SAHM 12/14--12/20/2009

Calling all SAHM's! If you are looking for a supportive, encouraging, understanding and yet challenging group of women, this is the group for you. We don't do weekly weigh-in's or contests, etc, but we do occasionally challenge one another. We completely understand the unique obstacles to good health as sahm's. so come join our conversation--we'd love to have you!


  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    anything special going on with anyone??
    i've made a menu plan for the next 2 weeks. that's an accomplishment!

    my goals this week:
    week 5 of p90x
    drink 7-8 glasses water/day
    keep cals to 1500
    do not yell etc at kids in the after school time. be a model of calm. transmit unconditional love.

    and that's it for this week! looking forward to our chats. :flowerforyou:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Well, Stacey, I only have plans for today, I live life day by day really. Today I am going to get Sharlotte's Christmas present as well as what I want to get my mom. She only has like 2 or 3 pairs of panties, so I want to buy her a pack of panties. I feel bad that she always has to borrow her husbands underwear. She's always broke and can't afford to get them herself. So.. I hope she likes them!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone. It has been a rough weekend for my family. Our pipes froze last week and now the well pumps are not working, so we have been without water.:noway: Not to mention yesterday I went waaaaaaayyyyyy over on my sodium. Hopefully the pump guy can come today to fix it.

    Trish, I hope you are feeling better!

    Stacey, I like the goal of not yelling be a model of calm.

    My main goal is to get our water back!!! :smile:

    Otherwise, I need to drink lots of water today to flush out all of the sodium!:drinker:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    oh nicolee--hugs. that must be so hard. hope it gets fixed quick and life can get back to "normal."
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Ugh, pipe problem sucks. The city called us the other night to let us know they were shutting the water off for 6 hours while they fixed the water main.

    Feeling much better, thanks for asking, Nicole. I REALLY want some junk food right now! Problem is I can't find a single fast food joint worth eating at with a cheeseburger or pizza under 1000 sodium.
    Nothing around the house sounds very good. I guess it's Healthy Choice for lunch.

    On a bright note, Andy got his annual bonus today. $855, YAY! He earned almost that much in overtime, too, so we'll get another $800 before taxes added to his paycheck this Friday. Tomorrow's our 8 year anniversary. I don't feel much like celebrating. I told him I'd be happy with McDonalds and a movie. He wants something fancier, but can't decide where he wants to go. He's working from home again tomorrow. His brother will come over in the evening to watch Grace so we can catch a flick.

    Going to have lunch, exercise, and go to the store if Nellie cooperates. Fajitas for dinner tonight.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks Trish and Stacey! We FINALLY figured out what is wrong with the wells. So as soon as the pump guys come we can get it resolved!

    I have been drinking bottled water like crazy! I am on my 4th 16ozer! Yeah!

    Trish, that's awesome for the bonus! I can't wait until my Andy gets his.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    sounds like a good day all! yay!

    i was over cals by about 50 and drank my water. and did p90x.
    so very happy with myself.

    here's to another day tomorrow!!

    ps--happy anniv, trish! and congrats on the bonus! it's great to be rewarded for hard work.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    So I haven't had a chance to get on here in a few days and when I did I responded to the old post HAHA OPPS.

    BTW Nicolee- we were just stationed in Kodiak, we were there for 4 years and are now in northern cali. Small world isn't it LOL it's just not that small in the coast guard world there is always someone that knows someone!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    So I haven't had a chance to get on here in a few days and when I did I responded to the old post HAHA OPPS.

    BTW Nicolee- we were just stationed in Kodiak, we were there for 4 years and are now in northern cali. Small world isn't it LOL it's just not that small in the coast guard world there is always someone that knows someone!

    I wonder if you guys knew him and his wife? I don't know how big the the base is there. His name is Guillaume Pique.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    My goal this week is to catch up on housework. My two days of pampering last week have gotten me wayy behind!

    HOpe you are all doing well--I hear screaming, better go!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gm! shera, nice to hear from you again.
    nicolee--hope the pump guy fixes your problem. :smile:
    where are our other ladies--kim? debnu? amy? would love to hear how you are all doing. how are you planning for the holidays and parties? is there anything we can do to help you/each other??
    please know any sahm is welcome to join the conversation at any time. we are an open group and very informal.:flowerforyou:

    my goals for today
    **drink that water! (even tho it makes me pee all the livelong day)
    **walk with leslie sansone (4mi is goal)
    **stay at 1500 cals and have 2 fruits

    did ok on the not yelling business. not great but ok. will try again kids could use the zillion more +'s to help erase the negatives.

    check in and let us know what's going on with YOU. :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Morning! My step dad sent us a Christmas card and check, so as soon as all the businesses open, I'm going to go deposit it and GO SHOPPING!
    Andy insists on a nice restaurant for dinner tonight, but can't decide which one.
    Goal today is to drink 90 oz of water. Have only been getting 30 the last few days :(
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    gm- I still haven't hear from the pump guy, hopefully he will come out today! I guess I am still retaingin water from Sunday because I stepped on the scale and it said I gained 3 lbs!!!:noway: :grumble: :huh: What is that all about??? I guess I need to drink even more water!!!!! Do you think it's because Ihaven't been eating all of my exercise calories too? I have been having a hard time getting them in without going over my sodium and fat.

    So I gave up on the sewing of the pants officially. I can't get the sweing machine to do what it's supposed to do. ugh!:sad: I was so looking forward to giving the pants to the kids. Oh well. Maybe I will get them done someday!

    We don't have any holiday parties to go to since we have just moved here, but we decided to do another family 5k race called the Holly Jolly 5k on Christmas eve.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    We don't have any holiday parties to go to since we have just moved here, but we decided to do another family 5k race called the Holly Jolly 5k on Christmas eve.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hubs STILL can't decide what he wants for dinner. I told him blatantly, "I just want a frickin' cheeseburger! McDonalds, Five Guys, In N Out... take your pick." He laughed. So now I'm hunting down a restaurant that meets his specs (sit down, relax, people bring food to you), where they serve a cheeseburger I can actually eat. I thought Outback would be a good option. Whenever I ate there, I always got veggies instead of fries & stuff. I thought of their bloomin onion burger. MMMM! Divine. Yeah, no. 2000+ sodium!
    I feel like I choke & gag with sticker shock when I look at the nutritional value on some of the stuff I used to eat.
    Mimi's Cafe has a 1/2 lb cheeseburger for less than 1000 sodium. Might be an option
    Andy implied, "It's a special occasion, dear..." I told him I refuse to put on 3 lbs because of a 2000 sodium cheeseburger. I refuse to put weight back on EVER. *Mimics Edna Mole from The Incredibles* You must fight... WIN!
    It's a new feature, darling ;)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Just got off the phone with the school psychologist--I called her--How difficult it is to figure out what to do with kids sometimes. I am learning all sorts of things on how to talk to my daughter and get her to not be so afraid of leaving me to go to school. Hopefully I can get it to work!
  • curliegirl
    Wow it sounds like a lot crazy stuff going on right now! Sorry I haven't been around--just too much to fit in a day here.

    Trish--good luck with the dinner out! Hubby went out yesterday & I just skipped logging it--then I don't worry about it. One time doesn't kill me.

    Nicole--hope the water deal works out soon!

    It has been up and down here. I just want to remind all of you to do your monthly breast exam this month. I have a dear friend with breast cancer. That is WAY too close to home. Enough said--just do the exam!!!!! Take care of yourselves!

    I haven't been able to get on the treadmill since Friday. ARG! Gonna try to later today but I am beat after running errands in the COLD--not over 20 degrees here in MO. We will see after supper.

    I have scheduled my meals through the end of the year & I am trying for "lighter" meals since there is so much cookie, candy etc running around my house. I don't eat much of it but it is hard to resist. We are busy making crafts for grandparent gifts and that is fun! My oldest has finals this week and is a zombie/bear right now. Trying hard to not take it personally--he will surface on Friday and become himself again. :)

    Going to drink some water right NOW!
  • Hopey1994
    Can I be in the SAHM circle? :flowerforyou:
    We have a 2 yr old named Georgia and my husband is currently in Iraq for about 18 months (he's been gone 2). We miss him a whole lot, and I especially miss my accountability partner. There's no one here to tell me not to eat the bad foods I want to eat. Not to mention the stress eating I'm fighting!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hopey, PUT DOWN THE CANDY BAR! Stop eating bad foods. And welcome to our group, LOL.

    I can imagine how hard it must be to have your husband gone. I've barely seen mine in over a week due to a project he's pushing to meet deadlines on. We're all here for you, though!

    So, for our Anniversary tonight, we've settled on Mimi's Cafe. I am getting the half pound cheeseburger, and hoping they'll let me substitute steamed veggies for fries. I was thinking of hitting up Coney's Frozen Custard afterwards for dessert, or even Village Inn for pie, but I just felt like "Meh".
    Instead, I'm having an entire glass of egg nog when I get home. How rewarding is that!
    Best of all, I'm under on BOTH sodium & calories, and that's all that really matters to me.

    I'm even more excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow I actually managed to fit in a bowl of cheerios for breakfast, AND a tuna fish sandwich for lunch WITH chips. BOO-YAH!
    230 lbs, you better watch out, cuz HERE I COME!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey, PUT DOWN THE CANDY BAR! Stop eating bad foods. And welcome to our group, LOL.

    I can imagine how hard it must be to have your husband gone. I've barely seen mine in over a week due to a project he's pushing to meet deadlines on. We're all here for you, though!

    So, for our Anniversary tonight, we've settled on Mimi's Cafe. I am getting the half pound cheeseburger, and hoping they'll let me substitute steamed veggies for fries. I was thinking of hitting up Coney's Frozen Custard afterwards for dessert, or even Village Inn for pie, but I just felt like "Meh".
    Instead, I'm having an entire glass of egg nog when I get home. How rewarding is that!
    Best of all, I'm under on BOTH sodium & calories, and that's all that really matters to me.

    I'm even more excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow I actually managed to fit in a bowl of cheerios for breakfast, AND a tuna fish sandwich for lunch WITH chips. BOO-YAH!
    230 lbs, you better watch out, cuz HERE I COME!

    Happy anniversary Trish! A cheeseburger sounds so good! Egg nog is a good compromise instead of dessert. I'm not really a fan, but I'm sure it's healthier than pie or ice cream. You're so close to your first goal weight, you can do it!