Chicks that drive stick



  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Do you press in and hold the clutch or shift into neutral while approaching a stop sign or red light?

    I downshift as much as possible before taking it out of gear.. my first clutch lasted for over 10 years in my subaru... It was the original that my came in the car when my family bought it... I plan on having the new clutch last just as long.

    So far, you're the only one who approaches a light properly. Cars prefer it when you downshift through the gears while slowing down. It'll save your clutch and your brakes.

    I'm sorry, ladies, but just because you drive a stick doesn't mean you know how (that goes for men as well).

    Heel-toe shifting. Learn it, do it. It's easy once you get used to it.

    *puts on flame suit*

    Yeah that's not true. You don't have to go through all of the gears when you slow down. You can just as easily slip from 4th to 2nd or as others have said, stick it in neutral and slow down with the brakes. There's no benefit to the car by going through all the gears and no damage either way. If you stick it in neutral then you're taking the gears and the clutch out of contention anyway. I stick it in neutral as much as possible as it saves petrol. As other Brits have said, driving a manual is pretty standard over here. Also, heel-toe is just a fancy trick that's not necessary unless you're on a hill and your handbrake doesn't work.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    My mom tried to teach me to drive one. At first it was fine. But then I got to my first stop sign and, well, I killed her truck like, 10 times. She got out, and told me never again.

    My husband prefers to drive a standard, but we currently own an automatic, because It's my car. And our next car will also be an automatic. I want to learn eventually, and might even get the hang of it now, but my mom no longer owns the standard vehicle, and I don't know anyone who does who would be willing to let me learn.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    It doesn't make sense in my head to downshift through gears when you go from 55 to 0 in about 10 seconds. Plus my shifter sticks (problem from the previous owner) so if my stick go caught in 4 th gear and I'm slowing to 10mph, id stall out. I think that would do more damage then coasting in neutral.

    Your second point is valid. If your transmission is messed up, and it's dangerous to downshift quickly, don't do it. Otherwise, it's actually faster to brake while downshifting. Your engine will produce a braking effect hen the revs increase, slowing your car faster. Relying on you brakes alone will wear them out faster, and holding the clutch in will wear out the clutch faster.

    You have more control over the car when it's in gear too.

    I understand the technical points that go with shifting properly but I just got use to doing it how I do it. Just like because I know how to double clutch, doesn't mean I ever would. Too many extra steps when my brain is already doing three more things then an automatic driver.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    Do you press in and hold the clutch or shift into neutral while approaching a stop sign or red light?

    I downshift as much as possible before taking it out of gear.. my first clutch lasted for over 10 years in my subaru... It was the original that my came in the car when my family bought it... I plan on having the new clutch last just as long.

    The longest life out of a clutch and syncros is to pop it out of high gear and use the brakes to stop you. This doesn't apply on a long hill, but for normal city driving. If you do that you cut out 1/2 of the use of the clutch, and the hardest use of the syncros.

    I had to pull the transmission on my car because of the front oil seal at 218K. When I did, the clutch still had 55% of the lining left.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    I drove stick for at least a decade and loved it. However, when my kid was on the way, I traded in my coupe for a sedan, which just happened to be automatic. I really do miss driving stick. It gives you much more of a sense of control when driving. And it's just nice to know how to do it.

    What I hate the most is that you can't control downshifting with an automatic. If find it most annoying on curvy roads. I like with a manual I can push the throttle down deep and not worry when it shifts. With an automatic I can't predict when it will shift and I don't like cycling through the gears at every curve. I either baby it to keep from shifting or end up shifting down after every corner.

    The flip side is that often when I want to get going, it won't shift until I bury the go pedal and then it rockets once it finally downshifts.
    I think it is probably a vanishing art.

    I think it is inevitable as hybrids become less expensive. In another decade the cost of all of the components will drop to the point that the costs will be the same.

    I lament the loss of stick shift pickups. Ford doesn't even make a stick shift 1 ton anymore. When I'm backing a heavy trailer I like that my truck is an automatic, but just about any other time I'd much prefer a stick.
    I had to edit this post when I just remembered that my current car is one of those "automatic/manual" deals. I forgot because I don't really get how the "automatic manual" transmission works without the clutch, and my husband and I figured using it would just end up blowing the transmission fast, so we decided not to. It really seems like kind of a silly idea, either make it automatic or make it manual - don't try to do both.

    I do like the Hyundai combo transmissions. I've had several rentals and I did like them. They're the only one that it truly is a 'manual' mode. It won't shift on you in manual mode, EVER. It will let you do 6th gear at 10MPH if you make it. I like putting it in auto in stop and go traffic and then going manual on the highway. Every other brand I've had will shift for you at some point. This goes back to the point I made above about not liking automatic transmissions for highway driving.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    Currently have a VW TDI Jetta wagon (kids and dogs) manual diesel even better than gas! The torque you get is awesome and makes driving that much smoother (in mho)!

    Can you even kill it if you try? My FIL has a Dodge diesel pickup and you can't kill it. Even if you dump the clutch it just squeaks the tires and lurches off without killing the engine.
  • mathteacher2010
    mathteacher2010 Posts: 85 Member
    I drove a stick for 30+ years! I only recently got an automatic because I was sick of sitting in traffic and having to shift all the time! (Plus when you are VERY short, as in 4'10", you have to stretch to fully press down the clutch!)
  • LindseyHarding94
    I love driving my husband's car because it is a stick. my car is an automatic but a lot less fun. I also enjoy the look on people's faces when I say I can drive a stick. Funny part, they are not hard to drive.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Sorry to disappoint some, but this is really about my car.

    So since I could drive, I've driven stick. I learned how to drive in my dad's old 5 speed truck and both cars I've owned have been manual. I love the feeling of control, the growl of the engine when I downshift through a turn and the awesome gas milage. But, my favorite part is when a guy sees my ride, lifts his eyebrows and says, "you know how to drive stick?" The most awesome feeling ever.

    How many of my fellow ladies drive a stick? Do you guys think its cool if a chick drives one or does it not matter to you? Does anyone even care since this post has nothing to do about sex?

    I learned how to drive on a stick when I was 13. I was great at it. I was driving an ancient land rover at 18.. not a big deal.
    That was ages ago. I now live in a city with a LOT of truck traffic, one of the highest truck trafficking cities on the east coast due to our location, and I don't have time for a stick.

    If someone doesn't like that my car isn't a stick, and it matters to someone that I don't know how to drive a stick anymore, they're not worth my time or energy. I know a guy who creates jeep accessories for taking jeeps off-road... if he doesn't care that I can't drive stick.. then no one should.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member

    I downshift as much as possible before taking it out of gear.. my first clutch lasted for over 10 years in my subaru... It was the original that my came in the car when my family bought it... I plan on having the new clutch last just as long.

    So far, you're the only one who approaches a light properly. Cars prefer it when you downshift through the gears while slowing down. It'll save your clutch and your brakes.

    I'm sorry, ladies, but just because you drive a stick doesn't mean you know how (that goes for men as well).

    Heel-toe shifting. Learn it, do it. It's easy once you get used to it.

    *puts on flame suit*

    How do you figure that is better for the clutch? Most definitely better for the brakes but not for the clutch. If you coast to a stop, the clutch is used 1/2 as often and will wear 1/2 as much. I can do a full brake job in 2 hours, and clutch is at least twice as long and much more involved. I'd much rather wear out the brakes than the clutch.

    As far as the transmission: Unless you double clutch, most syncro wear comes from downshifting. When you upshift, the gear cluster is slowing down anyway and the syncros have much less to do. When upshifting without double clutching, you are forcing the gears to spin up against the drag of oil. Dropping to neutral eliminates more than 50% of the syncro wear. Manual transmissions used in town will die from syncro wear before anything else.

    Double clutching does little in a car anyway because the inertia is small compared to the drag. It is much more helpful in trucks where the gears will actually keep rotating for a bit at high speed while you shift.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    I took my drivers test on one. Drove one up into a few years ago. Sadly they don't make mini-vans with manual transmissions.

    I drove a stick Dodge Caravan rental car in Belgium. I give my wifey a bad time about how she could have had a stick shift if she had one imported from Europe.
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    Hahaha...I drive two of them a Beetle convertible, my summer toy. I don't know if guys think its cool and I don't really care. I know my boys (which are grown up guys now) did NOT find it cool when they were still living at home, because they don't drive stick and thus could never borrow my car....
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    6 speed manual, 4.7l V8 2006 Dodge Dakota! I ordered it through the dealer, because I wanted a manual and couldn't find one off the lot. So, my truck had 10 miles on it when I picked it up, no test driving miles or transport miles.
    I kinda taught myself when I was about 19. My dad tried to teach me on his truck, but it had a really touchy clutch and I kept killing it. Since he was driving 90 miles to work each way, he didn't want me trashing his truck. Two boyfriends had manuals and taught me a bit, then a friend with a 3 speed needed a DD one night so I really had to figure it out! I then just took my dads keys from him and figured out how to drive his truck with the sticky clutch on a long straight stretch of road one evening. I've driven manual ever since.
    I live in the Seattle area, so there is a lot of traffic and hills and I did recently have to replace my clutch. It sucked, but when you have to shift constantly in just a few miles, it definitely decreases the life of the clutch. I also just got back from a 1400 mile round trip, with the return half on the 101 up the Oregon coast. Loved shifting through the curves and hills!
  • cupcakes_
    cupcakes_ Posts: 274 Member
    I had to learn to drive using a standard. The car I have now is an automatic but I really miss having a 5spd.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Hahaha...I drive two of them a Beetle convertible, my summer toy. I don't know if guys think its cool and I don't really care. I know my boys (which are grown up guys now) did NOT find it cool when they were still living at home, because they don't drive stick and thus could never borrow my car....

    Lol. This. I love that most people can't borrow my car.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Hahaha...I drive two of them a Beetle convertible, my summer toy. I don't know if guys think its cool and I don't really care. I know my boys (which are grown up guys now) did NOT find it cool when they were still living at home, because they don't drive stick and thus could never borrow my car....

    You didn't teach them? I want to teach my kids. I might have to go buy a car to do it on, but still.
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    Currently have a VW TDI Jetta wagon (kids and dogs) manual diesel even better than gas! The torque you get is awesome and makes driving that much smoother (in mho)!

    Can you even kill it if you try? My FIL has a Dodge diesel pickup and you can't kill it. Even if you dump the clutch it just squeaks the tires and lurches off without killing the engine.

    The car I learned to drive stick on was an old Volvo Diesel - I had to learn, I had just bought the car and didn't know how to drive stick (my dad let me drive his car home from the lot then proceeded to give me lessons). That thing was SO easy to learn stick on. It did just like that Dodge diesel pickup, it was almost impossible to stall it. That car had weird problems, like electrical things (headlights would stop working sometimes) and once it wouldn't reverse for about 6 months, what a pain in the butt. But I still miss it sometimes... memories...
  • brooke_2727
    Love driving sticks!!
  • LifeChangingExp8512
    I drive my stick real good. :devil: :love:
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I can drive a stick shift! I drive an automatic, though, so I don't get a lot of practice. As a result, I don't make the smoothest transitions... so I usually only drive stick shift when I'm DD-ing haha