No More Excuses - Week 6



  • littlebigbird
    Hi everyone

    The ice is still on the pavements around here, but thankfully the main roads are clear so my hubby was able to take Rosie (our younger little treasure) to her cello exam this morning in central London. What a time for an exam - Sunday morning just before Christmas!!

    Anyway - my new scales tell me I weigh 156lb, which is what Mr Wii Fit told me I weighed last week. I'm not sure if there's a difference between the two of them, but I'll go with the "stayed the same" line for this week, which I consider a minor sucess since we've had 2 birthdays (my 48th and Rosie's 16th) in our household this week and have eaten out a few times. I've exercised well, which I'm sure has helped me not to gain.

    Now - Can I make it under 11 stone this year? That's my new challenge for myself and it means I need to lose 3 pounds by 1st January. I reckon it'll be difficult, but just about possible - and hopefully will keep me in the swimming pool and away from the mince pies! :laugh:

    Hope everyone's weigh-ins go well today.
    Alison x
  • tigermom79
    Well.....not good, but not bad either. Still at 164 this morning. I want to break the 160 mark so bad. I am not giving up! I know this week will be equally as hard since I am baking today again!!!

    Well everyone have a great Sunday!
  • Angel1029
    Happy Sunday everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing well. I'm still working out and eating healthy. No weight change for me though. Maybe this week. Have a good day everyone.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Sunday ya'll...It is beautiful here in SC. I did the first day of Jillian's 30 Day Shred yesterday and am having a little trouble walking today. I sort of resemble a duck. I can't believe how sore my legs are! They didn't hurt this bad after I ran 20 minutes on the treadmil last week. I am going to keep at it. Surely it will make a difference. My only problem is fitting it all in. I go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday. I try to wog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I did the DVD on Saturday and am doing NOTHING today. I don't think I will ever be able to keep up exercising 6 days a week. I will have to juggle around and see what works best. My original goal was 3 days a week and 4 would be plenty for me. We'll see. I was down a pound this week, which is good considering we had Kentucky Fried Chicken one night and the Golden Corral buffet another night. We usually don't eat out very much at all and it is so much easier to eat better at home.

    Have a great day everybody:smile:
  • yvonneh
    I didn't seen any change, either. But this last week at yoga and then yesterday painting the house, going up & down the ladder & bending/squatting, I noticed I was feeling much stronger and more steady, so I must be building muscle. It feels like my core is getting a lot stronger, too. So regardless of the scale, I'm seeing positive benefits of this lifestyle change. Even being surrounded by all the holiday treats, by logging the food & balancing them with exercise, for the first time in my life I feel like I can go to social gatherings with lots of food and not lose control. That's huge for me, and what a boost for the self-esteem.

    Alison - good luck on your goal for December. Winter in London sounds cold.

    Tamelab - I hope your legs feel better soon. I was walking like a duck this last week, too. Mine was from working in the yard. The nice weather in Florida is good, but the weeds don't die even in winter, so I was pulling them up. But the pansies look really pretty that I planted in their place.
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!!

    I have NO excuse not to walk anymore! My husband's best friend gave us his older model treadmill. He knew how hard I've been working and decided I would use it more than he would! (Isn't he great?)

    So, we're going to set up the treadmill in the living room today and I can start my daily walking again!!!

    How are all of you doing? Did you have a good week?