    Anyway, the workout is complete for today. My boot camp instructor worked us so hard today that I didn't have the strength nor the desire to head to the gym afterwards. Since it's suppose to be a warm day I am considering heading to the park later and walking/jogging a little. All the posts I read about running has inspired me to try it out although I will admit I'm VERY SCARED. I don't like jogging at all but I suck it up and do it while at the gym but interested to see how well I could do outside. I've only done it once and surprising did alright. I'll see how my work day progresses before making a definitive decision.

    I burned at least 500 alories already this morning so anything else I do is just a bonus.

    Have a great day ladies.

    I'd definitely suggest doing the Couch to 5k running program. It helps you easy into running which allows your bones and muscles to strengthen over time instead of just trying to run and push yourself and be in pain and hate it. For me at least running has to be fun or else I'd hate it, so I go to different parks and I don't worry about time. My goal is just finishing. I used to hate running and always thought I sucked. But now as long as I finish my workout I can feel proud and accomplished which has kept me going. I hope you learn to love and enjoy it!

    I have briefly reviewed the c25k but need to check it out more thoroughly. Going to different parks is a good idea, a change of scenery is always good.
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    So I went jogging for 52 minutes last nite. Have a 5k on the 19th so getting ready for that. I think I will do fine. The HS track was closed due to a game but I was able to run around the park that is next to it. Did really good.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I went jogging for 52 minutes last nite. Have a 5k on the 19th so getting ready for that. I think I will do fine. The HS track was closed due to a game but I was able to run around the park that is next to it. Did really good.

    That is great!!!!
  • jzbaby626
    Workout for today-40 mins of circuit training-DONE.
    Do we have a challenge for this week? or are we not doing weekly challenges? just wondering.