
  • My parents stayed together after my dad had
    an affair for my sister and I, and while they had good
    intentions, that time living with them together was harder
    than when they finally divorced.
    If you can truly move on from it I think it's okay to try and
    still remain together but if even a little part of you can't fully
    move on I would save your kids the trauma of living with parents
    who obviously aren't the same.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    What is that answer?
    My mother pretty much pushed me this direction, I don't know about him, he says he wanted to get married, but I didn't. I told my mom I wasn't ready and she just tells me that's normal and keeps going with the planning and then she tells me that if I don't get married, I am living in sin, and I can't just be "shacking up" with is guy and not be married to him. Her deffinition of shacking up is living with him, and he pays for everything because I don't have a job, because I watch our son, and believe me I want a job, but I'd be working to pay for daycare. I have talked about going to school in fact I actually started going to school but the financial aide office told me I had to be 24 to be considered independent? I talked about getting my CNA and he was kinda trying to talk me out of it. My mom pushed me into this, there were a couple times that I said I wanted to leave and my mom said that I needed to stick it out for my son, this was before we got married..

    You do not need to be 24 to be considered independent for financial aid.

    If one or any of the following apply to you, then you will be considered an Independent Student:
    You are enrolled in a Masters program, Doctorate Degree, or graduate Certification program
    age does not matter, if you are enrolled in any of these types of programs you are considered and independent student
    You have a child or children that are your legal dependent(s)
    you may have a family member etc. that is considered your dependent…he/she does not necessarily have to be a child
    You are married
    You are under the age of 24 and both of your parents are deceased
    You were a ward of your state until you were 18 years of age
    You are 24 years of age or older
    You are a Veteran of the United States Armed Force
    You were a foster child after the age of 13.
    You are an emancipated child as determined by a court judge.
    You are homeless or at risk of homelessness as determined by the director of a HUD approved homeless shelter, transitional program, or high school liaison.

    Thats what the finacial aide office told me, and honestly I don't get it because I have a child and live on my own, but my husband did claim me on his taxes due to me not working..

    A lot of times financial aid offices have students working in the front taking care of other student's questions. In many cases, they do not understand the laws. Make sure they know you are married and provider for a child. If they still give you problems ask to make an appointment with the Director of Financial Aid. When I was 19 I met with the Director of Financial Aid at my school in NJ and got my status changed to independent and I didn't have as much proof as you do.
  • Life isn't black and white. People will tolerate all sorts in a relationship but the second you say cheating everyone has a straight cut answer.

    You know your partner. You will know if they care, did it to hurt you. Or just screwed up.

    In life we make mistakes, sometimes we dig holes so deep we can't get out of them.

    So asking what was right for someone else won't fix the problems you have, the answer is already right in front of you.

    This. Just because someone has sexual contact outside of a marriage is not necessarily a reason to burn it down. However, there are many other issues, like emotional abandonment, that could the argument for divorce.

    I can't believe how quickly people say, LEAVE, no questions asked. There are shades of gray. There are reasons that people cheat. And remember, the majority of marriages will experience a sexual infidelity. It is my opinion that this alone should not be reason to burn down an otherwise loving marriage.

    The two of you should figure this out with a counselor.

    Best of luck.
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    My ex-wife cheated on me a month before our 5 year anniversary. 6 months later - we were divorced. I say get an annulment (if you can) and don't look back. Once that trust is gone - you can't build off of the relationship.

    Good luck to you... as this process is a painful one!! :flowerforyou:
  • Oh my god dear....walk out as soon as possible... this isn't happening....he's a jerk....!....

    And your so cute and your only much more to look forward to!!....don't be stuck with the *kitten* any longer!
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    he was being emotionally abusing and we were getting Into physical fights

    leave him NOW

    You should have left yesterday...
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Can you stay with someone you don't trust and be happy? I can't.. As for the kids, I'd rather them see you apart and happy than together and hating each other. The trick is not to tell the children anything about the other parent that may cause animosity. The problem is between you and your spouse; it is not the children's problem. It will be a difficult enough transition for them, without you projecting your feelings on to them. Do what you have to to be happy, but be smart about it.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Thanks everyone! He told me he had cheated because I wasn't being "as affectionate as he wanted"
    I for one find that hard to believe, I mean, I felt I was affectionate with him even more than he wanted.
    I just don't get why he would go to her, she was always mean to him! Anyway, like I said, he is willing
    to go to counsling, but when I asked him to look someone else up ( we had been going to counsling
    even before we had gotten married because he was being emotionally abusing and we were getting
    Into physical fights) I had gotten no names, nothing. He didn't even attemp to call anyone. So here we
    are almost 2 weeks without counsiling. He says he's willing to do "whatever it takes" to change and he
    doesn't want my son's life being like mine, my parents were divorced. I just feel like I am sitting around
    waiting for this to happen again. I have been telling him that I am not happy with him and he just keeps
    telling me that I'm full of ****, and that I need to grow up and be a "mother& a wife" oh btw: the night I left
    to go to my sisters, my son had a fever and was cranky, well before I left he went to sleep and I know there
    Is nothing you can do about a fever other than sleep, I told him about calling and making a doctor appt
    before I left and I would stay and go with them, nope didn't do that, so I left and stayed over night at my sisters
    because at this point I was not feeling anything for him and I wanted out! Later than evening my son is crying
    and stuff but his temp went down, josh wants me home, and I said no because he has had this controlling behavior
    before and I wanted him to know he wasn't controlling me anymore. So he stays at his parents, I made him a dr appt
    the next day, well I wanted to get my son as soon as he woke up and his mom said "no, I was told I could keep him
    until 12:30-1:00" right along with that, she said I need to get medicated because I want to be with my husband then I don't.
    Incorrect! I only went back to stay with him because everyone was pushing us to work this out.
    My mom won't see anything other than we need to work it out. No matter what's he's done or what I tell her, I am
    Truley convinced he has her brainwashed. The reason I being this up is because I have no support! My mom had also
    told my sister to not let me stay with her, don't give me a place to run. So that is out of the question. I have no idea where
    I would go.
    Do I think he will do it again? Absolutley, if given the chance!
    Another thing, I go to church almost every Sunday, and tonight I am going
    to a bible study. He told me last night that he pretty much doesn't want me
    Getting anymore involved than what I am. He doesn't want me to be a "bible nut"
    and he doesn't want me to be one of those people that ask you for advise and they say
    "I'll pray about it" he is an atheist by the way, that's one thing I hate too. I knew about it
    when we were dating but I thought it would chance. For the person who asked, we we dating almost
    2 years before we got married

    I suggest RUNNING FAR AWAY from him NOW! These behaviors are HUGE red flags of an abuser. If you get out now you may actually save yours and your son's life in the long term. He's cheating without regard to your feelings at all... he's still controlling (along with both his and your mothers, which is appalling to me). I think your mom was probably raised with (and maybe still believes in...) a "stay for the sake of the children" attitude. That's something that was extremely prevalent prior to the 1990s. She thinks you "can change him", really??? NOOOOOOOOOOO... this would suggest to me that it's highly possible your own father is pretty controlling of your mother... so she likely doesn't know anything else.

    GET OUT NOW!!!
  • ericagray
    ericagray Posts: 49 Member
    Oh my god dear....walk out as soon as possible... this isn't happening....he's a jerk....!....

    And your so cute and your only much more to look forward to!!....don't be stuck with the *kitten* any longer!

    Thank you soooo much!! This means a lot. I'm just really scared, I know he can play dirty..but i know what i need to do..
  • ericagray
    ericagray Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks everyone! He told me he had cheated because I wasn't being "as affectionate as he wanted"
    I for one find that hard to believe, I mean, I felt I was affectionate with him even more than he wanted.
    I just don't get why he would go to her, she was always mean to him! Anyway, like I said, he is willing
    to go to counsling, but when I asked him to look someone else up ( we had been going to counsling
    even before we had gotten married because he was being emotionally abusing and we were getting
    Into physical fights) I had gotten no names, nothing. He didn't even attemp to call anyone. So here we
    are almost 2 weeks without counsiling. He says he's willing to do "whatever it takes" to change and he
    doesn't want my son's life being like mine, my parents were divorced. I just feel like I am sitting around
    waiting for this to happen again. I have been telling him that I am not happy with him and he just keeps
    telling me that I'm full of ****, and that I need to grow up and be a "mother& a wife" oh btw: the night I left
    to go to my sisters, my son had a fever and was cranky, well before I left he went to sleep and I know there
    Is nothing you can do about a fever other than sleep, I told him about calling and making a doctor appt
    before I left and I would stay and go with them, nope didn't do that, so I left and stayed over night at my sisters
    because at this point I was not feeling anything for him and I wanted out! Later than evening my son is crying
    and stuff but his temp went down, josh wants me home, and I said no because he has had this controlling behavior
    before and I wanted him to know he wasn't controlling me anymore. So he stays at his parents, I made him a dr appt
    the next day, well I wanted to get my son as soon as he woke up and his mom said "no, I was told I could keep him
    until 12:30-1:00" right along with that, she said I need to get medicated because I want to be with my husband then I don't.
    Incorrect! I only went back to stay with him because everyone was pushing us to work this out.
    My mom won't see anything other than we need to work it out. No matter what's he's done or what I tell her, I am
    Truley convinced he has her brainwashed. The reason I being this up is because I have no support! My mom had also
    told my sister to not let me stay with her, don't give me a place to run. So that is out of the question. I have no idea where
    I would go.
    Do I think he will do it again? Absolutley, if given the chance!
    Another thing, I go to church almost every Sunday, and tonight I am going
    to a bible study. He told me last night that he pretty much doesn't want me
    Getting anymore involved than what I am. He doesn't want me to be a "bible nut"
    and he doesn't want me to be one of those people that ask you for advise and they say
    "I'll pray about it" he is an atheist by the way, that's one thing I hate too. I knew about it
    when we were dating but I thought it would chance. For the person who asked, we we dating almost
    2 years before we got married

    I suggest RUNNING FAR AWAY from him NOW! These behaviors are HUGE red flags of an abuser. If you get out now you may actually save yours and your son's life in the long term. He's cheating without regard to your feelings at all... he's still controlling (along with both his and your mothers, which is appalling to me). I think your mom was probably raised with (and maybe still believes in...) a "stay for the sake of the children" attitude. That's something that was extremely prevalent prior to the 1990s. She thinks you "can change him", really??? NOOOOOOOOOOO... this would suggest to me that it's highly possible your own father is pretty controlling of your mother... so she likely doesn't know anything else.

    GET OUT NOW!!!

    My father was very controlling and abusive, physically and emotionally. This is why she divorced him.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Life isn't black and white. People will tolerate all sorts in a relationship but the second you say cheating everyone has a straight cut answer.

    You know your partner. You will know if they care, did it to hurt you. Or just screwed up.

    In life we make mistakes, sometimes we dig holes so deep we can't get out of them.

    So asking what was right for someone else won't fix the problems you have, the answer is already right in front of you.

    This. Just because someone has sexual contact outside of a marriage is not necessarily a reason to burn it down. However, there are many other issues, like emotional abandonment, that could the argument for divorce.

    I can't believe how quickly people say, LEAVE, no questions asked. There are shades of gray. There are reasons that people cheat. And remember, the majority of marriages will experience a sexual infidelity. It is my opinion that this alone should not be reason to burn down an otherwise loving marriage.

    The two of you should figure this out with a counselor.

    Best of luck.

    You say this... but once ABUSE comes into play... it IS VERY BLACK AND WHITE... LEAVE.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Thanks everyone! He told me he had cheated because I wasn't being "as affectionate as he wanted"
    I for one find that hard to believe, I mean, I felt I was affectionate with him even more than he wanted.
    I just don't get why he would go to her, she was always mean to him! Anyway, like I said, he is willing
    to go to counsling, but when I asked him to look someone else up ( we had been going to counsling
    even before we had gotten married because he was being emotionally abusing and we were getting
    Into physical fights) I had gotten no names, nothing. He didn't even attemp to call anyone. So here we
    are almost 2 weeks without counsiling. He says he's willing to do "whatever it takes" to change and he
    doesn't want my son's life being like mine, my parents were divorced. I just feel like I am sitting around
    waiting for this to happen again. I have been telling him that I am not happy with him and he just keeps
    telling me that I'm full of ****, and that I need to grow up and be a "mother& a wife" oh btw: the night I left
    to go to my sisters, my son had a fever and was cranky, well before I left he went to sleep and I know there
    Is nothing you can do about a fever other than sleep, I told him about calling and making a doctor appt
    before I left and I would stay and go with them, nope didn't do that, so I left and stayed over night at my sisters
    because at this point I was not feeling anything for him and I wanted out! Later than evening my son is crying
    and stuff but his temp went down, josh wants me home, and I said no because he has had this controlling behavior
    before and I wanted him to know he wasn't controlling me anymore. So he stays at his parents, I made him a dr appt
    the next day, well I wanted to get my son as soon as he woke up and his mom said "no, I was told I could keep him
    until 12:30-1:00" right along with that, she said I need to get medicated because I want to be with my husband then I don't.
    Incorrect! I only went back to stay with him because everyone was pushing us to work this out.
    My mom won't see anything other than we need to work it out. No matter what's he's done or what I tell her, I am
    Truley convinced he has her brainwashed. The reason I being this up is because I have no support! My mom had also
    told my sister to not let me stay with her, don't give me a place to run. So that is out of the question. I have no idea where
    I would go.
    Do I think he will do it again? Absolutley, if given the chance!
    Another thing, I go to church almost every Sunday, and tonight I am going
    to a bible study. He told me last night that he pretty much doesn't want me
    Getting anymore involved than what I am. He doesn't want me to be a "bible nut"
    and he doesn't want me to be one of those people that ask you for advise and they say
    "I'll pray about it" he is an atheist by the way, that's one thing I hate too. I knew about it
    when we were dating but I thought it would chance. For the person who asked, we we dating almost
    2 years before we got married

    I suggest RUNNING FAR AWAY from him NOW! These behaviors are HUGE red flags of an abuser. If you get out now you may actually save yours and your son's life in the long term. He's cheating without regard to your feelings at all... he's still controlling (along with both his and your mothers, which is appalling to me). I think your mom was probably raised with (and maybe still believes in...) a "stay for the sake of the children" attitude. That's something that was extremely prevalent prior to the 1990s. She thinks you "can change him", really??? NOOOOOOOOOOO... this would suggest to me that it's highly possible your own father is pretty controlling of your mother... so she likely doesn't know anything else.

    GET OUT NOW!!!

    My father was very controlling and abusive, physically and emotionally. This is why she divorced him.

    It's also pretty evident that she still somewhere believes that the abuse she took was her own fault by the things she's suggesting to you. ONE AND ONLY ONE episode of abuse is one too many and should NEVER be tolerated.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I had to check your profile because, by your story, it seemed to me you were quite young. As young people we make mistakes, some people marry theirs, it seems that’s what you did. You have 3 choices: 1) counseling and then see what happens, 2) leave, there’s always help, 3) stay, don’t expect things to change and realize that the life you’re living is the one that you’re teaching your child is not only acceptable but also the norm.
    Personally, I’d require counseling but also move out and make him date me. I’d set up visitation with my son (daily drop bys are not a visitation schedule) so that he can’t use it as an excuse to still be in my daily life. If I was worried about flight or custody the visitation would only be supervised and in a location of my choosing. Let’s face it, you’re married for less than 2 months, you’re son is only a year old. This is all a short period of time in the grand scheme of a life.
    Think about why you are together . . . at first you were a teenager doing teenager things and you thought he was yummy, then you became pregnant and had all the “now what conversations” and decided to give it a shot together, in the natural progression of “let’s be a family” you got married, but really . . . why are you together? Do you even like him much less love him? Yes, you have a kid, but lots of people have kids.

    What kind of visitation would you recommend? I think I am going to stay at my mothers house, only because it is closer. I don't love him and when he says "I love you" I rarely say it back and if I do it's because he won't leave me alone about it. I don't love him. I feel bad for him sometimes..that's about it. I think I only ever dated him because I couldn't stand not having a boyfriend, being alone. I'd like to blame a lot of that on my father being absent most of my life.

    When you move out file for custody, and then sit down with him and try to amicably come up with a visitation schedule, I don't live your life so I don't know what would work for the two of you. You would have to talk to a lawyer about financial settlements between you and your spouse. File papers for seperation, as a single mother you qualify for assistance programs (PA has great programs, and so does the federal government) to help you pay your bills, buy food (WIC), and receive aide for school including grants and student loans. Some schools (like Penn State for example) have early childhood programs and students and staff can enroll their children in the daycare centers at a discount. If not, sometimes using or sharing a nanny is the most cost effective way to go, especially if you have an erradic schedule. I can't give you much help, but go back to your community college if they say there's nothing they can do for you ask for the next person up. Also, next year's applications for most colleges just released within the past month, apply to the colleges you want to go to, see if you get accepted, and then figure out the logistics . . . plenty of people go to schoool and raise children.

    I typed this into google, if this is the direction you want to go just do your research, find a related community to ask questions (you're only going to get so much helpful advice on this topic out of a fitness community), and go in at least slightly educated.

    google: "young single mother looking for advice on college degree"
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    Disclaimer right off the bat - I am not saying it is not possible to get past it and have a strong relationship after someone cheats, however...

    We were together for 8 years when I found out he was cheating in September 2006... of course I was devastated... we had two kids, 6 and 4, and I REALLY loved him. Like, didn't see it coming, loved him.
    He swore up and down that it would never happen again. So I stayed with him (obviously a bit more involved than that, but we'll make a long story short...)
    Fast forward to November 2008... found out he was cheating again... I moved out and we divorced.
    One last desperate attempt on his part in July 2010 included moving 6 hours from where we lived to be close to my family (the only way I would even CONSIDER giving him another chance).
    I REALLY thought it would work this time (stupid, maybe)... no such luck. Suspected in August last year that there was something going on... found out for sure in January.

    There it is... three strikes and you're out.

    People might change - it IS possible... just not in my experience.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Life isn't black and white. People will tolerate all sorts in a relationship but the second you say cheating everyone has a straight cut answer.

    You know your partner. You will know if they care, did it to hurt you. Or just screwed up.

    In life we make mistakes, sometimes we dig holes so deep we can't get out of them.

    So asking what was right for someone else won't fix the problems you have, the answer is already right in front of you.

    This. Just because someone has sexual contact outside of a marriage is not necessarily a reason to burn it down. However, there are many other issues, like emotional abandonment, that could the argument for divorce.

    I can't believe how quickly people say, LEAVE, no questions asked. There are shades of gray. There are reasons that people cheat. And remember, the majority of marriages will experience a sexual infidelity. It is my opinion that this alone should not be reason to burn down an otherwise loving marriage.

    The two of you should figure this out with a counselor.

    Best of luck.

    Um yeah ok.
  • ericagray
    ericagray Posts: 49 Member
    I had to check your profile because, by your story, it seemed to me you were quite young. As young people we make mistakes, some people marry theirs, it seems that’s what you did. You have 3 choices: 1) counseling and then see what happens, 2) leave, there’s always help, 3) stay, don’t expect things to change and realize that the life you’re living is the one that you’re teaching your child is not only acceptable but also the norm.
    Personally, I’d require counseling but also move out and make him date me. I’d set up visitation with my son (daily drop bys are not a visitation schedule) so that he can’t use it as an excuse to still be in my daily life. If I was worried about flight or custody the visitation would only be supervised and in a location of my choosing. Let’s face it, you’re married for less than 2 months, you’re son is only a year old. This is all a short period of time in the grand scheme of a life.
    Think about why you are together . . . at first you were a teenager doing teenager things and you thought he was yummy, then you became pregnant and had all the “now what conversations” and decided to give it a shot together, in the natural progression of “let’s be a family” you got married, but really . . . why are you together? Do you even like him much less love him? Yes, you have a kid, but lots of people have kids.

    What kind of visitation would you recommend? I think I am going to stay at my mothers house, only because it is closer. I don't love him and when he says "I love you" I rarely say it back and if I do it's because he won't leave me alone about it. I don't love him. I feel bad for him sometimes..that's about it. I think I only ever dated him because I couldn't stand not having a boyfriend, being alone. I'd like to blame a lot of that on my father being absent most of my life.

    When you move out file for custody, and then sit down with him and try to amicably come up with a visitation schedule, I don't live your life so I don't know what would work for the two of you. You would have to talk to a lawyer about financial settlements between you and your spouse. File papers for seperation, as a single mother you qualify for assistance programs (PA has great programs, and so does the federal government) to help you pay your bills, buy food (WIC), and receive aide for school including grants and student loans. Some schools (like Penn State for example) have early childhood programs and students and staff can enroll their children in the daycare centers at a discount. If not, sometimes using or sharing a nanny is the most cost effective way to go, especially if you have an erradic schedule. I can't give you much help, but go back to your community college if they say there's nothing they can do for you ask for the next person up. Also, next year's applications for most colleges just released within the past month, apply to the colleges you want to go to, see if you get accepted, and then figure out the logistics . . . plenty of people go to schoool and raise children.

    I typed this into google, if this is the direction you want to go just do your research, find a related community to ask questions (you're only going to get so much helpful advice on this topic out of a fitness community), and go in at least slightly educated.

    google: "young single mother looking for advice on college degree"

    I would have to wait to get a divorce, right? And that takes 90+ days. Can i still make the single mother thing work?
  • ericagray
    ericagray Posts: 49 Member
    Disclaimer right off the bat - I am not saying it is not possible to get past it and have a strong relationship after someone cheats, however...

    We were together for 8 years when I found out he was cheating in September 2006... of course I was devastated... we had two kids, 6 and 4, and I REALLY loved him. Like, didn't see it coming, loved him.
    He swore up and down that it would never happen again. So I stayed with him (obviously a bit more involved than that, but we'll make a long story short...)
    Fast forward to November 2008... found out he was cheating again... I moved out and we divorced.
    One last desperate attempt on his part in July 2010 included moving 6 hours from where we lived to be close to my family (the only way I would even CONSIDER giving him another chance).
    I REALLY thought it would work this time (stupid, maybe)... no such luck. Suspected in August last year that there was something going on... found out for sure in January.

    There it is... three strikes and you're out.

    People might change - it IS possible... just not in my experience.

    This is what I am scared of happening and I don't want to sit around watching and waiting for it. I can't and I won't. I give kudos for you trying to make it work. Same here, I didn't think this would happen either. The day before I left, he told me how much he would miss me blah blah and while I was at the beach, I would text him and tell him how much I miss him and everything. I just couldn't believe he did this to me. Funny when I found out he was begging me not to leave and now that I talk about leaving I am full of ****, and he doesn't believe I am happy. He once again has control of the situation
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I had to check your profile because, by your story, it seemed to me you were quite young. As young people we make mistakes, some people marry theirs, it seems that’s what you did. You have 3 choices: 1) counseling and then see what happens, 2) leave, there’s always help, 3) stay, don’t expect things to change and realize that the life you’re living is the one that you’re teaching your child is not only acceptable but also the norm.
    Personally, I’d require counseling but also move out and make him date me. I’d set up visitation with my son (daily drop bys are not a visitation schedule) so that he can’t use it as an excuse to still be in my daily life. If I was worried about flight or custody the visitation would only be supervised and in a location of my choosing. Let’s face it, you’re married for less than 2 months, you’re son is only a year old. This is all a short period of time in the grand scheme of a life.
    Think about why you are together . . . at first you were a teenager doing teenager things and you thought he was yummy, then you became pregnant and had all the “now what conversations” and decided to give it a shot together, in the natural progression of “let’s be a family” you got married, but really . . . why are you together? Do you even like him much less love him? Yes, you have a kid, but lots of people have kids.

    What kind of visitation would you recommend? I think I am going to stay at my mothers house, only because it is closer. I don't love him and when he says "I love you" I rarely say it back and if I do it's because he won't leave me alone about it. I don't love him. I feel bad for him sometimes..that's about it. I think I only ever dated him because I couldn't stand not having a boyfriend, being alone. I'd like to blame a lot of that on my father being absent most of my life.

    When you move out file for custody, and then sit down with him and try to amicably come up with a visitation schedule, I don't live your life so I don't know what would work for the two of you. You would have to talk to a lawyer about financial settlements between you and your spouse. File papers for seperation, as a single mother you qualify for assistance programs (PA has great programs, and so does the federal government) to help you pay your bills, buy food (WIC), and receive aide for school including grants and student loans. Some schools (like Penn State for example) have early childhood programs and students and staff can enroll their children in the daycare centers at a discount. If not, sometimes using or sharing a nanny is the most cost effective way to go, especially if you have an erradic schedule. I can't give you much help, but go back to your community college if they say there's nothing they can do for you ask for the next person up. Also, next year's applications for most colleges just released within the past month, apply to the colleges you want to go to, see if you get accepted, and then figure out the logistics . . . plenty of people go to schoool and raise children.

    I typed this into google, if this is the direction you want to go just do your research, find a related community to ask questions (you're only going to get so much helpful advice on this topic out of a fitness community), and go in at least slightly educated.

    google: "young single mother looking for advice on college degree"

    I would have to wait to get a divorce, right? And that takes 90+ days. Can i still make the single mother thing work?

    I don't think so, but don't know for certain. Seriously, google your questions specific to PA and see what you come up with, if you have money to go to an attorney to explore your options do so, information is the key.
  • ericagray
    ericagray Posts: 49 Member
    Ohhh and let's not forget that he told me that he wasn't sure if he had feelings for her or not while he was on hid way to meet her, but knew that he didn't once he left. THAT HURTS right along with him not thinking about my son or I until after everything happened. In fact he asked her if she wanted to hang out. I try to talk to him about it try to figure out why he really did it why he wasn't thinking about "us" he just tells me to stop talking about it.
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    I would get out while you can!

    I'm from Illinois and we have a lot of programs that are available such as cash assistance, Action for Children (which can help pay for daycare), and etc.

    I would try looking to see if there are programs like this available in your state. Also, can't the church help you in your situation?

    I was going to a counselor after leaving my daughter's abusive father with the help of my family, but I was going to a church that had a counselor and they told me about apartments for mothers who were single and needed help. I believe they helped pay for some of the rent and you have to cover the rest but if you start working I'm sure you could do it.

    And also I would check in to looking at different colleges, because I was 19 when I went back to school after my daughter and they allowed me to claim as an independent because I claimed my daughter on my taxes. So maybe if you are not able to get into school right now because of that, then maybe when tax season comes, you can claim your son and possibly get in to school again.