~Fit N Fun Sized~ Week Three!!!



  • supermom1114
    So I got my tattoo today! My hubby said it would feel like a bunch of ants... ugh yea right!! lol But all in all it was tolerable, but the upper part right across my wrist was pretty painful, the rest just felt like dull pain/pressure. Anywho, heres a pic!!

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    So I got my tattoo today! My hubby said it would feel like a bunch of ants... ugh yea right!! lol But all in all it was tolerable, but the upper part right across my wrist was pretty painful, the rest just felt like dull pain/pressure. Anywho, heres a pic!!



    Congratulations!!!! :drinker:

    Depending on the area it feels different. Parts of mine felt like a razorblade, and other parts did feel like a lot of (stinging) ants. Be very proud of yourself for enduring!
  • supermom1114
    Lol Thanks songbyrd, yea I kept thinking when are the endorphins or adrenaline going to kick in?!? lol But I stuck it out, just squeezed my leg pretty hard at times lol. Finally after it was done and I'd paid and was driving away in the car it hit me, I'd gotten a tattoo!!! And I had to let out a little yell of joy lol. I don't know if I'll get more, it took me years to decide on this one but we'll see!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    So I got my tattoo today! My hubby said it would feel like a bunch of ants... ugh yea right!! lol But all in all it was tolerable, but the upper part right across my wrist was pretty painful, the rest just felt like dull pain/pressure. Anywho, heres a pic!!


    LOVE the tattoo! Glad you were able to get through it...I can only imagine how it felt closest to your wrist...that's how it was with the one on my foot...the closer he got to the toes...the more painful it was! But like I said...I have 3 so...I'd agree with your hubby...they are addicting ;-)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    YEAH!!! I weigh myself every morning and this morning my weight was 135.2!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen 135 in about 2 years!!! For some of you I know that may not seem like a feat but....on average since high school (10 years ago) I've stayed around 128-130 and then in the last few years I've just let go and accepted 135 as ok for me and then 140 was ok (well no it wasn't but that's where I was) and then when I hit 146 last spring I freaked out! so...to see 135 was SO refreshing...my work is paying off...and it's SO motivating :)))
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    YEAH!!! I weigh myself every morning and this morning my weight was 135.2!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen 135 in about 2 years!!! For some of you I know that may not seem like a feat but....on average since high school (10 years ago) I've stayed around 128-130 and then in the last few years I've just let go and accepted 135 as ok for me and then 140 was ok (well no it wasn't but that's where I was) and then when I hit 146 last spring I freaked out! so...to see 135 was SO refreshing...my work is paying off...and it's SO motivating :)))

    That is huge and a hell of a way to start a Friday :drinker: I am going to weighing in my self here in a few:ohwell: I never do good on the scale but my clothes are all getting way loose so...I'll take it!! Congrats.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Ok, so I didn't get much of a work out in yesterday...had a music program for the kids, but I did go up and down our stairs about 20 times so at least thats something. Today is my 200 sit-ups plus cardio from home, I am hoping ot make 3 miles on the treadmill, I have however been a rock star on my eating. Last night I did cave and had a soda, I had a migraine that my meds weren't touching and sometimes it helps to have caffeine!!! It worked so thats ok, didn't put me over on cals at least.

    Hope everyone has a good morning
  • supermom1114
    YEAH!!! I weigh myself every morning and this morning my weight was 135.2!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen 135 in about 2 years!!! For some of you I know that may not seem like a feat but....on average since high school (10 years ago) I've stayed around 128-130 and then in the last few years I've just let go and accepted 135 as ok for me and then 140 was ok (well no it wasn't but that's where I was) and then when I hit 146 last spring I freaked out! so...to see 135 was SO refreshing...my work is paying off...and it's SO motivating :)))

    Way to go!!! I'd kill to see 135, I'm so SICK of seeing 141.. I'm about to go weigh myself so we'll see, I'm hoping the first two numbers are 13... lol

    Oh and yea I was already thinking about other tattoos as I was falling asleep last night lol they are addicting!! Its like once you've got one and know what it feels like its not so intimidating anymore.

    So I weighed myself and stil 141.8... However I started jillians 30 day shred and weighed myself on monday and was 144... ugh... but I'm sure it was some muscle and some water retention since I had a bad weekend. So I guess its good to be back down to 141 but I just want to be in the 130s already!!!! My fat percentage did go down a point but I don't really believe my scale because so many factors can affect it so I dunno. Its so discouraging to not see numbers dropping on the scale. I see a difference in my body but still ugh
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    Yahoo! Just weighed in and lost another 2 pounds! That puts me on the cusp of no longer having a BMI in Obese catagory. Actually, it's 30.0, so I'm in both Overweight and Obese ranges. I'm so excited!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    YEAH!!! I weigh myself every morning and this morning my weight was 135.2!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen 135 in about 2 years!!! For some of you I know that may not seem like a feat but....on average since high school (10 years ago) I've stayed around 128-130 and then in the last few years I've just let go and accepted 135 as ok for me and then 140 was ok (well no it wasn't but that's where I was) and then when I hit 146 last spring I freaked out! so...to see 135 was SO refreshing...my work is paying off...and it's SO motivating :)))

    Way to go!!! I'd kill to see 135, I'm so SICK of seeing 141.. I'm about to go weigh myself so we'll see, I'm hoping the first two numbers are 13... lol

    Oh and yea I was already thinking about other tattoos as I was falling asleep last night lol they are addicting!! Its like once you've got one and know what it feels like its not so intimidating anymore.

    So I weighed myself and stil 141.8... However I started jillians 30 day shred and weighed myself on monday and was 144... ugh... but I'm sure it was some muscle and some water retention since I had a bad weekend. So I guess its good to be back down to 141 but I just want to be in the 130s already!!!! My fat percentage did go down a point but I don't really believe my scale because so many factors can affect it so I dunno. Its so discouraging to not see numbers dropping on the scale. I see a difference in my body but still ugh

    Haha I knew that would happen!! I already have the rest of my tatts planned out, I just need to money for them all now hehe. I'm planning on getting my next one in January. It will be the Adinkra symbol for Ananse the Spider on my left shoulder. What I have now is the Adinkra symbol that means 'he who does not know can know from learning.' Ananse symbolizes wisdom, creativity, and the complexities of life, and he is also a teacher, which is why I'm getting that when I start my TA position.

    Well this morning I weighed myself after my cardio session (during which I drank water) and I was 132.2. Finally out of the darn 133's!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    I finally found something that works for me I guess!! I lost 2.6 lbs in the last week :) I have starting eating my exercise calories, guess I needed them!!!

    Finally I feel like this all has a point!!!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Did Yoga X this morning - I felt like staying in bed, so YogaX was as close as I could get. Now I need to *bring it* for my noon session. Back to 99.8 this morning...Gotta keep the focus on all day today and Saturday so that Sunday will be a *nice* 99.X number. My goal is to log in and post on Saturday so that I can keep the momentum up!

    Friday's Goals:
    1)1200 - 1300 calories
    Bfast 7:00am – 289cal/25c/46p

    2)Eat Clean
    3)Exercise YogaX (Met)
    4)Exercise Elliptical - 41mn( )
    5)Do the 6th day of fitness( )
    6)Log my foods before I eat!( )
    Turkey meat
    12:00 - 362cal /25carb / 44Prot
    So far Ttl: 651cal/ 50c/ 90p/ 11f

    9) Supper – Only eat the foods I log
    ***Meat ***
    1/2c Cottage cheese
    14 Grapes
    1/2c Pineapple
    12oz Water.
  • jzbaby626
    supermom- :heart: the tattoo!

    Did my cardio for the AM.

    Goal for tonite:
    1 hr more of cardio
    Not go over my calories. Went over yesterday :frown:
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    So I went to go running yesterday but it was a very hard day for me...my hamstrings hurt and it was just hard. I may have overworked myself. Anyway so I pretty much walked the hour. Today I'm taking it off...although I am going shopping so there is my exercise for the day. This weekend I will again do some running.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's day 25 of my challenge (burn at least 500 calories everyday for 30 days) and it is getting more and more difficult to see this challenge through BUT my workout is complete for today. It was actually completed by 8:30 am but couldn't post because I got real, real busy with work. I finally had a minute so decided to check on in. Well today was boot camp and our instructor had a little surprise for us. Instead of our usually grueling workout today we were treated to an hour of Yoga. While we clearly were strengthing our muscles my heart rate did not get very high so I knew I would have to head to the gym directly after class to ensure I burned at least 500 calories. I got to the gym and hopped right on the elliptical machine for 65 minutes and was able to burn a total of 637 calories.

    Today was also our unit holiday luncheon and I am proud to announce that I DID NOT OVER INDULGE. I had some turkey (white meat), green beans, stuffing (1/2 cup) and toss salad. Despite there being peach cobbler, red velvet cake, apple and sweet potato pie to choose from I CHOSE NOTHING! I also chose not to eat the rolls, corn bread or baked macaroni & cheese. Today was definitely a good day.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    It's day 25 of my challenge (burn at least 500 calories everyday for 30 days) and it is getting more and more difficult to see this challenge through BUT my workout is complete for today. It was actually completed by 8:30 am but couldn't post because I got real, real busy with work. I finally had a minute so decided to check on in. Well today was boot camp and our instructor had a little surprise for us. Instead of our usually grueling workout today we were treated to an hour of Yoga. While we clearly were strengthing our muscles my heart rate did not get very high so I knew I would have to head to the gym directly after class to ensure I burned at least 500 calories. I got to the gym and hopped right on the elliptical machine for 65 minutes and was able to burn a total of 637 calories.

    Today was also our unit holiday luncheon and I am proud to announce that I DID NOT OVER INDULGE. I had some turkey (white meat), green beans, stuffing (1/2 cup) and toss salad. Despite there being peach cobbler, red velvet cake, apple and sweet potato pie to choose from I CHOSE NOTHING! I also chose not to eat the rolls, corn bread or baked macaroni & cheese. Today was definitely a good day.
    That is a great day, you should be so proud, that's when you know you have changed your life way to go
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's day 25 of my challenge (burn at least 500 calories everyday for 30 days) and it is getting more and more difficult to see this challenge through BUT my workout is complete for today. It was actually completed by 8:30 am but couldn't post because I got real, real busy with work. I finally had a minute so decided to check on in. Well today was boot camp and our instructor had a little surprise for us. Instead of our usually grueling workout today we were treated to an hour of Yoga. While we clearly were strengthing our muscles my heart rate did not get very high so I knew I would have to head to the gym directly after class to ensure I burned at least 500 calories. I got to the gym and hopped right on the elliptical machine for 65 minutes and was able to burn a total of 637 calories.

    Today was also our unit holiday luncheon and I am proud to announce that I DID NOT OVER INDULGE. I had some turkey (white meat), green beans, stuffing (1/2 cup) and toss salad. Despite there being peach cobbler, red velvet cake, apple and sweet potato pie to choose from I CHOSE NOTHING! I also chose not to eat the rolls, corn bread or baked macaroni & cheese. Today was definitely a good day.
    That is a great day, you should be so proud, that's when you know you have changed your life way to go

    Thank you. I am very proud of myself. I hope it's a true lifestyle change and temporary b/c I'm participating in boot camp and she checks food logs on a weekly basis.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186

    Thank you. I am very proud of myself. I hope it's a true lifestyle change and temporary b/c I'm participating in boot camp and she checks food logs on a weekly basis.

    That's good to have someone check!! I made my public on here so that if I complain about no lbs coming off people can call me on my eating!!
    I do a boot cap 3 days a week also, but it is coming to an end :(
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Thank you. I am very proud of myself. I hope it's a true lifestyle change and temporary b/c I'm participating in boot camp and she checks food logs on a weekly basis.

    That's good to have someone check!! I made my public on here so that if I complain about no lbs coming off people can call me on my eating!!
    I do a boot cap 3 days a week also, but it is coming to an end :(

    I only have 3 more days left. Next Friday is our last weigh in, measurements and fit test. I'm really curious to see what kind of difference it's made. I'm considering taking the next session which begins January 4, 2010 but need to see where it will be located since our current site is officially closing it's doors our instructor has to find another spot. It's too cold (for me) to consider doing this outside, so, that's not a real option.

    How long have you been participating in your boot camp?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey all...I worked out really hard today...30 min fasted cardio in the AM, then an hour of lifting (full body) after work followed by 20 more minutes of cardio. Rough on 1500 cals. Tomorrow I'm getting my body fat tested in the AM, and then having a refeed day. It's my last day of G28K!