Forced flu shot at work



  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member
    i love how people feel the need to nit pick every single detail they can find on what is safe and what isn't to throw up in someones face.

    this is no different from any other decision made. some feel eating meat is dangerous to your health, some feel a vegetarian diet is dangerous to your health. both sides can find many proof for each of their beliefs. some people eat only organic, some people don't eat any organic. some people feel they should rear face their children until they are 5, others are comfortable with the reasonable forward facing limits. point is, for ANY belief you can find ANYTHING to prove your point, and the opposing point can come back with just as many facts proving theirs as well. to me, it all comes down to my beliefs, and my comfort level.

    i can choose what goes into my body. my children can't (for the most part). its my job to to keep my children safe to the best of my abilities. its as simple as that. if you have children, don't you want what you feel is best and safest for them? that's all i'm doing.

  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I get it as well.

    I always get the flu mist at my work when it comes that time of year to sign up for it. it is cheap, eh, why not. Besides, I want to save my PTO for the summer :)
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I think thats a great idea. They do flu shots here at the school for teachers too.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I would get the doc note to get out of it. I did have the flu last year and it was the first time in at least 7 years. I work with children and I don't get a flu shot b/c I risk getting sick from the shot, and then by the time the flu becomes widespread in NJ it's already mutated to a different strain, which the shot does NOT protect against! My mom's doc gave her this holistic stuff called Flu Plus by Heel b/c she refused a flu shot as well(she worked a school at the time before she retired), which lessons symptoms of flu. So I will be ordering more of that this year, stock up on Wet Ones Antibacterial and Lysol wipes and spray and ride it out...
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I would fight it. Violation of your human rights. Plus I am a believer that flu shots contribute to these super flu's that keep killing people. (along with people taking only half of their prescriptions)

    It's simple really....If you do get sick, don't go to work...sick people going to work is how others get sick. Do us all a favour and stay home!

    I MIGHT consider getting the shot for the health benefits but it would have to be a decision made by me personally and NOT something I am forced to do. I was never a huge fan of forced vaccinations.

    well, its the shot or your job. So, If I were the OP, SHOT PLEASE!
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I do not believe in taking shots for a few reasons - where they came from, what's in them, what they can do to your body - you can look it up on your own, but as for FORCED, um, no? Are you in America? Remind them of your rights. If you don't want to take it, they can't make you.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Many hospitals are doing that...and so much more..we have one here that is going to start enforcing BMI ratings on all employees not sure what the ratings are yet but that's what I heard.
    whoaaa i guess this is the first step of government/work intervention in the obesity crisis!
    The BMI is going to come through your insurance company and they do that to see if your overweight or obese. People should know their BMI. Thats a healthy start to me.
  • happypath101
    I have asthma and have had pnuemonia many times. So, I'm "high risk". My company **strongly encourages** flu shots. They provide them free and even bring a nurse into the workplace. We're an office - not in contact with the public, but the bosses don't want a flu wiping out our productivity. So, between the lines they're saying to us, don't you dare refuse the shot and then call in sick with the flu. (Not that the shot covers every flu.)

    Anyway, even though I have my cynism and don't like having chemically produced things shot into my system, I'm happy about this one.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I do not believe in taking shots for a few reasons - where they came from, what's in them, what they can do to your body - you can look it up on your own, but as for FORCED, um, no? Are you in America? Remind them of your rights. If you don't want to take it, they can't make you.

    What rights do you think you have? They can't make you, but they can certainly fire you.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I WANT a flu injection. Last Winter I had the flu 3 times in 6 weeks. I was literally ill for a week, had time off work, went back for a week, caught it again from someone else... and so on.

    Not sure why you'd even consider not getting it tbh. One injection VS. being ill... hmmm...

    And you knew to expect this when you accepted the offer of the job...
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I was pressured into getting a flu shot once and immediately got sick from it!! Never again! I don't believe in them to begin with, but that just solidified my feeling.
  • marrizia
    marrizia Posts: 88 Member
    Our hospital mandated it as well, starting last year, and it s infuriating. Even if we have a note from a doctor, one of the hospital's doctors reviews our medical record to see if the reason is valid- a total violation of patient rights. If I am requested to have the shot, do I not then become a patient with the right to refuse medical care??
    I have recieved the flu shot two times in 20 years- both times resulting in my getting the flu and then once pneumonia. The other 18 years, I've not been sick.
    As for proof that our receiving the shot portects others, that is utter BS. Flu vaccines are manufactured based on predictions.
    Definitely paves the way for hospitals to mandate all employees be under a certain BMI; smokers are terminated at our institution... Not that I promote smoking, but it is legal.
    Sorry for the rant
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    A huge part of me says "BUT IT'S YOUR CHOICE!!!!" But, at the same time, if you work in hospital... You're dealing with already sick people, and don't want to pass anything along to them -- you're also exposed to it much more than most people, and hospitals are (usually) under-staffed as it is.

    In MY workplace, I'd be pretty pissed. In yours, I can understand the reasoning.

  • kellygirl324
    kellygirl324 Posts: 74 Member
    As a person with compromised health, I can certainly appreciate your employer for doing that!!
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm allergic to eggs so they can't force me.

    Still, I've never had to have a doctors note or worked anywhere that it was mandatory and I'm IN the healthcare field. Worked in clinics, records, hospitals, surgical, ER........doesn't seem like it would be legal for them to force you to do it.
  • imalexgirl
    We aren't quite that bad yet, but close. I think it is criminal to force you to have something injected into your body, that you do not want. I have been healthier in years that I did not get vaccinated...I have many personal reasons why I don't wish to have them. Our company is going to make us wear masks during flu season, any time we arre within 6 feet of another person, if we refuse the vaccine.
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Nobody get the flu for 2 days....
  • snowyd20
    Hospitals are finacially motivated to make employees get flu shots. If they don't Medicare and Medicaid will withhold 2% of payments if a certain # of employees dont get it. Next year the CDC will be on board with mandating this for all healthcare institutions.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Geez people it's not like she is abusing her kids. She, along with thousands others, is making a choice for her children she feels is best.

    Innocent infants have died and innocent pregnant women have had terrible late-term miscarriages because people don't vaccinate their kids. If you don't want to vaccinate your child, that's fine. Just keep them away from infants and pregnant women. You have a right to your own medical choices. You do not, however, have the right to cause fatal harm to others.
    10 infants were buried in Ca in '10 because of people like this woman.

    But it is HER choice. Look at it like survival of the fittest. ;) I don't know how strong the argument of her children putting others at risk is since most of us are vaccinated.

    Infants are not fully immunized. An infant under 3 months are routinely hospitalized ($$$$) many get pneumonia, 1 in 100 die.

    congenital varicella syndrome, when a woman contracts chicken pox when pregnant;
    CVS is characterized by birth defects, most commonly skin scarring, malformed limbs, an abnormally small head, and vision problems. Plus, a baby with CVS may also grow poorly in utero and suffer from seizures and physical and mental developmental disabilities. The infection may also increase the risk of miscarriage or later fetal death.
    Sure, the chances are low. but they exist.
    Keep in mind, the pox vaccine was not available until 1995, and most people born before 87 probably have not had the vaccine. Many Adults are recommended to NOT get the pox vaccine. Chicken pox in adult men can cause them to become sterile. Nothing better than being sterilized by some kid who's sick and their mom didn't keep them at home, how awesomely responsible! ! My husband has never had chicken pox. I feel for whatever parent allows their child with chicken pox to be in his presence. It won't be pretty.

    Adults over 60 who are exposed to chicken pox can contract shingles and that is no walk in the park and can be debilitating and leave behind lasting health problems. How fun! Exposing your sick child to older people causing them health problems, how sweet! Happened to my husband's grandmother, it had lasting, debilitating affects that cost her thousands of dollars, numerous trips to the hospital, a few surgeries and the need for a catheter the last 3 months of her life. Along with high doses of antibiotics, and we all know what wonderful things high doses does to your stomach and lady parts. YAY! How fun is THAT??
  • laurin2010
    They encourage it, but it is up to us--I get it, it is free!