Jessica Simpson Clueless(why am I surprised?)



  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I hate that some women think they should eat as much as they want & anything they want when they're pregnant because they're "eating for two". You're eating for yourself & a fetus. Most women (pregnant w/ 1 child) need roughly 100-300 calories more. They should only gain roughly 15-40 pounds depending on their weight prior to pregnancy.

    That I found more dumb than her thoughts that it will all be lost w/ childbirth.

    I lost nearly all mine with childbirth. 13 pound gain. 6 pound baby. 2 pounds each for fluid and placenta. I left the hospital in my blue jeans.
    That's because you didn't gain any extra. Are you just taking the opportunity to brag, or do you seriously not understand what's being said?

    I seriously understand what's being said. My point - which I should have been more clear about - is that is can be done if you didn't eat for two. And yes, I'm bragging a bit too. I worked very hard going in so I didn't have to work hard afterwards. And I will brag again when I get to my goal weight - much like Jessica can do.

    I know not everyone is the same but seriously? Ripping on a celeb for gaining weight? In a weight loss group? We've all done it or we wouldn't be here. Mine came from quitting smoking.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm amazed she can remember to breathe in and out honestly.
    couldn't have said it better!

    I have actually met her and interviewed her for a newspaper article -- had an actual conversation with her where she had to answer questions that were not pre-screened.

    She ain't no dummy. Sorry to burst your bubbles.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I can't wait until she "debuts her new body" and the mags all start saying she shed the pounds and is back to her "pre-baby body" at "110 lbs!"

    Please. Homegirl has not weighed 110 lbs since she was 12. Get real, girlfriend.

    I read some article claiming that since she's 5'3" her "ideal weight" should be 115 lbs and she was "tipping the scales" at 140 lbs at one point. Really? I'm 5'3", have pretty much the same build as she does, and currently weigh 140 lbs. Ugh. Stupid magazines.

    Btw, my favorite part is that she refuses to go running because her boobs are just too big at this point. Right. Put on a couple of sports bras, hit the treadmill, and stop complaining.

    Not sure if you have kids and have nursed them, but huge boobies full of milk and trying to run just doesn't work very well. At least it didn't for me when I tried. She would have to put on a bunch of sports bras and tape those things up to make it slightly bareable. They can be QUITE HEAVY, PAINFUL AND LEAKY. Again, I'm only speaking from my experience. Other women may not have a problem with it.

    I nursed, I have 34DD's to be honest... and I prefered the tightness of a sports bra anyway.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I can't wait until she "debuts her new body" and the mags all start saying she shed the pounds and is back to her "pre-baby body" at "110 lbs!"

    Please. Homegirl has not weighed 110 lbs since she was 12. Get real, girlfriend.

    I read some article claiming that since she's 5'3" her "ideal weight" should be 115 lbs and she was "tipping the scales" at 140 lbs at one point. Really? I'm 5'3", have pretty much the same build as she does, and currently weigh 140 lbs. Ugh. Stupid magazines.

    Btw, my favorite part is that she refuses to go running because her boobs are just too big at this point. Right. Put on a couple of sports bras, hit the treadmill, and stop complaining.
    This. Shook my head all the way through the article.
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Judge not that ye not be judged. Geez people- give the girl a break! Who effin' cares......... its not your body or your life.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I can't wait until she "debuts her new body" and the mags all start saying she shed the pounds and is back to her "pre-baby body" at "110 lbs!"

    Please. Homegirl has not weighed 110 lbs since she was 12. Get real, girlfriend.

    I read some article claiming that since she's 5'3" her "ideal weight" should be 115 lbs and she was "tipping the scales" at 140 lbs at one point. Really? I'm 5'3", have pretty much the same build as she does, and currently weigh 140 lbs. Ugh. Stupid magazines.

    Btw, my favorite part is that she refuses to go running because her boobs are just too big at this point. Right. Put on a couple of sports bras, hit the treadmill, and stop complaining.

    But that is also the excuse I use! lol!....truth is that I just HATE running :)

    Reminds me of Kristie Alley saying she is a size 8. She's the same height as I am and I've seen her on DWTS. Even when the show ended she was no size 8! SHe was twice my size! When I was a size 8 I was 140 pounds. There is no way KA is 140 pounds even now!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can't wait until she "debuts her new body" and the mags all start saying she shed the pounds and is back to her "pre-baby body" at "110 lbs!"

    Please. Homegirl has not weighed 110 lbs since she was 12. Get real, girlfriend.

    I read some article claiming that since she's 5'3" her "ideal weight" should be 115 lbs and she was "tipping the scales" at 140 lbs at one point. Really? I'm 5'3", have pretty much the same build as she does, and currently weigh 140 lbs. Ugh. Stupid magazines.

    Btw, my favorite part is that she refuses to go running because her boobs are just too big at this point. Right. Put on a couple of sports bras, hit the treadmill, and stop complaining.
    This. Shook my head all the way through the article.

    If she was 110, I'm surprised. In the days of the Newlyweds show, in person she appeared to be about 90-100 pounds.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    She'll be the new poster child for Jenny Craig in less than six months....

    I got cash on it... who wants to bet me???

    She signed a $4 million deal with Weight Watchers in May, requiring her to lose upward of 30lb by the end of August to get paid. These stories (with no new pictures) are publicity for upcoming appearances.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I'm amazed she can remember to breathe in and out honestly.
    couldn't have said it better!

    I have actually met her and interviewed her for a newspaper article -- had an actual conversation with her where she had to answer questions that were not pre-screened.

    She ain't no dummy. Sorry to burst your bubbles.

    Then she puts on a good act.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm amazed she can remember to breathe in and out honestly.
    couldn't have said it better!

    I have actually met her and interviewed her for a newspaper article -- had an actual conversation with her where she had to answer questions that were not pre-screened.

    She ain't no dummy. Sorry to burst your bubbles.

    Then she puts on a good act.

    Wouldn't you if it was making you millions? And don't forget that reality shows are mostly staged, cut and pasted together for the most drama. Nothing that happens on them is actually real.
  • harley47920
    harley47920 Posts: 62 Member
    Wow. I cannot believe all the catty people that are just totally dogging her right now. ME-OUCH!!

    Well, she's wasn't the only one that thought that she could eat whatever she wanted when pregnant, gained a whole bunch of weight, and is having difficulty losing it. I did the exact same thing and it took me about 2 years to lose it.

    Then I quit smoking a few years ago, got married to a great man that knows how to cook, and my life became comfortable. I gained the weight back. Now I'm trying to lose it. It's not easy. If it were, none of us would be here.

    Give her a friggin break. How would you have felt if someone treated you that way?

    Shame on you.
  • MarshallCroft
    Hmmmm... Maybe "stupid" and "ditsy" is part of her Hollywood personae, and she's actually a genius? Now THAT would be something... eh? Most of these Hollywood blokes use the media quite well to promote their "brand," whatever that brand may be.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am surprised at the lack of compassion from a bunch of people who are here for the same reason - you got fat, so did she. Why are you being so harsh against her. Lighten up and some some basic human decency and stop judging!

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    What this thread really needed.


    I would kill for that rack.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You can't tell how big a person is based on pictures or film.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Nearly every celebrity has a publicist. Every single thing that comes out of their mouths in interviews is rehearsed, and it was no accident that she made that comment. We are talking about her aren't we? That's the point. I didn't even know she was doing a deal with weight watchers until I read this thread.

    Like the saying goes "Haters make you famous", and she is laughing all the way to the bank.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I am surprised at the lack of compassion from a bunch of people who are here for the same reason - you got fat, so did she. Why are you being so harsh against her. Lighten up and some some basic human decency and stop judging!


    Have you read even 1/4 the posts here? catty. And to think the person who started the thread needs to lose over 100lbs...
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    She can sing. You don't have to be smart to sing. Is it really so hard to believe there are people in entertainment with low IQ's?

    Umm I wouldn't really even go that far. Have you heard any of her stuff? Or heard her sing live? Yikes.

    Fact: you do not have to be talented or intelligent to make it big.

    just look really good....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    She can sing. You don't have to be smart to sing. Is it really so hard to believe there are people in entertainment with low IQ's?

    Umm I wouldn't really even go that far. Have you heard any of her stuff? Or heard her sing live? Yikes.

    Fact: you do not have to be talented or intelligent to make it big.

    just look really good....

    I heard her sing live. In a mall. She sounded fantastic.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member

    So Jessica Simpson is surprised that a 5'-2" person eating like crazy for 9 months would gain a lot of weight and it wouldn't just disappear soon after the baby was born.

    She is a financial empire(believe it or not), didn't anyone think to say "maybe you shouldn't have seconds or third helpings"?

    I realize there are more important things in life than clothing size and weight, but clueless people annoy me.

    She actually had a contract with Weight Watchers and then had to push it back because she got pregnant.

    I personally don't believe she is as stupid as she lets on. She has one of the most successful clothing companies of all time. I think this "I didn't know my baby didn't weigh 70 pounds" is marketing BS fed to her by WW to attract young moms.

    I think she's really good at acting like a dumb blonde, but isn't one in reality.

    After her reality show, she admitted she played the "dumb blonde" because it sold. She's no fool, she knows what she is doing and she knows she is making herself appear "normal" so women post-pregnancy who are trying hard to lose the weight will relate to her. I actually respect her as a businesswoman - she's insanely successful.