What do people do to annoy you while you're working out?



  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    - girls who wear shorts that dont completely cover their butt cheeks. It's distracting, and no one in a gym needs to see booty bottom.
    - people who get irritated when you're using their machine during circuit. Just let the person know your circuit is important to you (at my gym, very few people obey the circuit rules), and they will most likely give up the machine.
    - people who think it's a bar, and dress accordingly.
    - guys who keep watching you. I'm aware that I'm sweaty, i know im wearing my old t-shirt and my yoga pants- i dont come to the gym to impress.
    - the snotty *kitten* jerks in the free-weight area. I'm a female, i dont WANT to out-lift you. Quit giving your buddy smirks as I'm lifting my puny set.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I can't stand when I'm on a piece of equipment and there's people circling like a vulture waiting for me to get off. Or people who consistently stare like "what the hell are you doing here" like larger people should be banned from the gym. I'm at a gym that was known to be directed for body builders, and of course a lot of them still go for weights... so the thought of a larger person on their equipment seems to bother them so bad.

    I also can't stand the girls that come in, jump on a bike and casually pedal and are running their mouth like that's the real work out.

    For some reason, at my gym, heavier people are REALLY respected. At least they're trying, right?
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    2 things...

    1. people that get on a bike or treadmill near me and talk to each other constantly.

    2. When any dance or aerbics class plays super loud horrible music. I wish the gyms could have no music by the exercise equipment. It is very distracting
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    When I run on a busy trail and people block the way by walking side-by-side. A pair=NBD but 3+ across is ANNOYING.

    People who run on the "wrong" side used to bother me but I realized trails aren't perfectly flat and even a small slant can cause a lot of hip/knee pain so I understand why some people run on the "wrong" side.

    Oh, and people who take their iphone pics in free weight mirror area. <<<that's funny stuff to me
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    If I have my headphones on and you're across the room and I can hear you, congrats, you're now on my hit-list. Oh, and I hate when people are walking slow on the treadmill...what the hell is the point?! Move your *kitten*! I mean, the lady next to you looks like she weighs 200 lbs, and she's slow walking, but she's sweating up a storm! You, on the other hand, are just using a loud treadmill for no reason. You have also made my hit-list.
  • Rianneew8
    Yeah, the thing that really annoys the hell out of me is when I turn up at the gym and...there are other people there. And some even turn up whilst I am still there!

    The nerve...

    ^^^^brilliant lol
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Talking to me when I'm trying to focus on my throws or during my working set lifts. I'm NOT going to listen to you. Seriously - I'm trying to keep over half a ton of metal from turning me into human origami. You talking about your brother's friend who used to play football in college is less important at that moment.

    Outside of that, my gym's pretty good - most are there to do nothing but lift.
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    This is all of the reasons why I don't go to the gym! I hate and inconsiderate and gross people who don't clean the sweaty equipment and looks at you like it's not a big deal. This is the exact reason why I don't go to the gym and instead I work out in Team Beachbody's super gym! This way I can workout anytime I want and work out with my friends in the super gym (virtual) regardless of where they live.
  • huntclan
    My major gym peeve is when someone sits on a machine, not using it, and just chats with somebody.

    Egad! Me too. I think they have nothing better to do than socialize at they gym...
  • huntclan
    Yeah, the thing that really annoys the hell out of me is when I turn up at the gym and...there are other people there. And some even turn up whilst I am still there!

    The nerve...

    You nailed it!
  • huntclan
    I've found that when I'm working hard, if I'm having a hard time, I get annoyed by little things a whole bunch easier.

    I've seen this type of response a couple times in this thread and i think it sums my whole question-up completely. It IS me!

    When I am really working-out hard, the stupidest things annoy me. Quite frankly, I think I am guilty of pretty much everything that everybody has listed, except picking my nose and cell phone stuff (I don't own one).

    Thank you everyone for your responses. I know that I have completely lost it!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Have sickness & disease already been mentioned? STAY HOME if you're sick.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    1. The YMCA in my town has a 20-minute limit on treadmills and elliptical machines. Do I even need to elaborate why that's annoying?

    2. Girls that are practically naked- wearing only a sports bra and spandex shorts that barely covers their *kitten*. I get that you're freakin' hot, but you kill my self-esteem. Would a tank top kill you?

    3. When the body builders act like you're not allowed to use the weights.
  • alwayssummer
    I hate it when I"m doing my cardio and I hear the grunts and groans from the huge muscle guys in the free weight area.
  • annmedford71
    annmedford71 Posts: 32 Member
    I workout at home. Some days I don't know who is worse. My dogs always seem to want to lay in the area I am working out. One is a jack russel and the other is a husky-pitt. Then there is the kids- mom where is this- mom can we talk. Then there is the husband who is home on the weekend. When I try to go workout he yells for me to help him what ever project he is in to. While he is doing his projects I am the main care giver for are handicap daughter who needs full attention.So when ask for just 35 min to workout I am screwing up what he wants to. So I am learning on weekends when he is done I grab my 13 and 11 yr old and go for a walk. This way we can talk and I loose all my stress.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    honestly my biggest pet peeve is my friends trying to tell me to get a gym membership i have full access to a full set of free weights a recumbent bike and a treadmill as well as a kinda dead road outside my house what in the heck do i need a membership for?