TOPIC: Opinion on Gay marriage?



  • wedge421
    wedge421 Posts: 224 Member
    Who the hell am I to tell consenting adults who or who they cannot love. I say gay marriage is an inevitable necessity. Im heterosexual but is my love different then a gay persons love? Not in my book
  • moonlightturk
    Pro-gay marriage. I believe that everyone should have equal rights and I see nothing wrong with same sex marriage.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I don't really care which two people are bound by a legal civil union to protect their rights and freedoms and to declare their relationship publicly to friends and family... just please don't insist that a church or other religious institution that doesn't support same-sex relationships conduct the ceremony.
    THIS. Amazed at how many on here seem to have the opinion of "Everyone should just do as they like" - what a great idea. Remind me to teach my kids that mentality. Cos of course our choices don't affect other people - that would mean we are all living on the same planet...& clearly we are not. :huh:
  • devenssort12
    devenssort12 Posts: 24 Member
    Do not care either way! It it make ya happy go for it!!!!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Marriage is a religious ceremony and shouldn't have any legal teeth. The secular government should provide civil unions to any two willing adults who aren't already part of a civil union.

    Oh, and calling it "gay marriage" is as offensive as saying "white slavery"
  • DocCollins_SFA
    I don't really care which two people are bound by a legal civil union to protect their rights and freedoms and to declare their relationship publicly to friends and family... just please don't insist that a church or other religious institution that doesn't support same-sex relationships conduct the ceremony.
    THIS. Amazed at how many on here seem to have the opinion of "Everyone should just do as they like" - what a great idea. Remind me to teach my kids that mentality. Cos of course our choices don't affect other people - that would mean we are all living on the same planet...& clearly we are not. :huh:

    Obviously these people are talking about doing as they like as long as it doesn't harm other people. I'm pretty sure nobody is saying, "Oh, you want to kill your mother? Okay, do as you like!"
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm just surprised by the fact that they were against it. Not that they actually stated their opinion. It's 2012. I thought that discrimination against interracial couples was a thing of the past.

    And you're right, human ignorance and stupidity always surprises me

    It would be great if discrimination of this kind was a thing of the past (interracial couples, gay couples, etc) My brother is white, lives in a southern state, and dates a black woman--the discrimination/criticism he gets is more of a religious nature from her family because her family is Christian and my brother is atheist. They disapprove of the relationship because of the religion issue, apparently, not the color of his skin.
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    Honestly, since when is what happens behind closed doors MORE IMPORTANT than having a door to close in the first place? There are MUCH bigger issues with this country than who's doing who in the bedroom!
  • DocCollins_SFA
    I only wrote this so people could look at things from a different perspective. It's all for fun, but to make a serious point. I'm sorry for the tiny font!

  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    Marriage is a religious ceremony and shouldn't have any legal teeth. The secular government should provide civil unions to any two willing adults who aren't already part of a civil union.

    Oh, and calling it "gay marriage" is as offensive as saying "white slavery"

    YUP! How bout we start calling it "straight marriage" or the "straight bar", WTMF is wrong with people today and labels?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I don't really care which two people are bound by a legal civil union to protect their rights and freedoms and to declare their relationship publicly to friends and family... just please don't insist that a church or other religious institution that doesn't support same-sex relationships conduct the ceremony.
    THIS. Amazed at how many on here seem to have the opinion of "Everyone should just do as they like" - what a great idea. Remind me to teach my kids that mentality. Cos of course our choices don't affect other people - that would mean we are all living on the same planet...& clearly we are not. :huh:

    I actually hope that you teach your children a "mentality" of love and empathy, and to NOT judge others. I guess I don't see how two people of the same sex getting legally married affects you? Are you going to suddenly lose YOUR marriage (if you are in one?)? I think not. Advocating FOR gay marriage doesn't nullify straight marriage in anyway.
  • IronTitaness
    I don't care to be honest. As long as nobody gets hurt -> just do it!
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I feel that everybody deserves to be loved and be happy.
  • Sules02
    Sules02 Posts: 19 Member
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I think it is an issue that has to be decided by the people of each state. What sucks is that if you are for it, than it is automatically assumed that you are anti-God. If you are against it, it is automatically assumed you are anti-gay. I've seen people on here get pretty vicious on these topics and I am sure this thread will get locked sooner or later.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    A bit of a side note: Anyone who IS in support of equal rights might want to check out these interesting articles--two NFL players who have spoken publicly in support of equal marriage rights: (NOTE: The Chris Kluwe letter contains some strong language/profanity--just be forewarned, if that bothers you :)
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    Why not? It is not going to change anything for straight individuals or couples. Must we really preserve the sanctity of Britney Spears 55hr marriage and the Kardashian marriage for profit and the expense of committed loving couples who happen to be of the same gender. Besides...marriage began with women not being able to have any say in who they married or when they married. Woman were chattel, no different than a cow or a goat or a bucket, views have evolved with society and will continue to do so. If you want to support 'traditional values' then go organize a neighborhood witch hunt and justify it to the courts with bible verses. Besides, how many of those anti gay marriage folks go on to the internet and watch porn... and how many of those men are watching lesbian porn....
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Marriage is a religious ceremony and shouldn't have any legal teeth. The secular government should provide civil unions to any two willing adults who aren't already part of a civil union.

    Oh, and calling it "gay marriage" is as offensive as saying "white slavery"

    YUP! How bout we start calling it "straight marriage" or the "straight bar", WTMF is wrong with people today and labels?

    Really? what are we suppossed to call it then? How will people know what you are talking about? I get your point, but how would you describe it?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Civil unions don't have all the same rights as a marriage does, people.

    It does in Canada. My first marriage was a civil ceremony. We did it in a park and there was no mention of God or anything of the sort. It was a beautiful ceremony and we were as married as any other couple in the country. Perhaps that varies from country to country?

    Same sex marriage is only legal in 6 of the 50 United States. I am not sure about civil unions.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    Having deeply loved and recently lost my best friend and husband just 3 days after our 15th wedding anniversary, I realized as we grew older how much more I loved him each day. Im sad but mostly, I feel so lucky to have found someone that was truly a soul mate to share a large part of my life with. I would not begrudge any one that union- that bond of marriage that ties one so deeply regardless of race, sexual preference, age differences and on and on. Its an awesome bond that everyone should have a fundamental right to- part of that pursuit of happiness thing.
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