I want to start running minimum/barefoot



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    For me: Brooks Pure Connect. THE most comfortable running shoes I've ever tried. Not quite "minimal" in the sense that they aren't zero-drop. I think more like 4mm. BUT, super light and super comfy. Very much right for me and my running situation.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    bump for later
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I've been using my VFF now for just over a month and I'm becoming less favorable to them. Maybe someone can offer some insight.

    I find them preferable ONLY when on truly soft surfaces (beach or soft dirt trails). On a stiff dirt road or any road or track, my feet end up sore, especially between the toes, and I feel way too much of the little stones & bumps in the road. And heaven forbid I get a pebble in there. Much bigger deal than with sneaks!

    My runs are typically between 3 & 6 miles, and usually only once a week. My primary fitness goals now how moved away from much running. But I'm starting to think of going back to my regular running shoes, unless I happen to be by a beach.

    Am I the only one?
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    For a review and some comparison pictures of my New Balance "traditional" running shoes and my New Balance Minimal shoes (MT00s) see:

  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    ive had the nike free run +3 v4 for about 4 months now and my running posture has improved, i'm light on my feet because you cannot stomp around and be heavy footed in barefoot shoes and my posture improved immediately as there is no support of cushioning to hide bad technique, you just have to run how your body wants you to run, its hard to explain and when you try it you'll know what i mean. the best way to describe it is its jut you and your feet, no distractions?
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I was a VVF wearer then switched to the New Balance Minimus Zero road shoes. Probably my favorite shoe ever. It's like wearing a slipper. I wear them for lifting, crossfit and running. My only complaint is they get a little slippery if the asphalt is wet. Oh, and I have the white pair which get dirty if you look at them funny. Doing crossfit means I wash them every week. They wash fabulously. This past weekend I bought the NB minumius 10 trail shoe. It has a grippy-er sole and a 10mm drop, which, so far, is hardly noticeable. Though, I haven't run in them yet. They are also black so I won't be able to see the dirt as fast. Before the minimus I was wearing the Brooks glycerin for longer distance and VVF for short distance. I will never go back to the squishy moon shoe of a traditional running shoe. Even the Saucony "minimal" shoe was too much shoe for me. I love feeling the pavement and pebbles under my feet. I also like that the minimal shoes are about $40 cheaper than the clunky shoes I was wearing before. That's quite a difference.

    I was just on the NB website and I noticed that they have come out with a new black zero. Probably my next pair.....
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I just bought (I couldn't refuse the awesome price) a pair of NB Minimus for 64 dollars. So we will see tomorrow how they feel. I'll report back in after my run. :happy:

    Happy running!

    Oh, would love to hear what you think. What are you running in now? I got myself a heel fracture/peroneal tendon tear in Vomeros (heel strike badly). Read Born to Run while in the cast and out of commission. After rehab when to Nike Frees and haven't been hurt since (at least not running). Running my first half in two weeks!

    Husband is wearing Vibrams, but I don't feel the love for them. The Minimus looked like it might be a good shoe for me to consider at least alternating with Frees to start out?

    My old shoes are Saucony grid profile. Which is not a heavy shoe and I was able to concentrate on running with a mid to ball foot strike. We'll see what happens when I go out this morning with my new NB Minimus. :bigsmile:
  • laureltn
    laureltn Posts: 87 Member
    have fun! I am on my second pair of Frees. My husband hated the 4.0 V2 and is using them for walking shoes. He went and found an older pair of Frees like we had before. He only wears Vibrams for shorter runs so far. I am definitely interested in trying the Minimus for sure! Had a great 4-miler today. Weather has broken here in Tennessee and it was glorious. Tapering for my half 9/22 so playing with new shoes will have to wait until after that.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I really meant to take it easy for my first run in these new shoes (NB Minimus) but by the 2nd mile I still felt great,:bigsmile: so I finished my scheduled 5 miles! And only just a little tightness in the last mile.

    I did a lot of preparation to condition my feet for minimus shoes. That probably helped.

    BTW....Feel free to send out a friend request I'd love to have have more running friends. :drinker:
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Is it safe to say that maybe VFF are good for training and low/medium miles and then crossing over to longer distance in regular running shoes?? I just cannot imagine running a half in Vibrams.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    My husband swears by his vibrams, he tried them once and has never looked back, he now has several pairs for different running terrains.

    I had a lot of plantar fasciatis issues and achilles tendonitis so I have had to wean down, my favorites are saucony and surprising a pair of asics. Next step I'm hoping to get into the no toe vibrams, I can't stand the toes :noway:

    I have found the less my shoe supports my foot the better it works! My feet are stronger and my fasciatis and tendonitis haven't reared their ugly heads in over a year so I'm happy with the reduction and future super minimalist or bare running.
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    My recommendation is to leave the shoes off and run truly barefoot if you are running on the street. Once it gets cold outside I will use a cheap pair of water shoes from wally world to keep the frost bite away. Minimumalist shoes are good for trail runs where there are lots of pointy objects but you should not start out running on trails. By starting bare foot you will not be tempted to run to far and get one of the common bare foot injuries (top of foot pain). When starting listen to your feet, if they are sore you went either too far or too fast.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    My recommendation is to leave the shoes off and run truly barefoot if you are running on the street.

    I would only recommend this if you already spend a lot of time barefoot. I went from wearing shoes most of the time to trying to run barefoot on asphalt and it was terrible. I could only go one very slow mile and my feet were almost raw and I had a lot of debris stuck in them. I actually got sick that night. Now that I've been running a lot in my Vibrams and going around the house and yard barefoot, I would probably do better.

    I have very wide feet and it's taken a while for the Vibrams to get comfortable (about 100 miles). I think I'll try the NB Minimus since they come in wide sizes and I like their running shoes usually.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Is anybody else having a problem with VFF shoes on the longer distances?
    I wore vibrams for a little over a year and then switched back to a more cushioned shoe with a low 4mm heel. (Brooks Pure Connect). Calf pain was not an issue because your calves and achilles tendon eventually strengthen. My form in the Brooks is also identical to the form I developed in the Vibrams.

    My problem was that I was running high mileage (>70 mpw) and the bottoms of my feet were always sore. I also developed a case of plantar fasciitis doing speedwork on the track that needed a more substantial shoe to allow it to heal.

    Now that my PF is healed I still occasionally run in the vibrams.
    I run on the Pure Connects too. Have you found that "mileage" for the pseudo-minimalists (and likely the true minimalists) is less? I find they just don't last for as many miles. BUT I love them, and will deal with this.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    My recommendation is to leave the shoes off and run truly barefoot if you are running on the street.
    Yeah, I love the idea of running barefoot over broken glass, cigarette butts, dip people have spit out there car windows, and used condoms.

    I go around barefoot as much as I can but if I'm on city streets I need something between my feet and the ground.
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I have 3 pair of VFF KSO Treks, and got a blister when doing cross training ... Treks are heavily lugged for trail type runs. I bought several pair of smartwool toe socks to wear in my Treks and practically cannot work out in anything else now.

    I run, kickbox, and lift exclusively in my VFFs (or barefoot).

    I find most shoes have far too much lateral support. My Saucony Kinvaras, for instance, will cause me to trip due to the width of the soles. I am much more stable in my VFFs, so that is what I choose to exercise in ... I have even been able to return to step workouts now, which I had given up due to "bad" ankles - in reality probably just really crappy proprioception from too much padding.

    I also have several pair of SoftStar shoes for daily use, but they are too "nice" to work out in!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I also owned a pair of VFF Sprints, and detested them. There are enough styles available to make it worth your while to find "your" style of shoe.

    I did not like the Ecco Biom line nor did I like the Vivobarefoot Neos I bought. VFF KSO Treks are apparently "my" shoe, I guess it is good that I have that backup pair!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just bought (I couldn't refuse the awesome price) a pair of NB Minimus for 64 dollars. So we will see tomorrow how they feel. I'll report back in after my run. :happy:

    Happy running!
    Great price! Where'd you get them that cheaply?
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    My recommendation is to leave the shoes off and run truly barefoot if you are running on the street.
    Yeah, I love the idea of running barefoot over broken glass, cigarette butts, dip people have spit out there car windows, and used condoms.

    I go around barefoot as much as I can but if I'm on city streets I need something between my feet and the ground.

    Yikes... I guess I take our area for granted, because there is almost none of that. I suppose I'd have to find alternatives too, if this place wasn't so barefoot friendly. The only thing I have to watch out for is random gravel and the occasional glass - which is rare.

    Someone mentioned that they couldn't imagine running a half in VFFs - my distance is in the 3-4 mile range right now, but I'm working up to a barefoot half. If I can't run 2 miles in shoes, I doubt I can run 13.1 in them. LOL

    There are others who have run barefoot halfs (or in minimal footwear) so it definitely can be done, if the conditioning and training is there.
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    Wow, I would move if I lived in an area with that much stuff. In my experience everyone over estimates the amount of glass, hyperdermic needles etc on the street. My biggest problem are the spiky gum balls which start dropping from trees around the time it starts being dark when I run.

    Edited to add: I was trying to quote the used condom and broken glass comment but hit the wrong button.

    Second edit. Look at Barefoot Runner Society for more information on starting to run barefoot or minimalist. (google for the website)