Man to Man: A Support System for Men



  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    For back exercises, I do back flys, pull-ups, and bent-over rows (single arm and double arm) -- those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head :)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    What a morning, my Wife was nagging at me as I went out the door. Something about I dont listen to her or something like that.
    Now that's funny... Hehehe.

    To enhance the V you need to make the latissimus muscles ("Lats") bigger and the waist smaller. Waist smaller is obvious, lose bodyfat.

    As for building the lats, I agree with fish, pullups, dips, bent-over-rows, back flys. I'd also add in shrugs and deltoid raises.

    However,,, it's a bit of a pickle. You're trying to make your back wider, which means you want to get bigger, which means you want to feed enough to have excess material to make more Forkdown. Very very difficult to build muscle mass without excess calories to build the mass out of. On the other hand, you're trying to lose bellyfat. To do that, you need to be in a calorie deficit so your metab burns fat as fuel.

    It's pretty hard to do both at the same time. You're eating enough or your not,,, you can't have it both ways.

    This is why b-builders do "Bulking cycles" and then "Cutting cycles". They'll eat like teenagers for a while (with emphasis on protein) and lift like demons, and lift heavy weight for few reps. This builds muscle mass, and may add some bodyfat.

    Then after some period of time, or maybe when there's a competition coming up,,, they'll "Cut" for a while,,, doing more cardio, lifting lighter weight more reps, and eating very light and very lo-carb. This'll cut bodyfat and "shrink-wrap" the skin to the musculature.

    Anyways,,, it's 2 different deals. You almost have to pick what you want to do, 'cause you can't really do both at the same time.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Re: bicycles,,, Friendly tip, and you may already know this. If at all possible, if there's any way you can swing it financially - DO NOT go to a bigbox store and get a $150 bike. Go to a real bike shop and spend at least $350. A good bike really is that much better, and really is worth every extra penny. I have a Trek 7100, and I love it and I love to ride.

    I can make 16mph all day long, very comfortable, never get tired, never have to fiddle with gears or brakes or anything, it just works and works well. Before the windter attacked I was riding over 100 miles a week, burning 700-800 calories and hour and honestly enjoying every minute of it. It's worth the money.

    Cute note - I stopped in at the bike shop last weekend for a set of fenders. I ride in sloppy weather sometimes and I got tired of the skunk stripe up my back. Wife fell in love with a new Trek urban bike and put some money down.

    So, I went in the store to spend $40, and wound up spending $500. It happens,,, :laugh:

    Right now we have some upper range big box bikes. Of course they are mountain bikes, with big nobby tires. I have told my wife that when we get her tolerance (for sitting on a bike seat) up, we will be transitioning into road bikes.

    I already have a Bianchi which is a hybrid setup (between touring and racing). I bought this bike many years ago when I had great intentions of getting back into biking.

    I definitely agree with the suggestion to shy away from big box bikes. They are too heavy for serious riding. When I was a kid, I could never afford a "real" bike and had a crappy economy bike that I had to tear down and rebuild every year. But I never could overcome the problem of running on tires that were so heavy it felt like they were made of concrete.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    What a morning, my Wife was nagging at me as I went out the door. Something about I dont listen to her or something like that.
    Now that's funny... Hehehe.

    To enhance the V you need to make the latissimus muscles ("Lats") bigger and the waist smaller. Waist smaller is obvious, lose bodyfat.

    As for building the lats, I agree with fish, pullups, dips, bent-over-rows, back flys. I'd also add in shrugs and deltoid raises.

    However,,, it's a bit of a pickle. You're trying to make your back wider, which means you want to get bigger, which means you want to feed enough to have excess material to make more Forkdown. Very very difficult to build muscle mass without excess calories to build the mass out of. On the other hand, you're trying to lose bellyfat. To do that, you need to be in a calorie deficit so your metab burns fat as fuel.

    It's pretty hard to do both at the same time. You're eating enough or your not,,, you can't have it both ways.

    This is why b-builders do "Bulking cycles" and then "Cutting cycles". They'll eat like teenagers for a while (with emphasis on protein) and lift like demons, and lift heavy weight for few reps. This builds muscle mass, and may add some bodyfat.

    Then after some period of time, or maybe when there's a competition coming up,,, they'll "Cut" for a while,,, doing more cardio, lifting lighter weight more reps, and eating very light and very lo-carb. This'll cut bodyfat and "shrink-wrap" the skin to the musculature.

    Anyways,,, it's 2 different deals. You almost have to pick what you want to do, 'cause you can't really do both at the same time.

    Looks like I have some researching to do. I would put strengthing back ahead of building the V. More concerned with the lower back but only have free weights.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Freeweights are perfect for strengthening the lower back.

    Dead lifts,
    Power cleans,
    Clean & jerk,
    Dumbbell lunges,
    Deep dumbbell rows,
    Dumbbell cleans (I love these, they build explosive power, just make ya' bear strong :happy: )
    All kinds of "core" work. Don't forget, the back half of your "core" is you lower back. Good good stuff.

    The selection of exercises is pretty straightforward, you just need to figure out your training & nutritional strategy. How pudgy are ya' right now? If you're unhappy with the belly then maybe you should cut first. Training would be more about lots of exercises, higher reps-lighter weights (no, not 5 pounds 1000 reps, but maybe 80% max for 3 sets of 10?). Also, tons of cardio to burn bodyfat. Nutrition would be lighter cals, lighter carbs. "Don't eat anything white!".

    Looking at your pic (yes, your pic, not Arnie & Duane's pics :bigsmile: ) - I'd say you're going to be pretty happy with your appearance when you get to 14% bodyfat and the waist and butt get little and the 6pack starts peeking through. It's also the more attainable goal. Building a 48" chest takes years, building a 32" waist from where you are now takes months. You can do it.
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Hey. A man forum I bet this moves slower than the rest of 'em.
    Ben here, Half way through my first round of P90X. Enjoying it lots and learning lots about different muscle groups and eating right. Both of which are confusing. Currently trying to keep to my high protien low carb cutting fat sort of stage. started going out running again this week too. 6km 3 times a week now that the UK weather is in the +'s again during the day. Its great to see a support system for men too.
    Hope everyone is well
  • BigdaddyJ
    Hey guys!

    I made up a new training programm for myself, I invite all to go have a good look at it and plz feel free to comment, I'm no expert, it's actualy my first time making up such a programm on my own!!

    all input is welcome and if you think it makes sence you're welcome to copy it!

  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Hi Guys, I hoping to get this thread going with some important discussion.

    The Subject: "Lounge pants" vs. Pajama Bottoms

    Background: Some garment marketing guru, must have gotten the idea after he, himself, also realized that men need very little sleepwear(Think t-shirt, gym shorts). In an effort to rename pajama bottoms, they could basically sell pajama bottoms separately and call them "lounge pants." Now when your significant other arrives home, and you are just "lounging" around in your "lounge pants," why do they accuse you of never changing out of your pajamas. :yawn: ooOOoo this is making me sleepy.

    (Yes,I'm kidding) :tongue:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Gym shorts 'til bed, not a stitch after that. Her neither. Like it that way.

    Like Sinead O'connor - "I do not want what I haven't got".
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Gym shorts 'til bed, not a stitch after that. Her neither. Like it that way.

    Like Sinead O'connor - "I do not want what I haven't got".

    HaHaHa, Casper. I can't do that. I am sleepwalker. :huh:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I see we have more manly men on MFP. Cool. Welcome.

    I hate wearing clothes to bed, when you roll over they dont move. Major wedgey or worse. :embarassed:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yep. It's not good for a man to have his stuff all constrained. That's why I wear me kilt as much as I can. :laugh:
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Yep. It's not good for a man to have his stuff all constrained. That's why I wear me kilt as much as I can. :laugh:

    I didn't know that you suppose to wear a kilt to bed:embarassed: ....I've been wearing nothing this whole time..Oops!:noway:
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    it's a good thing i started looking through the forums, it's hard to find other guys in mfp. Count me in this group! Hmm, For the last 10 years I've been fluctuating between 160-172 and prior to getting serious with mfp (jan 2010) I was closer to 170. As of right now I'm right at 160 and breaking into the 150s is tough - need all the support I can get.

    Ideally I was in the best shape at 150 lbs and a 32 waistline, looking to run a half-marathon this fall and like to get my body fat% at 14% (for now) ... I've got no clue what it's at right now but probably 25% or so.

    As for clothes at night - I've got young kids who occasionally appear in our bed at the middle of the night so I'm definitely covered up with shorts. MFP needs to calculate the calories burned by lifting a 40 lb kid out of your bed and onto the top half of his bunk bed every night.
  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member

    Welcome to the Man to Man Forum..we be the hippest happening here at dig?! :laugh:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    ,,,,,,, MFP needs to calculate the calories burned by lifting a 40 lb kid out of your bed and onto the top half of his bunk bed every night.
    One minute of strength training - 5 calories. :laugh:

    Welcome aboard,
  • BigdaddyJ
    oh man what a week!
    We got a freak storm so I worked 12hr shifts most of the week (6-6) only getting out of my plow to eat at the discusting military kitchen (they have a salad evening I had a choice between 4 different kind of lettuce but no other veggies lol) or use the bathroom! I got home at 6:30 and was in bed by 8:30 so I put my exercises on the back-burner...anyway tired as I was I think I wouldn't have achieve anything more than maybe hurt myself!

    I tried to control the damage by bringing a lunch,timing my meals right, and get up 30 min early so I could walk to work. I guess i'll see tomorrow at my weight-in, I'll tell you if I only maintained my weight i'll be happy!

    Just taught I'd share with you, I'm wondering if any others have jobs like this that sometimes take you away from you're good habits and what kind of damage control you practice?
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Pajamas are good for only 1 thing... walking the dog when it is too cold for shorts. There is no place for pajamas in my bed. They impede the spread of man gas!!!! :sick:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Bumpity bump bump,,, where'd you boneheads go?

    So - whaddaya think? I'm a moderately active 42 year old, reasonably fit, somewhat athletic. I just bought a Ripstik casterboard/skateboard thingie on Ebay. Am I about to seriously maim or kill myself? :frown:

    Lookie here - this don't look that hard!:

    My wife encouraged me to try it, but I'm very well insured, and that worries me.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Dude... yer gonna kill yerself!!!! :noway: Insurance you say, no wonder your wife is encouraging you!!!! :laugh: