Partner hates me using MFP :(



  • SCBrennan999
    SCBrennan999 Posts: 21 Member
    Tell him to mind his own business!!

    I agree!! If you want to get healthier, that is NONE OF HIS BUSINESS. Seriously, it is not his place to tell you how to go about dieting and exercising. Do what feels right for you and tell him to get over it.
  • Thundermtn
    I have the same problem. My gal just gets mad at me everytime someone comments or god forbid compliments....
  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    I just started using MFP in August and I feel that it keeps me more accountable than I would be without it. It made me aware of what I was eating. I am already down 13 pounds since first of Aug and I know I couldnt have done it without MFP. I dont think it is being obsessive, just trying to get support of get on the right track. Tell him you probably wont need it forever, but it keeps you thinking about what you are eating til you are able to do it without help. Thats all he really needs to know. My hubby is ecstatic about me using it and says if it helps me do what I need to do, then there is no problem.
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    You stick with what's helping you, I've been on here only two weeks, my partner gives me funny looks when I say I have to log my food or exercise but I'm still doing it. He also suggested ice-cream, mini doughnuts and a burger when we were at the motor racing today, but I ignored all that too - I made a healthy sandwich to take with me and a cup of blueberries. He's not mentioned me looking any slimmer, though my mum kindly said my face looked less puffy yesterday lol, I'm doing this for me, I want to get back into my favourite jeans!! Tell him his support would make it easier, but you always have your friends on here for support too. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    My husband's problem is that he's jealous and insecure (he has put on about 50 pounds since we got together, and I think he was comfortable with us both being fat; he doesn't like that I'm losing weight). Your partner probably is too...

    There is nothing wrong with keeping track. It keeps you accountable-in writing-to yourself. It helps keep you on track. If your partner has a problem with you getting healthy, make it clear that it's your life, health, and happiness on the line, and you'll work on those things any way you have to.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I'd tell your partner to STFU and mind his own business!
  • Gunny1972deleted
    Not if it's a useful way for you to keep control of your food intake...
  • Aloetheresophie
    In my opinion you have to start off to identify your eating habits - theres nothing wrong with that at all! asoon as you know whats going down and youre happy with calories and weight then you wont need to as much - but theres imense support on here too. Dont worry about him - just tell him your on facebook or something. does he play computer games all the time...? you get the idea :P :P
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    To each their own. Logging has become second habit for me so now I don't think about it really.

    You could try planning out your day and logging the night before. That way you would still have it logged and wouldn't have to log throughout the day?
  • Mustaine4Pres
    For me, this is a learning process. My husband also thinks i am obsessive about it. But i tell him that once i reach my goal, i will worry about it a bit less. He had a kidney transplant and was on a special diet. After studying everything about it for 6 months (how much potassium, sodium, etc. were in foods), i could actually look at a plate of food and judge the approximate sodium, potassium counts based on the portion size. I didn't need to write things down anymore. I think this will be the same way. Once i get used to eating healthy and knowing portion sizes and what a good balance of protein, carbs, etc. is, I won't NEED to obsess about every calorie (though i will probably still use this site so i don't fall back into old habits). Maybe explain it this way?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Tell him to mind his own business!!

    yup! I agree... none of his flipping business if he continues to be (what seems like) nasty to you about it.

    No one is "normal", there are not straight-across-the-board one-way only concepts. What one person does to lose weight may not work for the other person.

    Sounds to me there is alot more that is bothering him than just you using MFP. Sounds like he needs to get a reality check and really truly explain the 'why', and I think you will find he is extremely scared poopless that someone else might notice you more, thus feeling threatened...
  • jkc041709
    jkc041709 Posts: 31 Member
    It is so hard when your partner is not supportive. I am so lucky that my husband is on this journey with me. I say tell him (kindly) to mind his own business. What you do has no bearing on him. I know personally that I have to log EVERYTHING. If I don't then I sneak bites here and there and those really, really add up. Do what works for you and nevermind what he says.
  • thraceface
    thraceface Posts: 1 Member
    Keep on logging your partner needs to be supportive not negative, does your partner have a weight issue? Most of my family became negative to my logging everything I ate even before MFP .. I have lost 97lbs. this process if for you, others have to deal with their issues, your partner seems to have some and is taking it out on you.
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Change your partner! He obviously feels little for your feelings or values.
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    Has he even ever sat and looked around this site? Checked out the forums? Anything? Seems like he is jealous. Don't cave just because you are doing something good for you. If you want to better yourself then do it. You only get ONE life to live - better to be obsessed with being healthy and HAPPY than just laying down in defeat because he doesn't like you on here.

    As for his comments about 'dieting like normal people do'
    Guess what? --- All those "normal" "dieters" (Ahem, MFP is not a DIET, it is a tool to sustain a healthy lifestyle - for life) who are out there just winging it or who are on any type of named diet plan typically don't stick with it or have success and then gain everything back. MFP is completely different. It is simply a tool to help you make better choices to meet your goals. I see WAY more amazing success stories here than I have ever heard or read of anywhere else. Of course, that's not to say that some named diets out there are horrible, it's just that MFP is free, convenient and teaches you how to eat properly, reminds you to exercise, offers a great support system, etc. etc. There are no gimmicks involved. MFP, in my opinion, is what "normal" people SHOULD follow.

    Your man sounds like he needs to make a change for himself and is irritated that you are dedicated and committed to being successful. I would just keep on going and don't let him stand in your way. Maybe one day he will come around and realize he needs to make some changes too.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Tell him to mind his own business!!

    This x 10000000
  • PapaDunx
    Tell him to mind his own business!!

    YEAH!! What she said!!

    I have an iPhone and I have been asked by stores what I am doing scanning in barcodes!
    They dont really believe I am checking out nutritional values, but you know what .. screw 'em!

    Tell him if he doesnt like it, then he wont get to play with the new body you are creating for yourself .. his loss!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Been there done that; it didnt work; I go with what works
  • vincent1959
    I do not see what the problem is with you logging everything and taking your health seriously. I personally would kind of enjoy the fact that you take such good care of yourself. Maybe log it when he is not around if it is such a problem. You need to have a certain amount of freedom in any relationship (IMHO).
  • SFBarbear
    Instead of getting on the pitty pot perhaps you could look at the situation and ask yourself:

    Am I being a little obsessive abut MFP?
    Is it affecting my relationships?
    Are other aspects of my life suffering because of my behavior with MFP?

    If you can honestly answer any of those questions as a yes then you should try looking at things from their point of view. If you can honestly say NO to those questions then they need to mind their own business. If your answers are a mix, then you need to talk it out like adults and not air your issues with random unknown people over the internet.