Calling all runners!



  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Minimalist/Barefoot, that is a personal choice, it works for some, not others. Not sure I would recommend it to a beginner that is just experiencing shin splits for the first time, unless they have a personal reason for wanting to run barefoot.

    My reason for suggesting it is because beginning barefoot running enabled me to run without shin splints for the first time EVER. It was amazing. Barefoot/minimalist running may not be for everyone, but giving it a try (after looking into it to be aware of proper form and best way to start out) is frequently a very good idea that is rejected with very little actual experience of it. I wish to high heaven that when I was a beginner, someone had suggested it or that I'd thought to try it. I might have been running for over a decade at this point, instead of just now discovering that it's possible to run injury free. The idea that you need awesome shoes to run in is so ingrained that it seems to be common sense... but it's sometimes causing the problems we're trying to cushion and support away. Barefoot running is a legitimate and viable option for most runners, even beginners. Maybe especially beginners. Better to start out with a good understanding of forefoot striking (which you learn VERY quickly with your shoes off!) than learn bad habits that have to be fixed later and/or may lead to injury. YMMV. :)
  • PerfectlyThirty
    I was the exact same way five years ago, and since then I have ran two half-marathons, completed a Tough Mudder challenge, and many other short races. For me, my biggest breakthrough came from finding the right music to run to. Find the kind of songs that gets you all fired up, the kind that you dance to when nobody's watching :) I just started with intervals, try running 15 seconds, then walking 45. See if you can finish a mile that way. And there you go, you're a runner without even realizing it. Good luck!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    So is it ok to have a 2 day rest in between? Tonight is my walk/run night but my shins hurt and my knees are a little sore. I did my last walk/run Saturday night. Or should I try and push a little bit? I want to push a little but I also don't won't to make my legs worse.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    There is a thing on youtube called yogtastic its only about 20 mins but its great
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Great Advice Here...

    As a guy who started running at 300lbs using couch to 5k and is currently training for a marathon and did 14.5 miles on Sat. I strongly advise you to get a good cushioned shoe. Take it slow and dont over kill yourself. You are going to feel like you can...DONT.

    Not only are your Muscles not conditioned to run, neither are your bones. they need time to get used to the extreme stress you are putting on them.

    Use couch to 5K follow the guide and repeat weeks if necessary. Definitely read the lik I posted above

    Above all else NEVER GIVE UP...You will get there.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    So is it ok to have a 2 day rest in between? Tonight is my walk/run night but my shins hurt and my knees are a little sore. I did my last walk/run Saturday night. Or should I try and push a little bit? I want to push a little but I also don't won't to make my legs worse.

    That sounds like a second rest day would be helpful, yes...
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I don't know if I can do this anymore!! I just got back from my walk/run and I swear my legs are hurting so bad! AND I mean really bad, to the point that I feel like I can barely walk! I thought that this was supposed to get easier not harder! I did the same routine as I have been doing for the last week and tonight has to be the worst one! I wore my heart rate monitor and it said that my heart rate got into the 150-160s while I was jogging. I don't know BUT I can tell you this, my legs feel sore painful right now. It doesn't feel like normal soreness! I am icing them right now but seriously I don't know what I did wrong! I don't want to give up though! I want to walk/run again on Wednesday. Any thoughts on what I can do to make this pain stop soon? I didn't know that running would feel like this. :(
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    1) You are just starting out, muscle pain is going to happen, but it should be manageable, in any case, it is better to take a day or two or three to let things recover. That is how it gets easier, you stress the muscles and other moving parts and then they recover stronger than before.

    Once your legs feel better (not just good enough to try a run, but actually better, even if it takes a few days...)

    2) Slow down your pace and potentially the length of your running intervals. I think you are pushing yourself way too hard, either in speed or time, for your fitness level, and then not recovering fully before you do it again. You should not work any harder than you can recover from before your next run. At least for now. You will get there faster if you push less so you can recover with just a day off, building small incremental gains on each work/recovery cycle.
  • towens00
    towens00 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I did the C25K, having never ran before. Once I stopped supplementing with other exercises, and only did the program, following it to the letter, no more, no less, my shin splints disappeared completely. I wish I could remember how long into the program before they stopped, but I do remember complaining constantly in the beginning, that I felt like i was running with tree trunks for legs. 2 years later, i can still run 3 to 5 miles with no shin splints at all. I truly love to run, hated it in the beginning. Don't quit.
  • SerenityGelsinger
    I've "started" running three times. The first time I started out fairly slow and ran for years. Then I had an injury and quit for awhile. When I started again I tried to go right back to where I had been before and really made a mess of my Achilles tendons and legs and am still dealing with these issues today. So my best advice?

    1. Get fitted for shoes at a running store. Everyone's feet are different and need different support.
    2. Start slow and work up gradually. The Couch to 5K is a really good program. I'm actually on my third "start" right now and have been doing this program. No injuries to date!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't know if I can do this anymore!! I just got back from my walk/run and I swear my legs are hurting so bad! AND I mean really bad, to the point that I feel like I can barely walk! I thought that this was supposed to get easier not harder! I did the same routine as I have been doing for the last week and tonight has to be the worst one! I wore my heart rate monitor and it said that my heart rate got into the 150-160s while I was jogging. I don't know BUT I can tell you this, my legs feel sore painful right now. It doesn't feel like normal soreness! I am icing them right now but seriously I don't know what I did wrong! I don't want to give up though! I want to walk/run again on Wednesday. Any thoughts on what I can do to make this pain stop soon? I didn't know that running would feel like this. :(

    I know it hurts man...Ive been there. It feels way worse than normal muscle soreness. Even walking hurts. I know. Nothing but time, rest, and conditioning will make the pain go away. I actually quit and delayed my weightloss and running by more than a year because I quit. Listen to me. ICE, Ibuprofen, and ABC's. Rest 2 days in between maybe 3. WALK in between if you can. DONT GIVE UP!!!!
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm thinking that I may need to strengthen my achilles tendons and shins. I iced my legs last night and took some ibuprofen. I also drank a glass of milk cause I read that it helps rebuild muscle quicker. What is ABC's? Is it like Icy Hot?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    So is it ok to have a 2 day rest in between? Tonight is my walk/run night but my shins hurt and my knees are a little sore. I did my last walk/run Saturday night. Or should I try and push a little bit? I want to push a little but I also don't won't to make my legs worse.
    I usually have my best runs after I've had at least 2 days off. My typical run schedule is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and I often feel my best on that Tuesday run, when my legs are nice and fresh.
  • agw1973
    agw1973 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't know if I can do this anymore!! I just got back from my walk/run and I swear my legs are hurting so bad! AND I mean really bad, to the point that I feel like I can barely walk! I thought that this was supposed to get easier not harder! I did the same routine as I have been doing for the last week and tonight has to be the worst one! I wore my heart rate monitor and it said that my heart rate got into the 150-160s while I was jogging. I don't know BUT I can tell you this, my legs feel sore painful right now. It doesn't feel like normal soreness! I am icing them right now but seriously I don't know what I did wrong! I don't want to give up though! I want to walk/run again on Wednesday. Any thoughts on what I can do to make this pain stop soon? I didn't know that running would feel like this. :(

    Chris you can do this. I started with C25K about 8 weeks ago. I repeated week 1 because of pain and other things that you are describing. After the second try of week 1 I started to feel pretty good so I went with week 2. I am now on week 8 and I did just complete my first 5k race last Saturday. It wasnt a fast time. I ran it in 39 minutes 54 seconds but I was able to run the whole way. I promise that when you get to that point when you are able to complete a run it is the best feeling in the world. I didn't think that 8 weeks ago that anything like this was even possible. When I started C25K I weighed about 370. I am down to 325 now. I alternate days of running with swimming laps in the pool. I think being in the water helps my muscles refresh a bit. Please dont quit the program it does work. You owe it to yourself and your family to finish. you wont regret it.
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    I don't know if I can do this anymore!! I just got back from my walk/run and I swear my legs are hurting so bad! AND I mean really bad, to the point that I feel like I can barely walk! I thought that this was supposed to get easier not harder! I did the same routine as I have been doing for the last week and tonight has to be the worst one! I wore my heart rate monitor and it said that my heart rate got into the 150-160s while I was jogging. I don't know BUT I can tell you this, my legs feel sore painful right now. It doesn't feel like normal soreness! I am icing them right now but seriously I don't know what I did wrong! I don't want to give up though! I want to walk/run again on Wednesday. Any thoughts on what I can do to make this pain stop soon? I didn't know that running would feel like this. :(

    ^Don't give up. Listen to your body, don't push it. Take a few days off if needed. My only advise is to give it time, your leg/calf muscles are not used to the hard impact that running does. If possible, try running on softer surfaces like trails. I would definitely continue doing the RICE (rest, ice, compression & elevation) daily & especially icing your shins after the runs. You may want to check out compression sleeves for your shins, Zensah & CEP makes some. Make sure you are properly fitted by having your gait analyzed for running shoes at a running store, NOT a chain retail store.
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    You guys are really motivating me to keep running! I really want to be a runner! :) I know that I just need to get past the soreness and all. I am REALLY out of shape and really can't do much without getting winded. I think that I really need to strengthen my achilles tendons and shins! Anyone else have issues with shin splints and their achilles tendon? If I strengthen these muscles (ligaments), will it help heal them better?
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Alphabet Stretches or ABC's

    1) Sit in any chair with plenty of room in front of you to raise your leg

    2) Lift one leg in front of you

    3) Pretend you’re writing the alphabet with your big toe on an imaginary blackboard

    4) Proceed through the entire alphabet

    5) Repeat with the other leg

    6) Do two sets on each leg

    Do 2 sets on each leg 2-3 Times per day
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Chris - if you need 2 or 3 days off to recover, take it. If something is getting injured and you need a few days longer, take it. Think of it as an investment at that point. If recovering longer allows you to progress, it's worth it. If not recovering causes you to quit, then which was better? i understand the temptation to just push through it. That is fine for discomfort. It's not the right approach for pain.