What was your wake-up call?



  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    When I was still teaching, I recieved an anonymous note on my desk during a class while I wasn't looking. It read "Miss S., are you pregnant?" I was mortified. Kids can be mean, but it was enough motivation to get my butt in gear!

    Same thing happened to me only kids asked me daily, to my face, to be mean.
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    When my sister was always heavier than me, she is now on the weight watchers diet and has become smaller than me. I realised that I had to do something, I don't want to look huge against my sister! We go everywhere together! Battle of the sisters I say!!

    Same with my mom! She got skinnier than me- how embarrassing! I'm glad she's successful but it does create some healthy competition.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    There have been a lot of things along the way, but the last straw was being told that I need to have a knee replacement. The doctor told me that I must lose weight or the knee won't last. My dear daughter said, "okay, Mom, what's the plan to lose some weight before the surgery?" She helped me sign up that evening.
  • bekinator

    This. This is the one picture I saw where I broke down to tears. This was July 2, 2011 at a wedding from a dear friend I had in high school.

    I was always heavy. I wore size 22 by the time I graduated high school. I was in total denile that my fast food habit (I actually had a meal I called the "fat-girl special") and my eating was going to catch up with me. I remember the first time I had to go to size 24. I kept telling myself that size is only a number. Then before I knew it I was buying 26's and they were tight. I was hoping that the button wouldn't fly off in some humiliating movie type circumstance, busting a window and knocking someone out.

    Prior to that, November 2010 (I was 22 at this time) I was put on a double dose of blood pressure medication. My blood pressure was 152/160's. The doctor couldn't believe it. I was blacking out, headaches, and losing mental function. My blood pressure was surging so hard into the brain that the swollen vessels were causing issues. This should have helped me get motivated however it didn't. I accepted my fate. I was a fat piece of *kitten* and I was going to die that way. I was never pretty, I was never loved, I'll just enjoy it until it takes me. It wasn't until July after the wedding where I actually wanted to die. I was so embarassed that people had to even see my fat self and to make matters worse I managed a gym. I managed Curves, A franchise type facility for women and my family owns one. Can you imagine the stares I got when I was the one talking about weight management, diet, and exercise? I am very educated, I know what to do but I was so much a lost cause I said screw it, It isn't for me. We went to a regional meeting april of 2011 and again seeing the pictures of me just made me physcially ill. In july, after the wedding, my grandmother came to me and said that curves had changed the weight management program into a program they call Curves Complete. We said we would give it a try together. 15 pounds came off the first month. I cried. I wasn't that much of a lost cause. This dog had some fight left in her.

    It has been 13 months and have been following Curves complete. I love myself. I am sexy, I am curvy (yet I still have a long way to go) and I am 87 pounds down. I ride on average 15 miles a day on my bicycle. I strength train at curves 3x week and do an hour long high intensity zumba class 4x a week. I hold my head high when I walk down the street. I don't go to a restaurant and hear the jokes about "the food being gone" anymore. I walk into the store and pick out size 16/18. I feel like myself. The strong, confident kayla that had once shown it's face was back. I am not some stranger in a fat suit. My husband, who has done this journey with me, is so proud. Our marriage hasn't been better. When I was heavy and at my lowest I didn't care about anyone or anything. On our 4 year anniversary this halloween I will actually dress up like we did years ago.

    I am no longer embarassed for people to see me anymore. As I write this I am tearing up but I am telling anyone who doubts, anyone who just wants to dissapear, you can do it.

    what a great story! i definitely know the feelings of self-worth tied into this journey. congrats to u & best wishes onward!!
  • p0rker
    My wife called me fat and disgusting, and said, "I want to be attracted to my husband again."

    I am not happy with myself right now.

    I'm not too damned happy with her right now either.

    I have been reading, and listening to podcasts and such about nutrition, healthy living, etc... I know what to do. I have to do it now. When I lose the 40 lbs, and she starts getting frisky, I can't wait to tell her "NO" or "Back the ***k off!" a few times.

    Sorry, I'm bitter right now.
  • karibj2010
    karibj2010 Posts: 264 Member
    Trying clothes on at "Torrid" (store for plus-sized women) and feeling like I looked like a beached whale, was one of my "moments" and then recently I went go-karting with my husband and I thought I wasn't going to be able to buckle up the seat belt. I had to adjust the way I was sitting and suck in my breath to buckle it up. I wanted to cry. It didn't help matters when we went for our second round and instead of letting me just stay in my kart, I had to move up a kart and do this all over again. I'm glad I am having these "enoughs enough" moments because we are taking our 2 kids to a water/action park this weekend and I really want to enjoy the go-karts with the kids and hubby. It definitely is not an easy battle...but it will be totally worth it in the end. :-)
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    All my friends are painfully gorgeous and I look like a reversed bobblehead doll.
  • emasnana
    Just got back from a wonderful cruise to Alaska...................I was so uncomfortable on the plane knowing that I was invading the space of my neighbor in the seat next to me and also my husbands on the other side of me. On the return trip home I walked the isle until I found the smallest person to sit next to. I vowed then I would not feel that way for next years vacation !!!:happy:
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    Last month I turned 45 (halfway to 50!)...

    It dawned on me last month that I have been battling my weight for just under 30 years!!! I have committed myself to so many other things but I have NEVER made a full committment to lose weight. So on my 45th I made a committment to myself to lose this weight once and for all. I am spending the next year working on this so that on my 46th birthday I can look back and be proud that I finally accomplished my goal to be fit!!! And look hot....

    Did I just say that?:happy: