Answering "How Did You Lose Weight? HELP



  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    lose weight? what are you talking about I've always been this size. Oh wait you must be thinking about my twin.

    LOL we think alike
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Cocaine.... ALL DAY Errday!
  • crazybigchick
    dedicated diet of coke and vodka
  • Rosytakesoff
    Tell 'em the Purina Dog Food Diet worked great for you until you stopped to scratch your ear in the middle of the street and got hit by a car.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    (any Doctor Who fan will get it, anyone else will go looking for a drug called Adipose)
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    I just say "I ate less and exercised more..."

    Some people say awesome, some people are disappointed with the answer because they want a quick, easy fix. Problem is, there is no quick, easy fix. If they ask for more details, I will give them, but I usually just stop with that answer.
  • Navotc
    Lamb testicles.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Tell 'em the Purina Dog Food Diet worked great for you until you stopped to scratch your ear in the middle of the street and got hit by a car.
    I like this idea... OR you could say, you went and had a feeding tube inserted somewhere. Haaah. :laugh:
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Based on your knowledge of the Algerian Pineapple diet and your recent marriage to Ms. Michaels (I hope her partner is ok with that) perhaps these other techniques might justify what healthy eating and exercise cannot. ;)

    - Use a loofah and scrub off the dead skin cells. They're extra weight, you know. O.o

    - Chew each mouthful of food exactly 237 times. EACH mouthful of food, including ice cream and coffee. Think of all of the calories burned by all of that chewing!

    - Avoid eating foods that come in primary colors. No red, yellow, or blue foods. (No magenta, yellow, or cyan if you're talking to a artists. Red, green, and blue if your audience is well versed in light.) Secondary colors are ok and tertiary colors are the most nutritious.

    - Eating food in alphabetical order. This way, your body can process it better. Never eat zucchini before an apple. It'll get turned to fat almost immediately.

    - Only eating what you can attach to piece of string attached to a stick attached to your head. It's the carrot on the stick diet. Works wonders, is a little weird in public and makes it impossible to enjoy soup.

    Hope those suggestions are ridiculous enough. :)
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    "I take a 17 pound dump twice a day, every day."
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I have this magic little pill I take twice a day ... Then go fill a bottle with sugar pills and sell them for 50 bucks a pop......

    I stand on my head for to minutes before and after meals helps speed up the digestion.

    More sex it burns calories
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I washed my clothes and had a hair cut.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i was bitten by a werewolf. running around naked in the forest burns calories like you wouldn't BELIEVE.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Many people just don't want to hear the truth because it sounds mean.

    People are overweight/fat/obese whatever because the eat too much, eat junk, don't exercise and can be arsed sorting themselves out.(obviously there are exceptions but they are rare)

    One thing I have noticed is that people want a short cut, quick diet, like the pineapple diet, the apple diet, but whats the point to maintain you would have to eat apples(whatever) forever.

    Good natural food/balanced diet and an active life style it is no secret.

    I see people with the free 'obese' gym vouchers from the docs, they come once or twice then leave. I actually heard one say after walking for about 5 mins on the tread mill, this is too hard I cant be arsed and they left.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Its already been said once here... but I would say:

    "Hookers and blow...... Cocaine is a hell of a drug"
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    That you drank pregnant lady pee.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Based on your knowledge of the Algerian Pineapple diet and your recent marriage to Ms. Michaels (I hope her partner is ok with that) perhaps these other techniques might justify what healthy eating and exercise cannot. ;)

    - Use a loofah and scrub off the dead skin cells. They're extra weight, you know. O.o

    - Chew each mouthful of food exactly 237 times. EACH mouthful of food, including ice cream and coffee. Think of all of the calories burned by all of that chewing!

    - Avoid eating foods that come in primary colors. No red, yellow, or blue foods. (No magenta, yellow, or cyan if you're talking to a artists. Red, green, and blue if your audience is well versed in light.) Secondary colors are ok and tertiary colors are the most nutritious.

    - Eating food in alphabetical order. This way, your body can process it better. Never eat zucchini before an apple. It'll get turned to fat almost immediately.

    - Only eating what you can attach to piece of string attached to a stick attached to your head. It's the carrot on the stick diet. Works wonders, is a little weird in public and makes it impossible to enjoy soup.

    Hope those suggestions are ridiculous enough. :)

    hahahahaha I love these
  • rashmirao74
    rashmirao74 Posts: 14 Member
    Tell them you tried "losing weight and not losing your mind". The more you think about your weight, the tougher it is to lose. Think THIN....YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Stopped shoving food into my piehole and moved my butt a little more.