Partner hates me using MFP :(



  • One thing I should add though is,I have found myself yammering on a bit sometimes. It's only human nature to want to share your good mood but not everyone is in the same frame of mind as you. Maybe try bringing him into it so he doesn't feel ostracized.
  • rchanc
    rchanc Posts: 1 Member
    I've started using MFP a couple of months ago, and I realized that I was addicted so far. After 1 month logging everything like crazy, I decided to stop it and try to follow my willing to eat by myself. The results were that I've started losing weight. Now I can use MFP again, without feeling so addicted because I'm confident that I can do it. I can use MFP like a spreadsheet to help me controlling what I ate, without losing my mind trying to keep on track of small things.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    hubs and I have had the same issue. I just reminded him that I'm not him and in the time that he's known me, he should know I have control issues - I either waffle between too much or none.

    If you can't make him understand then tell him that you are doing it for you and that he can keep his opinions to himself.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    And please ignore the people saying he is jealous or a douche or giving you a right to be selfish.

    If you in a relationship and anything your doing is bothering your partner don't just dismiss it. Logging food and stressing about food can be very obsessive and stressful for both parties. Your always crunching numbers and on your phone or the computer day in and day out and the other person has experience that with you anytime food becomes an issue.

    Like the other person that had a meltdown at her anniversary dinner because the menu at the restaurant changed. I'm sure that distressed her husband watching her have that reaction over food as it did her.

    You have to learn to keep track but also be flexible. So if your being on MFP is taking time away from your partner or distressing them in terms of enjoying time with you, find a way to balance both out.
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    I have to keep track otherwise I will really screw up stuff.
  • dear scpdxb,
    food for thought for you in hopes that you can reconcile some of the guilty feelings you're having. would your partner rather you track, or would your partner rather see you have a heart attack. would your partner rather you track, or would your partner rather you see you with high blood pressure. the list goes on and on.

    i used to work for weight watchers (5 years) and there are about a dozen reasons why those we love have this type of reaction. bottom line is what do you think is good and healthy in YOUR life. i've done this food and exercise game all my life (i'm 40), and for me personally i track everything as well. when i stop paying attention, i stop tracking, when i stop tracking, i feel uncomfortable and unhappy with the way i feel, move, look, etc. if you need to track. then track. i saw one smart gal on here saying she does take some weekend breaks....that's very healthy and i do that too.

    it's hard to do it, but we have to differentiate someone else's guilt vs. our own, and you don't own this. you're not doing anything wrong. there are WAY worse things that you could be doing. what you're doing is helping yourself be healthy, happy, and feeling good. my wish for you is that your partner see the good intent behind what you're doing and support you on your journey.

    best of luck :smile:
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    And please ignore the people saying he is jealous or a douche or giving you a right to be selfish.

    If you in a relationship and anything your doing is bothering your partner don't just dismiss it. Logging food and stressing about food can be very obsessive and stressful for both parties. Your always crunching numbers and on your phone or the computer day in and day out and the other person has experience that with you anytime food becomes an issue.

    Like the other person that had a meltdown at her anniversary dinner because the menu at the restaurant changed. I'm sure that distressed her husband watching her have that reaction over food as it did her.

    You have to learn to keep track but also be flexible. So if your being on MFP is taking time away from your partner or distressing them in terms of enjoying time with you, find a way to balance both out.

    I think this is really good advice. :flowerforyou:

    My husband doesn't really complain much, he tends to get quiet and moody when I'm doing something that annoys him. I've seen that a few times since I started on here. Like anyone would be, I'm excited to see it working and of course I want to share it. However, he's not ready to make a change for himself. And since I personally can find it annoying when someone is analyzing every bite of food they put in their mouths at a meal (dieting friends or relatives), I can understand where he is coming from. So I try to keep my MFP to myself :bigsmile: though I do share successes with him on weigh-in days and such. I still cook meals for us that include things I'm not going to eat myself. I don't want to try to force him to come along with me on this project; he'll have to make that choice for himself. And besides, he has never once badgered me about the weight I've gained since we got married so I don't want it to seem like I'm picking at him now.
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    Hi I do the same. I am constantly on MFP..I think it is addicting! LOL And yes my husband hates it! He is a skinny minny with a metabolism that does not stop. He has no ideal how hard it is to have to loose even a lb never mind watch what you are eating, exercise and see the scale stay the same or even go up a bit. I try to stay away from the MFP when he is around (as much as possible anyway) and log in when he is outside or gone arguments, no guilt!
  • KirstinM0
    KirstinM0 Posts: 8 Member
    If it's helping you to be healthy and happy then don't quit!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    MFP is an education tool. The 'obsessive' logging eases off and will be replaced by 'normal people' healthy eating and exercise once you become more innately aware of the values of what you're eating. Hubby just needs to understand that the obsessive logging is just a part of the education process to living a overall long term healthy lifestyle.

    Exactly this. And to learn, you have to read and think about it and study it and calculate it. Ignorance of what to eat, how much to eat, what exercise to get and how much we need every day is a large part of either being overweight or being unable to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Tori1205
    Tori1205 Posts: 16 Member
    I think you should do what works best for you. He really should be more supportive of you trying to do something healthy for yourself. Not everyone works at something the same way. If this way works best for you, then I say stick to it.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    My partner and I have just had a huge row over me using MFP - he says it is making me obsessive and doesn't understand why I can't just eat healthily and exercise like 'normal people'. I log everything, down to a mint or cup of coffee, and he thinks it is crazy. I love MFP, it helps me stay on track and I know that without it I would over eat because I wouldn't be so conscious, but now I am thinking maybe I should stop using it and see how I go just estimating calories and exercise - or as he suggests stop thinking about it and just 'exercise and stay away from burgers' - what do you guys think? Anyone ever feel like logging everything is a bit obsessive?

    Hubby used to be the same way, but after seeing my success he asked me to log for him too and he is now losing.:smile:
  • Are you being obsessive? Like when walking into a restaurant do you exclaim "My gosh this salad is XXX calories! I can't believe you like such and unhealthy restaurant! :noway: "

    I don't think he's a loser like a few other posters have commented. Maybe your behavior has been a bit obsessive though and that's something you may be able to take into consideration.
  • I keeps you accountable. Best thing ever for me but not just because I can keep track of my calories but ensure I have a well balanced meal plan instead of the lopsided one other "diets" seem to lure you into. I am a little obsessed also with tracking almost everything that goes in my mouth (maybe not a breath mint :) but it works for me and if it does for you then don't stop.
  • 120111
    120111 Posts: 22 Member
    No PLEASE don't stop, logging it will make you see where your at and where your going...If you stop you will over-eat and fall off the wagon like I did. Don't make that mistake he should be motivating you and even if he has no weight problem he healthly meal as well to stay healthy! :happy: for you keep up the great job...
  • babymine55
    babymine55 Posts: 127 Member
    Perhaps he is feeling a bit left out or ignored as you are using your phone much more than usual when you're together? I know I am, and this is a good wake up call that I need to keep it in check. I'm enjoying doing it because it appeals to my OCD side...but I know it drives me crazy when my hubby is always on his phone...especially at meal times!!!

    How about setting aside time when you are alone to log, either a couple times a day or once a day?

    I agree with's new and different and takes up extra time. show him all around the site then tell him how much you feel it helps you. He'll get used to it.
    Don't let him stop you doing this if you like it- or anything else for that matter.

    ^^^totally this! My husband has been The most supportive partners I could have ever asked for..even at 370 pounds, he hated what it did to my personality, being that large and depressed, but, he loved me through it. Through every journey point, every milestone, every NSV he has rejoiced with me.

    That said...he has made comments about how much I have been on my phone. For me, MFP has been an wonderful motivational tool. I was introduced to a great community of people who were going exactly where I wanted to go, who are where I used to be, or who had reached the destination point I want so badly to be at! For my hubby, I think he just feels left out sometimes. So, I make it a point to do what should be obvious...I give him all my attention when he comes home from work, then after dinner, I catch up...when he's playing with Facebook on his phone, lol.

    If you want my opinion/advice...have a specific conversation about why it bothers him and how you can make him feel more loved without giving up on something that is helping you become healthier.

    Best wishes to you and yours.
  • lobstergirl
    lobstergirl Posts: 176 Member
    Thats so funny! Mine hates it and does 'get' it either! I sometimes hide my phone under the duvet to log etc...scary but true! He keeps asking if im flirting with guys....i tell him for a start 99% of my MFP friends are female and if you call talking about 'thigh chaffing' is flirting well then we need to talk! lol
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm learning to log in the morning, at night, and if I'm dealing with a meal that I'm uncertain about and don't want to go overboard with. My guy is very supportive.
  • deanotoot
    deanotoot Posts: 28 Member
    Keep on doin what you are doin!!:wink:
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't agree with the people who are saying he is jealous or obsessive. We don't know anything about either of you.

    I agree with Slinky. I'd start by thanking him for being concerned about you and then explain to him that you wish you could just eat and not have to log to be healthy, but that hasn't worked for you in the past. Be honest with yourself if your logging does get intrusive and figure out a way around it.
