Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • RCS17
    RCS17 Posts: 51 Member
    I was at home, doing my school work (was homeschooled) and my mom was watching the news. I had no idea what was going on b/c I was only in second grade, but I remember that day so clearly.. I'll never forget 9/11 </3
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    I had just arrived to Missouri we had left Goshen New York. It was a sad day and nobody will ever be forgotten...
  • I was living in Jersey City, NJ across the river. My mother called and said we're under attack get home now but I couldn't leave bc the traffic was unbelievable so I went to the bar as I went outside to smoke a cigarette a guy was outside hysterically crying on his phone say" I missed my train I over slept I was suppose to be in the building I missed my train" I can never forget the pain and fear in his voice and seeing all the people coming over from the city covered in dust and crying and screaming.
    I'll never forget those who lost their lives today and the years after protecting us!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I was at a trade show at the McCormick Center in Chicago, IL. I was getting dressed and eating breakfast in my hotel room (10th floor up) when my co-worker called me and told me to turn on the news. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Since it was an international trade show, there were a TON of people from NY there. Walking down to the show floor was very eery as everyone was gathered around every TV in the place. Luckily our booth had a land line phone (as all cell towers were clogged), so I was able to call my fiance (now husband), who worked for the same company, to let him know I was OK. By that time, they were shutting down the Sears Tower, the Hancock Building, the Magnicficient Mile, etc. And since the McCormick Center is the second tallest building in Chicago, we were a tad nervous.

    I had driven my own car down, so I was able to drive myself and my co-worker home to GB, WI. There were very few cars on the road and we listened to the radio the entire way. My fiance/husband met me at our home and gave me the biggest hug I've ever gotten, then we watched the news the rest of the night. I'll never forget it.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    In Kuwait serving my country. That was a long terrible day for me and I'm still serving today at 14 1/2yrs.

    Thank you so much for your service and fighting for our freedom.

    Thank you to ALL military members. Your sacrifice is the greatest gift to this country, one I think we sometimes overlook.
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 575 Member
    I was working for a company right out side of Washington D.C. It was very scary as there were a lot of friends and family members that had friends or family there in the pentagon. It's a day I'll never forget.
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    I was at work when I heard it on the radio, then switched to the internet for coverage....couldn't believe what I was hearing/seeing. Still weep for the lives lost, wounded, not recovered, and all those who had to personally experience such a horific tragedy.......thanks to all the fireman, police, EMT's, etc. for all they did, they are truly heros in my book! God Bless!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    i've been a new yorker all of my life. i was in eighth grade at the time and my family was living on long island. we found out during second period, it was my art class. there was an announcement followed by mass hysteria. nearly everyone in class had a parent or loved on that worked in manhattan and chaos ensued when children and teachers tried to call their families. i don't remember if they let us out early or if we stayed the full day, but i don't remember proceeding to the next class in my schedule. i think they had us on lock-down, watching the horrifying footage on television. my mother worked in brooklyn and saw the smoke and debris falling from across the river. my best friend's dad worked on wall street and had to walk across the brooklyn bridge to get home because the trains weren't running. this same man now works in the empire state building and somehow avoided the recent shooting.

    i later wound up going to college in manhattan, years later. when that retired yankees player crashed his plane into some building on the east side, my mother called me in a panic to make sure i was okay. i strategically cut classes every 9/11 to come home to long island, just in case something were to occur again. the police presence in nyc around this time of year is overwhelming.

    my heart goes out to everyone affected by 9/11. i refuse to turn on the tv today because i don't need to be reminded of what happened. i'll never forget.
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    I had just gotten my kids off to school and woke up my then bf out of a dead sleep when I saw the news. He worked for American Airlines and I remembering him saying " OMG is is NOT good... I got to go!!" He left to report to work with his other fellow employees. Such a sad time... I remember watching tv all day and crying!!!!
  • FenderGuy
    FenderGuy Posts: 32 Member
    I was driving to work. It was a beautiful morning and the biggest thing in the news was frequent shark attacks. Suddenly, you didn't hear much about the shark attacks any more.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    I was 11 years old in elemtary school and I remember my teacher walking out of the class red, puffed eyed, trying to hold back tears when he heard about the news. he was worried about is father being in the building but it turnes out his dad didn't work that day and he was fine. I on the other hand didn't know what was going on or what the tower was; I was young and clueless of what was going on.

    now I think about it I STILL to this day haven't seen the footage of what happend (maybe just small glimpses but nothing like the people are talking about here or i just don't remember), so I'm going to take a look at it now.

    I was right. I havne't seen it and WOW...OMG I was speechless. I don't know how I haven't seen that before now and I LIVE in the U.S. I do sort of know how but still. wow.

    done editing.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I was sitting on the couch (5 months pregnant) wondering where my family in NY was and my brother was working in the pentagon. It was a horrific day. TO ALL SOLDIERS, FIREFIGHTERS, EMT'S & POLICE.......THANK YOU JUST ISN'T ENOUGH. GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS THE USA!!! :heart:
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I was at work at a web hosting company in Boca Raton, Fl.
    I heard a plane hit the WTC and I assumed it was a small plane (Like a cesna or something. I tried to go to cnn.com but network traffic was bogged.
    I went into the break room and I saw the footage of the first crash. We were talking about it and then suddenly we saw the second plane hit.
  • I was at work sitting at my computer. A chat message popped up from a friend and said "a plane just hit the world trade center". Initially I thought it was an accident. But then the second one hit. At that point we realized we were under attack, so my workplace decided to shut down. But none of us could leave. We just sat and watched helplessly as the towers collapsed on the breakroom TV. Never will forget.
  • rgbink
    rgbink Posts: 22 Member
    Was in New York at a meeting I will never forget that day and driving away from the city seeing the smoke rising into the sky. Thank you to all that serve in our military, fire and Police keeping us safe.
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    I was driving to the office in Ann Arbor when I heard on the radio that the first plane hit WTC... saw the 2nd plane hit on the TV in the office... I remember turning to one of my coworkers and saying "I don't think this is done yet"... a few minutes later they said that a plane had hit the Pentagon. I was scheduled to fly back to London at the end of the week - never did end up going back. Lost some friends that day - carrying around my box of Kleenex today. Thank you to all who continue to remember, continue to fight, and continue to live in honor of those who's choice was taken away.
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    I was at work, 20 years old and just stepped out of a meeting to find everyone crowded around the little 5" tv the HR woman had watching the news. I still can't believe it was that long ago.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I was riding to work with my sister and her now ex-husband when the first plane hit (my car was being repaired and they took me to work). Upon arriving at work (a bank), they had the radio on and we listened to it all day long. I remember being SUPER busy that day and actually running out of money because EVERYONE was coming in and withdrawing all their money from their accounts.
  • vikingchix
    vikingchix Posts: 105 Member
    I was at work in Dallas TX....I remember it like it was yesterday.

    I think I cried every day for two months. Things still hit me hard....I cry every time I hear the national anthem.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I am in Western Australia - I can remember walking into the lounge room and seeing those terrible images on TV - could not beleive what we were seeing - we were just stunned. Then I got a call from my (then) 18 yo daughter, who was travelling in Europe, she was in Italy and didn't know what was happening, she thought it was World War Three. I had to tell her that it was not WW3 but still terrible, that many people had been killed, and to stay away from any places that might get attacked.

    A tragedy - seeing those images still chills me to my inner core.