Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I was a junior in college at Florida. My roommate woke me up by screaming that we were being bombed. I didn't know what she meant - our apartment, the school...she turned the tv on for me and we watched in horror as the second tower got hit.

    My mom called frantically asking me if I could get any calls through to NY. The rest of our family lives there - most of them working near Rockefeller Center. She couldn't get a call through to our cousins, although she had talked to her aunt. For some reason, I could get calls through. I called all three cousins and left messages at their houses and work, but couldn't get through on their cell phones.

    I went to school - college of journalism - but classes were all cancelled. We sat around campus glued to tvs. To this day, it was the most silent day on campus in the 8+ years I was there.

    By late that afternoon, we had heard from all our cousins. They called once they got to their various homes, saying they had to walk to get home (some just to Manhattan, others all the way to Weehawken). Everyone was safe, and we were glad. It still changed their lives. For a while they wouldn't ride on the subway together, thinking that their kids and mom would have one parent/child if something else happened. I've since lost one cousin to suicide, and it's so frustrating to think he made it through this but couldn't keep going. I wish he had reached out.

    This has been a really thought provoking week - with today, and yesterday, world suicide prevention day. Both days bring a variety of emotions which mean different things to different people.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I has just arived at work in San Diego (worked on 32nd street and National) In front of 32nd street Naval Base and Coronado Airforce base. I was mortified to see the news, cried hysterically when I saw the people jumping.....:brokenheart: .

    When the second plain hit the Pentagon, and My father-n-law worked there- I completly lost it- and my husband and his brother went into a panic. I seen the streets get shut down and military vehicles - hummers-tanks-jeeps secure the area and shut down the city to secured the bases. Military Air craft patroling the sky. It was erie quiet out side, then the third plane hit- the second tower- i was so scared!!.

    I remember I had tickets to the Padre game that day. I still have thoes tickets to this day. Every time I come across them, I cant even look at them- or I cry.

  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I was a freshman in college, I was not nearly as involved in news and politics as I am now...BUT I still remember thinking, "See what happens when we let George Bush be president." I remember my uncle's life partner lived in NYC at the time and worked in the towers. They were instructing people to NOT leave the buildings...thankfully he is just as much as a liberal conspiracy theorist as I and he managed to escape.
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I was in my 4th year of college, 1st class of the day, my 3rd year in the MN Army National Guard, wearing an Army PT shirt. They released us early, and as I walked through the student union center, everyone was amassed around the TVs watching the news. I went to the bank and then back to my apartment. I made a few phone calls and spent the rest of the day waiting for the phone call that never came (phone call to deploy immediately).

    We did deploy 3 years later, just when I was ready to get out of the National Guard and get married. My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Fort Dix, New Jersey (for 8 months) and then 10 months in Iraq. We were in the same unit, but didn't get to live together. Our first anniversary was spent in different countries (Iraq and Kuwait).

    This happens to be my father's birthday too. Feels wrong to celebrate sometimes.
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    I was a freshman in college, I was not nearly as involved in news and politics as I am now...BUT I still remember thinking, "See what happens when we let George Bush be president." I remember my uncle's life partner lived in NYC at the time and worked in the towers. They were instructing people to NOT leave the buildings...thankfully he is just as much as a liberal conspiracy theorist as I and he managed to escape.

    Lets make a remembrance thread political. Despicable
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    I was working at ACE, Hardware in Michigan. I had heard it on the radio on my drive in, and my bosses had turned the tv to news so we could watch. No one came in, and I just felt the urgency to be with my family. I was scared. My boss wouldn't let me leave and I remember just feeling frantic the entire day. Not really able to focus on work much. I passed a semi-truck parked in the KMart parking lot collecting water and canned goods to send to NY. I turned back around and went into my work and bought cases of water and dropped them off. Went home and watched the news the rest of the evening with my parents.
    I never really knew how this affected the entire world. I see so many posts from UK, South Africa, here there... everywhere. It touches my heart that this violence has affected not just a nation, but the world. God bless this country, God bless the families of those who fell victim to these brutal attacks. God bless the First Responders, Firemen, Police, and all Volunteers who helped that day and the following weeks/months/years. God bless our troops for fighting for our freedom and our safety.
  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    I'm in Australia, I was pregnant with my first baby at the time. I remember waking up around 11am ( aus time) and turning on the tv and it was on the news on every channel I couldn't really believe what I was seeing. I rang my partner he was at work and told him what was going on and he said yeah it's been on tv all morning. It was a very big deal to us even though it didn't happen in our country, we were all in shock and so sad and upset by what had happened.

    I can't remember exactly but I think one of our Olympic athletes was over there at the time and he would have been in towers at the time it happened, but he forgot his camera so went back to his room to get it.
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    In Kuwait serving my country. That was a long terrible day for me and I'm still serving today at 14 1/2yrs.

    God Bless you, your family, and others like you that keep our country safe and free. Thank you
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I was sat in my friends house holding my 7 months old baby, watched the news from the very start and saw the second plane hit. I was glued to the news reports all day and spent a good part of it in tears. Tried hard to believe it was debris falling from the buildings and not those poor souls who jumped. It's still just as heart achingly sad today as it was then. RIP xx
  • kellison89
    kellison89 Posts: 33 Member
    I didn't know it had happened until a few hours after the fact. I was in 6th grade and the principle walked around to every class and handed the teacher a peice of paper. I remember my teacher's face going white. She didn't say anything. Then (presumably after my principle had finished going around) the PA came on and told us all to convene in the chapel (Catholic school). There, my principle told us what had happened and we had a prayer service. I honestly had no idea what she was talking about. What is a terrorist? After school, I was at a babysitter's house watching the footage and things were starting to sink in. Then my mom called to tell her not to let us watch.

    Until then I was blissfully unaware of the idea that someone could want to do something as atrocious and inconceiveable as this.
  • Twisted_Wrister
    Twisted_Wrister Posts: 762 Member
    Buffalo, NY. I was just bringing my suitcase downstairs @ 9am, (had an 11am flight to Phoenix - I lived/worked in Southern AZ with the INS at the time). My Dad told me that somehow what they thought was a small commuter plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. As we were watching TV in the kitchen the second plane struck. He turned to me and said "We're under attack, you're not flying today". I insisted that he take me to the airport anyway. I think I was the only one going in while the rest of the people were evacuating the airport. I identified myself to security and offered to help anyway I could, (crowd control/security, whatever). They thanked me for the offer and said they had it under control.

    With no way to travel back to where I was supposed to be working, I contacted the Ports of Entry and asked them to coordinate with my management in AZ to let me help them anyway I could until I could get a flight out. Request denied - :explode:

    Spent the next five days, (until I finally got a flight), glued to the TV alternating between sadness and rage...
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    I was a freshman in college, I was not nearly as involved in news and politics as I am now...BUT I still remember thinking, "See what happens when we let George Bush be president." I remember my uncle's life partner lived in NYC at the time and worked in the towers. They were instructing people to NOT leave the buildings...thankfully he is just as much as a liberal conspiracy theorist as I and he managed to escape.

    Lets make a remembrance thread political. Despicable

    ^5, jppd47. This is neither the time nor the place to push your political agenda. Whatever it may be.
  • EnderNC
    EnderNC Posts: 383 Member
    Social Studies class, 9th grade, 1st period. Teacher busted in the classroom and turned on the tv. We all sat in stunned silence.
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    Just dropped my daughter off at Pre-K, and my son at the sitter, and arrived back at home. My in-laws came over (they were in town from PA visiting) and told us to turn on the television. We sat in silence as we watched the live feed of the second plane making its approach on the tower. Rushed back to collect my children, and went back home.
    The base enforced a curfew, so I had to call off work. That day completely changed our lives.
  • achmusic
    I remember like it was yesterday where I was when the twin towers in new york were hit. I was at college. I attended Nicholls state University which is located in Thibodaux Louisianna about an hour from where I grew up and I had walked into the student Union to get something to drink before heading off to class.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I was in Union City, TN.... in high school. I was in art class that Tuesday morning -- when we got the news. My art teacher thought he was a tough man. He liked to make a joke out of everything. That morning, he was crying. Everyone was crying. I don't remember doing any class work that day. Every teacher in the school had the TV on. Everyone was silent all day long. All I remember are the tears. And the feelings. It radiated through the school. The fear. The sorrow. And, then, the pride of a country who stood together during their greatest sorrow. It still feels like yesterday.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    In Georgia working as a Nanny...
  • tdaddybarlow
    tdaddybarlow Posts: 673 Member
    Me? I was at the gym at Bank of America getting my workout on when I noticed a few people standing around the tv gasping and looking sorrowful. I got off of my machine just in time to see the second plane make impact and we were all met with the reality that THIS WAS NO ACCIDENT!
    Shudders went through my body and the infantryman in me wanted to take out someone for having the audacity to attack American soil.
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    Walking to philosophy class on campus. Remember it like it was yesterday.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I was in Junior High, they allowed the Grade 9's only into the computer room to watch the news on the big screen. I remember looking at the horror on my teachers face while he watched it, and I remember breaking into tears and calling a kid a f*cking idiot for laughing at the situation.