really bad home issues... could use some help



  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    There are ways around this. I know that because i've been there.

    It's really difficult to escape an unhealthy and unhappy environment, especially when these people are your family. But if you want it badly enough, there are ways to make it happen. The longer you go on doing nothing about it, the longer it will stay as it is. First you need to decide what you really want. Then you need a plan. It can be daunting at first, but little steps do make a difference. Just keep going on - your family may see this as annoying, weird, or "odd", but ignore them because they're only providing resistance. I suggest writing what you want to accomplish down in a journal as a tangible reminder of what you want to have happen.

    So, here are my suggestions:

    It's really difficult, especially in low-income households to find good, *healthy* food to eat that's also affordable. It's true that heathier food is usually more expensive while unhealthy food is usually cheap, but with a few creative tips, it can work. If you live near a local Price Chopper or Big Y or any supermarket that sells fresh and frozen foods, you can look in there for deals. Also if your local supermarket has discount cards (like price chopper has the "Avantedge" card you can get for free), get that to save on items you buy there. I think they also give you a discount on gas depending on how much you spend at the store, and you can use it at particpating gas stations (or at least mine does.) Also, get the flyers for your supermarket and look for coupons and deals. That way you can save even more money. The supermarket discount cards can also enable you to sometimes get two-for-one deals, which helps.

    I prefer the Healthy Choice microwave meals. They are quick and easy to make, but just like any food, you want to make sure to read the nutrition label to see what's in it (different kinds have way too much sodium/fat/sugar), so choose carefully. I personally like these below (the nutritional facts are also posted on their website too.)

    The cost for just one of these meals at my local price chopper is around $2-2.30. And they have a decent portion size for one person, not a huge serving size like some of those meals do.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits, such as corn on the cob, apples, tomatoes, lettuce and squash should also be fairly inexpensive. With some recipes to dress them up and cook them differently, you'll find ways to eat healthier while not being bored with what you're eating. I would recommend to stay away from proccessed foods that you can usually find in bulk, as much as possible because even though they can be cheap, most are a killer of healthy living. A lot of water is vital, too.

    I like these sites:

    Eating healthy doesn't need to be hard or expensive, it just requires a little effort and imagination.

    Don't have a car? well, neither do I. Gas is actually really expensive. I usually walk places or get rides, or use transit. If you don't have a car or can't afford gas, check to see if there's a local bus transit station near you. Depending on where you live, the fare is usually only a couple of dollars and you can use it to get to places, to work or to go back to school. Walking is also an option for excerise, and you can try asking your husband if during his free time he might want to walk with you.

    Well, the internet is a luxury, and not really a necessity. For a decent speed, it can cost as much as $30-50 per month! really a huge dent in the wallet when you're trying to save cash. But did you know that a lot of places provide free wifi? if you cancel your home internet, your family may complain because they no longer have instant always-on home service, but tell them to suck it up, because it's not required and that money can instead be used for food and other more important things.

    If you absolutely need to use the internet for something, it can be done without monthly service. If you live near a local Library, they may provide free wifi and computers to use (if you don't have a laptop/smartphone.) Some resturants and cafes' do too. You can even set up an ebay account to sell a few things you might not need in the meantime. Or, if you have a landline phone service, you can get old-fashioned dial up service for free (depending on where you live and if it's available there -- they do unfortunately make you pay for the one-time device fee, though):

    All the hard work will be worth it when you get somewhere you've always wanted to. There could be tons of possibilities just waiting for you, you just need to try. Anyone who refuses to support your new lifestyle is only trying to hold you back - don't let them.

    “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go-so long as you do not stop.”

    I really like that quote, so I just had to share it. :)

    Good luck!
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    You're in a horrible environment. The one who got pregnant to get on welfare is a parasite - taking money from taxpayers who get out and earn money. I do so resent people like that. You need to get out of that environment before you can begin to think of weight loss or anything else. I know it's easy to say and hard to do. But you need to find a way.

    I am in love with this woman too!!!!
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    What about your husband? Does he work? You both need jobs and move on with your lives. It is going to be hard to work on weightloss in that enviroment.
  • sarinaruby
    sarinaruby Posts: 2 Member
    well, i'm in canada and i can't say i particularly know about food stamps. but unfortunately you are indeed in a terribly toxic environment and so firstly i'd like to congratulate you for speaking out to ask for help/support/ideas from this community and i sincerely hope you are benefiting from it. it really sounds like you are lacking that in your life! you aren't alone and there are so many of us who need encouragement, support and ideas to change our lives in AMAZING and healthy ways!
    it is so sad when family doesn't want or know how to be healthy and supportive of those who do.
    i totally agree with the above posters who suggested moving out (not in with more family, just you & your hubby), getting outside and walking walking walking, eating vegetables & whole grain foods, and being less considerate of your family's idea of a good meal- damn them. If they want to be obese, that is their choices. You do not have to follow suit but holy you have a hard road to walk down.
    Luckily, YOU CAN DO IT*
  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    I am not saying this to me be mean...Please don't take it that way.

    Life isn't easy, at all. Period. I have lived on my own since I graduated highschool. I have ALWAYS worked 40-60 hours a week, have worked to get my bachelors degree by going to school FULL TIME (while working all of those hours), I have paid all of my own bills with no help.

    Get a job. That's your answer. WORK. YOUR. *kitten*. OFF. No more excuses. They don't get you any where... What is stopping you and your husband from getting a job and working as many hours as possible? Both of you could go work 3 jobs each if you have to. Whatever it takes to support yourselves is what you NEED to do. Relying on your father-in-law is honestly, in my opinion, is awful. He shouldn't have to be busting hump to support the four of you guys. Cut the internet off, cut the cable off.. If you can't afford to pay rent, you don't need those things. Those things are luxuries, not necessities.

    My parents have let people live with them who wouldn't work to pay for things either. My parents have struggled to pay bills but ALWAYS paid them. I think this is why this topics hits home for me so hard. i had aunts and uncles live with us growing up. My parents worked multiple jobs to pay all of the bills while my aunts and uncles just sat around eating junk food and watching tv all day.. and then fighting over who's food it was.

    I really don't mean to sound like a b!+ch but come on... WHY can't y'all work multiple jobs and get on your feet? What's stopping you? People all over the country do it ALL THE TIME. Ultimately, you can have your own place with your own food, or you can have excuses...
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member

    it works for children and adults that wont help around the house and only play on the internet/video games online
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    hmmmm troll'n? Hun re-read all you wrote - I wouldn't even dare to share this with anyone if it was me -- at 25 what the heck is stopping you from conquering life....

    All I got out of this was excuses, excuses, and nothing but excuses... with a tint of screeching whine

  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    The most obvious answer of all... get a job. Start earning an income that will allow you to move out and make your own food choices. Why can't your husband get a job? I know times are tough, but you came from a fast food environment... I'm sure those establishments are still hiring. Trying to succeed at anything starts with hard work. Go find some. You didn't indicate you were disabled in any fashion, or that any of your family are, so I'm not understanding why only 1 member of the household works?
    Its very hard to find work anywhere........even if its fast food!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I can totally understand what you mean about not wanting people to tell you to move out. This economy has changed our whole lives. I know, I was employed for 15 years, since age 16 and my company laid me off. I was out of work for 11 months. Trust me I know how hard it is. The best thing to do is start focusing all your energy and time on finding a job ASAP maybe even taking a few part time jobs to make a new one if you have to, that is what I did while I waited for a real job. They are not easy to come by these days. It is hard ANYTIME you are too close to your inlaws especially living with them so it will be good to move, eventually. I know you are not ready for that right now. While you have the internet, take advantage and get on linked in a post your resume. You will be suprised what connections you may find that you did not even think of. Start asking around to EVERYONE you meet. Seriously! I found out about my new job from a drug store employee, it's a court job so who would have thought! Right? Just try to keep your head up, don't let the drama get to you and focus all your time and energy on getting in shape, eating right, and finding a job. You can do it! Keep your head up and don't let them get you down!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    It is very easy for people who have not been here to preach at you about getting a job! I used to be one of them, trust me I know. But, I learned the hard way not to judge until I have been there. The unemployment numbers and the 10,000 at a time applications for menial low paying jobs speak for themselves. Don't let these people get you down, it is not you, it is the economy so just find that compromise! Good luck.Oh and just to clarify the compromise I am speaking of is getting 2-3 part time jobs(they are much easier to get) to equal a full time job- I wish someone had told me to do that from day one, my life would have been much easier. Look for stuff you like, I am acually keeping one of mine now that I have a full time job because I enjoy it.
  • Irish_eyes75
    Time for you and your husband to grow up and live your own life. I would feel bad but all I read were excuses and blame. I would also feel bad if any of you actually tried to work for a living. I'm sorry but I don't. I know first hand how hard it is to find a job. It took me over a year to find one when I loved back to my home state. I didn't make excuses, I actually looked every single day, pounded the pavement, made phone calls and went on any and all interviews I could get. One area that is always hiring is overnight shifts at Walmart and Target. My father worked his butt off all his life, now he's ill and is looking at losing his house that he worked so fanned hard for. My husband and I work and help my dad but we have rent and a 7 year old as well so everybody is sacrificing. Finally....getting fired for attitude problems is just rediculous and your sister in law disgusts me - no job, no money but let's intentionally get pregnant??? Wow...just wow. Again, time for all of you to grow up.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I'm sorry I didn't ready every response to your post. I can't, I'm tired, and need to get up early for my run.

    I checked your profile, hoping to see what state you live in, unfortunately you don't have that listed for public reading, so this "advice" may not be pertinent in your part of the country.

    I live in Wisconsin. One thing that has happened recently, like in the last few years, is that people who have stalls at farmers markets now can accept "food stamps" (I believe it's quest card here, not sure, I'd have to look) they then get re-imbursed by the state. Even the guys who have their little farm stands here in town accept them. All except one. If that's an option for you, USE IT! Learn to can. Right now 30 lbs of tomatoes are $20. Once again, not sure where you live, so that may not be the case for you. The drought did do a lot of damage but if you can get you hands on some stuff, and can can it, then do it. Trust me when I tell you there's nothing better than "the real thing" as opposed to frozen. Now, nobody bash me! If you can't do that and frozen is all you can get, then that's a great option.

    Taking walks is fantastic. When we were so strapped for cash and in danger of losing our house, all I could do was walk. And walk I did. I lost weight, lowered my blood pressure, and reduced my stress. The dog benefited too. Walking is free.

    That's all I've got.
  • Kimmerz1
    Kimmerz1 Posts: 64 Member
    First off, I know exactly how your situation is, mine is sort of similar. I am in a relationship with an asian guy and he is hmong. We live with his parents and his 5 brothers who all are out of school and could get jobs but choose not to and eat what everybody else buys.

    I just wanna say I am glad your making some changes and don't let anyone discourage you or put you down for making better choices for yourself. Just remember your doing it for yourself and nobody else.

    As for the situation, there is no way to avoid it unless you move out but like you said that's not an option right now. If your getting the food stamps for yourself and husband then you should let everybody know that and you are gonna use it to buy "dinner meals only" and if they want their junk food they're going to have to buy it themselves. If they don't understand then explain to them buying junk food lasts maybe a day that doesn't fill you up and that by buying stuff to make meals lasts longer and fills you up. If you don't speak up nothing will change or get better and you won't be happy.

    I hope this helps. If you wanna talk more feel free to "friend me" or message me :)
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I don't think you want to hear what I have to say. But, maybe if you got rid of cable then people would be able to get out and find a job and you would be able to afford to save some money so you can move out. Really, CABLE is a luxury while SHELTER is a necessity. The rent should be paid before anything else because sooner or later you ALL will be on the street.


    I don't have cable because I like paying my mortgage.

    I don't have cable either which is fine by me.
  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    Move to a cheap neighbourhood in Canada. Seriously though.... they don't even allow you to get paid less than $10 an hour in most places.

    Also, I've had a job since 14. You have fast food experience, maybe Denny's is hiring? Thats where y first job was. They hire easily and whether you get a job at the front of house or back of house, you get a share of tips. I got around $6 extra per day, which isn't much but if you work 5 days its 120 dollars extra a month. Still not great but you'd already be making 1600 per month. Enough for very cheap rent and if your husband got a job he could pay for the other expenses.
  • KarenBoehlke
    Don't know if you even need my two cents with all the tough love advice, cynical remarks, and empathy you are getting here.

    How about some encouragement? Kudos kid you analyzed your situation correctly - it sucks! You want a way out - awesome motivator. Now just do it.

    Yeah easier said than done, but your NOT in an impossible situation.

    I grew up in a proverty stricken neighborhood. Yup, I'm from the hood. But my parents didn't get government assistance and taught us kids to be proud of that (all five of us kids). They worked hard. Dad had two to three jobs and Mom helped out with a part time job when things got tight. I put myself through college because education is key to better employment. You said your 25 right? I'm assuming your husband is close in age to you. You both are still young enough to join the military and get your education paid for by Uncle Sam.

    My husband and I had debt out the zing zang. Lost our jobs. Were living with family and were even homeless at one point (living in a tent actuallly).

    Worse. We couldn't get on governmental assistance when we finally got to the point were we realized we needed help because we were homeless (what kind of BS is that just because you have no home you can't get food stamps? Those are the people who really need help.) On top of this we had a sick child who the only way we could get help for him (no insurance) was to let the hospital use him as a guiney pig (never ever do that-BIG mistake).

    So how is this going to help you?
    First I am assuming that you and your husband have a good working relationship. It doesn't have to be strong. Ours wasn't at the time, it was the tough times that strengthened us.
    Second I am assuming that you both have been surgically removed from the umbilical cord and can live independently from your parents, and no physical handicaps that keep you out of the employment line.
    Now I believe you mentioned that you will be starting a new job soon. Good. Use it to get out. Section 8 and food stamps will help you and your husband stand on your own two crutches. (not to be mean, but that is what government assistance is...crutches). As you learn to become more independent you'll get the confidence to throw away the crutches and stand on your own two feet. This will take hard work and determination. And lots of these.

    Oh yeah, one more thing. Enjoy the journey. It sounds crazy, but if you do pull yourself out of this pit (and that will be entirely up to you) then you'll look back on all the hard work and say WOW! What a great life. There are still times my husband and I will say "Remember when we were homeless and everyone said we didn't have a chance...boy did we have fun proving them wrong."
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    I wasn't going to say anything, but I read a lot of the comments (and yours) and even read some of your "diary"... and I have to say, that you make A LOT of excuses for your actions. If you have zero $, you don't need the internet. You don't need gamefly or whatever you have for your husband that you mentioned in your diary. You're going to be evicted if you don't start paying rent. End of story. Buck up and get it together. There's NO reason why your husband shouldn't work (bipolar or not) and you should be working too. You honestly sound like you just want someone to feel sorry for you, but I don't really have any sympathy. Everyone has something that they're fighting in our lives... and there are two kinds of people in life; those who are do'ers and those who are takers. You're a taker. Time to be a do'er or quit your *****ing. Harsh words but all true. Good luck.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Hey... I don't really have anything new to add. just thought I would jump on the band wagon. Your "diary" is titled "the stupidity of others," you post here asking for comments and when people call you on it you go and whine to your diary friends. I think that you are stuck. You want to blame others for your situation. Honestly, you are too old to be making excuses for your circumstances without realizing that you might have something to do with the situation that you are in. Think about it. There are others who have overcome much bigger obstacles than you. Why is that? There has been a lot of great advice given to you. I hope that you can get over blaming others and really listen and take action, rather than complaining on the internet. The internet doesn't care and won't take care of you. You need to focus on yourself - not others. I mean seriously, we are all idiots and stupid so why do you spend so much time trying to gain our sympathy?
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    there should be some kind of "bread pantry" you can go to i know some churches will have them
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Your husband needs to man up and get a job to provide for his wife. Period.

    My thoughts exactly.