Restaurants/food you've had to say goodbye to.



  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    The list of places I no longer get food from is about what you would expect

    Papa Johns
    Burger King
    Pizza Hut

    etc etc etc
  • alycat1990
    alycat1990 Posts: 88 Member
    Smokes Poutinerie - their poutine is the best I've had. I would usually get the pulled pork... whopping like 1500 calories for a small....

    and cool ranch doritos :( are another weakness

    Sometimes I will still treat myself :) you know i usually have one cheat day on the weekend and have one meal i would normally not eat during the week, and just make sure for the rest of my meals that day I make some healthier choices, and try to increase my activity level that day or the day after - just to try and balance out what I have eaten.

    Life is too short to restrict yourself from everything, sure healthy foods are good to be the staple of your diet, and you should try your hardest to focus on that for the first while of a weight loss challenge... but everyone needs a treat once in a while :)
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I've pretty much said adios to STARBUCKS and pizza and cold stone.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    I hated giving up McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries, cadbury peanut butter eggs, cookies and cake and PIZZA! However, now that I've lost all the weight and look at myself in the mirror, it is totally worth it. I actually don't hate myself anymore. I wouldn't trade being thin for any food on the planet.

    As we all know, it's a lifestyle change and not a diet. I wish everyone the very best of luck! We can all do it!
  • LupaNera
    I didn't gave up to nothing. Even mac but is something like 2 times a year, and just stick with the small one.
    I love pizza, but the good one and real one and also i take the small one, more or less every 2 months. Otherwise if I go out I choose something that fits more or less in my diet and just one course.
    I plan getting out for example just to have dinner or on other occasions just to have a coffee or an icecream. Fortunately here in Italy it is pretty normal. For example this afternoon I get out with a friend and we will have icecream and I will be just eating it as a snack.
    And then I will eat dinner at home.
  • Purple_Night
    Purple_Night Posts: 16 Member
    For now - Jimmy Chungs (a lovely Chinese buffet restaurant), Chinese takeaways in general and Pizza Hut.

    When i reach small goals and my ideal weight then i am going to treat myself :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The only restaurants I've said goodbye to have closed, the others it's more of a "see you later...."
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I gave up fatty weekend breakfasts (Denny's) and have cut wayyyyyy back on Starbucks.
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    Dairy Queen's Heath Blizzards ... I really haven't said good-bye to them or any food for that matter , if I did that I would not be 54 lbs lighter !!! While I don't eat any one ( blizzards especially) food that is not nutritionally good for me excessively... I don't not EVER eat it either !!! If I deprived myself of food I love all the time , I would be binging all the time ... MODERATION IS KEY !!! I try to eat clean A LOT ... But , hey ... You gotta have some variety ( spice of life !:0 ) in your eating too !!! I also take great foods I love and try to make them healthier ! Depriviation will only DEFEAT you in the interim !!! Happy eating !!!
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Deep-fried Mars bars, and sugary high caffeine energy drinks.
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    I haven't given up on anything that's for sure i just take in the fact that i am going to eat the calories so it better be worth it and work my butt off the next few days. its a life style change so i don't think you should completely cut things out or it might fail you

    well said - and exactly the right attitude - lifestyle changes will succeed - diets will fail (statistically speaking)

    Eat what you want - either eat less of it -- I still eat pizza - but now instead of ordering a large and eating most of it I order a small and eat one or two slices and I eat them with a knife & fork - you eat it slower, get full faster and still get to have your treat

    or work out more if you have a full portion - but stick to a portion - most restaurants are serving way huge portions
  • rednip3
    Chips (not potato chips, sorry, I'm British, American's call them fries I think, haha :) )
    I haven't totally given them up but they used to be a once a week thing, now they're more once every 6 months.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Being from New York I only have grits when I travel to the South, which is a few times a year. However on the trips I would have grits with breakfast every day.

    Recently I saw a cooking show and they made "restaurant grits". I was appalled.
    The grits they made were 50% grits and 50% butter.
    You would't know it was 50% butter, but it is.
    TOO MUCH !!!!
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I eat everything in moderation, or on our cheat day. However I do think twice before eating pizza, or at Chuys
  • Culley34
    For me it was a lot of carbs (and I love carbs) but definitely... Veal Parmesan or Macaroni and Cheese.
  • scottbad
    I had to say good bye to Pizza pretty much. I rarely goto Pizza Hut as I used too.

    Maybe when I lose 100 pounds I'll get a Medium Pan Cheese Pizza and try to make it last 3 meals.
    I havent said goodbye to anything :) for me this needs to be something i can do for life, and life is too short not to enjoy decadent, delicious food sometimes. I have a free day, usually sunday, when i eat what i want. I'm still losing weight. You dont have to give things up-just dont have them all the time :)

    Yes (extra yes on 3 meals out of 1 med pizza) and Yes
  • katellanova
    katellanova Posts: 204 Member
    Soda. Nothing other than that. Moderation is key.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    There is a local donut shop that makes the most amazing Carmel Creme filled donuts. We used to get them every Saturday morning, and occasionally through the week. I have gone ONCE since April! Then I busted my butt at the gym and burned 900 calories that day!

    I also cut out the lattes. The syrups and sugar was just too much. I now can drink regular black coffee, but I will add creamer occasionally.

    I also used to make the most amazing pork tenderloin husband always asks for them, but with frying them in lard I just can't make them. It actually makes me sick to think about.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I love love love kettle-cooked potato chips, especially the jalapeno ones. There are 300 calories in 30 chips which I can eat in about 7.3 seconds and I'm just as hungry as before :sad: So I do not buy these anymore, period. I just don't have enough control over them when they are around. I have stuck into "VERY occasional treat" status. Fortunately, there are plenty of other snack foods I like a lot that I don't binge on, so I have those instead.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    NONE... I eat EVERYTHING in moderation.