Where were you 11 yrs ago today 9-11



  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    I was at work and on my break went to the bank. I had the radio on and the dj broke in and said there was an amazing sight at the Twin Towers, with a plane sticking out of it. Came back and turned on the tv in our break room, and stood there in disbelief. Was a zombie for the rest of the day-went home early to meet the kids off of the bus, and tried to explain the unspeakable horror of the situation, in a way that wouldn't traumatize them. That night, all plane traffic ceased and it was eerily quiet, as we have planes flying overhead all of the time. I still don't think I've stopped crying.......
  • sassydebbie67
    I was in bed sleeping , I had worked a 3 shift ......... My ex hubby woke me up to tell me what was going on..
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    I was in New Orleans working there for a couple of weeks while I worked for FEMA. The next day we immediately flew to NYC. I lost two cousins, both were firefighters. This day is a solemn reminder of that.
  • xjeanie
    I was in 10th grade and we always had the TV on in homeroom and that's when it happened. We just sort of all stared at the screen. The teacher didn't take roll. We didn't even have the usual intercom announcements if I recall correctly. The bell rang to go to regular class and everyone, hundreds of students, were all like zombies in the hallway, only whispering. We got to World History and the teacher (who was always very enthusiastic about everything) had flipped a switch..and was just LIVID. And I understood WHY. After the initial shock, we were ALL angry. We spent every class that day watching the news. All of our classes were pretty much on learning hiatus for like a week or two. Everyone was really shaken up.
  • Tracy_03311981
    I was 20 years old, I remember I worked as a merchandise picker for Casual Corner. We were working at the off site warehouse, I was in the middle of working when one of my co workers heard about the first plane hitting the first tower. We all then went to the radio and listened as the second one hit.
  • oursong1812
    oursong1812 Posts: 24 Member
    I was at work. My son was a freshman at NYU. Here is the email we got from him...

    Subject: I'm fine...

    I'm perfectly alright, just VERY shaken up. I've seen the buildings live,
    so I can certainly verify that this is REALLY happening. I have to make
    this quick so I can run upstairs to my theory class in a few minutes.
    I'm using the school's computer right now. Because the Trade center was
    hit, and the Pentagon was attacked by a plane crash, Manhattan has been
    closed down; subways are shut down, and the bridges and tunnels to
    everywhere outside the city have been closed. I've never wanted to not be
    here so much. I want to be home right now, but I obviousy can't. Lots of
    sirens now, gotta go. Talk soon. Love you both. I'm just nervous.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I was teaching basic electronics to soldiers, when I went on break I saw the tower burning from the first plane and saw the second plane hit. I just couldn't believe it, all I could do was stare at the TV I was so shocked and sickened.
  • Lady_Senie
    Lady_Senie Posts: 100 Member
    I was at my parent's house. I remember that I'd slept over and when I woke up and saw the first tower on fire, the first question in my mind was 'why are they playing a Die Hard Movie this early in the morning?' Then I looked at the station and just... froze. Just looking at all the people jumping out the building... It freaked me right out.

    I think the hardest thing to watch after the towers fell was the response in other countries. I remember watching Islamic people on the news jumping up and down and celebrating over what happened like it was frickin Christmas and it broke my heart all over again....
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Sitting in my 5th grade Science class not allowed to be let free. The person flying the plane bought the "How to fly" books in my town so we could not move. :(

    Did they know that at that stage?
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Sitting in my 5th grade Science class not allowed to be let free. The person flying the plane bought the "How to fly" books in my town so we could not move. :(

    Did they know that at that stage?

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member

    I was in Wapakoneta Ohio working on the Railroad, I was operating a directional boring machine and our foreman called us and told us to pack it up and head back to the motel then explained why. I was floored, got back to the motel and packed to go home and just stood there glued to the TV, finally I drove home and the schools sent the kids home and we just sat there like Zombies, do not think anyone really said much the rest of the day.

    I was a work at Emerson Climate Technologies. Not too far from you.
  • ChrisIn757
    ChrisIn757 Posts: 159 Member
    I was woken up by frantic phone calls from my mom to make sure I was ok. (god bless her, I lived in FL at the time ;0] ) I turned on the news and it was like entering the Twilight Zone. I thought we were watching fake movie footage or something, It felt like a hoax. I lived in NYC as a teenager and travelled through the Twin Towers twice a day going to/from high school.

    Two months later I was on a plane headed to Illinois to attend Navy Boot Camp. While it wasn't the whole reason I joined, it was the final straw that pushed me over the edge to sign the papers. Every day I remember 9/11 and what it means to me, and how it has impacted the last 11 years of my life. I wish everyone could remember just how much the world changed for Americans on that day, and stop *****ing about the "inconviences" that we now live with because of this tragic event. There are over 5000 people who would LOVE to be dealing with these inconviences every day rather than what happened to them on that day, and countless more family members who miss them.

    My heart goes out to any body who lost someone that day, and my thanks goes out to my fellow Brothers and Sisters in arms who sacrifice their lives and their time to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    ~Petty Officer First Class US NAVY - Forward Deployed in the Persian Gulf~
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    I was at Misawa Air Base in Japan....my wife and I were getting ready to head to bed for the evening (11:00 PM) when we say the new breaking and the fire from the first plane. As soon as we saw the second plan come into view we both looked at each other and knew it had to be terrorist attacks.

    I ended up staying up until 3:00 AM. Was back up at 6:00 AM to go to work.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    I was living with a guest family in the UK at the time. It happened probably during my last class for the day. After college we were standing outside talking for a bit, when someone told something vague about a plane crashing, no 2, no 3, no they're bombs, something. The way it was told it really sounded like a joke. I went to my guest family to watch the news but they just said 'there's nothing good on TV so we're watching this movie'. They didn't say anything about what happened, I'm not sure they even fully knew, they were just so out of tune with the rest of the world. If it didn't concern them they didn't care. The only reason they opted to be a guest family for exchange students was because they got money for it.

    So it actually was the next day that I really heard what happened. And at that point people have adjusted to the new reality already. If someone tells you something as a basic dry fact you're not nearly as shocked as when that person is a in shock as well.

    It was actually this year that I first saw any moving images of the event. I did get the newspaper so I saw some photo's. But looking at a discovery channel special this weekend really did make an impact. It made it more real in some way.
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    I was at work - we where told to turn on the TV and saw the second plane hit. Horrible day, I live in Pittsburgh and the rumors flew about the third plane being over the city. Turns out those rumors where not that far off as Flight 93 doubled back heading for Washington only to be taken down by the passengers a few moments flying time from my home.

    I work at a hospital and nothing was so disquieting as having all the medivac copters grounded into the nearby ball field...the absolute quiet that followed was unnerving.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I was at work, listening to the radio, when the announcers cut into the music. Really, it was the tone of the woman's voice that caught my attention more than anything. She sounded in shock.

    No TVs were accessible and news sites were overloaded so I ended up hearing the details between the radio and posts that were being made in a chat room, of all places.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I was across the hudson river standing at a pier watching the destruction and mayhem with my own eyes, surrounded by others who were blasting their car radios so we could hear the news. we were trading cell phones trying to call our loved ones who were in the city. my wife was in the city. 2 friends of mine were in the towers. 1 died. 1 escaped. The next day I was able to go to new york and I was at the west side highway at ground zero for a few days. I attended memorials throughout the city and I saluted 1st responders and the red cross provided me with food/water. I took many photos and videos that I have never shared to this very day. one day i plan on donating all my photos/videos to a museum.
  • ceppie
    ceppie Posts: 33 Member
    I was home and first heard it on the radio. At the same time my dad was travling to Central Asia on a business trip. My family was really worried about him, as we of course did not know what was really going on. He finally called us and we told him what had happened. The airline and airport (on the stop over) had avioded any news to come through to keep travelers calm.
  • Chiquita_Bonita
    I think I was in 2nd grade when it happened! I just remember everyone being so scared and quiet. Rest in peace<3
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I was in the Air Force and on a plane landing in Norfolk Virginia after doing 120 days in Saudi Arabia. When I landed the first plane hit, then on the cab ride to my base the second plane hit. I told the cabbie, "we're under attack" we both sat in silence. I got to my base and heard from the securioty folks that the pentagon had been hit too. My brother worked there, I tried calling and e-mailing and after 12 hours I got a call from one of his coworkers telling me he was ok but couldn't come to the phone because he was working, but wanted me and my family to know he was ok.